908 resultados para Semantic Web Services


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Health care systems are highly dynamic not just due to developments and innovations in diagnosis and treatments, but also by virtue of emerging management techniques supported by modern information and communication technology. A multitude of stakeholders such as patients, nurses, general practitioners or social carers can be integrated by modeling complex interactions necessary for managing the provision and consumption of health care services. Furthermore, it is the availability of Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) that supports those integration efforts by enabling the flexible and reusable composition of autonomous, loosely-coupled and web-enabled software components. However, there is still the gap between SOA and predominantly business-oriented perspectives (e.g. business process models). The alignment of both views is crucial not just for the guided development of SOA but also for the sustainable evolution of holistic enterprise architectures. In this paper, we combine the Semantic Object Model (SOM) and the Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) towards a model-driven approach to service engineering. By addressing a business system in Home Telecare and deriving a business process model, which can eventually be controlled and executed by machines; in particular by composed web services, the full potential of a process-centric SOA is exploited.


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The proliferation of news reports published in online websites and news information sharing among social media users necessitates effective techniques for analysing the image, text and video data related to news topics. This paper presents the first study to classify affective facial images on emerging news topics. The proposed system dynamically monitors and selects the current hot (of great interest) news topics with strong affective interestingness using textual keywords in news articles and social media discussions. Images from the selected hot topics are extracted and classified into three categorized emotions, positive, neutral and negative, based on facial expressions of subjects in the images. Performance evaluations on two facial image datasets collected from real-world resources demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed system in affective classification of facial images in news reports. Facial expression shows high consistency with the affective textual content in news reports for positive emotion, while only low correlation has been observed for neutral and negative. The system can be directly used for applications, such as assisting editors in choosing photos with a proper affective semantic for a certain topic during news report preparation.


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Web service and business process technologies are widely adopted to facilitate business automation and collaboration. Given the complexity of business processes, it is a sought-after feature to show a business process with different views to cater for the diverse interests, authority levels, etc., of different users. Aiming to implement such flexible process views in the Web service environment, this paper presents a novel framework named FlexView to support view abstraction and concretisation of WS-BPEL processes. In the FlexView framework, a rigorous view model is proposed to specify the dependency and correlation between structural components of process views with emphasis on the characteristics of WS-BPEL, and a set of rules are defined to guarantee the structural consistency between process views during transformations. A set of algorithms are developed to shift the abstraction and concretisation operations to the operational level. A prototype is also implemented for the proof-of-concept purpose. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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We present an empirical evaluation and comparison of two content extraction methods in HTML: absolute XPath expressions and relative XPath expressions. We argue that the relative XPath expressions, although not widely used, should be used in preference to absolute XPath expressions in extracting content from human-created Web documents. Evaluation of robustness covers four thousand queries executed on several hundred webpages. We show that in referencing parts of real world dynamic HTML documents, relative XPath expressions are on average significantly more robust than absolute XPath ones.


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Tutkielmassa käsitellään luottamuksenhallintaa web-palveluympäristössä. Dynaaminen toimintaympäristö asettaa vaatimuksia luottamuksenhallintajärjestelmälle, jota käytetään paitsi paikallisten pääsynhallintapäätösten tekemiseen, myös laajemman mittakaavan päätöksenteon tukena, useiden autonomisten toimijoiden muodostamien yhteisöjen hallinnassa. Tutkielma esittelee Trust Based on Evidence -projektissa kehitetyn luottamuksenhallintajärjestelmän tiedollisen ja toiminnallisen mallin, paikallisesta ja yhteisön näkökulmasta. Mallia selkeytetään web-palveluympäristöön sijoittuvan esimerkin avulla. Luottamuksen käsitteen rakentamiseksi esitellään myös eri osa-alueille sijoittuvia luottamuksen malleja ja luottamusta käyttäviä järjestelmiä. Avoimessa verkkoympäristössä palveluntarjoaja joutuu tasapainottelemaan kahden osin vastakkaisen tavoitteen välillä: toisaalta järjestelmän tulisi olla mahdollisimman avoin, jotta se houkuttelisi käyttäjiä, toisaalta liiallinen avoimuus kasvattaa tietomurron riskiä. Kompromissin löytäminen on hankaloitunut edelleen saavutettavien käyttäjien määrän kasvaessa ja tarjottavien palvelujen monimutkaistuessa. Tehtävä vaatii toisaalta erikoistapauksien käsittelyä, toisaalta yleistettävyyttä laajan käyttäjistön suhteen. Tietoturvan ylläpidon automatisointia ovat edistäneet muun muassa politiikkapäätösten erottaminen toteutuksesta ja mahdollisten tietomurron merkkien tarkkailun delegointi siihen erikoistuneille ohjelmille (IDS). Palvelujen käyttäjistön kasvaessa ja siirtyessä nimettömämmiksi kurinpito ja tarkkailu kuitenkin vaikeutuvat entisestään, eikä ylläpitäjiä riitä sidottavaksi jatkuvaan käyttäjien vahtimiseen. Monesti valvoja voikin vain poistaa käyttöoikeuden häiriköltä, jolloin esimerkiksi hieman lievemmälle sääntöjen ``venyttämiselle'' ei juuri voi tehdä mitään. Luottamuksenhallinta helpottaa rikkomuksiin ja toisaalta hyvään käytökseen reagoimista asteittain. Sen pohjalta käyttäjien valvontaan, pääsynhallintaan ja resurssien rajoitukseen liittyvä hienosäätö voidaan tuoda ymmärrettäväksi osaksi ylläpitoa ja pitkälti myös automatisoida. Avainsanat: luottamuksenhallinta, Web Services


