990 resultados para Summer monsoon onset


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The South China Sea (SCS) is well connected with the western Pacific and influenced by the East Asian monsoon. We have examined temporal variations in radiocarbon marine reservoir ages (R) and regional marine reservoir corrections (DeltaR) of the SCS during the Holocene using paired measurements of AMS 14C and TIMS 230Th on 20 pristine corals. The results show large fluctuations in both R and DeltaR values over the past 7500 years (yrs) with two distinct plateaus during 7.5-5.6 and 3.5-2.5 thousand calendar years before present (cal ka BP). The respective weighted mean DeltaR values of these plateaus are 151 ± 85 and 89 ± 59 yrs, which are significantly higher than its modern value of -23 ± 52 yrs. This suggests that using a constant modern DeltaR value to calibrate 14C dates of the SCS marine samples will introduce additional errors to the calibrated ages. Our results provide the first database for the Holocene R and DeltaR values of the SCS for improved radiocarbon calibration of marine samples. We interpret the two DeltaR plateaus as being related to two intervals with weakened El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and intensified East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). This is because the 14C content of the SCS surface water is controlled by both the 14C concentration of the Pacific North Equatorial Current (NEC) which is in turn influenced by ENSO-induced upwelling along the Pacific equator and vertical upwelling within the SCS as a result of moisture transportation to midlatitude region to supply the EASM rainfall.


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Modern seawater profiles of oxygen, nitrate deficit, and nitrogen isotopes reveal the spatial decoupling of summer monsoon-related productivity and denitrification maxima in the Arabian Sea (AS) and raise the possibility that winter monsoon and/or ventilation play a crucial role in modulating denitrification in the northeastern AS, both today and through the past. A new high-resolution 50-ka record of d15N from the Pakistan margin is compared to five other denitrification records distributed across the AS. This regional comparison unveils the persistence of east-west heterogeneities in denitrification intensity across millennial-scale climate shifts and throughout the Holocene. The oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) experienced east-west swings across Termination I and throughout the Holocene. Probable causes are (1) changes in ventilation due to millennial-scale variations in Antarctic Intermediate Water formation and (2) postglacial reorganization of intermediate circulation in the northeastern AS following sea level rise. Whereas denitrification in the world's OMZs, including the western AS, gradually declined following the deglacial maximum (10-9 ka BP), the northeastern AS record clearly witnesses increasing denitrification from about 8 ka BP. This would have impacted the global Holocene climate through sustained N2O production and marine nitrogen loss.


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The Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillations and Heinrich events described in North Atlantic sediments and Greenland ice are expressed in the climate of the tropics, for example, as documented in Arabian Sea sediments. Given the strength of this teleconnection, we seek to reconstruct its range of environmental impacts. We present geochemical and sedimentological data from core SO130-289KL from the Indus submarine slope spanning the last ~ 80 kyr. Elemental and grain size analyses consistently indicate that interstadials are characterized by an increased contribution of fluvial suspension from the Indus River. In contrast, stadials are characterized by an increased contribution of aeolian dust from the Arabian Peninsula. Decadal-scale shifts at climate transitions, such as onsets of interstadials, were coeval with changes in productivity-related proxies. Heinrich events stand out as especially dry and dusty events, indicating a dramatically weakened Indian summer monsoon, potentially increased winter monsoon circulation, and increased aridity on the Arabian Peninsula. This finding is consistent with other paleoclimate evidence for continental aridity in the northern tropics during these events. Our results strengthen the evidence that circum-North Atlantic temperature variations translate to hydrological shifts in the tropics, with major impacts on regional environmental conditions such as rainfall, river discharge, aeolian dust transport, and ocean margin anoxia.


