922 resultados para Romanticism in Sweden.


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Introducción: una de las causas de pobre ganancia visual luego de un tratamiento exitoso de desprendimiento de retina, sin complicaciones, es el daño de los fotoreceptores, reflejada en una disrupción de la capa de la zona elipsoide y membrana limitante externa (MLE). En otras patologías se ha demostrado que la hiperautofluorescencia foveal se correlaciona con la integridad de la zona elipsoide y MLE y una mejor recuperación visual. Objetivos: evaluar la asociación entre la hiperautofluorescencia foveal, la integridad de la capa de la zona elipsoide y recuperación visual luego de desprendimiento de retina regmatógeno (DRR) exitosamente tratado. Evaluar la concordancia inter-evaluador de estos exámenes. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal de autofluorescencia foveal y tomografía óptica coherente macular de dominio espectral en 65 pacientes con DRR evaluados por 3 evaluadores independientes. La concordancia inter-evaluador se estudio mediante Kappa de Cohen y la asociación entre las diferentes variables mediante la prueba chi cuadrado y pruebas Z para comparación de proporciones. Resultados: La concordancia de la autofluorescencia fue razonable y la de la tomografía óptica coherente macular buena a muy buena. Sujetos que presentaron hiperautofluorescencia foveal asociada a integridad de la capa de la zona elipsoide tuvieron 20% más de posibilidad de recuperar agudeza visual final mejor a 20/50 que los que no cumplieron éstas características. Conclusión: Existe una asociación clínicamente importante entre la hiperautofluorescencia foveal, la integridad de la capa de zona elipsoide y la mejor agudeza visual final, sin embargo ésta no fue estadísticamente significativa (p=0.39)


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Introducción: El tratamiento con antagonistas del factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (anti TNF) ha impactado el pronóstico y la calidad de vida de los pacientes con artritis reumatoide (AR) positivamente, sin embargo, se interroga un incremento en el riesgo de desarrollar melanoma. Objetivo: Conocer la asociación entre el uso de anti TNF y el desarrollo de melanoma maligno en pacientes con AR. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en MEDLINE, EMBASE, COCHRANE LIBRARY y LILACS para ensayos clínicos, estudios observacionales, revisiones y meta-análisis en pacientes adultos con diagnóstico de AR y manejo con anti TNF (Certolizumab pegol, Adalimumab, Etanercept, Infliximab y Golimumab). Resultados: 37 estudios clínicos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión para el meta-análisis, con una población de 16567 pacientes. El análisis de heterogeneidad no fue significativo (p=1), no se encontró diferencia en el riesgo entre los grupos comparados DR -0.00 (IC 95% -0.001; -0.001). Un análisis adicional de los estudios en los que se reportó al menos 1 caso de melanoma (4222 pacientes) tampoco mostró diferencia en el riesgo DR -0.00 (IC 95% -0.004 ; -0.003). Conclusión: En la evidencia disponible a la fecha no encontramos asociación significativa entre el tratamiento con anti TNF en pacientes con diagnóstico de AR y el desarrollo de melanoma cutáneo.


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El presente trabajo de grado busca evaluar el perfil del mercado de la Unión Europea y los países de la EFTA para identificar las oportunidades comerciales de Colombia, más específicamente en los siguientes países: Suiza, Noruega, Liechtenstein, Islandia, Republica Checa, Rumania y Suecia. A través de esta investigación se realizó un análisis de los 25 productos más exportados de Colombia a cada uno de los países estudiados, tomando en cuenta sus códigos arancelarios. Adicionalmente, se evaluaron las balanzas comerciales de cada uno de los países, las tendencias de las exportaciones Colombianas de los últimos años, y las posibles oportunidades de mercados teniendo en cuenta las necesidades de importaciones detalladas de cada país europeo. A partir de la información encontrada la investigación se concentró en la proveniencia exacta del departamento Colombiano que hacia las exportaciones de los 25 productos más representativos a cada uno de los países evaluados. Teniendo en cuenta esta información, se evaluó por departamento, las oportunidades y perfiles de mercado de exportación hacia Suiza, Noruega, Liechtenstein, Islandia, Republica Checa, Rumania y Suecia. Finalmente se identificaron los 10 productos más exportados de Colombia a cada uno de los países analizados, con el fin de enfocar las mejoras y potencializar las exportaciones de estos productos a los países europeos evaluados. Adicionalmente durante la investigación se realizan recomendaciones específicas por país y al final del documento se encuentran las conclusiones generales y recomendaciones principales para futuras exportaciones de Colombia a los países de la EFTA, República Checa, Rumania y Suecia.


