783 resultados para Relational benefits
This research is looking to find out what benefits employees expect the organization of data governance gains for an organization and how it benefits implementing automated marketing capabilities. Quality and usability of the data are crucial for organizations to meet various business needs. Organizations have more data and technology available what can be utilized for example in automated marketing. Data governance addresses the organization of decision rights and accountabilities for the management of an organization’s data assets. With automated marketing it is meant sending a right message, to a right person, at a right time, automatically. The research is a single case study conducted in Finnish ICT-company. The case company was starting to organize data governance and implementing automated marketing capabilities at the time of the research. Empirical material is interviews of the employees of the case company. Content analysis is used to interpret the interviews in order to find the answers to the research questions. Theoretical framework of the research is derived from the morphology of data governance. Findings of the research indicate that the employees expect the organization of data governance among others to improve customer experience, to improve sales, to provide abilities to identify individual customer’s life-situation, ensure that the handling of the data is according to the regulations and improve operational efficiency. The organization of data governance is expected to solve problems in customer data quality that are currently hindering implementation of automated marketing capabilities.
In the current context from the nutritional and epidemiological point of view, it can be seen an occurrence increase of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, as well as the inflammatory ones, ordinarily associated to a wrong feed, poor in fibers and rich in fats and simple and refined carbohydrates. This view has evidenced a progressive increase of diseases, highlighting the importance of colonic microbiota as an active mechanism of infectious processes control and modulation of immunologic answer. Therefore, constant the worries related to recovering and maintenance of healthy intestines, stocked with prebiotic nutrients that support the survival of beneficial health agents. This way, researchers and the segment of food industry has encouraged the development of products with prebiotic properties, looking for the health promotion, treatment and diseases prevention, besides the strengthening on the competitive market. This article will embrace the contents about physiologic effects of the main known prebiotic, their potential in relation to fermentatives bacterias, new developed products and used methodologies to the recognition of pre and probiotic functions.
The Finnish Securities Markets are being harmonized to enable better, more reliable and timely settlement of securities. Omnibus accounts are a common practice in the European securities markets. Finland forbids the use of omnibus accounts from its domestic investors. There is a possibility that the omnibus account usage is allowed for Finnish investors in the future. This study aims to build a comprehensive image to Finnish investors and account operators in determining the costs and benefits that the omnibus account structure would have for them. This study uses qualitative research methods. A literature review provides the framework for this study. Different kinds of research articles, regulatory documents, studies performed by European organisations, and Finnish news reportages are used to analyse the costs and benefits of omnibus accounts. The viewpoint is strictly of account operators and investors, and different effects on them are contemplated. The results of the analysis show that there are a number of costs and benefits that investors and account operators must take into consideration regarding omnibus accounts. The costs are related to development of IT-systems so that participants are able to adapt to the new structure and operate according to its needs. Decrease in the holdings’ transparency is a disadvantage of the structure and needs to be assessed precisely to avoid some problems it might bring. Benefits are mostly related to the increased competition in the securities markets as well as to the possible cost reductions of securities settlement. The costs and benefits were analysed according to the study plan of this thesis and as a result, the significance and impact of omnibus accounts to Finnish investors and account operators depends on the competition level and the decisions that all market participants make when determining if the account structure is beneficial for their operations.
In this bachelor’s thesis are examined the benefits of current distortion detection device application in customer premises low voltage networks. The purpose of this study was to find out if there are benefits for measuring current distortion in low-voltage residential networks. Concluding into who can benefit from measuring the power quality. The research focuses on benefits based on the standardization in Europe and United States of America. In this research, were also given examples of appliances in which current distortion detection device could be used. Along with possible illustration of user interface for the device. The research was conducted as an analysis of the benefits of current distortion detection device in residential low voltage networks. The research was based on literature review. The study was divided to three sections. The first explain the reasons for benefitting from usage of the device and the second portrays the low-cost device, which could detect one-phase current distortion, in theory. The last section discuss of the benefits of usage of current distortion detection device while focusing on the beneficiaries. Based on the result of this research, there are benefits from usage to the current distortion detection device. The main benefitting party of the current distortion detection device was found to be manufactures, as they are held responsible of limiting the current distortion on behalf of consumers. Manufactures could adjust equipment to respond better to the distortion by having access to on-going current distortion in network. The other benefitting party are system operators, who would better locate distortion issues in low-voltage residential network to start prevention of long-term problems caused by current distortion early on.
