857 resultados para Transnational feminism
Incluye Bibliografía
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography.
In the last days of 2011, President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff issued a provisional measure (or draft law) entitled "National Surveillance and Monitoring Registration System for the Prevention of Maternal Mortality" (MP 557), as part of a new maternal health programme. It was supposed to address the pressing issue of maternal morbidity and mortality in Brazil, but instead it caused an explosive controversy because it used terms such as nascituro (unborn child) and proposed the compulsory registration of every pregnancy. After intense protests by feminist and human rights groups that this law was unconstitutional, violated women's right to privacy and threatened our already limited reproductive rights, the measure was revised in January 2012, omitting "the unborn child" but not the mandatory registration of pregnancy. Unfortunately, neither version of the draft law addresses the two main problems with maternal health in Brazil: the over-medicalisation of childbirth and its adverse effects, and the need for safe, legal abortion. The content of this measure itself reflects the conflictive nature of public policies on reproductive health in Brazil and how they are shaped by close links between different levels of government and political parties, and religious and professional sectors. (C) 2012 Reproductive Health Matters
The aim of this thesis is to elucidate the tension between feminism and nationalism in Israel and to investigate the ways by which such discursive currents mark the identities of Israeli women. The specific field of investigation is Israeli theatre, and the identities examined are dramatic characters created by the Israeli playwright Miriam Kainy. Also examined is the character of the playwright herself. Theatre is being observed as a specific field of society in which the position of women can be clarified. What kind of women characters the Israeli theatre produces is therefore a leading question for this study. Feminist theories, focusing on gender aspects of power relations, together with the postcolonial perspective, which considers power relations by focusing on ethnicity and geopolitical aspects, provide the theoretical tools. The social constructionist viewpoint is used since it provides an appropriate understanding of important notions for the thesis, such as nation and identity, considering them as constructions created by discourse. The discourses focused upon are the national v. the feminist discourse and theatre is viewed as a discourse mediator, which is why the dramatic text is the object of the analysis. The specific method of analysis is inspired by Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis. The main part of the thesis consists of a discursive analysis of five women characters, constructed within a period of about five decades, namely between the 1950s and 1990s. Each one of these characters consists of an articulation which is considered representative of a specific time-relevant discursive struggle between the two discourses in question. One of the central assumptions of the thesis is that the Israeli national identity is thoroughly masculine. The identity problems it has been causing Israeli women since the time of the pioneers until today are clearly illuminated throughout the analysis. The conclusion emphasises that the subjectpositions being introduced by Israeli national discourse, namely the ways of being a New Jew, an Israeli, collide with those introduced by feminist discourse, i.e. ways of being an independent woman subject. Nevertheless, each and every character demonstrates creative ways of transforming the discourses by aiming at a hybrid formation.
