954 resultados para VOLCÁN POÁS
Wydział Chemii
Wydział Historyczny
OBJECTIVES: To examine patterns of onset and abuse/dependence episodes of prescription opioid (PO) and heroin use disorders in a national sample of adults, and to explore differences by gender and substance abuse treatment status. METHODS: Analyses of data from the 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (N = 43,093). RESULTS: Of all respondents, 5% (n = 1815) reported a history of nonmedical PO use (NMPOU) and 0.3% (n = 150) a history of heroin use. Abuse was more prevalent than dependence among NMPOUs (PO abuse, 29%; dependence, 7%) and heroin users (heroin abuse, 63%; dependence, 28%). Heroin users reported a short mean interval from first use to onset of abuse (1.5 years) or dependence (2.0 years), and a lengthy mean duration for the longest episode of abuse (66 months) or dependence (59 months); the corresponding mean estimates for PO abuse and dependence among NMPOUs were 2.6 and 2.9 years, respectively, and 31 and 49 months, respectively. The mean number of years from first use to remission from the most recent episode was 6.9 years for PO abuse and 8.1 years for dependence; the mean number of years from first heroin use to remission from the most recent episode was 8.5 years for heroin abuse and 9.7 years for dependence. Most individuals with PO or heroin use disorders were remitted from the most recent episode. Treated individuals, whether their problem was heroin or POs, tended to have a longer mean duration of an episode than untreated individuals. CONCLUSION: Periodic remissions from opioid or heroin abuse or dependence episodes occur commonly but take a long time. Timely and effective use of treatment services are needed to mitigate the many adverse consequences from opioid/heroin abuse and dependence.
Actualmente existe en Argentina un modelo de agricultura hegemónico basado en el monocultivo, la siembra directa y el uso de plaguicidas, que provoca graves consecuencias en el ambiente, refuerza la concentración de capitales y aumenta la brecha social en el agro. Frente al discurso unívoco de estos sectores, existen numerosas experiencias que desde la Agroecología llevan adelante un modelo basado en los principios de la economía solidaria, la soberanía alimentaria y la sustentabilidad. El presente trabajo es un estudio exploratorio y longitudinal que tiene como propósito abordar la experiencia de la organización Familias Productoras de Cañuelas, un grupo de productores agroecológicos que ha desarrollado soluciones innovadoras para las problemáticas de comercialización y certificación de sus productos. Entre estas soluciones se encuentra el Sistema Participativo de Garantía (SPG), como una alternativa a la certificación convencional. Por medio de una metodología cualitativa nos proponemos describir y analizar el proceso que llevó a la propuesta de implementación de un SPG en Cañuelas. Para ello buscamos desentrañar el estado actual de comercialización y certificación ecológica en nuestro país y las características comunes de los SPG. Asimismo abordamos la trayectoria de la organización, las particularidades que asume el SPG en su propuesta, sus potencialidades y limitantes. El estudio permitió arrimar a la conclusión de que los SPG, son una alternativa válida y replicable para solucionar la problemática de certificación de los sistemas agroecológicos, de una forma democrática y representativa. La propuesta de su implementación en Cañuelas muestra elementos de factibilidad para responder a las necesidades y problemáticas de la organización, con alto impacto positivo en toda la comunidad. Existe el desafío de fortalecer y visibilizar estas experiencias, en pos de promover un modelo de agricultura en manos de los agricultores, capaz de producir alimentos sanos y variados para todos y todas de manera sustentable
Durante los últimos años las demandas comerciales y sociales sobre aspectos ambientales, higiene y seguridad laboral, inocuidad de alimentos, trazabilidad, buenas prácticas agrícolas, gestión de calidad de procesos y responsabilidad social empresaria, han empezado a tomar una importancia cada vez mayor a ser tenidos en cuenta para las empresas agropecuarias extensivas. Situación que años atrás solo se veía contemplado a nivel industrial, producciones intensivas y/o forestales. Esto ha llevado a instituciones, profesionales y productores a capacitarse y entender nuevos procesos en pos de satisfacer esa demanda. Por su parte, la asociación argentina de productores en siembra directa (Aapresid) ha desarrollado un sistema de gestión de calidad aplicable a las explotaciones agropecuarias extensivas, denominado Agricultura Certificada®. (AC), los objetivos que persigue AC son: Brindar herramientas para una gestión agronómica profesional; a través del registro ordenado de información y el análisis de indicadores de calidad edáfica y de eficiencia. Mostrar al resto de la sociedad como son los procesos de producción de alimentos y su impacto sobre el ambiente; permitiendo capturar el valor de la externalidad positiva que la AC ejerce sobre el mismo. Este sistema de gestión se implementará en un establecimiento agrícola-ganadero en el partido de Tres Arroyos, en el sudeste bonaerense
El presente trabajo forma parte de la primera etapa del Proyecto de Investigación “Análisis del Lenguaje Matemático y su influencia en los procesos de Validación en estudiantes universitarios de Ingeniería” realizado en forma conjunta por la Facultad de Agronomía UNCPBA (Azul-Argentina), y la Facultad de Química e Ingeniería UCA (Rosario-Argentina). Aquí se presentan y analizan los resultados de una encuesta piloto en pos de caracterizar las dificultades y obstáculos para la comprensión y traducción entre los registros de expresiones verbales o escritas (lenguaje proposicional) y su representación en lenguaje algebraico (uso de símbolos matemáticos) en los estudiantes que ingresan a la Universidad.