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A high-resolution pollen record (sampling interval averages 820 years) has been obtained from ODP Site 1144 (water depth 2037 m), northern South China Sea. The 504-m sequence (in composition length) covers the last 1.03 million years according to micropaleontological and isotopic stratigraphy. The pollen assemblages are characterized by high proportions of Pinus and herb pollen, and by their frequent alternations. Based on these alternations, 29 pollen zones have been recognized that are closely correlated to the Marine Oxygen Isotope Stages (MIS) 1-29. Pinus- dominant pollen zones correspond to interglacial periods with lighter delta18O values, while herb-marked ones relate to the heavier delta18O stages assigned to glacials. Judging from the pollen data, the exposed northern continental shelf of the South China Sea during the glacials was covered by grassland, and the extensive northern shelf has formed only since MIS 6 (ca. 150 ka), probably as a result of tectonic subsidence. Tree pollen influx values are indicative of winter monsoon which began to intensify 600 ka ago. The summer monsoon variations can be approximated by the fern percentage within the total pollen and spore abundance, and the result shows high values in general occurring at interglacials, with the maxima at MIS 15, 5e and 1. The relatively high fern percentage with smaller amplitude in variations before 600 ka might suggest more stable humid conditions before the intensification of winter monsoon.


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The northern Arabian Sea is one of the few regions in the open ocean where thermocline water is severely depleted in oxygen. The intensity of this oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) has been reconstructed over the past 225,000 years using proxies for surface water productivity, water column denitrification, winter mixing, and the aragonite compensation depth (ACD). Changes in OMZ intensity occurred on orbital and suborbital timescales. Lowest O2 levels correlate with productivity maxima and shallow winter mixing. Precession-related productivity maxima lag early summer insolation maxima by ~6 kyr, which we attribute to a prolonged summer monsoon season related to higher insolation at the end of the summer. Periods with a weakened or even non-existent OMZ are characterized by low productivity conditions and deep winter mixing attributed to strong and cold winter monsoonal winds. The timing of deep winter mixing events corresponds with that of periods of climatic cooling in the North Atlantic region.


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Monsoon climate is an important component of the global climatic system. A comprehensive understanding of its variability over glacial-interglacial time scales as well as of its effects on the continent and in the ocean is required to decipher links between climate, continental weathering and productivity. A detailed multiproxy study, including bulk and clay mineralogy, grain-size analysis, phosphorus geochemistry (SEDEX extraction), organic matter characterization, and nitrogen stable isotopes, was carried out on samples from ODP Sites 1143 and 1144 (Leg 184, South China Sea), covering the past 140 000 years. We tentatively reconstruct the complex sedimentation and climatic history of the region during the last glacial-interglacial cycle, when sea-level variations, linked to the growth and melting of ice caps, interact with monsoon variability. During interglacial periods of high sea level, summer monsoon was strong, and humid and warm climate characterized the adjacent continent and islands. Clay minerals bear signals of chemical weathering during these intervals. High calcite and reactive phosphorus mass accumulation rates (MARs) indicate high productivity, especially in the southern region of the basin. During glacial intervals, strong winter monsoon provided enhanced detrital input from the continent, as indicated by high detrital MAR. Glacial low sea level resulted in erosion of sediments from the exposed Sunda shelf to the south, and clay mineral variations indicate that warm and humid conditions still prevailed in the southern tropical areas. Enhanced supply of nutrients from the continent, both by river and eolian input, maintained high primary productivity. Reduced circulation during these periods possibly induced active remobilization of nutrients, such as phosphorus, from the sediments. Intense and short cold periods recorded during glacial and interglacial stages correlate with loess records in China and marine climatic records in the North Atlantic, confirming a teleconnection between low- and high-latitude climate variability.


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Surface and thermocline conditions of the eastern tropical Indian Ocean were reconstructed through the past glacial-interglacial cycle by using Mg/Ca and alkenone-paleothermometry, stable oxygen isotopes of calcite and seawater, and terrigenous fraction performed on sediment core GeoB 10038-4 off SW Sumatra (~6°S, 103°E, 1819 m water depth). Results show that annual mean surface and thermocline temperatures varied differently and independently, and suggest that surface temperatures have been responding to southern high-latitude climate, whereas the more variable thermocline temperatures were remotely controlled by changes in the thermocline temperatures of the North Indian Ocean. Except for glacial terminations, salinity proxies indicate that changing intensities of the boreal summer monsoon did not considerably affect annual mean conditions off Sumatra during the past 133,000 years. Our results do not show a glacial-interglacial pattern in the thermocline conditions and reject a linear response of the tropical Indian Ocean thermocline to mid- and high-latitude climate change. Alkenone-based surface temperature estimates varied in line with the terrigenous fraction of the sediment and the East Asian winter monsoon proxy records at the precession band suggestive of monsoon (sea level) to be the dominant control on alkenone temperatures in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean on sub-orbital (glacial-interglacial) timescales.


