985 resultados para Supplements


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Currently, antioxidants are added in the human diet to prevent free radical-induced cell damage, and there has been an explosive interest in the use of antioxidant nutritional supplements. The effects of different factors on the antioxidant activity of phycocyanins (PCs) were studied. The results showed that PCs generated hydroxyl radicals in the light, while scavenging them in the dark. When PCs were denatured by sodium dodecyl sulfate, urea and in alkaline condition, their ability to generate hydroxyl radicals disappeared and that of scavenging them greatly increased. This showed that the phycobilin moiety is the main part of PC involved in scavenging hydroxyl radicals. Trypsin hydrolysis of PCs showed that the apoprotein portion of the molecule also made a significant contribution to the antioxidant activity.


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Slide-debris flow is debris flow which is transformed from landslide consecutively in a short time, it comprises of two phases: First, Landslide starts to slide; Second, landslide changes to debris flow. Slide-debris flow which brings great property and life loss happens frequently at home and abroad. In order to forecast the happening possibility and scope of slide-debris flow, transfromation mechanism of Slide-debris flow must be studied. Research on transformation mechanism of slide-debris flow is intersectant science of landslide kinetics and debris flow starting theory, It is a fringe problem as well as front problem of geological hazard. This paper takes Qingning slide-debris flow in Da County, Sichuan Province for example and has studied the mechanism of its instability and transfromation into debris flow through indoor test (including usual soil test and ring shear test) and digital modeling method.The research gets the following conclusions. Qingning Landslide took place mainly because of confined water head arising from rainfall infiltration. Before Landslide occurring, it rained continuously for 22 days, accumulated precipitation arrived at 521.6mm.Investigation shows that strata of Qingning Landslide contains quaternary loose accumulation, slip soil and highly weathered bedrock, which is a good condition for formation of confined water in the slope. Further more, groundwater seepage in the slope body and corresponding slope safety factor before landslide occurring have been computed through finite element method. The result shows that because of infiltration of rainfall, confined water head in the slope arose sharply, accordingly, the safety factor of the slope declined quickly. The result also shows that force put on the slide body by the rock mass detached from Dazhaiyan mountain was the direct factor for landslide occurring. Qingning slide-debris transformation mode has been summarized, the process the landslide changed into debris flow is divided into three phases in the prospective of macroscopic geological condition: landslide occurring, transformation and debris flow. Landslide occurring phase is from slope’ local creeping slide to Landslide occurring; transformation phase contains slide body sliding on the slide bed after slide occurring and sliding on the slope after shearing opening; debris flow phase is that slide body breaks up completely and flows downward into the ditches. The transformation mechanism of Qingning slide-debris flow has been studied through indoor ring shear test of slip soil. The result shows that transformation mechanism contains two points: first, during slide body sliding on the slide bed and slope after shearing opening, shearing shrinkage, grain crushing and grain layering brought about declining of its volume and produced excess pore water pressure, and because producing velocity of excess pore water pressure is much greater than its dissipating velocity, shear strength of slide body decreased sharply because of accumulated pore water pressure. Second, grains crushing and grains layering during slide body sliding brought about thick liquefied layer at the bottom of the slidebody, liquefied layer contained high water content and its shear strength was very low, its thickness increased as the sliding displacement increasing. Liquefied layer makes slide body sliding fast and easily break down to debris flow. Excess pore water pressure and liquefied layer made shear strength of slidebody became very low, furthermore, water in the pit of slope joining in the slidebody was also a facter that made slidebody accelerate the transformation. Influence of slide body thickness and fine grains content to transformation of slide-debris flow has been studied through ring shear test. The result reaches two conclusions. First, thickness of slide body affects transformation of slide-debris flow by two ways, porewater pressure and effect of “soft base” increases as thickness of slide body increasing.so the thicker slide body is ,the easier transformation is. Second, actual dissipating velocity of porewater pressure should be considered when studying the influence of fine grains content to tranformation of slide-debris flow. There should be a critical content of fine grains which makes the difference of producing and dissipating velocity of water pore pressre greatest, this value is the best for slide-debris transformation. The whole process of slide-debris flow transformation is reproduced through discrete element method. Transformation mechanism of slide-debris flow is studied through monitoring various parameters including pore water pressure, grain crushing and grain layering in the slide body during the transformation. The result confirms and supplements the transformation mechanism of slide-debris flow got from ring shear test well.