Ce chapitre s’intéresse à plusieurs pays de l’UE et souligne les principaux aspects de leur cadre institutionnel respectif concernant les activités d’appro-visionnement en eau et d’assainissement. Il fournit également des exemples de cas où la participation du secteur privé dans le domaine de l’eau a posé un pro-blème, et d’autres où le secteur public est en charge du réseau de distribution. Le choix des pays évoqués vise à présenter diverses expériences et divers contextes géopolitiques, de l’Europe méditerranéenne à l’Europe du Nord en passant par les pays d’Europe centrale et orientale. En outre, les pays choisis comptent à la fois d’anciens membres de l’Europe des 15 et des membres plus récents. La dernière partie du chapitre traite de l’infuence de la législation européenne sur la gestion et la fourniture de services de distribution en eau. [Introductory paragraph to paper - see Additional Information].
This booklet has been designed for student teachers in particular and those in their early years as teachers of art, craft and design. It is suitable however for all teachers of art and design, and will be useful when considering the 2007 review of the Art and Design programme of study (POS) with its focus on creativity and ideas developments. The contents are intended as prompts or guides and ideas for initiating individual responses to themes or projects and a "way in" for the teacher when guiding pupils. It explains in detail how one might inspire all groups with appropriate and varied resources.
Disponibilidad del recurso hídrico en la microcuenca del río Bermúdez. Región central de Costa Rica.
La microcuenca del río Bermúdez es parte de la principal zona de explotación hídrica en la región Central de Costa Rica, razón por la cual se realiza un diagnóstico de la disponibilidad del recurso hídrico en esta microcuenca donde se identifican las áreas con mayor problemática de disponibilidad de este recurso. Para ello se calculó un balance hídrico mensual, según uso del suelo, unidad geomorfológica y zona climática. Con base en este balance se determinó y clasificó la disponibilidad del recurso, identificando en la microcuenca solamente tres categorías: alta, media y moderada. No existen áreas de baja disponibilidad de recurso hídrico lo que demuestra que la oferta es suficiente, sin embargo, existe una presión importante sobre el recurso hídrico pues más de la mitad del área de la microcuenca se encuentra con una disponibilidad moderada.
Raman microscopy, based upon the inelastic scattering (Raman) of light by molecular species, has been applied as a specific structural probe in a wide range of biomedical samples. The purpose of the present investigation was to assess the potential of the technique for spectral characterization of the porcine outer retina derived from the area centralis, which contains the highest proportion of cone:rod cell ratio in the pig retina. METHODS: Retinal cross-sections, immersion-fixed in 4% (w/v) PFA and cryoprotected, were placed on salinized slides and air-dried prior to direct Raman microscopic analysis at three excitation wavelengths, 785 nm, 633 nm, and 514 nm. RESULTS: Raman spectra of each of the photoreceptor inner and outer segments (PIS, POS) and of the outer nuclear layer (ONL) of the retina acquired at 785 nm were dominated by vibrational features characteristic of proteins and lipids. There was a clear difference between the inner and outer domains in the spectroscopic regions, amide I and III, known to be sensitive to protein conformation. The spectra recorded with 633 nm excitation mirrored those observed at 785 nm excitation for the amide I region, but with an additional pattern of bands in the spectra of the PIS region, attributed to cytochrome c. The same features were even more enhanced in spectra recorded with 514 nm excitation. A significant nucleotide contribution was observed in the spectra recorded for the ONL at all three excitation wavelengths. A Raman map was constructed of the major spectral components found in the retinal outer segments, as predicted by principal component analysis of the data acquired using 633 nm excitation. Comparison of the Raman map with its histological counterpart revealed a strong correlation between the two images. CONCLUSIONS: It has been demonstrated that Raman spectroscopy offers a unique insight into the biochemical composition of the light-sensing cells of the retina following the application of standard histological protocols. The present study points to the considerable promise of Raman microscopy as a component-specific probe of retinal tissue.
