975 resultados para Rituais e performances


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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the performances of observers in diagnosing proximal caries in digital images obtained from digital bitewing radiographs using two scanners and four digital cameras in Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) and tagged image file format (TIFF) files, and comparing them with the original conventional radiographs. Method: In total, 56 extracted teeth were radiographed with Kodak Insight film (Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY) in a Kaycor Yoshida X-ray device (Kaycor X-707;Yoshida Dental Manufacturing Co., Tokyo, Japan) operating at 70 kV and 7 mA with an exposure time of 0.40 s. The radiographs were obtained and scanned by CanonScan D646U (Canon USA Inc., Newport News, VA) and Genius ColorPage HR7X (KYE Systems Corp. America, Doral, FL) scanners, and by Canon Powershot G2 (Canon USA Inc.), Canon RebelXT (Canon USA Inc.), Nikon Coolpix 8700 (Nikon Inc., Melville, NY), and Nikon D70s (Nikon Inc.) digital cameras in JPEG and TIFF formats. Three observers evaluated the images. The teeth were then observed under the microscope in polarized light for the verification of the presence and depth of the carious lesions. Results: The probability of no diagnosis ranged from 1.34% (Insight film) to 52.83% (CanonScan/JPEG). The sensitivity ranged from 0.24 (Canon RebelXT/JPEG) to 0.53 (Insight film), the specificity ranged from 0.93 (Nikon Coolpix/JPEG, Canon Powershot/TIFF, Canon RebelXT/JPEG and TIFF) to 0.97 (CanonScan/TIFF and JPEG) and the accuracy ranged from 0.82 (Canon RebelXT/JPEG) to 0.91 (CanonScan/JPEG). Conclusion: The carious lesion diagnosis did not change in either of the file formats (JPEG and TIFF) in which the images were saved for any of the equipment used. Only the CanonScan scanner did not have adequate performance in radiography digitalization for caries diagnosis and it is not recommended for this purpose. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2011) 40, 338-343. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/67185962


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Supervisor ratings are useful criteria for the validation of selection instruments but maybe limited because of the presence of rating errors, such as halo. This study set out to show that supervisor ratings which are high in halo remain successful criteria in selection. Following a thorough job analysis, a customer service questionnaire was designed to assess the potential of retail sales staff on three orthogonal subscales labelled Dealing with people, Emotions and energy, and Solitary style. These subscales were uncorrelated with supervisor ratings made about 8 weeks later. However, the supervisor ratings were correlated with an overall scale derived from the three scales of the customer service questionnaire. These results support the view that supervisor ratings generally consist of global impressions and suggest that these global impressions are useful measures of overall performances. This field study confirms laboratory results that halo does not necessarily reduce rating accuracy.


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Piano performances; Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor; Op. 16 (Music); Norwegian Bridal Procession, Op. 19 no. 2 (Music)


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There is a pressing need to address productivity analysis in the hospitality industry if hotels are to exist as sustainable business entities in rapidly maturing markets. Unfortunately, productivity ratios commonly used by managers are narrowly defined. This study illustrates data envelopment analysis of cross-sectional data that benchmark hotels on observed best performances. Data envelopment analysis enables management to integrate unlike multiple inputs and outputs to make simultaneous comparisons. Findings from the cross-sectional data suggest that some of the hotels have the potential to reduce number of beds and number of part-time staff while increasing revenue.


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The neuropathological changes associated with Huntington's disease (HD) are most marked in the head of the caudate nucleus and, to a lesser extent, in the putamen and globus pallidus, suggesting that at least part of the language impairments found in patients with HD may result from non-thalamic subcortical (NTS) pathology. The present study aimed to test the hypothesis that a signature profile of impaired language functions is found in patients who have sustained damage to the non-thalamic subcortex, either focally induced or resulting from neurodegenerative pathology. The language abilities of a group of patients with Huntington's disease (n=13) were compared with those of an age- and education-matched group of patients with chronic NTS lesions following stroke (n=13) and a non-neurologically impaired control group (n=13). The three groups were compared on language tasks that assessed both primary and more complex language abilities. The primary language battery consisted of The Western Aphasia Battery and The Boston Naming Test, whilst the more complex cognitive-linguistic battery employed selected subtests from The Test of Language Competence-Expanded, The Test of Word Knowledge and The Word Test-Revised. On many of the tests of primary language function from the Western Aphasia Battery, both the HD and NTS participants performed in a similar manner to the control participants. The language performances of the HD participants were significantly more impaired (p<0.05 using modified Bonferroni adjustments) than the control group, however, on various lexico-semantic tasks (e. g. the Boston Naming Test and providing definitions), on both single-word and sentence-level generative tasks (e. g. category fluency and formulating sentences), and on tasks which required interpretation of ambiguous, figurative and inferential meaning. The difficulties that patients with HD experienced with tasks assessing complex language abilities were strikingly similar, both qualitatively and quantitatively, to the language profile produced by NTS participants. The results provide evidence to suggest that a signature language profile is associated with damage to the non-thalamic subcortex resulting from either focal neurological insult or a degenerative disease.