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is used to combine all the functions happening inside the organization with the help of one software. All the data is centralized which makes it easy to manage information for all participants. The literature on ERP is studied thoroughly the whole process of adoption till the implementation and final evaluations. But studies that focus on small and medium sized enterprises are limited in number when compared to the large scale enterprises. In case of Pakistan, research is very limited. In this thesis, the author tries to analyze the current status of SMEs usage of ERP system. The benefits obtained and challenges faced by SMEs of Pakistan are studied. Framework presented by Shang and Seddon (2000) is used to understand the benefits obtained by the SMEs in Pakistan. This is a comprehensive framework that classifies the benefits obtained by the ERP adoption, into five categories: operational benefits, managerial benefits, Strategic benefits, IT benefits, and Organizational benefits. The results show that SMEs of Pakistan are also getting many benefits after adoption of ERP. Most of the firms had implemented SAP software. Operational benefits were mentioned by all the firms. The most important benefits were report generation, quick access to critical information, better product and cost planning. Respondents also mentioned that they had reduced corruption as a result of ERP implementation. It is also an important benefit considering high corruption rate in Pakistan. Along with benefits, challenges faced by Pakistani SMEs included infrastructure problems like electricity, difficulties with integration of one module with other module, costs of adoption and lack of skilled ERP consultants. Further studies in this regard can be conducted on cloud based ERP which is fast growing all around the world.
Abstract This research takes the lens of social reproduction as a starting point for an examination of the effects of recent social welfare reforms on the lives o.fsingle mothers. As the cumulative effects o.f diminishing state provided benefits take hold, tensions are heightened as single mothers internalize the insecurity of earning an income in 11 capitalist labour market, while trying to carry out all that is involved in social reproduction with inadequate means of survival. Through interviewing single mothers who are the recipients of mUltiple state provided benefits (social assistance, student loans, subsidized housing and subsidized childcare), this thesis illuminates the cOl1linued regulation of women in an effort to assure that social reproduction is occurring at the lowest cost possible. State provided benefits are set lip in such a way that it is near impossible for single mothers to make ends meet without entering the labour force or entering into co-residential relationships. This push towards the labour force and/or marriage via punitive welfare policies illuminates the devaluation of the labour that is done at home. Through interviewing 5 single mothers, I will demonstrate the extensive labour that goes into maintaining their households. In addition .J case managers are interviewed. The employees of social assistance, subsidized hOllsing, subsidized childcare and student loans, have much agency in deeming who is worthy of receiving benefits. The employees of these agencies have the ability to make these women's lives easier or more complicated by how the workers interpret the policy regulations. Social policies are of paramount importance in the quest for women's equality and thus have consequences for how women's daily lives are organized. The rules and regulations that govern the individual policies are complex and bureaucratic and have implications for the ways in which women must organize their lives in order to survive. The shifts in social policy have been guided by neo-liberal assumptions with a focus on individual responsibility and a market-modeled welfare state. The caring work that is involved in raising children to be productive in a capitalist society is ignored or devalued in current policies. The emphasis in each polic.:v is on getting women who receive benefits into the paid work force, with little facilitation or investment into the caring work these women do on a daily basis that in turn supports capitalism. Policies, such as social assistance, subsidized housing, subsidized childcare and student loans, are set up in such a way that ignores the reality of women's day-to-day lives and devalues the necessary work done at home. It takes an abundance of labour and strategizing for women to seek out necessary means of survival, labour that is amplified when a woman is dealing with mUltiple slate provided benefits.
The personality and neuropsychological factors associated with relational aggression were examined in a group of30 grade 6,7, and 8 girls identified through cluster analysis as being highly, yet almost exclusively, relationally aggressive and a group of 30 nonaggressive matched controls. Parents of the students in both groups completed the Coolidge Personality and Neuropsychological Inventory (1998), a 200- item DSM-IV -TR aligned, parent-as-respondent, standardized measure of c.hildren' s psychological functioning. It was found that high levels of relational aggression, in the absence of physical and verbal aggression, were associated with symptoms of DSM-IV - TR Axis I oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder and a wide variety of personality traits associated with DSM-IV -TR Axis II paranoid, borderline, narcissistic, histrionic, schizotypal, and passive aggressive personality disorders. Implications of these findings for theory, practice, and further research are discussed.
