933 resultados para Self-defense (law)
Criminal offending and poor mental health are both recognised as important social problems warranting prevention and intervention efforts. Although there is some evidence for comorbidity between these problems, little research has examined the causal relationship between offending and mental health, particularly for young people. The present investigation addresses these issues by using data from the Sibling Study, a longitudinal investigation of delinquency as self-reported by 731 adolescents and young adults in south-east Queensland, Australia. The results suggest that for young women, but not men, offending behaviours (including the use of illicit drugs) lead to increases in self-harm and depression. Conversely, poor mental health, as indicated by having low self-esteem, a poor future outlook, and a belief that life is very confusing, does not influence subsequent levels of offending for either sex. The implications for prevention and intervention are discussed, with emphasis on the need for the criminal justice system to provide mental health services to young female offenders.
A new United States (U.S.) self-supporting low-profile bednet was designed by Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in collaboration with Breakthrough Technologies. The bednet incorporated permethrin-impregnated screening into a frame that erected automatically when removed from its bag. The new U.S. bednet was compared with the current Australian Defense Force (ADF) mosquito bednet at Buka Island, North Solomons Province, Papua New Guinea, in March 1999. At the time of the test, Anopheles farauti Laveran was the most abundant biting mosquito. Both bednet types provided > 97.8% protection compared with an unprotected collector. The untreated U.S. Army prototype bednet provided better protection than the untreated ADF bednet against mosquitoes entering the bednet during the night.
We examined the extent to which people's private attitudes to gay law reform are influenced by the attitudes of others. Ninety-six university students were told that they were either in a minority or in a majority relative to their university group on their attitudes to gay law reform. Contrary to a number of assumptions made in the social psychological literature, participants who supported gay law reform were more prepared to act in line with their attitudes than were those who opposed gay law reform. Furthermore, anti-gay law reform participants appeared to reassess their attitudes when they were told they were in a minority; in contrast, pro-gay law reform participants were Unaffected by the group norm. This suggests that anti-gay law reform attitudes are softer and more easily influenced than are pro-gay law reform attitudes. The implications of these results for activists are discussed. (C) 2004 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.
Jill Poole's bestselling Casebook on Contract Law provides students with a comprehensive selection of case law which addresses all aspects of the subject encountered on undergraduate courses. Extracts have been chosen from a wide range of historical and contemporary cases to illustrate the reasoning processes of the courts and to show how legal principles are developed. The cases can be analysed and discussed independently while, taken as a whole, the chapters provide a sound understanding of the modern law of contract. Key features: * An introductory chapter provides valuable guidance on how to use a casebook to help you develop the essential skill of reading and analysing cases * Cases are accompanied by succinct author commentary designed to highlight the key elements of each case * The two colour text design distinguishes case extracts from author commentary ensuring the book is easy to use and navigate through The casebook is fully supported by an Online Resource Centre, which provides: * Exercises and guidance on reading cases * Self-test questions and answers * Guidance on how to answer problem-style questions * Updates
Jill Poole's best-selling Casebook on Contract Law provides a clear and well-structured explanation of the principles and rules of contract law through a comprehensive selection of case law, addressing all aspects encountered on undergraduate courses. The coverage in this new edition has been revised to incorporate all recent significant decisions and judgments made by the House of Lords and the Court of Appeal. Extracts have been chosen from a wide range of historical and contemporary cases to illustrate the reasoning processes of the court and how legal principles are developed, thus enabling cases to be analysed and discussed independently while, taken as a whole, the chapters provide a sound understanding of the modern law of contract. Succinct author commentary focuses the reader on the key elements within the extracts, while thought-provoking questions are posed throughout to develop a more in-depth appreciation of the subject. Online resource centre Student resources - Updates - Guidance on answering problem-style questions - Exercises and guidance on reading cases - Self test questions and answers - 'Ask the author' section
Jill Poole's immensely popular Textbook on Contract Law has been guiding students through contract law for many years. The accessible writing style and focus on key principles and developments in contract law make this text a favourite with students and lecturers alike. The author places the law of contract clearly within its wider context before proceeding to provide detailed yet accessible treatment of all the key areas encountered when studying contract law. Key features: · Key points, illustrative examples and questions encourage a deeper understanding of the central facts and issues · Each chapter begins with a summary of key issues, providing an overview of key themes and points of law, and concludes with suggestions for further reading, guiding you towards the most relevant texts and articles · An attractive page design highlights headings, case summaries, case extracts and a variety of learning features, making navigation through the text easy Fully supported by an Online Resource Centre, which provides: Student Resources Regular updates on new legislation, cases, and other important developments Guidance on answering questions in contract law Self-test questions and answers linked with Casebook on Contract Law Lecturer Resources A test bank of 300 multiple choice questions with answers and feedback
This tenth edition of the established Textbook on Contract Law by Jill Poole provides a wide-ranging and straightforward exposition of contract law. The text opens with an overview of the main issues surrounding contract law, which places the subject in its wider context, then goes on to give a clear explanation of all the major areas of contract law encountered on undergraduate courses. Features of the book include chapter summaries to draw key themes and issues together; examples and questions to encourage a deeper understanding of the often complex points of law; and extensive further reading lists of both texts and articles to guide students towards the most relevant and up-to-date resources available. Online resource centre Lecturer resources - Testbank of multiple choice questions Student resources - Guidance on answering problem-style questions in contract law - Self test questions and answers - Student questions - Updates - 'Ask the Author' section