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This study tested the hypotheses that skeletal muscle mitochondrial ATP production rate (MAPR) is impaired in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and that it relates positively to their walking performances. Seven untrained patients, eight exercise-trained patients and 11 healthy controls completed a maximal walking test and had muscle sampled from the gastrocnemius medialis muscle. Muscle was analysed for its MAPR in the presence of pyruvate, palmitoyl-L-carnitine or both, as well as citrate synthase (CS) activity. MAPRs were not different between untrained PAD and controls. In contrast, MAPRs (pyruvate) were significantly higher in trained PAD vs. controls. MAPR (pyruvate combinations) was also significantly higher in trained than untrained PAD muscle. MAPR and CS activity were highly correlated with walking performance in patients, but not in controls. These data do not support the hypothesis that isolated mitochondria are functionally impaired in PAD and demonstrate that the muscle mitochondrial capacity to oxidize carbohydrate is positively related to walking performance in these patients.


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Background: Thalamotomy has been reported to be successful in ameliorating the motor symptoms of tremor and/or rigidity in people with Parkinson's disease (PD), emphasising the bona fide contribution of this subcortical nucleus to the neural circuitry subserving motor function. Despite evidence of parallel yet segregated associative and motor cortico-subcortical-cortical circuits, comparatively few studies have investigated the effects of this procedure on cognitive functions. In particular, research pertaining to the impact of thalamotomy on linguistic processes is fundamentally lacking. Aims: The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of thalamotomy in the language dominant and non-dominant hemispheres on linguistic functioning, relative to operative theoretical models of subcortical participation in language. This paper compares the linguistic profiles of two males with PD, aged 75 years (10 years of formal education) and 62 years (22 years of formal education), subsequent to unilateral thalamotomy procedures within the language dominant and non-dominant hemispheres, respectively. Methods & Procedures: Comprehensive linguistic profiles comprising general and high-level linguistic abilities in addition to on-line semantic processing skills were compiled up to 1 month prior to surgery and 3 months post-operatively, within perceived on'' periods (i.e., when optimally medicated). Pre- and post-operative language performances were compared within-subjects to a group of 16 non-surgical Parkinson's controls (NSPD) and a group of 16 non-neurologically impaired adults (NC). Outcomes & Results: The findings of this research suggest a laterality effect with regard to the contribution of the thalamus to high-level linguistic abilities and, potentially, the temporal processing of semantic information. This outcome supports the application of high-level linguistic assessments and measures of semantic processing proficiency to the clinical management of individuals with dominant thalamic lesions. Conclusions: The results reported lend support to contemporary theories of dominant thalamic participation in language, serving to further elucidate our current understanding of the role of subcortical structures in mediating linguistic processes, relevant to cortical hemispheric dominance.