This thesis answers some important questions about how Fair Trade is experienced and perceived by some Northern sellers, consumers, activists, advocates, practitioners, and an importer. As it relates to sellers, I focus only on small scale independent businesses (i.e. I do not include large corporate businesses in my interview sample). Fair Trade works to establish a dignified livelihood for many producers in the South. Some of the most important actors in the Fair Trade movement are the people who buy, sell, and/or advocate for Fair Trade in the North. Fair Trade is largely a consumer movement which relies on the purchase of Fair Trade products. Without consumers purchasing Fair Trade products, retailers providing the products for sale, and activists raising awareness of Fair Trade, the movement, as it is presently constituted, would be non-existent. This qualitative research is based on 19 in-depth i.nterviews with nine interviewees involved with Fair Trade in Canada. I focus on benefits, challenges, and limitations of Fair Trade in the context of their involvement with it. I describe and analyze how people become involved with Fair Trade, what motivates them to do so, what they hope to achieve, and the benefits of being involved. I also describe and analyze how people understand and deal with any challenges and limitations associated with their involvement with Fair Trade. I also explore whether involvement with Fair Trade influences how people think about other products that they purchase and, if so, in what ways. I focus mainly on the commodity of coffee, but my discussion is not limited to this single commodity. Interviewees' experiences with and participation in Fair Trade vary in terms of their level of involvement and interest in the broader Fair Trade movement (as opposed to just participating in the market component). This research reveals that while Fair Trade is a small movement, sellers, consumers, and activists have had much success in the advancement of Fair Trade. While challenges have not deterred interviewees from continuing to participate in Fair Trade, analysis and explanation of such challenges provides the opportunity for Fair Trade practitioners to develop effective solutions in an effort to meet the needs of various Fair Trade actors.
When working with under-served youth, possibly the most important, yet often times the most difficult, thing for practitioners to do is to build positive, trusting, open relationships. This study aims to address this challenge. Two groups of under-served youth were examined, one being teens deemed “at-risk” and one being youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This study was novel in its approach as all efforts were made to ensure the youth's opinions on how to be relational with them were heard. Two youths with ASD were nonverbal and a special picture interview procedure was developed to allow their participation. Three thematic statements emerged from the data collected: 1. Youth need low anxiety relationships. 2. Youth need novel forms of engagement. 3. Youth need us to understand that their actions reflect their histories. The analyses that lead to these statements are described as well as the reasoning and implications of these statements.
This study investigates the mediating impact of psychological capital and follower-leader relational capital on the relationship between ethical leadership and in-role performance through the lenses of social exchange theory, social information processing theory, and psychological resources theory. Analysis of data collected from a sample of 171 employees and 24 supervisors from Pakistan reveals that ethical leadership has a positive effect on followers’ in-role job performance, yet this effect is fully explained through the role of psychological capital and partially through follower-leader relational capital. Significant implications of these findings for further research and practice are discussed.
The purpose of the research study was to increase understanding about the potential benefits of combining target activities with striking-fielding games for individuals with high functioning autism spectrum disorder. A comparative case study was conducted to understand if target activities can assist in improving the skills of striking and throwing, aid the learning of tactics and add to current understanding of how certain teaching skills might be linked to the transfer between target and striking-fielding games. Data was collected through observations, student journals and interviews and were analyzed using both inductive and deductive methods. Results show an appearance of improvement in throwing, striking, bowling and badminton for overall skill levels. In regards to teaching skills, appropriate and effective teaching techniques, appropriate and effective equipment, dynamic of participants and student-instructors and consistency of attendance are vital. Future research should further look at the transferability to outdoor settings and interview the participants.
Classical relational databases lack proper ways to manage certain real-world situations including imprecise or uncertain data. Fuzzy databases overcome this limitation by allowing each entry in the table to be a fuzzy set where each element of the corresponding domain is assigned a membership degree from the real interval [0…1]. But this fuzzy mechanism becomes inappropriate in modelling scenarios where data might be incomparable. Therefore, we become interested in further generalization of fuzzy database into L-fuzzy database. In such a database, the characteristic function for a fuzzy set maps to an arbitrary complete Brouwerian lattice L. From the query language perspectives, the language of fuzzy database, FSQL extends the regular Structured Query Language (SQL) by adding fuzzy specific constructions. In addition to that, L-fuzzy query language LFSQL introduces appropriate linguistic operations to define and manipulate inexact data in an L-fuzzy database. This research mainly focuses on defining the semantics of LFSQL. However, it requires an abstract algebraic theory which can be used to prove all the properties of, and operations on, L-fuzzy relations. In our study, we show that the theory of arrow categories forms a suitable framework for that. Therefore, we define the semantics of LFSQL in the abstract notion of an arrow category. In addition, we implement the operations of L-fuzzy relations in Haskell and develop a parser that translates algebraic expressions into our implementation.