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Variations in the strength of coastal upwelling in the South East Atlantic Ocean and summer monsoonal rains over South Africa are controlled by the regional atmospheric circulation regime. Although information about these parameters exists for the last glacial period, little detailed information exists for older time periods. New information from ODP Site 1085 for Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 12-10 shows that glacial-interglacial productivity trends linked to upwelling variability followed a pattern similar to the last glacial cycle, with maximums shortly before glacial maxima, and minimums shortly before glacial terminations. During the MIS-11/10 transition, several periodic oscillations in productivity and monsoonal proxies are best explained by southwards shifts in the southern sub-tropical high-pressure cells followed by abrupt northwards shifts. Comparison to coeval sea-surface temperature measurements suggests that these monsoonal cycles were tightly coupled to anti-phased hemispheric climate change, with an intensified summer monsoon during periods of Northern (Southern) Hemisphere cooling (warming). The timing of these events suggests a pacing by insolation over precession periods. A lack of similar regional circulation shifts during the MIS-13/12 transition is likely due to the large equatorwards shift in the tropical convection zone that occurred during this extreme glaciation.


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This paper presents a new fossil pollen record from Tso Moriri (32°54'N, 78°19'E, 4512 m a.s.l.) and seeks to reconstruct changes in mean annual precipitation (MAP) during the last 12,000 years. This high-alpine lake occupies an area of 140 km**2 in a glacial-tectonic valley in the northwestern Himalaya. The region has a cold climate, with a MAP <300 mm, and open vegetation. The hydrology is controlled by the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM), but winter westerly-associated precipitation also affects the regional water balance. Results indicate that precipitation levels varied significantly during the Holocene. After a rapid increase in MAP, a phase of maximum humidity was reached between ca. 11 to 9.6 cal ka BP, followed by a gradual decline in MAP. This trend parallels the reduction in the Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. Comparison of different palaeoclimate proxy records reveal evidence for a stronger Holocene decrease in precipitation in the northern versus the southern parts of the ISM domain. The long-term trend of ISM weakening is overlaid with several short periods of greater dryness, which are broadly synchronous with the North Atlantic cold spells, suggesting reduced amounts of westerly-associated winter precipitation. Compared to the mid and late Holocene, it appears that westerlies had a greater influence on the western parts of the ISM domain during the early Holocene. During this period, the westerly-associated summer precipitation belt was positioned at Mediterranean latitudes and amplified the ISM-derived precipitation. The Tso Moriri pollen record and moisture reconstructions also suggest that changes in climatic conditions affected the ancient Harappan Civilisation, which flourished in the greater Indus Valley from approximately 5.2 to 3 cal ka BP. The prolonged Holocene trend towards aridity, punctuated by an interval of increased dryness (between ca. 4.5 to 4.3 cal ka BP), may have pushed the Mature Harappan urban settlements (between ca. 4.5 to 3.9 cal ka BP) to develop more efficient agricultural practices to deal with the increasingly acute water shortages. The amplified aridity associated with North Atlantic cooling between ca. 4 to 3.6 and around 3.2 cal ka BP further hindered local agriculture, possibly causing the deurbanisation that occurred from ca. 3.9 cal ka BP and eventual collapse of the Harappan Civilisation between ca. 3.5 to 3 cal ka BP.


