873 resultados para Support Vector Machines and Naive Bayes Classifier


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The biological functions of the BC047440 gene highly expressed by hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are unknown. The objective of this study was to reconstruct antisense eukaryotic expression vectors of the gene for inhibiting HepG2 cell proliferation and suppressing their xenograft tumorigenicity. The full-length BC047440 cDNA was cloned from human primary HCC by RT-PCR. BC047440 gene fragments were ligated with pMD18-T simple vectors and subsequent pcDNA3.1(+) plasmids to construct the recombinant antisense eukaryotic vector pcDNA3.1(+)BC047440AS. The endogenous BC047440 mRNA abundance in target gene-transfected, vector-transfected and naive HepG2 cells was semiquantitatively analyzed by RT-PCR and cell proliferation was measured by the MTT assay. Cell cycle distribution and apoptosis were profiled by flow cytometry. The in vivo xenograft experiment was performed on nude mice to examine the effects of antisense vector on tumorigenicity. BC047440 cDNA fragments were reversely inserted into pcDNA3.1(+) plasmids. The antisense vector significantly reduced the endogenous BC047440 mRNA abundance by 41% in HepG2 cells and inhibited their proliferation in vitro (P < 0.01). More cells were arrested by the antisense vector at the G1 phase in an apoptosis-independent manner (P = 0.014). Additionally, transfection with pcDNA3.1(+)BC047440AS significantly reduced the xenograft tumorigenicity in nude mice. As a novel cell cycle regulator associated with HCC, the BC047440 gene was involved in cell proliferation in vitro and xenograft tumorigenicity in vivo through apoptosis-independent mechanisms.


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The growing population in cities increases the energy demand and affects the environment by increasing carbon emissions. Information and communications technology solutions which enable energy optimization are needed to address this growing energy demand in cities and to reduce carbon emissions. District heating systems optimize the energy production by reusing waste energy with combined heat and power plants. Forecasting the heat load demand in residential buildings assists in optimizing energy production and consumption in a district heating system. However, the presence of a large number of factors such as weather forecast, district heating operational parameters and user behavioural parameters, make heat load forecasting a challenging task. This thesis proposes a probabilistic machine learning model using a Naive Bayes classifier, to forecast the hourly heat load demand for three residential buildings in the city of Skellefteå, Sweden over a period of winter and spring seasons. The district heating data collected from the sensors equipped at the residential buildings in Skellefteå, is utilized to build the Bayesian network to forecast the heat load demand for horizons of 1, 2, 3, 6 and 24 hours. The proposed model is validated by using four cases to study the influence of various parameters on the heat load forecast by carrying out trace driven analysis in Weka and GeNIe. Results show that current heat load consumption and outdoor temperature forecast are the two parameters with most influence on the heat load forecast. The proposed model achieves average accuracies of 81.23 % and 76.74 % for a forecast horizon of 1 hour in the three buildings for winter and spring seasons respectively. The model also achieves an average accuracy of 77.97 % for three buildings across both seasons for the forecast horizon of 1 hour by utilizing only 10 % of the training data. The results indicate that even a simple model like Naive Bayes classifier can forecast the heat load demand by utilizing less training data.


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The subject of the thesis is automatic sentence compression with machine learning, so that the compressed sentences remain both grammatical and retain their essential meaning. There are multiple possible uses for the compression of natural language sentences. In this thesis the focus is generation of television program subtitles, which often are compressed version of the original script of the program. The main part of the thesis consists of machine learning experiments for automatic sentence compression using different approaches to the problem. The machine learning methods used for this work are linear-chain conditional random fields and support vector machines. Also we take a look which automatic text analysis methods provide useful features for the task. The data used for machine learning is supplied by Lingsoft Inc. and consists of subtitles in both compressed an uncompressed form. The models are compared to a baseline system and comparisons are made both automatically and also using human evaluation, because of the potentially subjective nature of the output. The best result is achieved using a CRF - sequence classification using a rich feature set. All text analysis methods help classification and most useful method is morphological analysis. Tutkielman aihe on suomenkielisten lauseiden automaattinen tiivistäminen koneellisesti, niin että lyhennetyt lauseet säilyttävät olennaisen informaationsa ja pysyvät kieliopillisina. Luonnollisen kielen lauseiden tiivistämiselle on monta käyttötarkoitusta, mutta tässä tutkielmassa aihetta lähestytään television ohjelmien tekstittämisen kautta, johon käytännössä kuuluu alkuperäisen tekstin lyhentäminen televisioruudulle paremmin sopivaksi. Tutkielmassa kokeillaan erilaisia koneoppimismenetelmiä tekstin automaatiseen lyhentämiseen ja tarkastellaan miten hyvin erilaiset luonnollisen kielen analyysimenetelmät tuottavat informaatiota, joka auttaa näitä menetelmiä lyhentämään lauseita. Lisäksi tarkastellaan minkälainen lähestymistapa tuottaa parhaan lopputuloksen. Käytetyt koneoppimismenetelmät ovat tukivektorikone ja lineaarisen sekvenssin mallinen CRF. Koneoppimisen tukena käytetään tekstityksiä niiden eri käsittelyvaiheissa, jotka on saatu Lingsoft OY:ltä. Luotuja malleja vertaillaan Lopulta mallien lopputuloksia evaluoidaan automaattisesti ja koska teksti lopputuksena on jossain määrin subjektiivinen myös ihmisarviointiin perustuen. Vertailukohtana toimii kirjallisuudesta poimittu menetelmä. Tutkielman tuloksena paras lopputulos saadaan aikaan käyttäen CRF sekvenssi-luokittelijaa laajalla piirrejoukolla. Kaikki kokeillut teksin analyysimenetelmät auttavat luokittelussa, joista tärkeimmän panoksen antaa morfologinen analyysi.