De multiples auteurs de la discipline infirmière réclament la valeur inestimable de la relation de caring et de ses bienfaits pour la clientèle nécessitant des soins et services de réadaptation. En dépit de cette importance, la recherche concernant les bienfaits thérapeutiques de la relation de caring pour la clientèle de réadaptation demeure encore un domaine peu exploité. Actuellement, aucune étude scientifique québécoise, canadienne ou internationale, issue de la discipline infirmière, ne porte sur la compréhension de l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée dans un contexte de réadaptation, aspect qui s’avère central à la relation de caring selon Watson. Au cœur même de la philosophie du Human Caring de Watson, la présente étude vise à explorer, par des entrevues qualitatives auprès de 17 infirmières oeuvrant en contexte de réadaptation, la signification de l’expérience d « être avec » la personne soignée, de même que leur perception de la contribution de cette expérience à la réadaptation de la personne soignée. Cinquante et une entrevues, c’est-à-dire trois entrevues réalisées pour chaque participant de recherche, ont été analysées à l’aide de la méthode phénoménologique intitulée « Relational Caring Inquiry » développée par Cara (1997). Le processus de recrutement des participants a impliqué la direction des soins infirmiers des deux centres de réadaptation ciblés par l’étude. Une attention particulière a été mise afin de favoriser une diversité de participants (par exemple : genre, niveau éducationnel, quart de travail, unité de soins). Le processus d’analyse des données a permis la découverte de cinq eidos-thèmes. Parmi ces eidos-thèmes, quatre se rapportent à la signification de l’expérience d’«être avec» la personne soignée (première question de recherche), à savoir : (a) l’importance des valeurs humanistes au centre du soin, (b) l’investissement de l’infirmière et de la personne soignée, (c) les dimensions réciproque et relationnelle du soin et, finalement, (d) l’expérience de soin irremplaçable d’une complexité contextuelle. De façon plus détaillée, le premier eidos-thème dévoile les fondements humanistes à la base de l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée. Le deuxième manifeste l’implication substantielle de l’infirmière et de la personne soignée. Le troisième eidos-thème met en lumière la réciprocité et la dimension relationnelle comme étant des éléments centraux à l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée. Le quatrième eidos-thème documente les natures fondamentale et complexe de cette expérience de soin unique, de même que les conditions contextuelles qui la facilitent et la contraignent. Le cinquième et dernier eidos-thème ayant émergé de la présente étude, « rehaussement de l’harmonie corps-âme-esprit chez la personne soignée et l’infirmière », illustre la perception des participantes quant à la contribution thérapeutique de l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée à la réadaptation de cette dernière (deuxième question de recherche). Cette contribution se situe en termes de répondre aux besoins du patient, d’optimiser les progrès de réadaptation de la personne soignée, de promouvoir le niveau de bien-être de la personne soignée et de l’infirmière et, finalement, de hausser la croissance intérieure des personnes engagées dans cette expérience de soin extraordinaire. La reconnaissance des cinq eidos-thèmes a favorisé l’émergence de l’essence universelle du phénomène à l’étude qui s’intitule « la rencontre humaine profonde, thérapeutique et transformatrice ». La présente étude contribue de façon novatrice au développement des connaissances, notamment en permettant une meilleure compréhension de ce que signifie l’expérience d’« être avec » la personne soignée, pour des infirmières en réadaptation et en proposant une multitude de résultats probants pouvant servir de guide à la promulgation de soins infirmiers en contexte de réadaptation. En déterminant la signification ontologique de cette expérience de soin, la présente étude permet de préciser la place du phénomène d’« être avec » la personne soignée au centre de la théorie du caring. Ces résultats qui découlent de la deuxième question de recherche participent au développement initial d’un corpus de connaissances. Ces résultats probants serviront de guide au renouvellement de la pratique infirmière en contexte de réadaptation. De plus, en identifiant les bienfaits de cette expérience de soin, la présente étude reconnaît l’élément au cœur de la relation transpersonnelle de caring, qui contribue à rehausser l’harmonie corps-âme-esprit chez la personne soignée et l’infirmière. En plus de la clinique, des recommandations au niveau de la formation et de la recherche en sciences infirmières découlent de la présente étude.