•The introductory chapter provides valuable guidance on how to use a casebook to help develop the essential skills of reading and analysing cases • Cases are accompanied by succinct author commentary designed to highlight the key elements of each case • Thought-provoking questions are posed throughout to develop an in-depth understanding of the subject •The book is easy to use and navigate through as the case extracts are clearly distinguished from author commentary Jill Poole's bestselling Casebook on Contract Law provides students with a comprehensive selection of case law which addresses all aspects of the subject encountered on undergraduate courses. Extracts have been chosen from a wide range of historical and contemporary cases to illustrate the reasoning processes of the courts and to show how legal principles are developed. The cases can either be analysed and discussed independently or, taken as a whole, the cases form chapters that provide a sound understanding of the modern law of contract. The casebook is fully supported by an Online Resource Centre, which provides: -Exercises and guidance on reading cases -Guidance on answering questions in contract law -Self-test questions and answers
A dolgozatban a legegyszerűbb kérdést feszegetjük: Hogyan kell az árakat meghatározni véletlen jövőbeli kifizetések esetén. A tárgyalás némiképpen absztrakt, de a funkcionálanalízis néhány közismert tételén kívül semmilyen más mélyebb matematikai területre nem kell hivatkozni. A dolgozat kérdése, hogy miként indokolható a várható jelenérték szabálya, vagyis hogy minden jövőbeli kifizetés jelen időpontban érvényes ára a jövőbeli kifizetés diszkontált várható értéke. A dologban az egyetlen csavar az, hogy a várható értékhez tartozó valószínűségi mértékről nem tudunk semmit. Csak annyit tudunk, hogy létezik a matematikai pénzügyek legtöbbet hivatkozott fogalma, a misztikus Q mérték. A dolgozat megírásának legfontosabb indoka az volt, hogy megpróbáltam kiiktatni a megengedett portfólió fogalmát a származtatott termékek árazásának elméletéből. Miként közismert, a származtatott termékek árazásának elmélete a fedezés fogalmára épül. (...) ____ In the article the author discusses some problems of the existence of the martingale measure. In continuous time models one should restrict the set of self financing portfolios and introduce the concept of the admissible portfolios. But to define the admissible portfolios one should either define them under the martingale measure or to turn the set of admissible portfolios to a cone which makes the interpretation of the pricing formula difficult.
This phenomenological study explored Black male law enforcement officers' perspectives of how racial profiling shaped their decisions to explore and commit to a law enforcement career. Criterion and snow ball sampling was used to obtain the 17 participants for this study. Super's (1990) archway model was used as the theoretical framework. The archway model "is designed to bring out the segmented but unified and developmental nature of career development, to highlight the segments, and to make their origin clear" (Super, 1990, p. 201). Interview data were analyzed using inductive, deductive, and comparative analyses. Three themes emerged from the inductive analysis of the data: (a) color and/or race does matter, (b) putting on the badge, and (c) too black to be blue and too blue to be black. The deductive analysis used a priori coding that was based on Super's (1990) archway model. The deductive analysis revealed the participants' career exploration was influenced by their knowledge of racial profiling and how others view them. The comparative analysis between the inductive themes and deductive findings found the theme "color and/or race does matter" was present in the relationships between and within all segments of Super's (1990) model. The comparative analysis also revealed an expanded notion of self-concept for Black males – marginalized and/or oppressed individuals. Self-concepts, "such as self-efficacy, self-esteem, and role self-concepts, being combinations of traits ascribed to oneself" (Super, 1990, p. 202) do not completely address the self-concept of marginalized and/or oppressed individuals. The self-concept of marginalized and/or oppressed individuals is self-efficacy, self-esteem, traits ascribed to oneself expanded by their awareness of how others view them. (DuBois, 1995; Freire, 1970; Sheared, 1990; Super, 1990; Young, 1990). Ultimately, self-concept is utilized to make career and life decisions. Current human resource policies and practices do not take into consideration that negative police contact could be the result of racial profiling. Current human resource hiring guidelines penalize individuals who have had negative police contact. Therefore, racial profiling is a discriminatory act that can effectively circumvent U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission laws and serve as a boundary mechanism to employment (Rocco & Gallagher, 2004).
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At all normative levels, family migration law can disproportionally and negatively affect immigrant women’s rights in this field, producing gendered effects. In some cases, such effects are related to the normative and judicial imposition of unviable family-related models (e.g., the ʻgood mother ̕ the one-breadwinner family, or a rigid distinction between productive and reproductive work). In other cases, they are due to family migration law’s overlooking of the specific needs and difficulties of immigrant women, within their families and in the broader context of their host countries’ social and normative framework.To effectively expose and correct this gender bias, in this article I propose an alternative view of immigrant women’s right to family life, as a cluster of rights and entitlements rather than as a mono-dimensional right. As a theoretical approach, this construction is better equipped to capture the complex experiences of immigrant women in the European legal space, and to shed light on the gendered effects generated not by individual norms but by the interaction of norms that are traditionally assigned to separated legal domains (e.g., immigration law and criminal law). As a judicial strategy, this understanding is capable of prompting a consideration by domestic and supranational courts of immigrant women not as isolated individuals, but as ‘individuals in context’. I shall define this type of approach as ‘contextual interpretation’, understood as the consideration of immigrant women in the broader contexts of their families, their host societies and the normative frameworks applicable to them. Performed in a gendersensitive manner, a contextual judicial interpretation has the potential to neutralize the gendered effects of certain family migration norms. To illustrate these points, I will discuss selected judicial examples offered by the European Court on Human Rights, as well as from domestic jurisdictions of countries with a particularly high incidence of immigrant women (Italy and Spain).