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The purpose of this project was to raise awareness surrounding child and adolescent mental health in an effort to reduce preconceived stigmas in relation to this specialized field. This project presented a literature review of the current state of child and adolescent mental health in Canada today, including the prevalence and several treatment options for young people confronting mental health challenges. Consideration of the powerful role of the education system upon youth with mental health issues became evident, specifically regarding early identification and prevention. A needs assessment was conducted to gather feedback from the clinical practitioners of a Section 23 classroom within a Southern Ontario hospital. This assessment was used to develop an informational and pedagogical workshop resource to extend practitioner understanding of this pertinent issue and support the social and emotional needs of young people confronting mental heath challenges. Results of the assessment indicated the significant need for such a workshop resource, and these responses were used to guide the development of Group Chat: A Workshop to Support the Emotional and Social Needs of Youth. The latter was subsequently presented to participants, whereby evaluative questionnaires indicated the efficacy and usefulness of this workshop resource to both practitioners and students alike.


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A spectral angle based feature extraction method, Spectral Clustering Independent Component Analysis (SC-ICA), is proposed in this work to improve the brain tissue classification from Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI). SC-ICA provides equal priority to global and local features; thereby it tries to resolve the inefficiency of conventional approaches in abnormal tissue extraction. First, input multispectral MRI is divided into different clusters by a spectral distance based clustering. Then, Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is applied on the clustered data, in conjunction with Support Vector Machines (SVM) for brain tissue analysis. Normal and abnormal datasets, consisting of real and synthetic T1-weighted, T2-weighted and proton density/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images, were used to evaluate the performance of the new method. Comparative analysis with ICA based SVM and other conventional classifiers established the stability and efficiency of SC-ICA based classification, especially in reproduction of small abnormalities. Clinical abnormal case analysis demonstrated it through the highest Tanimoto Index/accuracy values, 0.75/98.8%, observed against ICA based SVM results, 0.17/96.1%, for reproduced lesions. Experimental results recommend the proposed method as a promising approach in clinical and pathological studies of brain diseases


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A primary medium for the human beings to communicate through language is Speech. Automatic Speech Recognition is wide spread today. Recognizing single digits is vital to a number of applications such as voice dialling of telephone numbers, automatic data entry, credit card entry, PIN (personal identification number) entry, entry of access codes for transactions, etc. In this paper we present a comparative study of SVM (Support Vector Machine) and HMM (Hidden Markov Model) to recognize and identify the digits used in Malayalam speech.


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We present a general framework for discriminative estimation based on the maximum entropy principle and its extensions. All calculations involve distributions over structures and/or parameters rather than specific settings and reduce to relative entropy projections. This holds even when the data is not separable within the chosen parametric class, in the context of anomaly detection rather than classification, or when the labels in the training set are uncertain or incomplete. Support vector machines are naturally subsumed under this class and we provide several extensions. We are also able to estimate exactly and efficiently discriminative distributions over tree structures of class-conditional models within this framework. Preliminary experimental results are indicative of the potential in these techniques.


