325 resultados para Vine
El objetivo principal de este proyecto se basa en el estudio y diseño de una planta de generación eléctrica mediante biomasa de 5 MW de capacidad, que en nuestro caso, debido a la gran cantidad de viñedo existente en la zona sur de Burgos, serán los residuos procedentes de las explotaciones vitivinícolas, principalmente sarmientos de poda. El objetivo del proyecto de generación eléctrica con biomasa procedente de los residuos vitivinícolas, es contribuir al desarrollo económico y medio ambiental en la región sur de Burgos, a través de la operación integral de una planta de generación de energía. Abstract This project was prompted for studying and designing of an electric generation plant through biomass with 5 MW capacity. In this case, combustible would be waste coming from agricultural exploitation, due to the huge quantity of vineyards in the studied area, mainly vine shots. The objective is going to be generation of electricity through biomass coming from vineyards waste, contributing to economic and environmental development in south area of Burgos, through the integral operation of an electric generation plant.
The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of S. pombe and T. delbrueckii species on the sensory quality of red wine when used in sequential and mixed fermentations with S. cerevisiae.
Cover crops in Mediterranean vineyards are scarcely used due to water competition between the cover crop and the grapevine; however, bare soil management through tillage or herbicides tends to have negative effects on the soil over time (organic matter decrease, soil structure and soil fertility degradation, compaction, etc). The objective of this study was to understand how soil management affects soil fertility, compaction and infiltration over time. To this end, two bare soil techniques were compared, tillage (TT) and total herbicide (HT) with two cover crops; annual cereal (CT) and annual grass (AGT), established for 8 years. CT treatment showed the highest organic matter content, having the biggest amount of biomass incorporated into the soil. The annual adventitious vegetation in TT treatment (568 kg dry matter ha-1) that was incorporated into the soil, kept the organic matter content higher than HT levels and close to AGT level, in spite of the greater aboveground annual biomass production of this treatment (3632 kg dry matter ha-1) whereas only its roots were incorporated into the soil. TT presented the highest bulk density under the tractor track lines and a greatest resistance to penetration (at 0.2 m depth). AGT presented bulk density values (upper 0.4 m) lower than TT and penetration resistance in CT lower (at 0.20 m depth) than TT too. Effects of soil management in vineyard on soil physical and chemical characteristics - ResearchGate. Available from: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/268520480_Effects_of_soil_management_in_vineyard_on_soil_physical_and_chemical_characteristics [accessed May 20, 2015].
En regiones semiáridas, con veranos cálidos, evapotranspiraciones elevadas, humedades relativas bajas, además de precipitaciones intermitentes y escasas (400 mm al año) que reducen la recarga del perfil en invierno, se puede ver afectada la productividad y sostenibilidad de los viñedos. Por eso en estas zonas puede ser necesario utilizar el riego suplementario para mantener la calidad y aumentar la productividad. En este marco de circunstancias es en el que se desarrolla la mayoría de la viticultura española, y en concreto en la zona centro donde se realizó el estudio. Con este trabajo se pretende estudiar la influencia del agua del riego, con distintas dosis y aplicada en diferentes fases de crecimiento y maduración de la baya, en la producción y calidad de la uva. Se estudió la influencia del déficit moderado continuo aplicado antes y después de envero, en el aprovechamiento de los recursos ambientales y en la respuesta del cv. Cabernet Sauvignon. El ensayo se desarrolló en 2010 y 2011 en la finca “La Alcoholera”, perteneciente a bodegas LICINIA S.L., ubicada en la localidad de Chinchón, Comunidad de Madrid, España. Durante 2010 y 2011 se realizaron estudios en cepas del cv. Cabernet Sauvignon (clon 15), injertadas sobre 41B y plantadas en 2005. Con poda corta en Cordón Royat unilateral de 80 cm de altura, y cuya vegetación alcanzó una altura de 97 cm. Las cepas del ensayo fueron conducidas verticalmente en espaldera (VSP), con 10 yemas por metro lineal. Las plantas dentro de la fila fueron separadas 1 m y la distancia de la calle fue de 3 m. La orientación de las filas norte – sur. Se plantearon cuatro tratamientos experimentales con diferentes dosis y momento de aplicación del riego. - T: Testigo. Déficit ligero, con un aporte continuado de agua desde floración (420 mm). - DMc: Déficit moderado continuo. Manejo del riego convencional, empezando en pre-envero (154 mm) - DM1: Déficit moderado a partir de pre-envero. Aporte de riego continuado desde floración reduciéndose la dosis de riego en pre-envero (312 mm). - DM2: Déficit moderado hasta pre-envero. Se empezó a regar a partir de preenvero (230 mm). Se observó que bajo condiciones de estrés hídrico leve, el crecimiento se reduce disminuyendo la migración de fotoasimilados hacia los órganos vegetativos. Generando menor área foliar en las plantas sometidas a déficit hídrico moderado entre floración y cuajado. Disminuyendo su consumo. En