969 resultados para Trindade, Armando Rocha, 1937-2009


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A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The physics potential for a variety of interesting physics processes, within the Standard Model and beyond, is examined. The study comprises a series of notes based on simulations of the detector and physics processes, with particular emphasis given to the data expected from the first years of operation of the LHC at CERN.


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Aims: Develop and validate tools to estimate residual noise covariance in Planck frequency maps. Quantify signal error effects and compare different techniques to produce low-resolution maps. Methods: We derive analytical estimates of covariance of the residual noise contained in low-resolution maps produced using a number of map-making approaches. We test these analytical predictions using Monte Carlo simulations and their impact on angular power spectrum estimation. We use simulations to quantify the level of signal errors incurred in different resolution downgrading schemes considered in this work. Results: We find an excellent agreement between the optimal residual noise covariance matrices and Monte Carlo noise maps. For destriping map-makers, the extent of agreement is dictated by the knee frequency of the correlated noise component and the chosen baseline offset length. The significance of signal striping is shown to be insignificant when properly dealt with. In map resolution downgrading, we find that a carefully selected window function is required to reduce aliasing to the sub-percent level at multipoles, ell > 2Nside, where Nside is the HEALPix resolution parameter. We show that sufficient characterization of the residual noise is unavoidable if one is to draw reliable contraints on large scale anisotropy. Conclusions: We have described how to compute the low-resolution maps, with a controlled sky signal level, and a reliable estimate of covariance of the residual noise. We have also presented a method to smooth the residual noise covariance matrices to describe the noise correlations in smoothed, bandwidth limited maps.


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This thesis examines the media debate on pensions. The case analysed in the thesis is the debate that sharpened after the Finnish government made the decision to raise the retirement age. The analysed data consists of articles published in the printed media during one month after the decision was made on 24th of February in 2009. The aim of the study is to describe how the decision is argued about by different positions of speakers and how retirement is justified from the perspective of the individual. Furthermore, the purpose is to discover different ways of discussing the pensioner. The theoretical frame for this study is social constructivism, which understands reality as socially constructed with language. From this perspective, media texts can be seen as one form of shaping reality. The data is analysed by using different methods. Thematisation is used to discover the key topics, and quantification is used to examine the prevalence of different arguments. The method in which the speaker’s ways of speaking is analysed in different participant categories I call “a speaker position analysis”. The debate around the decision to raise the retirement age highlight the power struggle both between the government and the opposition as well as the government and employee unions. One thing all discussants agree is the need to raise the retirement age. From the individual's perspective, retirement is justified mostly with hard working conditions and inadequacy of health. The pensioner's image is appearing gloomy in most discourses. Prevailing discourses are seeing a pensioner either sick and tired or someone who is not good for work and has lost his dignity. The debate around the decision is intertwined around the concepts of welfare state and individual's well-being. In the postmodern society, human preferences are individualised. Welfare state means different things to different people, as well as the individual's subjective perception of well-being is unique. These two aspects are the ones which raise the tension in the analysed media debate.


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This work analyses texts on indigenous women´s participation in the Mexican Zapatista Army, Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional. The EZLN came to public attention after ten years of clandestine organization in 1994 in Chiapas, a southern state of Mexico neighboring Guatemala. Along the invasion of various municipalities in Chiapas, the Zapatista Army published their own Revolutionary Laws, directed to the Mexican government that included a section on women´s own laws. The indigenous women´s participation in a guerrilla movement in the economically poorest area of Mexico raised many questions among Mexican feminists and some of them fiercely criticized the laws for not being liberating or feminist at all. The question is, did the indigenous women want the laws to be feminist? To answer the main research question How is the position of women constructed in the Zapatista discourse? I analyze texts by various actors in the discourse within the theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis and the feminist theories of intersectionality. The connecting point in this interdisciplinary framework is the question of power and hegemony. The actors in the discourse are the women commanders themselves, the men commanders, the Zapatista spokesperson, subcomandante Marcos and the Mexican feminists. The texts analyzed are the letters of the EZLN to the media and discourses in public reunions, first published in Mexican newspapers and international discussion lists on the Internet and after 2005, on the Zapatista´s own webpage. The results show that instead of discussing whether the Zapatista women´s participation is feminist or not, the action itself provoked such wide discussion of the diversity within the feminist movement that it is a contribution itself. The work also shows that the use of language can be one tool in the quite recent paradigm of intersectionality in feminist theories.


