896 resultados para Social research|Clinical psychology


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This paper presents a case study to illustrate the range of decisions involved in designing a sampling strategy for a complex, longitudinal research study. It is based on experience from the Young Lives project and identifies the approaches used to sample children for longitudinal follow-up in four less developed countries (LDCs). The rationale for decisions made and the resulting benefits, and limitations, of the approaches adopted are discussed. Of particular importance is the choice of sampling approach to yield useful analysis; specific examples are presented of how this informed the design of the Young Lives sampling strategy.


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Objective: The construct of 'clinical perfectionism' has been developed in response to criticisms that other approaches have failed to yield advances in the treatment of the type of self-oriented perfectionism that poses a clinical problem. The primary aim of this study was to conduct a preliminary investigation into the efficacy of a theory-driven, cognitive-behavioural intervention for 'clinical perfectionism'. Design. A multiple baseline single case series design was used. Method: A specific, 10-session cognitive-behavioural intervention to address clinical perfectionism in eating disorders was adapted to allow its use in nine patients referred with a range of axis I disorders and clinical perfectionism. Results: The intervention led to clinically significant improvements in self-referential perfectionism from pretreatment to follow-up for six of the nine participants on two perfectionism measures and for three of the nine participants on the measure of clinical perfectionism. Statistically significant improvements from pre- to post-intervention for the group as a whole were found on all three measures. The improvements were maintained at follow-up. Conclusions: The finding that clinical perfectionism is improved in the majority of participants is particularly encouraging given that perfectionism has traditionally been viewed as a personality characteristic resistant to change. These preliminary findings warrant replication in a larger study.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to review the rationale for 'transdiagnostic' approaches to the understanding and treatment of anxiety disorders. Methods: Databases searches and examination of the reference lists of relevant studies were used to identify papers of relevance. Results: There is increasing recognition that diagnosis-specific interventions for single anxiety-disorders are of less value than might appear since a large proportion of patients have more than one co-existing anxiety disorder and the treatment of one anxiety disorder does not necessarily lead to the resolution of others. As transdiagnostic approaches have the potential to address multiple co-existing anxiety disorders they are potentially more clinically relevant than single anxiety disorder interventions. They may also have advantages in ease of dissemination and in treating anxiety disorder not otherwise specified. Conclusions: The merits of the various transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral approaches that have been proposed are reviewed. Such approaches have potential benefits, particularly in striking the balance between completely idiosyncratic formulations and diagnosis-driven treatments of anxiety disorders. However, caution is needed to ensure that transdiagnostic theories and treatments benefit from progress made by research on diagnosis-specific treatments, and further empirical work is needed to identify the shared maintaining processes that need to be targeted in the treatment of anxiety disorders.


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In this study, we report on the development and psychometric evaluation of the Risk-Taking (RT) and Self-Harm (SH) Inventory for Adolescents (RTSHIA), a self-report measure designed to assess adolescent RT and SH in community and clinical settings. 651 young people from secondary schools in England ranging in age from 11.6 years to 18.7 years and 71 young people referred to mental health services for SH behavior in London between the ages of 11.9 years and 17.5 years completed the RTSHIA along with standardized measures of adolescent psychopathology. Two factors emerged from the principal axis factoring, and RT and SH were further validated by a confirmatory factor analysis as related, but different, constructs, rather than elements of a single continuum. Inter-item and test–retest reliabilities were high for both components (Cronbach's α = .85, rtt = .90; Cronbach's α .93, rtt = .87), and considerable evidence emerged in support of the measure's convergent, concurrent, and divergent validity. The findings are discussed with regard to potential usefulness of the RTSHIA for research and clinical purposes with adolescents.


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This paper provides a comprehensive quantitative review of high quality randomized controlled trials of psychological therapies for anxiety disorders in children and young people. Using a systematic search for randomized controlled trials which included a control condition and reported data suitable for meta-analysis, 55 studies were included. Eligible studies were rated for methodological quality and outcome data were extracted and analyzed using standard methods. Trial quality was variable, many studies were underpowered and adverse effects were rarely assessed; however, quality ratings were higher for more recently published studies. Most trials evaluated cognitive behavior therapy or behavior therapy and most recruited both children and adolescents. Psychological therapy for anxiety in children and young people was moderately effective overall, but effect sizes were small to medium when psychological therapy was compared to an active control condition. The effect size for non-CBT interventions was not significant. Parental involvement in therapy was not associated with differential effectiveness. Treatment targeted at specific anxiety disorders, individual psychotherapy, and psychotherapy with older children and adolescents had effect sizes which were larger than effect sizes for treatments targeting a range of anxiety disorders, group psychotherapy, and psychotherapy with younger children. Few studies included an effective follow-up. Future studies should follow CONSORT reporting standards, be adequately powered, and assess follow-up. Research trials are unlikely to address all important clinical questions around treatment delivery. Thus, careful assessment and formulation will remain an essential part of successful psychological treatment for anxiety in children and young people.