maduración la humedad del suelo dependió principalmente del riego aplicado y del consumo de la planta; dicho consumo dependió a la vez del desarrollo foliar del canopy y de la necesidad hídrica de la vid. El aumento del déficit hídrico disminuyó el contenido de agua en el suelo, lo que provocó diferencias en el estado hídrico y en el intercambio gaseoso de las hojas. En condiciones de déficit moderado, la fotosíntesis se encontró altamente correlacionada con el potencial hídrico foliar medido a mediodía solar. Además en condiciones de déficit moderado continuo la disponibilidad hídrica, la demanda atmosférica y el nivel de hidratación de las hojas, interaccionaron de forma compleja en la regulación estomática de las hojas, condicionando el intercambio gaseoso y la eficiencia en el uso del agua. Al aumentar el volumen de agua aplicado el peso de madera de poda por metro de fila fue superior. Las diferencias encontradas en el rendimiento fueron debidas a las diferencias en el peso de baya. El cual estuvo condicionado por la estrategia de riego, ya que, el déficit hídrico moderado antes de envero fue más crítico para el rendimiento que el déficit impuesto durante la madurez. Por otro lado, la biomasa dependió de la actividad fisiológica de la planta, la cual fue altamente dependiente de la disponibilidad hídrica. Déficit hídrico moderado aplicado de cuajado a envero, generó bayas más pequeñas y aumentó la relación hollejo:pulpa. El déficit moderado aplicado después de envero favoreció la acumulación de IPT y antocianos extraíbles, mejorando la calidad de la uva, pero disminuyó la acidez de la baya. El riego aplicado de envero a vendimia desaceleró la concentración de azúcares en bayas que fueron sometidas a déficit antes de pre-envero. ABSTRACT Mediterranean climate is characterized by hot summers, high evapotranspiration rates, and scarce precipitations (400 mm per year) during grapevine cycle. These extremely dry conditions affect vineyard productivity and sustainability. Supplementary irrigation is needed practice in order to maintain yield and quality. Almost all Spanish grape growing regions are characterized by these conditions, especially in the center region, where this trial was performed. The main objective of this work is to study the influence of water irrigation on yield and quality. For this aim, different levels of irrigation (mm of water applied) were applied during different stages of growth and berry maturity of Caberent Sauvignon grapevines. The work was conducted from 2010 to 2011 and located in Licinia (40º 12´ N, 3º 28´ W), Madrid, Spain. The cultivar utilized was Cabernet Sauvignon, clone 15 grafted onto rootstock 41B, planted in 2005. The vineyard was oriented north-south, with spacing on 3 meters between rows and 1 meter between plants. Vines were spurpruned to 10 buds per meter and trained in unilateral cordon with a height of 80 cm. Shoots were positioned vertically (VSP). Considering the amount of water and the moment of the application, four experimental treatments were applied: - T: Control sample. Slight deficit (420 mm) applied from bloom to maturity. - DMc: Continuous moderate deficit. Traditional irrigation: application of 154 mm of water from pre-veraison to maturity. - DM1: Deficit moderate from pre-veraison. Irrigation of 312 mm of water from bloom to pre-veraison. - DM2: Deficit moderate to pre-veraison. Irrigation of 230 mm of water from preveraison to maturity Under moderated water stress conditions it was seen than leaf growth decreases due to the reduction of migration of photo-assimilates to vegetative organs. Vines with moderate water deficit between flowering and ripening develop less leaf area and decrease its water consumption. During maturation of berries, soil moisture depends on irrigation and plant consumption. This consumption further depends on vegetation development and on the vine needs for water. By increasing water deficit, the water content in the soil decreases. This causes differences in leaf water status and in the gases exchange. Under moderate deficit conditions, photosynthesis was found highly correlated with midday leaf water potential. Further, atmospheric demand and the level of leaves hydration interact in complex ways in the stomatal regulation, which affects leaf gas exchange and the efficiency of water use. The amount of water applied is directly proportional to pruning weight. Changes in berry weight cause differences in yield ratios. The differences in berry weights are conditioned by the irrigation strategy, the moderate water deficit before veraison influences more than the deficit applied from veraison. Biomass generated for the plant depends on its physiological activity, which is highly related to the water availability. Moderate water deficit applied from fruit set to ripening generates smaller berries, increasing the pulp/skin ratio. Moderate deficit applied after veraison promotes the accumulation of extractables anthocyans and TPI. Despite this treatment improves color parameters of the grapes, it decreases its total acidity. Irrigation applied from veraison to harvest slows down sugar accumulation in berries compared to those under deficit before veraison conditions.
The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of S. pombe and T. delbrueckii species on the sensory quality of red wine when used in sequential and mixed fermentations with S. cerevisiae.
Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar o desenvolvimento da missão adventista na cidade de São Paulo em busca de um modelo missiológico para centros urbanos. São Paulo, uma das maiores metrópoles do mundo tem uma formação cultural plural, não apenas pelas forças atuantes da modernização, secularização, globalização e pós-modernidade. A composição da população da cidade possui uma gênese étnica plural. Além da matriz autóctone indígena, do colonizador branco europeu e dos escravos africanos, desde o início do século XIX chegaram outros imigrantes, europeus e asiáticos. Nas primeiras décadas do século XX, o Brasil foi o país que mais recebeu imigrantes em todo o mundo. Estima-se que nos anos de 1920, apenas um terço da população na cidade de São Paulo fosse de brasileiros, o restante era composto por imigrantes. A inserção do adventismo em São Paulo se deu por missionários imigrantes que trabalharam primeiro com outros imigrantes antes de evangelizar e desenvolver a missão adventista com os brasileiros nacionais. De alguma forma, esse início deixou marcas na missão adventista paulistana. São Paulo é hoje a cidade com o maior número total de adventistas no mundo e a única com Igrejas Adventistas étnicas que atendem cinco grupos étnicos distintos: japoneses, coreanos, judeus, árabes e bolivianos/peruanos. Esta pesquisa busca investigar a formação de uma sensibilidade cultural no adventismo paulistano que lhe permitiu dialogar com a pluralidade cultural da metrópole paulistana.
Cat's claw (Doxantha unguis-cati L.) vine accumulates nearly 80% palmitoleic acid (16:1Δ9) plus cis-vaccenic acid (18:1Δ11) in its seed oil. To characterize the biosynthetic origin of these unusual fatty acids, cDNAs for acyl-acyl carrier protein (acyl-ACP) desaturases were isolated from developing cat's claw seeds. The predominant acyl-ACP desaturase cDNA identified encoded a polypeptide that is closely related to the stearoyl (Δ9–18:0)-ACP desaturase from castor (Ricinis communis L.) and other species. Upon expression in Escherichia coli, the cat's claw polypeptide functioned as a Δ9 acyl-ACP desaturase but displayed a distinct substrate specificity for palmitate (16:0)-ACP rather than stearate (18:0)-ACP. Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence of the cat's claw enzyme with that of the castor Δ9–18:0-ACP desaturase suggested that a single amino acid substitution (L118W) might account in large part for the differences in substrate specificity between the two desaturases. Consistent with this prediction, conversion of leucine-118 to tryptophan in the mature castor Δ9–18:0-ACP desaturase resulted in an 80-fold increase in the relative specificity of this enzyme for 16:0-ACP. The alteration in substrate specificity observed in the L118W mutant is in agreement with a crystallographic model of the proposed substrate-binding pocket of the castor Δ9–18:0-ACP desaturase.
En este artículo se analizan desde una perspectiva agronómica los contenidos de los discursos de los viticultores y técnicos en Uruguay para el periodo 1872-1900, presentes en la Revista de la Asociación Rural del Uruguay. Los contenidos se organizan según dimensiones del manejo de la viña en la etapa de campo. Se expresa la preponderancia de los primeros actores en la constitución de la temprana viticultura nacional -productores pertenecientes a una elite empresarial de inmigrantes- al adaptar sus conocimientos previos desde procesos de experimentación. Se indaga en el papel que cumplió la Asociación Rural del Uruguay en esta fase
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Cincinnati basin district : proposed redevelopment plan, City Planning Commission; Ernest Clarke architect. It was published by the City Planning Commission in 1933. Scale 1:200. Covers area bounded by Colerain Ave. to Vine St., Central Ave. to W 5th St. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Ohio South State Plane NAD 1983 coordinate system (in Feet) (Fipszone 3402). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, existing and proposed buildings (schools, churches, dwellings, businesses, and industrial areas), parks, ground cover, and more. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.
En este artículo se analizan desde una perspectiva agronómica los contenidos de los discursos de los viticultores y técnicos en Uruguay para el periodo 1872-1900, presentes en la Revista de la Asociación Rural del Uruguay. Los contenidos se organizan según dimensiones del manejo de la viña en la etapa de campo. Se expresa la preponderancia de los primeros actores en la constitución de la temprana viticultura nacional -productores pertenecientes a una elite empresarial de inmigrantes- al adaptar sus conocimientos previos desde procesos de experimentación. Se indaga en el papel que cumplió la Asociación Rural del Uruguay en esta fase
THE magnetic properties of the basalts which form layer 2 of the oceanic lithosphere are important because of their relevance to the hypothesis (Vine and Matthews, 1963, doi:10.1038/199947a0) of seafloor spreading. Most studies of these magnetic properties have been carried out on basalts obtained from dredge hauls taken predominantly from ocean ridge systems and fracture zones. These constitute special areas of the oceanic crust where the sediment cover is negligible. It is of interest to compare the magnetic properties of the dredged basalts with samples recovered from holes drilled through the overlying sediments into the basaltic layer at places distant from ridge axes. Samples obtained from the abandoned Mohole project and, more recently, from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) possessed magnetic properties similar to those of dredged basalts (Cox and Doell, 1962, doi:10.1029/JZ067i010p03997; Lowrie et al., 1973, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(73)90198-2). Here I describe highly unstable magnetic characteristics found in basalts from DSDP hole 57.
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