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The present collection of articles is based on international conference that was held in Seinäjoki, Finland in February 2009. The topic of the conference was Effective Rural and Urban Policies and it was organised in co-operation between University Consortium of Seinäjoki, Seinäjoki Technology Centre and City of Seinäjoki. The presented papers approached the drivers of regional development from several aspects and in different kind of regional contexts across various countries. As a whole the different contributions formed a comprehensive story of those factors that are shaping the development of both rural and urban regions in global economy. The role of local innovation environment and dynamic of social processes that are ‘oiling’ the interaction between individuals within networks inspired several scholars. Also development of physical infrastructure as well as the recent development of economical models that can predict the regional impacts of large scale investments was discussed in many presentations. Clear focus with cultural and disciplinary diversity formed a fruitful basis for the conference and it was easy to learn something new. On the behalf of all organisers I would like to thank all participants of the conference and especially our foreign colleges who had travelled from distances to spend some winter days in Seinäjoki. As we all know this kind of publication does not appear automatically. All authors have done great job by finding time for writing from their busy schedules. Terttu Poranen and Jaana Huhtala have taken care of the technical editing of this publication. Sari Soini was the main organiser of conference and she has also as a editor kept the required pressure to finalize this book. In addition to University of Helsinki, conference was financially supported by the University of Vaasa, City of Seinäjoki, Lähivakuutus and Regional Centre Programme. These contributions are highly appreciated.


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Background: The Internet has recently made possible the free global availability of scientific journal articles. Open Access (OA) can occur either via OA scientific journals, or via authors posting manuscripts of articles published in subscription journals in open web repositories. So far there have been few systematic studies showing how big the extent of OA is, in particular studies covering all fields of science. Methodology/Principal Findings: The proportion of peer reviewed scholarly journal articles, which are available openly in full text on the web, was studied using a random sample of 1837 titles and a web search engine. Of articles published in 2008, 8,5% were freely available at the publishers’ sites. For an additional 11,9% free manuscript versions could be found using search engines, making the overall OA percentage 20,4%. Chemistry (13%) had the lowest overall share of OA, Earth Sciences (33%) the highest. In medicine, biochemistry and chemistry publishing in OA journals was more common. In all other fields author-posted manuscript copies dominated the picture. Conclusions/Significance: The results show that OA already has a significant positive impact on the availability of the scientific journal literature and that there are big differences between scientific disciplines in the uptake. Due to the lack of awareness of OA-publishing among scientists in most fields outside physics, the results should be of general interest to all scholars. The results should also interest academic publishers, who need to take into account OA in their business strategies and copyright policies, as well as research funders, who like the NIH are starting to require OA availability of results from research projects they fund. The method and search tools developed also offer a good basis for more in-depth studies as well as longitudinal studies.


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Kelan opintoetuustilasto 2009/10 -julkaisu sisältää keskeiset tiedot Kelan maksamista opintotuista ja koulumatkatuista sekä Kelan myöntämästä aikuiskoulutustukeen liittyvästä opintolainan valtiontakauksesta. Julkaisu tarjoaa tilastoja näiden etuuksien saajista ja maksetuista euromääristä. Opintotuesta esitetään myös opintolainoja, korkeakouluopiskelijoiden ateriatukea ja opintolainavähennystä koskevia tietoja.