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Expert systems are too slow. This work attacks that problem by speeding up a useful system component that remembers facts and tracks down simple consequences. The redesigned component can assimilate new facts more quickly because it uses a compact, grammar-based internal representation to deal with whole classes of equivalent expressions at once. It can support faster hypothetical reasoning because it remembers the consequences of several assumption sets at once. The new design is targeted for situations in which many of the stored facts are equalities. The deductive machinery considered here supplements stored premises with simple new conclusions. The stored premises include permanently asserted facts and temporarily adopted assumptions. The new conclusions are derived by substituting equals for equals and using the properties of the logical connectives AND, Or, and NOT. The deductive system provides supporting premises for its derived conclusions. Reasoning that involves quantifiers is beyond the scope of its limited and automatic operation. The expert system of which the reasoning system is a component is expected to be responsible for overall control of reasoning.


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Zadaniem artykułu jest ukazanie dorobku piśmiennictwa pszczelniczego na Śląsku. Pretekstem do poruszenia tego tematu jest przypadająca w 2011 roku dwusetna rocznica urodzin wybitnego pszczelarza Jana Dzierżona. Osoba i dokonania najsłynniejszego chyba w świecie Ślązaka do tego stopnia zdominowały historię pszczelarstwa tego regionu, że właściwie bardzo niewiele mówi się o dorobku innych działających aktywnie śląskich pszczelarzach praktykach i publicystach. Tymczasem dorobek ten jest imponujący. W części pierwszej artykułu przypomniano Nickela Jacoba ze Szprotawy, autora pierwszej wydanej na Śląsku książki pszczelarskiej, uznanego jednocześnie za ojca niemieckiej bibliografii pszczelarskiej. Wśród pionierów niemieckiej literatury fachowej dotyczącej pszczół znajduje się też Johann Coler ze Złotoryi. W XVIII wieku swą działalność praktyczną i publicystyczną w znacznej mierze związali ze Śląskiem Łużyczanin Adam Gottlieb Schirach i Niemiec Johann Riem. W dziełach innych autorów z zakresu gospodarstwa wiejskiego pojawiają się również fragmenty poświęcone pszczelarstwu. Dorobek swych poprzedników wzbogacił i swą działalnością rozsławił śląskie pszczelarstwo ksiądz dr Jan Dzierżon, odkrywca partenogenezy, konstruktor nowoczesnego ula, autor licznych publikacji. „Księciu pszczół” poświęcona została druga część artykułu. Przedstawiono w niej pokrótce jego życie i działalność, dzieje walki o uznanie teorii partenogenezy, ogromny dorobek publicystyczny. Wskazano jednocześnie na brak opracowania pełnej bibliografii podmiotowej. Dzierżon był wydawcą jednego z pierwszych na Śląsku czasopism pszczelarskich. Dorobek śląskiego czasopiśmiennictwa pszczelarskiego jest bogaty i dziwi fakt, że właściwie w bardzo małym dotychczas stopniu został poznany. Część trzecią poświęcono niemieckim i polskim czasopismom pszczelarskim wydawanym na Śląsku. Uwzględniono tutaj tytuły samoistne oraz dodatki. W podsumowaniu wykazano, że we wszystkich obszarach bibliografia piśmiennictwa śląskiego wymaga kompleksowego rozpoznania. Stan opracowania piśmiennictwa pszczelarskiego na Śląsku stanowi w pewnej mierze odbicie stanu bibliografii tego zagadnienia na ziemiach polskich.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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The human body is colonized by an enormous population of bacteria (microbiota) that provides the host with coding capacity and metabolic activities. Among the human gut microbiota are health-promoting indigenous species (probiotic bacteria) that are commonly consumed as live dietary supplements. Recent genomics-based studies (probiogenomics) are starting to provide insights into how probiotic bacteria sense and adapt to the gastrointestinal tract environment. In this Review, we discuss the application of probiogenomics in the elucidation of the molecular basis of probiosis using the well-recognized model probiotic bacteria genera Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus as examples.