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Three mid-Holocene sea surface temperature (SST) records spanning more than 30 years were reconstructed for the northern South China Sea using Sr/Ca ratios in Porites corals. The results indicate warmer than present climates between circa 6100 yr B.P. and circa 6500 yr B.P. with the mid-Holocene average minimum monthly winter SSTs, the average maximum monthly summer SSTs, and the average annual SSTs being about 0.5°-1.4°C, 0°-2.0°C, and 0.2°-1.5°C higher, respectively, than they were during 1970-1994. Summer SSTs decrease from circa 6500 yr B.P. to circa 6100 yr B.P. with a minimum centered at circa 6300 yr B.P. The higher average summer SSTs are consistent with a stronger summer monsoon during the mid-Holocene, and the decreasing trend indicates a secular decrease of summer monsoon strength, which reflects the change in summer insolation in the Northern Hemisphere. El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles were apparent in both the mid-Holocene coral and modern instrumental records. However, the ENSO variability in the mid-Holocene SSTs was weaker than that in the modern record, and the SST record with the highest summer temperatures from circa 6460 yr B.P. to 6496 yr B.P. shows no robust ENSO cycle. This agrees with other studies that indicate that stronger summer monsoon circulation may have been associated with suppressed ENSO variability during the mid-Holocene.


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The modern Indian Ocean summer monsoon is driven by differential heating between the Asian continent and the Indian Ocean to the south. This differential heating produces a strong pressure gradient which drives southwest monsoon winds during June, July, and August. Satellite and meteorological observations, aerosol measurements, sediment trap studies, and mineralogical studies indicate an atmospheric mode of transport for modern lithogenic sediments in the northwest Arabian Sea. Analyses of lithogenic grain size and mass accumulation rate (MAR) records from the Owen Ridge indicate that eolian transport has been the primary mode of transport for the past 370 kyr. Visual inspection shows that the MAR record is positively correlated with global ice volume as indicated by the marine delta18O record. In contrast, the grain-size record varies at a much higher frequency, showing little correlation to either the MAR or the delta18O records. Spectral analyses confirm these relationships, indicating that the lithogenic grain-size and MAR records are coherent only over the precession band whereby the grain size leads the MAR by 124° (~8 kyr). We conclude that an eolian transport mechanism is the only mechanism that allows for this phase difference and at the same time is supported by comparison of the grain size and MAR with independent eolian records. We use lithogenic grain size as a paleoclimatic indicator of summer monsoon wind strength and lithogenic MAR as a paleoclimatic indicator of source-area aridity. These interpretations are supported by comparison of the lithogenic records to independent indicators of wind strength (Globigerina bulloides upwelling record) and aridity (a loess record from central China). Such comparisons indicate high coherence and zero phase relationships. Our work supports the findings of previous studies which have documented the link between monsoon strength and the Earth's axial precession cycles. Both the lithogenic MAR and the grain-size records have high coherency with precessional insolation. Maximum lithogenic MAR (source-area aridity) is in phase with delta18O (global ice volume) and leads maximum precessional insolation by 88° (~6 kyr). We attribute this lead to the influence of glacial conditions on the aridity, and therefore the deflation potential, of the source areas. Maximum lithogenic grain size (summer monsoon wind strength) lags maximum precession by 148° (~9 kyr). We attribute this lag both to the influence of global and/or local ice volume and to the availability of latent heat from the southern hemisphere Indian Ocean, the two of which combine to determine the strength of the Indian Ocean monsoon.


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North Atlantic climate variations are reflected in sedimentary records from the northern Indian Ocean in which two basins, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, are strongly affected by the monsoon. Contrary to the Bay of Bengal the Arabian Sea plays an important role in the global marine nitrogen cycle. In its mid-water oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) bioavailable fixed nitrogen is reduced to nitrogen gas (NO3- - > N2), whereas oxygen concentrations are slightly above the threshold of nitrate reduction in the OMZ of the Bay of Bengal. A coral colony (Porites lutea) growing south of Port Blair on the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal was studied for its response to changes in the monsoon system and its link to temperature changes in the North Atlantic Ocean, between 1975 and 2006. Its linear extension rates, d13C and d18O values measured within the coral skeleton reveal a strong seasonality, which seems to be caused by the monsoon-driven reversal of the surface ocean circulation. The sampling site appears to be influenced by low salinity Bay of Bengal Water during the NE monsoon (boreal winter) and by the high salinity Arabian Sea Water during the SW monsoon in summer. The high salinity Arabian Sea Water circulates along with the Summer Monsoon Current (S-MC) from the Arabia Sea into the Bay of Bengal. Decreasing d18O and reconstructed salinity values correlate to the increasing SSTs in the North Atlantic Ocean indicating a reduced influence of the S-MC at the sampling site in the course of northern hemispheric warming. During such periods oxygen-depletion became stronger in the OMZ of the Arabian Sea as indicated by the sedimentary records. A reduced propagation of oxygen-depleted high salinity Arabian Sea Water into the Bay of Bengal could be a mechanism maintaining oxygen concentration above the threshold of nitrate reduction in the OMZ of the Bay of Bengal in times of global warming.