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Passive techniques as an alternative to artificial cooling can bring important energy, environmental, financial, operational and qualitative benefits. However, regions such as the wet tropics can reach high levels of thermal stress in which passive means alone are unable to provide appropriate thermal comfort standards for some parts of the year. Despite a great accumulation of empirical information on the passive performance of houses for either free-running or conditioned modes, very little work has been done on the thermal performance of buildings that can operate with a mixed-running strategy in warm-humid climates. Buildings with such design features are able to balance the needs for comfort, privacy, and energy efficiency during different periods of the year. As free-running and conditioned modes are believed by many to be 'opposite' approaches, and have been presented as separate strategies, this paper demonstrates that not all parameters are directly opposite and a possible dual-mode integrated operation can be used for warm-humid locations for maximum comfort and minimum energy requirements. For this purpose, simulation runs using ESP-R (University of Strathclyde, ESRU, UK) were based on the climate data of Darwin (Australia) and on the ventilation styles of the house: free running and conditioned. Design features applicable to both, i.e. for a dual mode operation could be identified and the differences between conditioned and free running were demonstrated and proved not to be totally conflicting and therefore suitable for a dual mode operation. Different daily usage profiles (five use patterns were defined), and zoning of sleeping and living areas are presented. The dual mode use patterns compared to the base case house, for all the user possibilities, had improved performances of 17-52%, when compared to the free-running mode and 66-98% when compared to the conditioned mode. Simulation runs using other warm-humid climates (Miami, USA; Sao Luis, Brazil; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) were also conducted and compared to the results found for Darwin. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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[1] In this paper a detailed design, development and performances of a 5 GHz microstrip Yagi antenna, which uses a two-dimensional (2-D) electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structure in the ground plane, are presented. The results indicate that the use of the EBG structure improves the radiation pattern of the antenna. The cross polarization is suppressed by properly choosing the period and dimensions of EBGs. Also, the broadside gain is improved in comparison with the analogous antenna without the EBGs.


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This paper presents the design of Ku-band (12.25 12.75 GHz) dual-polarized reflectarrays for Optus BI satellites to obtain a contoured beam for Australia and New Zealand. The specified radiation pattern is synthesized using a phase-only synthesis method based on the concept of intersection approach. Having determined the phasing data, single- and double-layer reflectarrays ore designed using variable-size rectangular patches. The performances of the two reflectarrays are assessed by comparing their radiation patterns with the assumed pattern. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 37: 321-325, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10. 1002/mop. 10907.


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This essay considers processes by which community identities are challenged by discussing the use of whiteface as an activist strategy in recent indigenous theatre in Canada and Australia. To understand whiteface, I employ Susan Gubar's notion of racechange, processes that test and even transgress racial borders. I also situate whiteface in relation to the history of blackface minstrelsy. Noting the ways these racial performances affirm the hierarchies of color and how power becomes invested in such color codings, the essay highlights indigenous employment of whiteface as a potential form of critical historiography. I then analyze how whiteface functions in two productions, Daniel David Moses's Almighty Voice and His Wife (1991) in Canada and the Queensland Theatre Company's 2000 revival of George Landen Dann's Fountains Beyond in Australia. My analysis posits that such indigenous performances of whiteface can affirm the identity of the marginalized other even as they destabilize the fixity of race and its meanings.


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A reforma agr??ria no Acre n??o ?? mais uma mera distribui????o de terras a algumas fam??lias em lugares isolados da Amaz??nia Ocidental. Reformou-se tamb??m a comunica????o. O Instituto Nacional de Coloniza????o e Reforma Agr??ria-INCRA reconheceu que n??o bastava apenas distribuir terra. Era preciso igualmente disseminar informa????o. E assim chegou A Reforma Agr??ria na Boca do Povo. Com palestras, performances, pe??as teatrais e teatro de bonecos, um grupo de servidores transp??s os muros da institui????o e invadiu escolas, igrejas, universidades, associa????es e sindicatos, divulgando a reforma agr??ria a milhares de pessoas. O p??blico alvo s??o os trabalhadores rurais com terra e sem terra e outros segmentos sociais. Durante as apresenta????es, desapropria????es, arrecada????es, assentamentos e financiamentos, de simples estat??sticas, transformam-se em criativas historinhas de humor. O objetivo do projeto, que j?? tem um ano e meio de atua????o com quase dois mil espectadores, ?? ver A Reforma Agr??ria na Boca do Povo, provocando debates, colhendo sugest??es, avaliando cr??ticas e opini??es e esclarecendo d??vidas. Enquanto reforma o ch??o, o INCRA descobre a comunica????o