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Este trabajo desarrolla un modelo de generaciones traslapadas con expectativa de vida endógena y capital humano. Recoge parte de la evidencia empírica acerca de la transición demográfica explicada por Notestein en 1945, donde variaciones en la longevidad de los individuos afectan positivamente el crecimiento económico de un país. El modelo establece que la falta de incentivos para invertir en salud estanca a una economía en una trampa de pobreza y muestra que incrementos en la productividad en el sector de producción de capital humano, al igual que cambios tecnológicos sesgados al uso intensivo del mismo, incrementan el producto de estado estacionario y pueden sacar a una economía de una trampa de pobreza.


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Introducción: El cáncer colorrectal es el tercer cáncer más diagnosticado en los hombres y el segundo en las mujeres a nivel mundial. Hasta 1.000 casos nuevos se diagnostican en Colombia cada año, por lo que es importante conocer la experiencia con esta patología en un centro de experiencia recientemente creado en el “Méderi, Hospital Universitario Mayor”. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal de la población con diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal atendida entre agosto 2012 y diciembre 2014 que corresponde al tiempo de funcionamiento del servicio de Coloproctología. Resultados: Se atendieron un total de 152 pacientes con cáncer colorrectal en la institución. Se operó el 91% de los pacientes. El estadío más frecuente fue el IV. Solo el 4.9% presentó dehiscencia de anastomosis, datos concordantes con la literatura cuando el manejo es a cargo de expertos. El subtipo histológico más frecuente fue adenocarcinoma moderadamente diferenciado y la mortalidad perioperatoria de 2.63%. Discusión: El cáncer colorrectal es una entidad con alta morbimortalidad lo cual puede cambiar si se realizan pruebas de tamizaje, para realizar un manejo temprano y oportuno. Además juega un papel importante la experiencia del cirujano y la discusión de los pacientes en juntas multidisciplinarias. Palabras clave: cáncer de colon, cáncer de recto, epidemiología, estadificación


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El propósito central del estudio consiste en descifrar, entender, contextualizar y reinventar el trabajo directivo actual. En el inicio del texto se busca comprender las realidades sobre el trabajo directivo desde la perspectiva y estudios de dos autores principales, Henry Mintzberg y Stefan Tengblad, los cuales exponen desde otro ángulo el día a día de los directivos; posteriormente se presenta la influencia que tiene el contexto nacional en los diferentes comportamientos y modelos de dirección, haciendo una comparación entre los directivos Suecos y Estado Unidenses para concluir las variables culturales, económicas, políticas y sociales que modifican y personalizan el trabajo directivo; finalmente en la última sección, después de comprender el trabajo directivo desde su naturaleza y sus fuentes externas de influencia, se propone reinventarlo o desde diferentes postulados y modelos, entendiendo que no existe una solución o fórmula mágica, sino unas herramientas que cada directivo debe definir y construir a lo largo de su vida.


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How do resource booms affect human capital accumulation? We exploit time and spatial variation generated by the commodity boom across local governments in Peru to measure the effect of natural resources on human capital formation. We explore the effect of both mining production and tax revenues on test scores, finding a substantial and statistically significant effect for the latter. Transfers to local governments from mining tax revenues are linked to an increase in math test scores of around 0.23 standard deviations. We find that the hiring of permanent teachers as well as the increases in parental employment and improvements in health outcomes of adults and children are plausible mechanisms for such large effect on learning. These findings suggest that redistributive policies could facilitate the accumulation of human capital in resource abundant developing countries as a way to avoid the natural resources curse.