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The little bustard Tetrax tetrax is a bird of agro-pastoral landscapes rapidly disappearing from most of Western Europe due to agricultural intensification. In Italy, the species is virtually extinct from the mainland but still occurs in Sardinia, where four Special Protection Areas (SPAs) have been designated in 2007 to protect the bustard and related habitat. In this note, we document a steep decline (between 50 and 87,5%) of the species during the last decade in one of those four SPAs, Plains of Semestene, Bonorva, Macomer and Bortigali. However, during summer 2009, a group of 17 individuals was found within the SPA, confirming that the species, although at low numbers (5-15 displaying males), still breeds successfully in the area. Potential limiting factors are also discussed. We urge to undertake conservation measures based on solid scientific evidence if the local population is to be saved from probable extinction in the near future.


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The Indian summer monsoon season of 2009 commenced with a massive deficit in all-India rainfall of 48% of the average rainfall in June. The all-India rainfall in July was close to the normal but that in August was deficit by 27%. In this paper, we first focus on June 2009, elucidating the special features and attempting to identify the factors that could have led to the large deficit in rainfall. In June 2009, the phase of the two important modes, viz., El Nino and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the equatorial Indian Ocean Oscillation (EQUINOO) was unfavourable. Also, the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean (EEIO) was warmer than in other years and much warmer than the Bay. In almost all the years, the opposite is true, i.e., the Bay is warmer than EEIO in June. It appears that this SST gradient gave an edge to the tropical convergence zone over the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean, in competition with the organized convection over the Bay. Thus, convection was not sustained for more than three or four days over the Bay and no northward propagations occurred. We suggest that the reversal of the sea surface temperature (SST) gradient between the Bay of Bengal and EEIO, played a critical role in the rainfall deficit over the Bay and hence the Indian region. We also suggest that suppression of convection over EEIO in association with the El Nino led to a positive phase of EQUINOO in July and hence revival of the monsoon despite the El Nino. It appears that the transition to a negative phase of EQUINOO in August and the associated large deficit in monsoon rainfall can also be attributed to the El Nino.