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E-government provides a platform for governments to implement web enabled services that facilitate communication between citizens and the government. However, technology driven design approach and limited understanding of citizens' requirements, have led to a number of critical usability problems on the government websites. Hitherto, there has been no systematic attempt to analyse the way in which theory of User Centred Design (UCD) can contribute to address the usability issues of government websites. This research seeks to fill this gap by synthesising perspectives drawn from the study of User Centred Design and examining them based on the empirical data derived from case study of the Scottish Executive website. The research employs a qualitative approach in the collection and analysis of data. The triangulated analysis of the findings reveals that e-government web designers take commercial development approach and focus only on technical implementations which lead to websites that do not meet citizens' expectations. The research identifies that e-government practitioners can overcome web usability issues by transferring the theory of UCD to practice.


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Web services are now a key ingredient of software services offered by software enterprises. Many standardized web services are now available as commodity offerings from web service providers. An important problem for a web service requester is the web service composition problem which involves selecting the right mix of web service offerings to execute an end-to-end business process. Web service offerings are now available in bundled form as composite web services and more recently, volume discounts are also on offer, based on the number of executions of web services requested. In this paper, we develop efficient algorithms for the web service composition problem in the presence of composite web service offerings and volume discounts. We model this problem as a combinatorial auction with volume discounts. We first develop efficient polynomial time algorithms when the end-to-end service involves a linear workflow of web services. Next we develop efficient polynomial time algorithms when the end-to-end service involves a tree workflow of web services.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor um modelo de ontologia simples e generalista, capaz de descrever os conceitos mais básicos que permeiam o domínio de conhecimento dos jornais on-line brasileiros não especializados, fundamentado tanto na prática quanto conceitualmente, em conformidade com os princípios da Web Semântica. A partir de uma nova forma de classificação e organização do conteúdo, a ontologia proposta deve ter condições de atender as necessidades comuns de ambas as partes, jornal e leitor, que são, resumidamente, a busca e a recuperação das informações.


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Ontologies play a core role to provide shared knowledge models to semantic-driven applications targeted by Semantic Web. Ontology metrics become an important area because they can help ontology engineers to assess ontology and better control project management and development of ontology based systems, and therefore reduce the risk of project failures. In this paper, we propose a set of ontology cohesion metrics which focuses on measuring (possibly inconsistent) ontologies in the context of dynamic and changing Web. They are: Number of Ontology Partitions (NOP), Number of Minimally Inconsistent Subsets (NMIS) and Average Value of Axiom Inconsistencies (AVAI). These ontology metrics are used to measure ontological semantics rather than ontological structure. They are theoretically validated for ensuring their theoretical soundness, and further empirically validated by a standard test set of debugging ontologies. The related algorithms to compute these ontology metrics also are discussed. These metrics proposed in this paper can be used as a very useful complementarity of existing ontology cohesion metrics.