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Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy, lactation, and early infancy has been widely reported. Current understanding of vitamin D metabolism during pregnancy and lactation is incomplete, and to date, experimental data to support vitamin D requirements for these life stages are scarce. There is a shortage of nationally representative data and appropriate reference ranges for serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) during pregnancy, lactation and infancy, including in umbilical cord blood. This thesis described concentrations of total 25OHD and individual metabolites including 25OHD3, 25OHD2, and 3-epi-25OHD3 at 15 weeks’ gestation in a large seasonally balanced pregnancy cohort study (n 1768), carried out in Cork, Ireland (52oN). The prevalence of low 25OHD concentrations in pregnant women was higher than published reports in other Caucasian women, and was highest among non-users of vitamin D-containing supplements during winter. A longitudinal pregnancy study was included which suggested gestational stages had an impact on the total serum 25OHD concentration. This thesis incorporated a randomized controlled trial carried out among 100 women across 3 intervention groups using 20 μg/day of vitamin D3 with or without 500 mg calcium, or placebo, over 12-weeks of lactation to investigate the vitamin D requirement for lactating mothers and the vitamin D content of human milk. A daily intake of 25 μg/day was suggested to meet the requirement of lactating women to maintain a 25OHD levels above 50 nmol/L in 97.5% of the population at 52oN all year around. However, vitamin D content in human milk did not increase in response to supplementation. Serum 25OHD concentration has been used as a predictor of a number of health outcomes. This thesis reported large differences in serum 25OHD concentrations using different methods in 86 umbilical cord samples. The need for international standardization of serum 25OHD measurements was re-emphasized in this thesis.


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Fungal spoilage of food and feed prevails as a major problem for the food industry. The use antifungal-producing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) may represent a safer, natural alternative to the use of chemical preservatives in foods. A large scale screen was undertaken to identify a variety of LAB with antifungal properties from plant, animal and human sources. A total of 6,720 LAB colonies were isolated and screened for antifungal activity against the indicator Penicillium expansum. 94 broad-spectrum producers were identified through 16S rRNA sequencing with the majority of the population comprising Lactobacillus plantarum isolates. Six broad-spectrum isolates were consequently characterised. Pedicococcus pentosaceous 54 displayed potent anti-mould capabilities in pear, plum and grape models and may represent an ideal candidate for use in the beverage industry. Two antifungal Lb. plantarum isolates were assessed for their technological robustness and potential as biopreservatives in refrigerated foods. Lb. plantarum 16 and 62 displayed high levels of tolerance to freeze-drying, low temperature exposure and high salt concentrations. Both lactobacilli were introduced as supplements into orange juice to retard the growth of the spoilage yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. Furthermore the isolates were applied as adjuncts in yoghurt production to successfully reduce yeast growth. Lb. plantarum 16 proved to be the optimal inhibitor of yeast growth in both food matrices. To date there is limited information available describing the mechanisms behind fungal inhibition by LAB. The effects of concentrated cell-free supernatant (cCFS), derived from Lb. plantarum 16, on the growth of two food-associated moulds was assessed microscopically. cCFS completely inhibited spore, germ tube and hyphal development. A transcriptomic approach was undertaken to determine the impact of antifungal activity on Aspergillus fumigatus Af293. A variety of genes, most notably those involved in cellular metabolism, were found to have their transcription modulated in response to cCFS which is indicative of global cellular shutdown. This study provides the first insights into the molecular targets of antifungal compounds produced by LAB. The genome sequence of the steep water isolate Lb. plantarum 16 was determined. The complete genome of Lb. plantarum16 consists of a single circular chromosome of 3,044,738 base pairs with an average G+C content of 44.74 % in addition to eight plasmids. The genome represents the smallest of this species to date while harbouring the largest plasmid complement. Some features of particular interest include the presence of two prophages, an interrupted plantaricin cluster and a chromosomal and plasmid encoded polysaccharide cluster. The sequence presented here provides a suitable platform for future studies elucidating the mechanisms governing antifungal production.