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Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan yliopiston yhteiskunnallista vuorovaikutusta koskevaa julkista keskustelua. Aineisto koostuu viiden levikiltään Suomen suurimpien joukkoon kuuluvan sanomalehden yliopiston yhteiskunnallista vuorovaikutusta käsittelevistä pääkirjoituksista ajalta 1.1.2008–31.12.2009. Pääkirjoituksia on aineistossa yhteensä 110. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on täydentää politiikan tutkimuksen alalla laiminlyötyä koulutuspolitiikan tutkimusta paneutuen yliopiston yhteiskunnallista roolia koskeviin merkityksiin, jotka nousivat aktiiviseen julkiseen keskusteluun yliopistolain uudistuksen myötä. Tutkimuskysymyksenä on, minkälaisia representaatioita yliopiston roolista yhteiskunnassa suomalaiset sanomalehdet välittivät pääkirjoituksissaan uuden yliopistolain säätämistä edeltäneessä uutisoinnissaan? Tutkielmassa eritellään pääkirjoituksista löytyviä yliopiston yhteiskunnallista roolia koskevia merkitysjärjestelmiä eli diskursseja käyttäen menetelmänä Teun van Dijkin diskurssianalyysia. Yliopiston roolia koskevia representaatioita tarkastellaan Jürgen Habermasin tiedon intressien teoriaan peilaten. Muita keskeisiä teoreetikkoja ovat Gerard Delanty, Henry Etzkowitz, Helga Nowotny, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Andy Green ja Marek Kwiek. Yliopiston kolmannen tehtävän korostumista pohjustetaan historiallisella kuvauksella modernin yliopiston synnystä ja yliopistoinstituution kehityksestä Euroopassa ja tarkemmin Suomessa. Työssä käydään myös läpi tutkimusta, joka pureutuu kansallisvaltion ja yliopistoinstituution historiallisen siteen purkautumiseen ja yliopiston toiminnan legitimiteetin uudelleenmäärittelyyn. Lisäksi nostetaan esiin näkemyksiä tiedon tuotannon monopolin irtautumisesta yliopistolta yhä suuremmalle joukolle toimijoita. Analyysia taustoitetaan myös uuden yliopistolain ja sen taustalla olleen ylikansallisen koulutuspolitiikan konsensuksen kautta. Pääkirjoituksissa esiintyneitä yliopiston yhteiskunnallisen roolin saamia merkityksiä tarkastellaan ensin lehtikohtaisesti, minkä jälkeen pääkirjoitusten sisältämistä representaatioista muodostetaan diskursseja. Aineistosta muodostui viisi diskurssia: globaalin selviämistaistelun diskurssi, lokaalin identiteetin diskurssi, maineenrakennuksen diskurssi, panos-tuotos-diskurssi ja myyttisen humboldtilaisuuden diskurssi. Yliopisto representoitiin alueellisen identiteetinrakennuksen ja integraation välineenä ja sellaiseksi alueen integraation välineeksi, jolle valtio on prosessin laidalla oleva tukiverkko. Alueen integraation välineeksi representoitu yliopisto esitettiin samalla globaalille huipulle tähtäämisen myötä legitimoituvaksi instituutioksi. Yliopisto representoitiin siis glokaalin huipulle nousun välineenä. Pääkirjoituksissa epäpolitisoitiin yliopiston ja alueen välinen yhteys sekä yliopiston ja elinkeinoelämän välinen yhteys. Globaalin selviämistaistelun ja myyttisen humboldtilaisuuden välinen merkityskamppailu kulki läpi aineiston. Yliopisto representoitiin teknisen tiedon intressin mukaisesti välineeksi globaalin kilpailukyvyn nostamiseksi. Toisaalta yliopisto esitettiin myös myyttisen humboldtilaiseksi puhdasta tutkimusta tekeväksi ympäröivästä yhteiskunnasta eristäytyneeksi instituutioksi. Aineistossa ei representoitu yliopistoa emansipatorista tiedon intressiä toteuttavana instituutiona vaihtoehtona teknisen tiedon intressin mukaisille representaatioille. Myöskään kommunikatiivisen tiedon intressin mukainen yliopisto ei tullut aineistossa esiin. Aineistossa annettiin vastoin tutkimuskirjallisuuden näkemyksiä yliopistolle legitiimin tiedon monopolin haltijan rooli. Pääkirjoituksissa representoitiin valtiovallan, yksityisen sektorin ja tiedeyhteisön yliopistoa koskevia intressejä. Kansalaisyhteiskunnan ja yliopiston välistä vuorovaikutusta aineisto ei nostanut esiin. Keskeisimmäksi jatkotutkimuksen aiheeksi identifioitiin tämän myötä yliopiston ja kansalaisyhteiskunnan toimijoiden välisen vuorovaikutuksen tarkastelu.


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Tilasto Suomen eläkkeensaajista kunnittain perustuu Eläketurvakeskuksen ja Kansaneläkelaitoksen rekistereihin. Julkaisua on tuotettu vuodesta 1993 lähtien. Tilaston sisältöä on vuosien varrella jonkin verran uudistettu. Tarkempaa tietoa sisältöön kohdistuneista muutoksista on laatuselosteen kohdassa 4 Tilastojen yhtenäisyys ja vertailukelpoisuus sivulla 93. Julkaisu sisältää kuntakohtaista tietoa kaikista työ- ja kansaneläkkeensaajista sekä eläkemenosta. Tietoja on eläkkeensaajien lukumääristä, eläkkeiden suuruuksista sekä kokonaiseläkemenosta. Luokittelijoina ovat mm. eläkelaji, eläkkeensaajan ikä, eläkkeen suuruus ja eläkejärjestelmä. Koko maata koskevaa tietoa löytyy laajemmin julkaisusta Tilasto Suomen eläkkeensaajista, jota on julkaistu vuodesta 1981 lähtien.