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Despite widespread belief that moods are affected by the menstrual cycle, researchers on emotion and reward have not paid much attention to the menstrual cycle until recently. However, recent research has revealed different reactions to emotional stimuli and to rewarding stimuli across the different phases of the menstrual cycle. The current paper reviews the emerging literature on how ovarian hormone fluctuation during the menstrual cycle modulates reactions to emotional stimuli and to reward. Behavioral and neuroimaging studies in humans suggest that estrogen and progesterone have opposing influences. That is, it appears that estrogen enhances reactions to reward, but progesterone counters the facilitative effects of estrogen and decreases reactions to rewards. In contrast, reactions to emotionally arousing stimuli (particularly negative stimuli) appear to be decreased by estrogen but enhanced by progesterone. Potential factors that can modulate the effects of the ovarian hormones (e.g., an inverse quadratic function of hormones’ effects; the structural changes of the hippocampus across the menstrual cycle) are also discussed.


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Morphing fears (also called transformation obsessions) involve concerns that a person may become contaminated by and acquire undesirable characteristics of others. These symptoms are found in patients with OCD and are thought to be related to mental contamination. Given the high levels of distress and interference morphing fears can cause, a reliable and valid assessment measure is needed. This article describes the development and evaluation of the Morphing Fear Questionnaire (MFQ), a 13-item measure designed to assess for the presence and severity of morphing fears. A sample of 900 participants took part in the research. Of these, 140 reported having a current diagnosis of OCD (SR-OCD) and 760 reported never having had OCD (N-OCD; of whom 24 reported a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder and 23 reported a diagnosis of depression). Factor structure, reliability, and construct and criterion related validity were investigated. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported a one-factor structure replicable across the N-OCD and SR-OCD group. The MFQ was found to have high internal consistency and good temporal stability, and showed significantly greater associations with convergent measures (assessing obsessive-compulsive symptoms, mental contamination, thought-action fusion and magical thinking) than with divergent measures (assessing depression and anxiety). Moreover, the MFQ successfully discriminated between the SR-OCD sample and the N-OCD group, anxiety disorder sample, and depression sample. These findings suggest that the MFQ has sound psychometric properties and that it can be used to assess morphing fear. Clinical implications are discussed.


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This study examines whether combined cognitive bias modification for interpretative biases (CBM-I) and computerised cognitive behaviour therapy (C-CBT) can produce enhanced positive effects on interpretation biases and social anxiety. Forty socially anxious students were randomly assigned into two conditions, an intervention group (positive CBM-I + C-CBT) or an active control (neutral CBM-I + C-CBT). At pre-test, participants completed measures of social anxiety, interpretative bias, cognitive distortions, and social and work adjustment. They were exposed to 6 × 30 min sessions of web-based interventions including three sessions of either positive or neutral CBM-I and three sessions of C-CBT, one session per day. At post-test and two-week follow-up, participants completed the baseline measures. A combined positive CBM-I + C-CBT produced less negative interpretations of ambiguous situations than neutral CBM-I + C-CBT. The results also showed that both positive CBM-I + C-CBT and neutral CBM-I + C-CBT reduced social anxiety and cognitive distortions as well as improving work and social adjustment. However, greater effect sizes were observed in the positive CBM-I + C-CBT condition than the control. This indicates that adding positive CBM-I to C-CBT enhanced the training effects on social anxiety, cognitive distortions, and social and work adjustment compared to the neutral CBM-I + C-CBT condition.