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A late Quaternary pollen record from northern Sakhalin Island (51.34°N, 142.14°E, 15 m a.s.l.) spanning the last 43.7 ka was used to reconstruct regional climate dynamics and vegetation distribution by using the modern analogue technique (MAT). The long-term trends of the reconstructed mean annual temperature (TANN) and precipitation (PANN), and total tree cover are generally in line with key palaeoclimate records from the North Atlantic region and the Asian monsoon domain. TANN largely follows the fluctuations in solar summer insolation at 55°N. During Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3, TANN and PANN were on average 0.2 °C and 700 mm, respectively, thus very similar to late Holocene/modern conditions. Full glacial climate deterioration (TANN = -3.3 °C, PANN = 550 mm) was relatively weak as suggested by the MAT-inferred average climate parameters and tree cover densities. However, error ranges of the climate reconstructions during this interval are relatively large and the last glacial environments in northern Sakhalin could be much colder and drier than suggested by the weighted average values. An anti-phase relationship between mean temperature of the coldest (MTCO) and warmest (MTWA) month is documented during the last glacial period, i.e. MIS 2 and 3, suggesting more continental climate due to sea levels that were lower than present. Warmest and wettest climate conditions have prevailed since the end of the last glaciation with an optimum (TANN = 1.5 °C, PANN = 800 mm) in the middle Holocene interval (ca 8.7-5.2 cal. ka BP). This lags behind the solar insolation peak during the early Holocene. We propose that this is due to continuous Holocene sea level transgression and regional influence of the Tsushima Warm Current, which reached maximum intensity during the middle Holocene. Several short-term climate oscillations are suggested by our reconstruction results and correspond to Northern Hemisphere Heinrich and Dansgaard-Oeschger events, the Bølling-Allerød and the Younger Dryas. The most prominent fluctuation is registered during Heinrich 4 event, which is marked by noticeably colder and drier conditions and the spread of herbaceous taxa.


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Site 722 provides high resolution records of percent CaCO3, magnetic susceptibility, d18O, organic carbon, and coarse fraction for the past 3.4 m.y. from the crest of the Owen Ridge, northwestern Arabian Sea. Within this time interval, most of the carbonate percent variations can be attributed to terrigenous dilution and do not reflect changes in the carbonate system. From the late Pliocene to Present, the average rate of calcium carbonate accumulation increases from 1 to 3 g/cm**2/k.y. and the average accumulation of organic carbon decreases from 75 to 30 mg/cm**2/k.y. The carbonate component is more dissolved in the older interval. The long-term variations in carbonate accumulation may reflect a greater input of organic matter in the late Pliocene, which decomposes to produce CO2 and dissolve carbonate. Magnetic susceptibility and % noncarbonate (100 - CaCO3%) reflect changes in the amount of the lithogenic component in the sediments. The period of variation of lithogenic material is the same period as the original forcing of the regional summer monsoon, however, the timing matches global aridity patterns and global ice volume (sea level) changes. This preliminary analysis suggests that the high frequency variation of lithogenic material persists for at least the last 3.4 m.y. Within the last million years, calcium carbonate accumulation has a large amplitude signal that covaries with major changes in ice volume. Both calcium carbonate and noncarbonate (mostly terrigenous) accumulation are greatest during glacial stages. Interglacial intervals are characterized by low mass accumulation rates, increased foraminifer fragmentation, and increased opal concentration. The accumulation of organic carbon matches the high frequency changes in sedimentation rates. We attribute this high correlation to enhanced preservation of organic carbon by increased sedimentation rate. Of the three major biological components studied, only opal exhibits the variations expected for a biological productivity system forced by monsoonal upwelling driven by changes in northern hemisphere summer radiation.