La presente tesi di dottorato ha ad oggetto l’analisi dei profili critici emersi nella prassi in relazione alle transnational damages group actions. All’interno di tale esteso ambito di ricerca, senza pretese di esaustività, si affronteranno determinati aspetti, tenendo in considerazione quanto accaduto negli ordinamenti che, sebbene in modo assai limitato, hanno già conosciuto tali problematiche. A seguito di una prima parte meramente introduttiva, nel secondo capitolo, si inquadreranno brevemente gli strumenti di tutela collettiva risarcitoria, indicando in che cosa consistano, a quali esigenze rispondano e quale origine abbiano; si indicheranno altresì i criteri distintivi e di classificazione che maggiormente possono rilevare nell’ottica di una cross border litigation. Nel terzo capitolo si analizzerà in termini essenziali la disciplina delle azioni collettive di alcuni Paesi, al fine di porre le basi necessarie per comprendere in quale contesto normativo si pongano le problematiche inerenti alle multi-jurisdictional collective redress actions. Nel quarto capitolo, si prenderà in considerazione la dimensione transnazionale delle azioni collettive, tenendo presenti le categorie e le regole affermatesi nel diritto internazionale privato e processuale e, soprattutto, quelle esistenti nell’ordinamento italiano e comunitario. Si individueranno poi gli obiettivi prioritari che si deve porre il giudice richiesto di giudicare sull’azione collettiva nella necessità di rendere una pronuncia o approvare una transazione che, da un lato, sia riconosciuta ed eseguita nei Paesi in cui dovrà essere riconosciuta ed eseguita e che, dall’altro lato, in ipotesi di opt out procedure, precluda ai soggetti che la pronuncia o la transazione dovrebbe vincolare successive azioni individuali e/o collettive in altri Paesi. Nel quinto capitolo, alla luce dei dati indicati nel terzo capitolo e delle considerazioni effettuate nel quarto capitolo, si analizzeranno alcuni dei profili critici posti dalla dimensione transnazionale delle azioni collettive; a tal fine, la trattazione verrà suddivisa in diversi punti che, pur essendo necessariamente connessi tra loro, nella loro individualità riescano ad evidenziare l’importanza e la centralità di determinate questioni. Peraltro, nell’intento di rispondere in modo adeguato alle problematiche analizzate, si indicheranno alcune delle soluzioni sperimentate dalla pratica giudiziaria o proposte dalla recente letteratura sul tema. Seguirà, infine, un ultimo capitolo contenente le osservazioni conclusive sugli esiti del lavoro.
In diesem Arbeitspapier will ich zur künftigen Forschung über soziale Stratifikation in Afrika beitragen, indem ich die theoretischen Implikationen und empirischen Herausforderungen der Konzepte "Elite" und "Mittelklasse" untersuche. Diese Konzepte stammen aus teilweise miteinander konkurrierenden Theorietraditionen. Außerdem haben Sozialwissenschaftler und Historiker sie zu verschiedenen Zeiten und mit Bezug auf verschiedene Regionen unterschiedlich verwendet. So haben Afrikaforscher und -forscherinnen soziale Formationen, die in anderen Teilen der Welt als Mittelklasse kategorisiert wurden, meist als Eliten aufgefasst und tun dies zum Teil noch heute. Elite und Mittelklasse sind aber nicht nur Begriffe der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung, sondern zugleich Kategorien der sozialen und politischen Praxis. Die Art und Weise, wie Menschen diese Begriffe benutzen, um sich selbst oder andere zu beschreiben, hat wiederum Rückwirkungen auf sozialwissenschaftliche Diskurse und umgekehrt. Das Arbeitspapier setzt sich mit beiden Aspekten auseinander: mit der Geschichte der theoretischen Debatten über Elite und Mittelklasse und damit, was wir aus empirischen Studien über die umstrittenen Selbstverortungen sozialer Akteure lernen können und über ihre sich verändernden Auffassungen und Praktiken von Elite- oder Mittelklasse-Sein. Weil ich überzeugt bin, dass künftige Forschung zu sozialer Stratifikation in Afrika außerordentlich viel von einer historisch und regional vergleichenden Perspektive profitieren kann, analysiert dieses Arbeitspapier nicht nur Untersuchungen zu afrikanischen Eliten und Mittelklassen, sondern auch eine Fülle von Studien zur Geschichte der Mittelklassen in Europa und Nordamerika sowie zu den neuen Mittelklassen im Globalen Süden.
An analysis of the language used in Beyoncé's song "***Flawless" and its thematics, including feminism, womanism, and the world of hip-hop.
The purpose of this dissertation is to reflect on the meaning of feminism in order to decide whether the movement needs a rebranding. The first part will focus on the history of feminism to clarify its beliefs and goals. The following part will highlight how feminism gained a bad reputation over time and will show Elle’s attempt in November 2013 to launch a project to rebrand the movement. The last part will explain what present-day feminism consists of by listing some of the latest projects and the most important issues the movement has to tackle. My analysis will finally show that the F-movement needs a rebranding and, in order to be effective, men should join women’s fight for equality. “We should all be feminists”.