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The aim of this chapter is to briefly outline how disability has been represented in theatre, what access disabled people have had to drama and theatre in the past, and what might be achieved in the pursuit of social justice with young people in relation to awareness of and provision for disability. It will focus in particular on how disability has been addressed in drama education and what assumptions have been made regarding drama and disability in education. In considering such issues one might perceive manifestations of what Freebody and Finneran (2013) recognise as an overlapping and ‘somewhat artificially created dichotomy between drama for social justice and drama about social justice.’ This chapter will examine some examples of how drama has been used to give students in mainstream schools insights into disability, and the philosophy that underpins the drama curriculum of one special school where the focus is on drama as social justice: the argument being that in some cases simply doing drama is, in effect, a manifestation of social justice. Finally, some of the progress made in recent years regarding access and engagement will be addressed through specific reference to the authors’ on-going work into ‘performing social research’ (Shah, 2013) and how theatres are increasingly attempting to give more access to disabled young people and their families by offering ‘relaxed performances.’


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Attention to epistemology, theory use and citation practices are all issues which distinguish academic disciplines from other ways of knowing. Examples from construction research are used to outline and reflect on these issues. In doing so, the discussion provides an introduction to some key issues in social research as well as a reflection on the current state of construction research as a field. More specifically, differences between positivist and interpretivist epistemologies, the role of theory in each and their use by construction researchers are discussed. Philosophical differences are illustrated by appeal to two published construction research articles by Reichstein et al. and Harty on innovation (Reichstein, Salter and Gann, 2005; Harty, 2008). An analysis of citations for each highlights different cumulativity strategies. The potential contribution of mixed research programmes, combining positivist and interpretivist research, is evaluated. The paper should be of interest to early researchers and to scholars concerned with the ongoing development of construction research as an academic field.


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Essa pesquisa procurou investigar o processo de composição narrativa pela dupla estagiário-terapeuta/paciente, em uma situação de psicoterapia psicanalítica, a partir do contexto de uma prática supervisionada de estágio em Psicologia Clínica. Participaram da pesquisa duas acadêmicas de Psicologia que realizaram o estágio em um abrigo municipal. O trabalho clínico desenvolvido pelas estagiárias foi acompanhado pela supervisão acadêmica, cuja responsável na época era a pesquisadora. Também participaram dessa pesquisa três meninas de seis, nove e dez anos de idade, acolhidas temporariamente na instituição e em acompanhamento psicoterapêutico pelas estagiárias. Os atendimentos foram realizados uma vez por semana, individualmente, na própria instituição. As estagiárias relataram cada entrevista preliminar realizada com as crianças sob a forma escrita de entrevista dialogada, cujo objetivo é a memorização do desenvolvimento da entrevista. Essa memorização associada às reflexões acerca do estágio produzidas no espaço de supervisão acadêmica formaram as fontes dos dados. Para atingir o objetivo dessa pesquisa, três estudos foram realizados e, em cada um deles, três casos, constituídos por diferentes duplas terapêuticas, foram analisados. Os resultados dos três estudos demonstram, inicialmente, que o discurso elaborado pelas duplas terapêuticas, em cada entrevista preliminar isoladamente, estrutura-se narrativamente porque esse discurso apresenta os dois princípios da narrativa, que são a sucessão e a transformação, como propõe Tzvetan Todorov. A análise conjunta dessas entrevistas denota, entretanto, que as narrativas constituídas nesse processo não podem ser reduzidas a uma lógica de sucessão linear como formula esse autor. A seqüência narrativa é regida pela lógica de causalidade semântica, que é de natureza polifônica, como propõe Paul Ricoeur. As intervenções das estagiárias sob a forma de construções, conforme conceito estabelecido por Freud, mesmo que guiadas pelo princípio da associação livre, são demarcadas, em sua maioria, pela repetição de uma versão já conhecida da história da vida de seu paciente, geralmente àquela que versa sobre o motivo do abrigamento. Assim, essas intervenções, cujo efeito possível seria que o paciente pudesse desconstruir os sentidos dados a priori, reconstruindo novas versões para os acontecimentos de sua vida e, com isso, ocupasse o lugar de autor de sua história, acabam insistindo no trauma. Dessa forma, fica explicitado um dos paradoxos do processo de formação da escuta clínica: o estagiário, ao procurar abrir os sentidos para o seu paciente, construindo junto com ele uma versão possível para a sua história, acaba, muitas vezes, fechando o sentido, construindo uma única versão para os eventos narrados pelo paciente.