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Plant communities of set-aside agricultural land in a European project were managed in order to enhance plant succession towards weed-resistant, mid-successional grassland. Here, we ask if the management of a plant community affects the earthworm community. Field experiments were established in four countries, the Netherlands, Sweden, the UK, and the Czech Republic. High (15 plant species) and low diversity (four plant species) seed mixtures were sown as management practice, with natural colonization as control treatment in a randomized block design. The response of the earthworrns to the management was studied after three summers since establishment of the sites. Samples were also taken from plots with continued agricultural practices included in the experimental design and from a site with a late successional plant community representing the target plant community. The numbers and biomass of individuals were higher in the set-aside plots than in the agricultural treatment in two countries out of four. The numbers of individuals at one site (The Netherlands) was higher in the naturally colonized plots than in the sowing treatments, otherwise there were no differences between the treatments. Species diversity was lower in the agricultural plots in one country. The species composition had changed from the initial community of the agricultural field, but was still different from a late successional target community. The worm biomass was positively related to legume biomass in Sweden and to grass biomass in the UK. (C) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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1. Disease epizootics can significantly influence host population dynamics and the structure and functioning of ecological communities. Sarcoptic mange Sarcoptes scabiei has dramatically reduced red fox populations Vulpes vulpes in several countries, including Britain, although impacts on demographic processes are poorly understood. We review the literature on the impact of mange on red fox populations, assess its current distribution in Britain through a questionnaire survey and present new data on resultant demographic changes in foxes in Bristol, UK. 2. A mange epizootic in Sweden spread across the entire country in < 10 years resulting in a decline in fox density of up to 95%; density remained lowered for 15–20 years. In Spain, mange has been enzootic for > 75 years and is widely distributed; mange presence was negatively correlated with habitat quality. 3. Localized outbreaks have occurred sporadically in Britain during the last 100 years. The most recent large-scale outbreak arose in the 1990s, although mange has been present in south London and surrounding environs since the 1940s. The questionnaire survey indicated that mange was broadly distributed across Britain, but areas of perceived high prevalence (> 50% affected) were mainly in central and southern England. Habitat type did not significantly affect the presence/absence of mange or perceived prevalence rates. Subjective assessments suggested that populations take 15–20 years to recover. 4. Mange appeared in Bristol's foxes in 1994. During the epizootic phase (1994–95), mange spread through the city at a rate of 0.6–0.9 km/month, with a rise in infection in domestic dogs Canis familiaris c. 1–2 months later. Juvenile and adult fox mortality increased and the proportion of females that reproduced declined but litter size was unaffected. Population density declined by > 95%. 5. In the enzootic phase (1996–present), mange was the most significant mortality factor. Juvenile mortality was significantly higher than in the pre-mange period, and the number of juveniles classified as dispersers declined. Mange infection reduced the reproductive potential of males and females: females with advanced mange did not breed; severely infected males failed to undergo spermatogenesis. In 2004, Bristol fox population density was only 15% of that in 1994.


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This week in the Planet Earth Podcast: the cunning tricks the cuckoo uses to get another bird to do the parenting, why researchers are studying snow in Sweden, and how an improved radiocarbon dating technique may put a few scientists' noses out of joint.