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语义Web是对未来Web体系结构的一个伟大设想 ,其研究分层次进行 目前足够成熟的最高层是以OWL语言为代表的ontology层 但它的语义仅限于描述逻辑 ,该逻辑主要表示对象和类的层次结构 ,而规则的表达能力弱 因此在其之上需要一种表达力更丰富的逻辑语言 设计了一种新的语义Web规则标记语言OWLRule+:其语法扩展了OWL ;语义基于CARIN ,一种结合描述逻辑和Horn规则的表示语言 ;实现基于Jess规则推理机 实例学习展示了它对目前的Webontology语言在规则表示和推理能力上的扩展


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为了满足Web服务动态分布的需求,并保证Web服务迁移的一致性,提出一种基于Broker的Web服务迁移算法WS Broker.其在保证迁移一致性的基础上了,提高了迁移效率.另外,通过分析客户请求之间的依赖关系,提前执行了某些阻塞的客户请求,缩短了服务中断时间.实验结果表明,WS Broker在保证迁移一致性的基础上有效地提高了Web服务迁移的效率.


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在开放的互联网环境中,面向服务的计算(Service-Oriented Computing, SOC)和面向服务的体系架构(Service-Oriented Architecture, SOA)使得信息资源和软件系统的主要形态发生了巨大变化,并引领着互联网计算技术和软件系统新的发展方向。服务是SOC和SOA的核心思想,服务的平台独立、高可重用和松散耦合等特性使之成为复杂分布式应用可行的解决方案。Web服务的出现和发展为实施与部署SOC和SOA提供了最佳支撑技术。目前web服务发现机制在服务描述的全面性和服务匹配方法的有效性方面存在不足之处,难以保证服务发现的性能。特别是在服务数量剧增的情况下,用户亟需一种自动快速而准确的服务发现机制。语义web技术不仅为web的表示内容提供了一种语义标识方法,推动了web内容的自动化和智能化搜索,也为web服务的描述提供了增加语义层次内容的有效方法,两者的结合形成了一个新的研究领域——语义web服务。该领域通过借鉴语义web的相关技术来增加web服务的语义描述,进而为web服务的发现、组合、调用和监控等环节提供语义层次的支持,增强web服务的自动化和智能化水平。 本文的研究目的就是利用语义web的思想,基于SOC和SOA的理念以及现有的web服务发现机制对web服务信息进行语义描述、组织,探索语义web服务匹配与发现的关键问题,提出有效的解决方案。本文的研究工作和贡献主要在以下四个方面: 1. 针对语义近似度的度量和计算问题基于OWL(Web Ontology Language)提出了一个语义近似度计算SSM模型,该模型中所有概念及概念之间的关系、所有的概念属性及属性之间的关系都被抽象定义并建模,根据概念、属性及其语义关系模型,构建了基于概念关系的拓扑近似度计算函数和属性近似度计算函数,从而进一步构建语义近似度计算函数。该语义近似度计算函数以代表OWL本体概念上下级关系和等价关系的树状结构为基础,利用概念间的拓扑关系和属性关系进行语义近似度的度量和计算。语义近似度函数的返回值为一个介于0与1之间的数值,代表函数的两个输入概念之间的语义近似度值。 2. 提出了一个基于概念语义近似度的以OWL-S为顶层本体的web服务语义匹配PSM模型。该模型将服务的匹配项分为服务能力、服务质量、服务名称和服务参数四个部分。基于该模型,提出了相应的PSM服务匹配算法。PSM算法能够对服务内部的服务流程及流程的组合进行与服务请求的语义匹配,并且避免了服务流程中互斥接口参数参与匹配。而且PSM匹配算法实现了服务接口的单射匹配,进一步提高服务发现的性能。在服务质量匹配计算上,提出了服务质量匹配模型PSM-QoS,为服务的QoS匹配建立了计算基础。PSM算法使用语义近似度计算函数度量和计算服务属性概念的语义近似度值,从而能够返回细粒度的服务匹配度值。 3. 在语义服务匹配PSM模型的基础上提出一种语义web服务发现架构系统PSM-SD模型。该模型将OWL-S语义元素引入UDDI服务描述,从而在UDDI中保存语义信息。通过PSM算法提高web服务匹配性能,并通过数据映射机制保证模型对于当前的服务发现标准UDDI基础架构的兼容以及UDDI标准操作接口的透明性。模型使用本体概念的索引机制提高服务发现的效率。在建立和维护索引的过程或服务的匹配过程中,模型使用近似概念搜寻算法进一步提高本体概念搜寻和服务匹配的效率。 4. 设计并开发了基于语义web服务发现架构模型的原型系统。该系统将语义近似度计算模型、语义web服务匹配模型和语义web服务发现架构模型进行软件实现。本文在该原型系统平台上对语义web服务发现的方法进行了实验,验证了方法的有效性。


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