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Tilasto Suomen eläkkeensaajista perustuu Eläketurvakeskuksen ja Kansaneläkelaitoksen rekistereihin. Julkaisua on tuotettu vuodesta 1981 lähtien. Vuosina 1981–1990 kirja julkaistiin erikseen suomen- ja ruotsinkielisenä. Ruotsinkielinen osa sisälsi suppean englanninkielisen liitteen. Vuodesta 1991 lähtien julkaisu on ollut kolmikielinen. Julkaisu sisältää tietoja kaikista työ- ja kansaneläkkeensaajista, eläkkeelle siirtyneistä ja eläkemenosta. Tietoja on kaikista eläkkeensaajista sekä erikseen Suomessa ja ulkomailla asuvista eläkkeensaajista, poikkeuksena eläkkeelle siirtyneet, joista ei ainakaan toistaiseksi tehdä erillistä tilastoa ulkomailla asuvista. Tilasto on ilmestynyt osana Suomen virallista tilastoa vuodesta 2003 lähtien. Laatuseloste on julkaisun liitteessä 1. Julkaisun alussa on kuvaus eläkejärjestelmästä ja eläke-etuuksista sekä tilastossa käytetyistä käsitteistä. Liitteessä 2 on suppea yhteenveto keskeisistä eläkelainsäädännön muutoksista.


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Landscape is shaped by natural environment and increasingly by human activity. In landscape ecology, the concept of landscape can be defined as a kilometre-scale mosaic formed by different land-use types. In Helsinki Metropolitan Region, the landscape change caused by urbanization has accelerated after the 1950s. Prior to that, the landscape of the region was mainly only shaped by agriculture. The goal of this study was in addition to describing the landscape change to discuss the factors impacting the landscape change and evaluate thelandscape ecological impacts of the change. Three study areas at different distances from Helsinki city centre were chosen in order to look at the landscape change. Study areas were Malmi, Espoo and Mäntsälä regions representing different parts of the urban-to-rural gradient in 1955, 1975, 1990 and 2009. Land-use of the maps was then digitized into five classes: agricultural lands, semi-natural grasslands, built areas, waters and others using GIS methods. First, landscape change was studied using landscape ecological indices. Indices used were PLAND i.e. the proportions of the different land-use types in the landscape; MPS, SHEI and SHDI which describe fragmentation and heterogeneity of the landscape; and MSI and ED which are measures of patch shape. Second, landscape change was studied statistically in relation to topography, soil and urban structure of the study areas. Indicators used concerning urban structure were number of residents, car ownership and travel-related zones of urban form which indicate the degree of urban sprawl within the study areas. For the statistical analyses, each of the 9.25 x 9.25 km sized study areas was further divided into grids with resolution of 0.25 x 0.25 kilometres. Third, the changes in the green structure of the study areas were evaluated. The landscape change reflected by the proportions of the land-use types was the most notable in Malmi area where a large amount of agricultural land was developed from 1955 to 2009. The proportion of semi-natural grasslands also showed an interesting pattern in relation to urbanization. When urbanization started, a great number of agricultural lands were abandoned and turned into semi-natural grasslands but as the urbanization accelerated, the number of semi-natural grasslands started to decline because of urban densification. Landscape fragmentation and heterogeneity were the most widespread in Espoo study area which is not only because of the great differences in relative heights within the region but also its location in the rural-urban fringe. According to the results, urbanization induced agricultural lands to be more regular in shape both spatially and temporally whereas for built areas and semi-natural grasslands the impact of urbanization was reverse. Changes in landscape were the most insignificant in the most rural study area Mäntsälä. In Mäntsälä, built area per resident showed the greatest values indicating a widespread urban sprawl. The values were the smallest in highly urbanized Malmi study area. Unlike other study areas, in Mäntsälä the proportion of developing land in the ecologically disadvantageous cardependent zone was on the increase. On the other hand, the green structure of the Mäntsälä study area was the most advantageous whereas Malmi study area showed the most ecologically disadvantageous structure. Considering all the landscape ecological criteria used, the landscape structure of Espoo study area proved to be the best not least because of the great heterogeneity of its landscape. Thus the study confirmed the previous results according to which landscape heterogeneity is the most significant in areas exposed to a moderate human impact.