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OBJECTIVE: This study examined the impact of smoking, quitting, and time since quit on absences from work. METHODS: Data from the nationally representative Tobacco Use Supplements of the 1992/93, 1995/96, and 1998/99 Current Population Surveys were used. The study included full time workers aged between 18-64 years, yielding a sample size of 383 778 workers. A binary indicator of absence due to sickness in the last week was analysed as a function of smoking status including time since quit for former smokers. Extensive demographic variables were included as controls in all models. RESULTS: In initial comparisons between current and former smokers, smoking increased absences, but quitting did not reduce them. However, when length of time since quit was examined, it was discovered that those who quit within the last year, and especially the last three months, had a much greater probability of absences than did current smokers. As the time since quitting increased, absences returned to a rate somewhere between that of never and current smokers. Interactions between health and smoking status significantly improved the fit of the model. CONCLUSIONS: Smokers who quit reduced their absences over time but increase their absences immediately after quitting. Quitting ill may account for some but not all of this short run impact.


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Gemstone Team Juiced


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Retinoic acids (13-cis and 13-trans) are known teratogens, and their precursor is retinol, a form of vitamin A. In 1995, Rothman et al demonstrated an association between excessive vitamin A, >10,000 IU/day, during the first trimester of pregnancy and teratogenic effects, particularly in the central nervous system. However, vitamin A deficiency has long been known to be deleterious to the mother and fetus. Therefore, there may be a narrow therapeutic ratio for vitamin A during pregnancy that has not previously been fully appreciated. Neurodevelopmental disorders may not be apparent by macroscopic brain examination or imaging, and proving the existence of a behavioral teratogen is not straightforward. However, an excess of retinoic acid and some neurodevelopmental disorders are both associated with abnormalities in cerebellar morphology. Physical and chemical evidence strongly supports the notion that beta carotene crosses the placenta and is metabolized to retinol. Only very limited amounts of beta carotene are stored in fetal fat cells as evidenced by the fact that maternal fat is yellow from beta carotene, whereas non-brown neonatal fat is white. Furthermore, newborns of carotenemic mothers do not share the yellow complexion of their mothers. The excess 13-trans retinoic acid derived from metabolized beta carotene in the fetus increases the concentration of the more teratogenic 13-cis retinoic acid since the isomerization equilibrium is shifted to the left. Therefore, this paper proposes that consideration be given to monitoring all potential sources of fetal 13-cis and 13-trans retinoic acid, including nutritional supplements, dietary retinol, and beta carotene, particularly in the first trimester of pregnancy.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) represent promising cell sources for angiogenic therapies. There are, however, conflicting reports regarding the ability of MSCs to support network formation of endothelial cells. The goal of this study was to assess the ability of human bone marrow-derived MSCs to support network formation of endothelial outgrowth cells (EOCs) derived from umbilical cord blood EPCs. We hypothesized that upon in vitro coculture, MSCs and EOCs promote a microenvironment conducive for EOC network formation without the addition of angiogenic growth supplements. EOC networks formed by coculture with MSCs underwent regression and cell loss by day 10 with a near 4-fold and 2-fold reduction in branch points and mean segment length, respectively, in comparison with networks formed by coculture vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) cocultures. EOC network regression in MSC cocultures was not caused by lack of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A or changes in TGF-β1 or Ang-2 supernatant concentrations in comparison with SMC cocultures. Removal of CD45+ cells from MSCs improved EOC network formation through a 2-fold increase in total segment length and number of branch points in comparison to unsorted MSCs by day 6. These improvements, however, were not sustained by day 10. CD45 expression in MSC cocultures correlated with EOC network regression with a 5-fold increase between day 6 and day 10 of culture. The addition of supplemental growth factors VEGF, fibroblastic growth factor-2, EGF, hydrocortisone, insulin growth factor-1, ascorbic acid, and heparin to MSC cocultures promoted stable EOC network formation over 2 weeks in vitro, without affecting CD45 expression, as evidenced by a lack of significant differences in total segment length (p=0.96). These findings demonstrate the ability of MSCs to support EOC network formation correlates with removal of CD45+ cells and improves upon the addition of soluble growth factors.