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O presente trabalho apresenta conceitos e aspectos operacionais do Sistema de Avalia????o e Premia????o por Resultados da Embrapa/SAPRE, implantado em 1996, cujo objetivo ?? o de elevar o desempenho das unidades de pesquisa, equipes e empregados da Empresa, recompensando os mais produtivos. O Sistema ?? constitu??do por 6 componentes: a) avalia????o de unidades; b) premia????o de unidades; c) avalia????o de equipes e empregados; d) premia????o de equipes e empregados; e) premia????o nacional de projetos e f) premia????o por excel??ncia. As unidades s??o avaliadas em conformidade a: a) cumprimento de metas; b) efici??ncia relativa; c) avalia????o de qualidade t??cnica; d) impacto s??cio-econ??mico; e) avalia????o de imagem. A conjuga????o desses fatores constitui o ??ndice de Desempenho Institucional de uma unidade, base para o c??lculo financeiro de sua premia????o. A avalia????o de equipes e empregados de cada unidade compreende o respectivo desempenho em: a) cumprimento de metas individuais; b) capta????o de recursos; c) criatividade em pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D); d) qualidade t??cnica dos projetos de pesquisa. Os empregados com melhor desempenho, individualmente e por equipes de trabalho, s??o premiados com um b??nus financeiro. Al??m disso, o SAPRE inclui a premia????o de projetos, que, no ??mbito nacional, se destacam em termos de criatividade, parceria, capta????o de recursos, qualidade t??cnica e melhoria de processos. Tamb??m s??o premiados com trof??us e diplomas os dois melhores empregados (um pesquisador e um de suporte ?? pesquisa) de cada unidade descentralizada e da sede como um todo.


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Este estudo analisa os processos de circulação e apropriação das representações sobre os saberes da educação escolarizada difundidos pela Revista de Educação do Espírito Santo, entre os anos de 1934 e 1937. Como referencial teórico baseamo- nos em Chartier (1990) acerca do conceito de representação, em Balandier (1982) em relação ao conceito de encenação de poder instituído que assume visibilidade quando circula na Revista, concedendo publicização aos feitos políticos realizados por dado grupo social, e em Julia (2001), junto ao conceito de cultura escolar. A partir desse arcabouço teórico, empreendemos metodologia de pesquisa a partir da análise histórica da fonte, dialogando, para tanto, com diferentes documentos e registros que configuram uma série de dados que constituem nossa fonte. Trata-se da análise das representações travadas no debate sobre a formação, divulgação e apropriação do conjunto de práticas e saberes pedagógicos dirigido aos professores, por parte de um grupo de intelectuais locais que se apresentava como portador do projeto de modernização do Espírito Santo inserido no contexto nacional. A Revista de Educação/ES tinha entre seus principais objetivos o de (in)formar os professores, ou seja, enquadrar suas práticas às novas demandas educacionais. Deste modo, a Revista esteve atrelada a um projeto educacional em que os intelectuais corroboravam a ampla circulação de um conjunto de representações sobre a modernidade, utilizando a Revista como suporte, visto que, desde as capas, são expostos “monumentos de modernização”, como os prédios escolares e todo um complexo arranjo de artefatos simbólicos, traduzidos muitas vezes em festas e rituais escolares que evocavam “um novo tempo para a Educação do Estado”, ou seja, fazendo da educação escolarizada um espetáculo.


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Esta pesquisa tem o intuito de problematizar, a partir dos acontecimentos das práticas culturais e artísticas, a produção dos saberes-fazeres-poderes e das subjetividades dos sujeitos inseridos no contexto do ensino e da formação profissional, no espaço educativo do IFES. Para isso, busca compreender como esses indivíduos ressignificam suas vivências cotidianas, tendo em vista as diversas possibilidades de expansão da vida que são constantemente inventadas e reinventadas na tecitura cotidiana das experiências vividas. Para se compreender o significado, o papel do currículo no contexto educacional, é preciso que se conheça os caminhos trilhados nas composições curriculares do IFES, bem como a aproximação do pesquisador das práticas artísticas vividas na instituição. Busca-se, com o discurso do currículo, e com a perspectiva da produção de um novo senso comum emancipatório de Boaventura de Souza Santos, compreender e dar consistência a essas práticas artístico-culturais que se evidenciam no espaço-tempo da formação profissional do IFES, como práticas de si, que potencializam o desejo e a necessidade dos indivíduos de ampliar suas capacidades cognitivas em torno de um vir a ser mais humano. O currículo é investigado e esclarecido segundo autores como Santos (2010), Silva (2005), Bobbit, Dewey, Giroux e Taylor (apud SILVA, 2005), Damásio (2007), Oliveira (2009).