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Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. Obesity significantly increases the risk of developing numerous medical conditions, besides is associated with shortened life span. The objective of this study was to evaluate the anthropometric measurements and lipid profile in adult overweight and obese subjects residents in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The methodology was the analysis of certain biochemical parameters in serum of individuals and a physical evaluation that consisted of measurements of blood pressure and anthropometric data. In addition, the volunteers of the research answered a questionnaire about personal, social and clinical data. 1741 samples were collected, of which 432 (24,8%) were obese. Of these, 280 were selected to participate in the study, including 118 (42,1%) men and 162 (57,9%) women. Of the remaining 1309 individuals, 731 (55,8%) were overweight. Among them, 179 (24.5%) were analyzed in this study, with 56,4% female. Of the remaining 578 normal individuals, 143 were selected as controls in the research. Amid the obese, overweight and eutrophic, there were respectively 10% vs 5% vs 5,6% of diabetics, 92,1% vs 85,5% vs 68,7% of dyslipidemics and 38,6% vs 22,3% vs 15,6% of hypertensive patients. The degree of obesity presented by the participants was varied, with the majority (72,8%) fall into grade I obese, 22,9% (64) in grade II and only 4,3% (12) in grade III. Mean anthropometric participants showed statistically significant differences between groups eutrophic, overweight and obese on the BMI, WC, WHR and %BF and between sexes in CC, WHR and %BF. As the mean serum biochemical parameters to evaluate the lipid profile showed significant differences between groups eutrophic, overweight and obese, unless the exception of HDL among overweight and obese. The significance level was 5% (p <0.05)


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Introduction: The frailty in the elderly is the result of a complex interplay between many social and clinical factors involved in its genesis. Although there is an understanding of its association with increased risk of adverse clinical outcomes, still it is unclear whether this syndrome can be aggravated due to lack of social support. So, the objective of this study was to analyze the association between social support and frailty syndrome in elderly community residents. Materials and methods: Observational analytical cross-sectional study, with a sample of 300 elderly living in the city of Natal-RN. Were collected informations about socialdemographic, economics and physical health data. The Social support was assessed by the status of cohabitation; marital status; contact frequency and diversity rate; received and given attendance frequency rate; and Map Minimum Relations of the Elderly. The frailty was assessed using the following criteria: unintentional weight loss, weakness, low physical activity, exhaustion and Slowness. To observe any possible associations, we performed the Pearson chi-square test, the Student t test and multivariate analysis using binary logistic regression, adopting a significance level of 5%. Results: It was observed that there were no associations of frailty with the social support variables, except for housekeeping mode (p = 0.046) of the MMRI. For the sociodemographic, economic, physical health and social support data, only age (p <0.001), sedentary lifestyle (p = 0.002) and poor perceived health (p = 0.001) were the ones that remained in the logistic regression model, with strong association for the presence of frailty. Conclusion: Among the variables related to social support, only to help with housekeeping was significantly associated with frailty. However, more studies need to be developed to characterize the social vulnerability, as well as health services need to recognize the importance of social support as an integral part of care for the elderly


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Phenomenology is the focus of this study for its critique of the limits of positivist science, which guides most of the fields of study including Psychology. The clinical formation process in Psychology courses is especially difficult for students-interns who adopt phenomenology as their clinical framework. Such difficulty is due to the incompatibility between theory provided in Psychology courses a science traditionally based on paradigms of scientism , and the theoretical-methodological proposal adopted by the aforementioned approach. As a backdrop for our study, we carefully examined the thought of philosopher Martin Heidegger, especially the Era of Technique. This contemporary technicism society was studied so that we could understand the socio-cultural status where this formation lies. Thus, we questioned if this panorama upon which Clinical Psychology rests favors the development of a phenomenological attitude and a special look at the meanings of existence, as defined in phenomenological clinical practice. Knowing such limits, our research aimed at understanding the experience of formation of clinical psychologists who take part in internships in the field of phenomenology-existentialism. Such study was, then, a phenomenological-hermeneutic research based on Heideggerian ontology and used a semi-structured interview as access tool. Six students of the UFRN higher-degree Psychology course who were doing their supervised internship in clinical psychology and the referred approach took part in this research. The research revealed that the phenomenological-existential formation phase opens a door to discoveries on the part of the intern that transcend the dimension of the other, for they show a self disclosure while a person in the word. Despite the initial discomforts caused by the course curriculum itself and by the freedom for clinical practice, so characteristic of phenomenology, the narratives demonstrate that such difficulties may start a process of search for new meanings, which show a search for sharpening their practices and for a path in balance with the existence of the other