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Soil biodiversity plays a key role in regulating the processes that underpin the delivery of ecosystem goods and services in terrestrial ecosystems. Agricultural intensification is known to change the diversity of individual groups of soil biota, but less is known about how intensification affects biodiversity of the soil food web as a whole, and whether or not these effects may be generalized across regions. We examined biodiversity in soil food webs from grasslands, extensive, and intensive rotations in four agricultural regions across Europe: in Sweden, the UK, the Czech Republic and Greece. Effects of land-use intensity were quantified based on structure and diversity among functional groups in the soil food web, as well as on community-weighted mean body mass of soil fauna. We also elucidate land-use intensity effects on diversity of taxonomic units within taxonomic groups of soil fauna. We found that between regions soil food web diversity measures were variable, but that increasing land-use intensity caused highly consistent responses. In particular, land-use intensification reduced the complexity in the soil food webs, as well as the community-weighted mean body mass of soil fauna. In all regions across Europe, species richness of earthworms, Collembolans, and oribatid mites was negatively affected by increased land-use intensity. The taxonomic distinctness, which is a measure of taxonomic relatedness of species in a community that is independent of species richness, was also reduced by land-use intensification. We conclude that intensive agriculture reduces soil biodiversity, making soil food webs less diverse and composed of smaller bodied organisms. Land-use intensification results in fewer functional groups of soil biota with fewer and taxonomically more closely related species. We discuss how these changes in soil biodiversity due to land-use intensification may threaten the functioning of soil in agricultural production systems.


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This paper presents the two datasets (ARENA and P5) and the challenge that form a part of the PETS 2015 workshop. The datasets consist of scenarios recorded by us- ing multiple visual and thermal sensors. The scenarios in ARENA dataset involve different staged activities around a parked vehicle in a parking lot in UK and those in P5 dataset involve different staged activities around the perimeter of a nuclear power plant in Sweden. The scenarios of each dataset are grouped into ‘Normal’, ‘Warning’ and ‘Alarm’ categories. The Challenge specifically includes tasks that account for different steps in a video understanding system: Low-Level Video Analysis (object detection and tracking), Mid-Level Video Analysis (‘atomic’ event detection) and High-Level Video Analysis (‘complex’ event detection). The evaluation methodology used for the Challenge includes well-established measures.


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If you move from Sweden to Portugal to work as an Art Director at an Ad agency, there are certain things you ought to know. Perhaps even before you decide to move. There are a lot of things that are quite different if you compare Portugal to Sweden, not only the language, but also the design, software, working hours and much more. You have for example two month with double salary, you work till six p.m. and when it comes to maternity leave, you have 100% compensation with no taxes the first four months of every pregnancy. The tasks you have to handle as an Art Director in Portugal may, as in Sweden, be various. The difference is more how you solve your task and what the design looks like. As a Swede in Portugal the solution will probably look like a mixture between the Portuguese “expressive” and the Swedish “clean” design. This degree project discusses questions that might turn up when a Swede gets employed as an Art Director in Portugal. What will the salary be? When, in the morning, is it time to show up at the office? How many weeks of vacations are entitled? There are a lot of distinctions, but also a lot of similarities. The report is mainly based upon the author’s own experiences of the Ad agency McCann-Erickson in Lisbon. The history of McCann-Erickson starts in New York, 1930 and grew rapidly into one of the leading corporation with agencies all over the world. It is still today one of the world’s largest Ad company with clients like Coca-Cola and General Motors, and the slogan “truth well told” still lights up all their agencies after almost a century, just like a leading star.


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Nearly nine percent of the population in Sweden are 75 years or older. Still they consume more than a quarter of all medicines. This increased use, is specially noticeable in nursing home residents, where the elderly is using a average of 8-10 preparations per day. According to the National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden, the number of drugs and specially psychotropic drugs, has proved to be a risk factor for drug-related problems among the elderly, such as drug interaction and side effects. Routines for regular and systematic follow-up of drug prescription and utilisation reviews were not extensively implemented. According to the National Board of Health and Welfare its important to start the work to reduce psychotropic drugs among the elderly in nursing homes. Aim: This studie examine nurses apprehension about psychotopic drugs among the elderly in nursing homes. Method: An questionnarie based survey whit 10 closed questions. The questionary was answered of 46 nurses who works in nursing homes. Result: A majority of the nurses, tought the elderly in nursing homes were using to musch psychotropic drugs. The nurses tought that psychotropic drugs often prescribes as a matter of routin, particullary hypnotics and sedeativs. Those drugs was not effectiv in long terms according to the nurses. They also tought that alternative mehtods should be considered before describing pscyhotropic drugs. The nurses tought as a occupational group, that they had a responsibility to follow up and evaluate the elderlys medication whit psychotropic drugs.