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We present a trainable system for detecting frontal and near-frontal views of faces in still gray images using Support Vector Machines (SVMs). We first consider the problem of detecting the whole face pattern by a single SVM classifer. In this context we compare different types of image features, present and evaluate a new method for reducing the number of features and discuss practical issues concerning the parameterization of SVMs and the selection of training data. The second part of the paper describes a component-based method for face detection consisting of a two-level hierarchy of SVM classifers. On the first level, component classifers independently detect components of a face, such as the eyes, the nose, and the mouth. On the second level, a single classifer checks if the geometrical configuration of the detected components in the image matches a geometrical model of a face.


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A novel approach to multiclass tumor classification using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) was introduced in a recent paper cite{Khan2001}. The method successfully classified and diagnosed small, round blue cell tumors (SRBCTs) of childhood into four distinct categories, neuroblastoma (NB), rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and the Ewing family of tumors (EWS), using cDNA gene expression profiles of samples that included both tumor biopsy material and cell lines. We report that using an approach similar to the one reported by Yeang et al cite{Yeang2001}, i.e. multiclass classification by combining outputs of binary classifiers, we achieved equal accuracy with much fewer features. We report the performances of 3 binary classifiers (k-nearest neighbors (kNN), weighted-voting (WV), and support vector machines (SVM)) with 3 feature selection techniques (Golub's Signal to Noise (SN) ratios cite{Golub99}, Fisher scores (FSc) and Mukherjee's SVM feature selection (SVMFS))cite{Sayan98}.


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Exercises and solutions about vector functions and curves.


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An emerging consensus in cognitive science views the biological brain as a hierarchically-organized predictive processing system. This is a system in which higher-order regions are continuously attempting to predict the activity of lower-order regions at a variety of (increasingly abstract) spatial and temporal scales. The brain is thus revealed as a hierarchical prediction machine that is constantly engaged in the effort to predict the flow of information originating from the sensory surfaces. Such a view seems to afford a great deal of explanatory leverage when it comes to a broad swathe of seemingly disparate psychological phenomena (e.g., learning, memory, perception, action, emotion, planning, reason, imagination, and conscious experience). In the most positive case, the predictive processing story seems to provide our first glimpse at what a unified (computationally-tractable and neurobiological plausible) account of human psychology might look like. This obviously marks out one reason why such models should be the focus of current empirical and theoretical attention. Another reason, however, is rooted in the potential of such models to advance the current state-of-the-art in machine intelligence and machine learning. Interestingly, the vision of the brain as a hierarchical prediction machine is one that establishes contact with work that goes under the heading of 'deep learning'. Deep learning systems thus often attempt to make use of predictive processing schemes and (increasingly abstract) generative models as a means of supporting the analysis of large data sets. But are such computational systems sufficient (by themselves) to provide a route to general human-level analytic capabilities? I will argue that they are not and that closer attention to a broader range of forces and factors (many of which are not confined to the neural realm) may be required to understand what it is that gives human cognition its distinctive (and largely unique) flavour. The vision that emerges is one of 'homomimetic deep learning systems', systems that situate a hierarchically-organized predictive processing core within a larger nexus of developmental, behavioural, symbolic, technological and social influences. Relative to that vision, I suggest that we should see the Web as a form of 'cognitive ecology', one that is as much involved with the transformation of machine intelligence as it is with the progressive reshaping of our own cognitive capabilities.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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When considering contaminated site ecology and ecological risk assessment a key question is whether organisms that appear unaffected by accumulation of contaminants are tolerant or resistant to those contaminants. A population of Dendrodrilus rubidus Savigny earthworms from the Coniston Copper Mines, an area of former Cu mining, exhibit increased tolerance and accumulation of Cu relative to a nearby non-Cu exposed population. Distribution of total Cu between different body parts (posterior, anterior, body wall) of the two populations was determined after a 14 day exposure to 250 mg Cu kg(-1) in Cu-amended soil. Cu concentrations were greater in Coniston earthworms but relative proportions of Cu in different body parts were the same between populations. Cu speciation was determined using extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS). Cu was coordinated to 0 atoms in the exposure soil but to S atoms in the earthworms. There was no difference in this speciation between the different earthworm populations. In another experiment earthworms were exposed to a range of Cu concentrations (200-700 mg Cu kg(-1)). Subcellular partitioning of accumulated Cu was determined. Coniston earthworms accumulated more Cu but relative proportions of Cu in the different fractions (cytosol > granular > tissue fragments, cell membranes, and intact cells) were the same between populations. Results suggest that Coniston D. rubidus are able to survive in the Cu-rich Coniston Copper Mines soil through enlargement of the same Cu storage reservoirs that exist in a nearby non-Cu exposed population.