1000 resultados para Valores éticos e estéticos em Educação Ambiental
This study was performed in two kindergarten classes of the public network education (Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil). The major aim of the present work was to realize an environmental mapping with the children, inspired on the research-action-participative methodology, which is guided by the evolved group organization about the search of the problems solutions lived by the group. For that, from the mapping, environmental problems more significant were selected, identified at the school and in the surroundings to realize cooperative actions in this environment as a means to deepen our comprehension about then and also problematize their solutions.
The relationship between human beings and between them and nature are the result of a historical and social context in which they are inserted. The man is a natural living being who can only survive by the exchange with nature’s metabolism, but over time and human’s decisions this relation was interrupted, which strengthened by capitalism logic resulted as a civilization crisis. With these concerns, it’s necessary to overcome the context in which the crisis was generated, transforming the relationship between men and nature. This study, based on Critical Environmental Education and qualitative research methodology, occurred on a seashore community on Guarujá, investigated the the involvement of its population on social activities already developed on Prainha Branca: how they exercise their community citizenship, which factors limit these processes, and how responsible the residents feel about their own reality, in order to elucidate the aspects that involve that dynamics and population’s potential to build their own history.
This study had two objectives: to build theoretically the hypothetical landmarks of the environmental crisis and to conjecture new horizons or utopias which can fulfill themselves in the future in search of another being of the man in the world. Therefore, a bibliographic research has been done and, as methodology of analysis, a dialectic critical method has been used to understand the reality in its contradictions and in the totality of the history, through some suggestions, going toward the domain of the state of things which we can verify in the world nowadays. It has been observed that the hypothetical landmarks of the environmental crisis had and have its origins in the Jewish-Christian monotheism, in the exacerbation of the reason as the only way of knowledge and in the process of capitalist accumulation. Therefore, these landmarks, in almost their totality, have historically been built even before the advent of the capitalism. From this point, three suggestions were launched as questions, or so, possibilities, to open a discussion about the construction of another paradigm: Is it necessary another sense of religion? Is it necessary another sense of reason? Is it necessary another sense of sustainable development? Thus, these questions which have been launched, were thought as the current necessities for the environmental education and they implicate in another historical condition to the mankind.
The PEDAL had beginning with an interested group in accomplishing walks and bicycle trips looking for fruition of the disentailed leisure of the consumption. The objective of this report of experience is to present the cicloturismo as an alternative of fruition of the leisure that has been making possible debates and reflections that seek to the understanding of alunos/as of the basic education on the interface among the themes leisure, environmental education and quality of the life. In this report we considered intervention accomplished at a school of fundamental teaching in the city of Saint Carlos-SP. Starting from the results of the analysis of the registrations produced pelos/as alunos/as, we considered that the theme, of interest of the same ones, raised the construction of significant reflections, such as: the possibility of the use of the bicycle as means of transportation for the work or for the leisure; the need of public politics that promote and guarantee safety and respect to the cyclist.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
After the presentation of semantic and etymological considerations given to the word environment, this paper discusses how this term was appropriated and re-signified in different historical moments. Based on previous studies, it is noted that there were two appropriations of the word environment: one whose origin was in the Natural Sciences and one that would be related to the Human Sciences. At the end is argued that such appropriations can be found today, respectively, in Ecology and Environmental Education
This study examines the relationship between theory and practice that emerges from two Environmental Projects that were carried out in a popular neighborhood of Bauru, SP, . In order to analyze the data, given the diversity of theoretical and practical approaches and concepts in environmental education, we chose as a theoretical foundation critical environmental education. Considering the techniques used in the methodological procedures of qualitative research in education, we elected, as a tool to collect information, content analysis. The results presented in this paper indicate the need to break the dichotomy between form (practice) and content (theory) in the environmental educational process, focusing on the systematized and historically constructed contents. Thus, we consider the environmental education process analyzed involve treating form and content as a dialectic unit.
The Research on Environmental Education Meetings (EPEAs, in Portuguese) include in their schedule the Groups on Research Discussion (GDPs, in Portuguese). These are sessions to discuss and deepen themes considered significant to the research on environmental education but that must also be seen as a moment to gather the participation of researchers who present works related to the GDPs’ themes. The GDP on Methodological Questions happened during the VII EPEA in 2013 and conducted effusive discussions which resulted in the building of some indicators to be used in the research of our field in order to ensure more and more social commitment and scientific competence in the field's maturation process. This article presents part of these discussions with emphasis on those indicators.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo valorizar o karate-dô nas aulas de educação física escolar e para a formação de valores durante as aulas.
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo central presentar un relato de experiencia sobre cicloturismo realizado por los integrantes del Proyecto de Educación Ambiental y Recreación (PEDAL) comprendido en el periodo 2008-2015, destacando las potencialidades educativas que el uso de la bicicleta puede posibilitar. Para esto, hemos hecho la recuperación del proceso vivido y la interpretación y síntesis de las informaciones sobre los viajes. Consideramos que, a partir de las intervenciones de PEDAL en el ámbito escolar y no-escolar, han sido propuestos algunos debates con el objetivo de desarrollar procesos educativos relacionados a la concientización de niños y niñas, jóvenes y adultos en los cuales la bicicleta se presenta como una rica posibilidad para el respetuoso convivir de unos con los otros, con el ambiente, y consigo mismo, fomentando beneficios el ejercicio vinculado a la promoción de salud, y además estimulando la crítica acerca de movilidad urbana, la recreación y la educación ambiental.
From the concept of Environmental Education proposed by I.U.C.N. in the 1970’s and considering some of the main teaching methodologies adopted in activities regarding Environmental Education, this paper aims to analyze the methodology named Pedagogy of the Project and presenting some alterations of this method, especially in relation to considered study unity: the watershed. Some teaching techniques are also presented, as well as didactic resources and considerations regarding the questions that can be developed for the students within the teaching or evaluation process. This purpose is complementary to others already existents and can be applied in many environmental or socioeconomics situations.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE