951 resultados para Two-way trade


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Based on the data analysis, this study further explores the characteristics of East Asian winter monsoon (hereafter, EAWM, for brevity) as well as the related air-sea-land system, and illustrates how and to what degree anomalous signals of the subsequent Asian summer monsoon are rooted in the preceding EAWM activity. We identified an important air-sea coupled mode, i.e., the EAWM mode illustrated in Section 3. In cold seasons, strong EAWM-related air-sea two-way interaction is responsible for the development and persistence of the SSTA pattern of EAWM mode. As a consequence, the key regions, i.e., the western Pacific and South China Sea (hereafter, SCS, for brevity), are dominated by such an SSTA pattern from the winter to the following summer. In the strong EAWM years, the deficient snow cover dominates eastern Tibetan Plateau in winter, and in spring, this anomaly pattern is further strengthened and extended to the northwestern side of Tibetan Plateau. Thus, the combined effect of strong EAWM-related SSTA and Tibetan snow cover constitutes an important factor in modulating the Asian monsoon circulation. The active role of the EAWM activity as well as the related air-sea-land interaction would, in the subsequent seasons, lead to: 1) the enhancement of SCS monsoon and related stronger rainfall; 2) the northward displacement of subtropical high during Meiyu period and the related deficient rainfall over Meiyu rainband; 3) above-normal precipitation over the regions from northern Japan to northeastern China in summer; 4) more rainfall over the Arabian Sea and Northeast India, while less rainfall over southwest India and the Bay of Bengal. The strong EAWM-related air-sea interaction shows, to some degree, precursory signals to the following Asian summer monsoon. However, the mechanism for the variability of Indian summer monsoon subsequent to the strong EAWM years remains uncertain.


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微型和小型底栖动物是底栖微/小食物网的重要构成。相对浮游生态系统, 迄今国际间对底栖食物网的认知极为欠缺。这一方面是由于微型生物形态和功能上的复杂性和多样性, 另一方面原因在于研究方法的障碍—主要是微型和小型底栖动物的定量提取和定性分析。本研究首先进行了方法学改良, 并应用新方法对底栖微食物网的重要功能类群—纤毛虫原生动物和小型底栖动物进行了不同生境的周年按月采样, 定性及定量研究的同时, 联系环境因子对微型和小型底栖生物的环境监测进行了探讨。 微型和小型底栖生物的定量研究首先涉及到目标生物在沉积物中的有效提取, 目前硅胶液提取是普遍使用的方法, 其中Ludox液主要应用于小型生物, 它不但价格便宜而且比重合适, 因此在常规生态研究中被广为接受。不过, Ludox易与于海水中的阳离子产生凝结而无法直接用于微型生物; 目前唯一直接应用于微型生物提取的是Percoll硅胶液, 但其昂贵的价格使其在常规生态研究中受到极大限制。本研究以价格低廉的Ludox 硅胶液结合定量蛋白银染色 (QPS) 技术开发了一种新的方法, 即Ludox-QPS法。主要流程为: 样品采集与固定、淘洗/稀释降盐、Ludox密度梯度离心、过滤浓缩和琼脂包埋, QPS染色、永久封片及鉴定计数。添加已知数量的纤毛虫至无生物底泥的重获实验表明, 该密度梯度离心的提取率大于94%; 该方法对自然沉积物中纤毛虫的提取率达97.6%, 对沙质、泥沙质和泥质中海洋线虫的提取率分别达97%、96.9% 和97.8%。对比实验表明, 经QPS制片获得的小型动物的丰度和类群数量与传统方法相当或更高, 尤其当小个体虫体占优势时, 该法显示出较传统方法 (导致数量低估) 更为明显的定量优越性。该方法除用于纤毛虫和小型动物的定量分析外, 还具有较高的分类分辨率, 染色后的纤毛虫原生动物大多类群可鉴定到属, 部分可鉴定到种, 以此可在群落水平上研究其生态作用。 根据新开发的Ludox-QPS技术, 在大沽河潮间带依据盐度梯度选定2个站位 (IIQ和营海) 进行了周年按月采样, 对底栖纤毛虫和小型底栖动物进行了定量研究。纤毛虫原生动物在IIQ和营海的年平均丰度分别为2236 inds./10 cm2 和935 inds./10 cm2 (28 inds./ml 和12 inds./ml), 平均生物量分别为119.1 gC/10 cm2和54.2 gC/10 cm2 (1.5 gC /ml 0.7 gC/ml)。丰度的季节变化趋势为: 春天 > 秋天 > 夏天 > 冬天。垂直分布上, 在营海分布于表层0-0.5 cm 的比例为57.1%, 分布于0.5-2 cm、2-4 cm和4-8 cm比例分别为23.1%、11.4% 和8.5%; 13个月中除12月份外, 4-8 cm均有一定数量的纤毛虫分布; 而在IIQ, 97% 的纤毛虫分布在0-0.5 cm, 分布在0.5-2 cm、2-4 cm和4-8 cm比例分别为2.4%、0.4%和0.2%, 4-8 cm的分布只发生在春季和秋季。纤毛虫的多样性季节变化明显, 春秋季物种丰富, 两个站点每毫升沉积物的平均物种数分别为18和6。Two-Way Crossed ANOSIM 分析表明纤毛虫群落在月份间和站点间的差异极其显著。Pseudochilodonopsis sp., Chilodontopsis sp., Euplotes sp.及Prorodon sp.是表征两个生镜中纤毛虫群落的主要类群。 同时, 发现了14个小型生物类群, 其中线虫在IIQ和营海的丰度优势度分别为97.4% 和78.6%。小型动物在IIQ和营海的年平均丰度分别为4793 inds./10 cm2和8915 inds./10 cm2 (60 inds./ml和111 inds./ml), 其生物量分别为1068.8 gC /10 cm2和1790 gC /10 cm2 (13.4 gC/ml和22.4 gC/ml)。小型底栖动物的丰度在IIQ的季节变化为: 夏季 (7888 inds./10cm2) > 秋季 (5447 inds./10cm2) > 春季 (3731 inds./10cm2) > 冬季 (2780 inds./10cm2); 在营海则完全相反: 冬季 (15579 inds./10cm2) > 春季 (10691 inds./10cm2) > 秋季 (6611 inds./10cm2) > 夏季 (4667 inds./10cm2)。小型底栖动物和纤毛虫的相对重要性存在明显的区域和季节差异。 纤毛虫原生动物、小型动物及环境因子的相关分析表明, 纤毛虫的丰度和多样性与温度和盐度及有机质含量显著相关, 与小型动物没有显著相关性; 群落结构分析表明, 温度、有机质和小型动物的丰度的组合与纤毛虫群落丰度的相关系数为0.345; 盐度、脱镁叶绿素、有机质和小型动物生物量的组合与纤毛虫群落多样性的相关系数为0.403。依据海洋线虫和桡足类的比值 (N/C) 推测, IIQ 可能存在严重的有机污染, 营海则存在明显的季节波动, 8月和9月及2月可能是污染最严重的季节, 这种状况在纤毛虫群落结构的CLUSTER聚类中得到验证。虽然目前尚没有形成有关微型底栖生物-纤毛虫原生动物的污染检测的直接依据, 但本研究说明纤毛虫群落的确对环境污染具有一定的感应度, 而且这种感应和利用小型生物的主要类群估算的污染检测 (N/C) 存在一定程度的关联。 90年代早期有关青岛湾有机污染带的研究表明, 经彻底截污后, 其环境状况向良性发展。进一步了解该湾的健康状况, 2006.5-2007.5月对该湾沙质和泥沙质的小型动物进行周年按月采样。小型动物在泥沙质和砂质沉积物中的年平均丰度分别为4853 ± 1292 inds./10 cm2和1528 ± 569 inds./10 cm2; 年平均总生物量分别为1434.1 ± 897.0 gC /10cm2和720.7 ± 353.8 gC/10cm2。沙质底小型生物的丰度季节波动明显, 6月份和12月份最高, 3月份和9月份最低; 泥沙质季节波动不明显, 6月份最高。两个站点均有48%的小型动物分布在0-0.5 cm 表层, 海洋线虫在表层的分布比例分别为48% (泥沙质) 和34% (砂质)。共检获14个小型动物类群, 其中线虫在泥沙质和砂质沉积物中的年平均丰度分别4619 ± 1255 inds./10cm2和1014 ± 376 inds./10cm2, 其丰度优势度分别为95.2%和66.4%。其它在丰度上占优势的类群, 泥沙质依次为多毛类 (1.5%)、甲壳幼体 (1.5%) 和桡足类 (0.7%); 沙质依次为: 甲壳类幼体 (12.6%)、腹毛类 (8.3%) 和 桡足类 (6.2%)。CLUSTER聚类分析表明, 泥沙质和和砂质中小型生物的丰度组成具有64%的相似性。BIOENV分析表明, 温度、盐度、中值粒径和粘土粉砂含量的组合最能解释不同月份之间和不同站位间的差异, 其相关系数为0.614。依据小型生物的丰度和类群组成, 表明泥沙质底尚存一定的有机污染。


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Polychaete Neanthes japonica is a species geographically specific in China and Japan with important scientific implication and commercial value. In this study, the relations of body weight, salinity and temperature to oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of N. japonica were determined. Three different groups in body weight (large: 2.34 +/- 0.36 g, middle: 1.50 +/- 0.21 g and small: 0.62 +/- 0.12 g) were set for all experiments. Results show that the body weight is negatively related to the rates of oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion; and the relationship is significant. The oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion at 24A degrees C decreased at salinity from 5 to 30 and increased above 30, indicating that both lower and higher salinity are adverse and certain degree of salinity stress is necessary for enhancing the energy demand. At salinity 30, rising temperature from 18A degrees C to 30A degrees C, the oxygen consumption increased before 27A degrees C and then decreased. However, the relation of ammonia excretion and temperature seems more complex. Two-way ANOVA shows that salinity, temperature and body weight all have a significant effect on the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of the worm. Moreover, interaction between salinity/temperature and body weight is also significant. O:N (oxygen/nitrogen) ratio varies greatly in this case from 5.97 to 463.22, indicating that N. japonica can regulate the type of metabolic substrate against environment changes.


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We collected fish abundance data in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary and adjacent waters in November 1998, May 1999, November 2000, and May 2001. Using the data, we evaluated the characteristics of the fish assemblages at each site and investigated the effect of several environmental factors. We used a multivariate analysis, including community ordination methods such as detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), and two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN). We analyzed the biological community structure and environmental factors to determine their spatial distributions, temporal dynamics, and seasonal variations. Among the fish species, five exceeded 5% of the total abundance: Harpodon nehereus (42.82%), Benthosema pterotum (13.85%), Setipinna taty (11.64%), Thryssa kammalensis (9.17%) and Apogonichthys lineatus (6.49%). These were separated into four ecological assemblages: hypsithermal-saline, hypsithermal-brackish, hypothermal-brackish, and hypothermal-saline. We evaluated the degree of influence of environmental factors on the fish community. Our analyses suggested that environmental factors including water depth, salinity, turbidity, transparency, nutrient, and suspended matter formed a synthetic spatial gradient between the coastal and pelagic areas. Ecological and environmental factors changed temporally from 1998 to 2001, and drove the fish community succession. The environmental factors driving the fish community structure included bottom temperature, water depth, bottom and surface pH, surface total phosphorous, and bottom dissolved oxygen. This investigation was completed before completion of the Three Gorges Dam; therefore the results of this study provide an important foundation for evaluating the influence of the human activities.


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在基于不同总线标准的个人计算机、工程工作站以及一些工业控制机间建立高速的并行通信通道,将它们构成多机系统,能够以较小的代价获得增强的系统特性.本文引入了一种在系统总线间提供并行数据通道的异种总线互连底板——总线桥的概念,讨论了它的结构和工作原理,提出了其实现方案,并着重描述了为总线桥定义的双向并行通讯协议 BBP(Bus Bridge Prtocol)


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With the development of seismic exploration, the target becomes more and more complex, which leads to a higher demand for the accuracy and efficiency in 3D exploration. Fourier finite-difference (FFD) method is one of the most valuable methods in complex structure exploration, which keeps the ability of finite-differenc method in dealing with laterally varing media and inherits the predominance of the phase-screen method in stablility and efficiency. In this thesis, the accuracy of the FFD operator is highly improved by using simulated annealing algorithm. This method takes the extrapolation step and band width into account, which is more suitable to various band width and discrete scale than the commonely-used optimized method based on velocity contrast alone. In this thesis, the FFD method is extended to viscoacoustic modeling. Based on one-way wave equation, the presented method is implemented in frequency domain; thus, it is more efficient than two-way methods, and is more convenient than time domain methods in handling attenuation and dispersion effects. The proposed method can handle large velocity contrast and has a high efficiency, which is helpful to further research on earth absorption and seismic resolution. Starting from the frequency dispersion of the acoustic VTI wave equation, this thesis extends the FFD migration method to the acoustic VTI media. Compared with the convetional FFD method, the presented method has a similar computational efficiency, and keeps the abilities of dealing with large velocity contrasts and steep dips. The numerical experiments based on the SEG salt model show that the presented method is a practical migration method for complex acoustical VTI media, because it can handle both large velocity contrasts and large anisotropy variations, and its accuracy is relatively high even in strong anisotropic media. In 3D case, the two-way splitting technique of FFD operator causes artificial azimuthal anisotropy. These artifacts become apparent with increasing dip angles and velocity contrasts, which prevent the application of the FFD method in 3D complex media. The current methods proposed to reduce the azimuthal anisotropy significantly increase the computational cost. In this thesis, the alternating-direction-implicit plus interpolation scheme is incorporated into the 3D FFD method to reduce the azimuthal anisotropy. By subtly utilizing the Fourier based scheme of the FFD method, the improved fast algorithm takes approximately no extra computation time. The resulting operator keeps both the accuracy and the efficiency of the FFD method, which is helpful to the inhancements of both the accuracy and the efficiency for prestack depth migration. The general comparison is presented between the FFD operator and the generalized-screen operator, which is valuable to choose the suitable method in practice. The percentage relative error curves and migration impulse responses show that the generalized-screen operator is much sensiutive to the velocity contrasts than the FFD operator. The FFD operator can handle various velocity contrasts, while the generalized-screen operator can only handle some range of the velocity contrasts. Both in large and weak velocity contrasts, the higher order term of the generalized-screen operator has little effect on improving accuracy. The FFD operator is more suitable to large velocity contrasts, while the generalized-screen operator is more suitable to middle velocity contrasts. Both the one-way implicit finite-difference migration and the two-way explicit finite-differenc modeling have been implemented, and then they are compared with the corresponding FFD methods respectively. This work gives a reference to the choosen of proper method. The FFD migration is illustrated to be more attractive in accuracy, efficiency and frequency dispertion than the widely-used implicit finite-difference migration. The FFD modeling can handle relatively coarse grids than the commonly-used explicit finite-differenc modeling, thus it is much faster in 3D modeling, especially for large-scale complex media.


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Emotion is one of the most popular spots in recent decision making research, while regret is always being considered as the most relevant emotion with decision making. Current article firstly reviewed the literature of regret theory to date to profile the relation between regret and decision making under uncertainty through three mainlines: experienced regret, anticipated regret and regret orientation, respectively. And then, based on the theory of regret regulation raised by Zeelenberg recently, we came up with a theory of risk preference regulated by regret. Then three studies were conducted under the current framework, by using experiment, survey, and quasi experiment design. The major findings were below: In study 1, when playing ultimatum game, risk preference in decision making can be determined by experienced regret and anticipated regret of risk aversion, which made individual risk taking; In study 2, survey showed that risk orientation was negatively related with risk taking (health/safety, recreational and social); In study 3, when asked the Asian Disease Problem, risk preference can be determined by the coherence of the risk preference between the past decision and the current alternative. Individuals much more like alternative with the same risk preference of the past decision. A two way interaction was found, regret orientation, as a personality, was found as a moderator. Individuals with high regret orientation were more sensitive to the coherence of the risk preference than those with low regret orientation. Three studies provide fruitful evidences for the theory of risk preference regulated by regret in different prospective, show us the function of regret in decision making.


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A newly developed experimental model called simulation of real mission was used to explore law of time perception and user endurance for feedback delay under Network-Supported Co-operative Work. Some non-technological factors influencing time perception and user endurance (mission type、difficulty level、feedback method、partner type、gender and A type behavior pattern) were also examined. Results of the study showed that: (1) Under condition of waiting without feedback, mission type and difficulty level demonstrated significant main effects on judgment of waiting duration. People will wait more time to receive partner's feedback if he or she perceives that partner's task is difficult, and the longest waiting duration (LWD) in the mission of computation is longer than the LWD in the mission of proof searching. (2) Under condition of waiting with feedback, experimental data perfectly supported Vierordt's Law: short duration is underestimated, long duration is overestimated, only proper duration (2-6 second) can be estimated correctly. The proper duration will vary with the changing of difficulty levels of mission. More long the waiting duration is, more estimation error will be occurred. The type difference of partner has no significant effect on the law of time perception. (3) Under condition of waiting with feedback, non-technology factors can significantly effect user's endurance. When subjects were told their partner was human, mission type and difficulty level of mission could significantly effect user's endurance. When subjects were told their partner was computer, A type behavior pattern and difficulty level of mission could significantly effect user's endurance. The two-way interaction effect between A type behavior pattern and gender was detected.


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This paper analyzes the relationship between communication apprehension and language anxiety from the perspective of gender. As virtually no empirical studies have addressed the explicit influence of gender on language anxiety in communication apprehensives, this paper proposes that females are generally more sensitive to anxiety, as reflected in various spheres of communication. For this reason, language anxiety levels in communication apprehensive females should be higher, unlike those of communication apprehensive males. Comparisons between them were made using a student t test, two-way ANOVA, and post-hoc Tukey test. The results revealed that Polish communication apprehensive secondary grammar school males and females do not differ in their levels of language anxiety, although nonapprehensive males experience significantly lower language anxiety than their female peers. It is argued that the finding can be attributed to developmental patterns, gender socialization processes, classroom practices, and the uniqueness of the FL learning process, which is a stereotypically female domain.


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A common assumption made in traffic matrix (TM) modeling and estimation is independence of a packet's network ingress and egress. We argue that in real IP networks, this assumption should not and does not hold. The fact that most traffic consists of two-way exchanges of packets means that traffic streams flowing in opposite directions at any point in the network are not independent. In this paper we propose a model for traffic matrices based on independence of connections rather than packets. We argue that the independent connection (IC) model is more intuitive, and has a more direct connection to underlying network phenomena than the gravity model. To validate the IC model, we show that it fits real data better than the gravity model and that it works well as a prior in the TM estimation problem. We study the model's parameters empirically and identify useful stability properties. This justifies the use of the simpler versions of the model for TM applications. To illustrate the utility of the model we focus on two such applications: synthetic TM generation and TM estimation. To the best of our knowledge this is the first traffic matrix model that incorporates properties of bidirectional traffic.


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Ultra Wide Band (UWB) transmission has recently been the object of considerable attention in the field of next generation location aware wireless sensor networks. This is due to its fine time resolution, energy efficient and robustness to interference in harsh environments. This paper presents a thorough applied examination of prototype IEEE 802.15.4a impulse UWB transceiver technology to quantify the effect of line of sight (LOS) and non line of sight (NLOS) ranging in real indoor and outdoor environments. Results included draw on an extensive array of experiments that fully characterize the 802.15.4a UWB transceiver technology, its reliability and ranging capabilities for the first time. A new two way (TW) ranging protocol is proposed. The goal of this work is to validate the technology as a dependable wireless communications mechanism for the subset of sensor network localization applications where reliability and precision positions are key concerns.


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Developing temperature fields in frozen cheese sauce undergoing microwave heating were simulated and measured. Two scenarios were investigated: a centric and offset placement on the rotating turntable. Numerical modeling was performed using a dedicated electromagnetic Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) module that was two-way coupled to the PHYSICA multiphysics package. Two meshes were used: the food material and container were meshed for the heat transfer and the microwave oven cavity and waveguide were meshed for the microwave field. Power densities obtained on the structured FDTD mesh were mapped onto the unstructured finite volume method mesh for each time-step/turntable position. On heating for each specified time-step the temperature field was mapped back onto the FDTD mesh and the electromagnetic properties were updated accordingly. Changes in thermal/electric properties associated with the phase transition were fully accounted for as well as heat losses from product to cavity. Detailed comparisons were carried out for the centric and offset placements, comparing experimental temperature profiles during microwave thawing with those obtained by numerical simulation.


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Shade plots, simple visual representations of abundance matrices from multivariate species assemblage studies, are shown to be an effective aid in choosing an overall transformation (or other pre-treatment) of quantitative data for long-term use, striking an appropriate balance between dominant and less abundant taxa in ensuing resemblance-based multivariate analyses. Though the exposition is entirely general and applicable to all community studies, detailed illustrations of the comparative power and interpretative possibilities of shade plots are given in the case of two estuarine assemblage studies in south-western Australia: (a) macrobenthos in the upper Swan Estuary over a two-year period covering a highly significant precipitation event for the Perth area; and (b) a wide-scale spatial study of the nearshore fish fauna from five divergent estuaries. The utility of transformations of intermediate severity is again demonstrated and, with greater novelty, the potential importance seen of further mild transformation of all data after differential down-weighting (dispersion weighting) of spatially clumped' or schooled' species. Among the new techniques utilized is a two-way form of the RELATE test, which demonstrates linking of assemblage structure (fish) to continuous environmental variables (water quality), having removed a categorical factor (estuary differences). Re-orderings of sample and species axes in the associated shade plots are seen to provide transparent explanations at the species level for such continuous multivariate patterns.


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The religious dimensions of ethnic identities have been under-theorized. In contemporary industrial societies there is a tendency to characterize religiously demarcated groups as 'really' ethnic.This article suggests that the religious content of ethnic boundaries may be more important than might initially be assumed. A religious identification may have specific religious content and assumptions that may cause it to operate in different ways from other identities. Even if identities do not seem primarily religious per se, they may have latent religious dimensions that can become reactivated. Whilst identity conflicts and other social struggles may stimulate the return of the religious, once reactivated, the religious dimensions of identity may take on a logic of their own.Therefore, the article argues that in many contexts there is a two-way relationship between religion and ethnicity. Each can stimulate the other, rather than religion simply playing a supporting role to the ethnic centrepiece.