PURPOSE. A spontaneously arising retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell line (B6-RPE07) was cloned from a primary culture of mouse RPE cells and maintained in culture for more than 18 months. Morphologic and functional properties of this cell line have been characterized.
METHODS. The morphology of the B6-RPE07 cells was examined by phase-contrast light microscopy, electron microscopy, and confocal microscopy. Barrier properties were measured by the flux of fluorescence from the apical to the basolateral compartment of culture chambers. The abilities of the cells to bind/phagocytose photoreceptor outer segments (POS) were determined by confocal microscopy, electron microscopy, and flow cytometry. Cytokine/chemokine secretion was measured by cytometric bead array. The expression of visual cycle proteins was determined by RT-PCR and Western blotting.
RESULTS. In standard culture conditions, B6-RPE07 cells display cobblestone morphology. When cultured on three-dimensional (3D) collagen gel–coated membranes, B6-RPE07 cells exhibit a monolayer epithelial polarization with apical surface microvilli. Immunohistochemistry of B6-RPE07 cultures revealed a high expression of pan-cytokeratin. B6-RPE07 cells also expressed the retinal pigment epithelium-specific marker CRALBP, but not RPE65. Cell junction proteins ZO-1 and ß-catenin, but not claudin-1/3 or occludin-1, were observed in B6-RPE07 cells. B6-RPE07 cells are able to bind, phagocytose, and digest POS. Finally, B6-RPE07 cells produce high levels of IL-6 and CCL2.
CONCLUSIONS. This is the first report of a mouse RPE cell line with morphology, phenotype, and function similar to those of in vivo mouse RPE cells. This cell line will be a valuable resource for future RPE studies, in particular for in vivo gene modification and transplantation studies.
This paper studies the influence of cynic philosophy in the construction of the myth of the good savage. In the first part it studies the importance of cynicism in the XVI century and how the cynic influence of Erasmus, More and Montaigne was fundamental to the way that Europe approached the American indigenous. In the second part it studies the cynic motives that could have influenced in the construction of the myth of the good savage.
The appearance of the open code paradigm and the demands of social movements have permeated the ways in which today’s cultural institutions are organized. This article analyzes the birth of a new critical and cooperative spatiality and how it is transforming current modes of cultural research and production. It centers on the potential for establishing the new means of cooperation that are being tested in what are defined as collaborative artistic laboratories. These are hybrid spaces of research and creation based on networked and cooperative structures producing a new societal-technical body that forces us to reconsider the traditional organic conditions of the productive scenarios of knowledge and artistic practice.
Hepatitis C is an infection of the liver caused by a pos. single-stranded RNA virus (HCV) which affects 170 million people worldwide. It is responsible for 40-60% of all liver disease and is the major cause of liver transplants in the United States. The HCV NS5B gene encodes the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase which is essential for HCV replication. We have previously reported the identification of acylpyrrolidines as potent inhibitors of NS5B; however their activity is attenuated against genotype 1a. The design of improved broader-spectrum compds., capable of effective inhibition of both genotypes 1b and 1a is desirable. An understanding of the binding site and genotype sequence differences was utilized to design compds. with greatly enhanced genotype 1a and 1b potency. Our studies led to the identification of GSK625433, a potent, homochiral inhibitor of these HCV genotypes in both enzyme and sub-genomic replicon cell-based assays. GSK625433 has a good pharmacokinetic profile in pre-clin. animal species, enabling progression to clin. evaluation.