298 resultados para Reatividade


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Diversas classes de compostos orgânicos de telúrio foram exploradas neste trabalho. Inicialmente foi estudada a transmetalação entre teluretos alílicos e dibutil cianocupratos de lítio de ordem superior, levando aos respectivos cianocupratos alílicos de lítio. Estes, por sua vez, foram acoplados com triflatos vinílicos, importantes intermediários sintéticos preparados previamente a partir de teluretos vinílicos, levando a sistemas altamente insaturados em ótimos rendimentos (Esquema 1). (Ver no arquivo em PDF) Em seguida, foi explorada a reatividade de teluretos aromáticos frente a reagentes organometálicos. Cianocupratos arílicos, gerados a partir da transmetalação entre teluretos aromáticos com cianocupratos de lítio de ordem superior, foram adicionados a cetonas α,β -insaturadas, levando aos produtos de adição 1,4 em bons rendimentos (Esquema 2). (Ver no arquivo em PDF) Teluretos vinílicos funcionalizados de configuração Z também foram alvo de estudo visando a formação de ligação carbono-carbono. Reações de substituição entre estes teluretos e cianocupratos de lítio de ordem inferior levaram a cetonas e ésteres α,β- insaturados com estereoquímica defInida em ótimos rendimentos (Esquema 3). (Ver no arquivo em PDF) De agosto/20OJ a março/2004, a aluna realizou um estágio sanduíche na University of California, Santa Barbara, sob a orientação do Prof. Bruce H. Lipshutz, onde realizou estudos sobre a ciclização de Bergman, visando a síntese do fragmentobiarílico A-B da vancornicina. Diversas condições para a ciclização foram estudadas com um composto modelo (Esquema 4) (Ver no arquivo em PDF) e parte da síntese total do fragmento da vancomlcma, onde a ciclização seria a etapa-chave, foi realizada com sucesso (Esquema 5). (Ver no arquivo em PDF)


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Tese de doutoramento, Química (Química Física), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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O transtorno de ansiedade social (TAS) pode ser descrito como o medo ou desconforto em situações nas quais o indivíduo acredita que seu desempenho esteja sendo avaliado por outros e onde tema comportar-se de forma humilhante ou embaraçosa. Este medo é acompanhado de sintomas autonômicos como suor, taquicardia e tremores e pode induzir a esquiva de tais situações. Um dos elementos essenciais deste tipo de sintoma é o julgamento que o indivíduo faz a cerca da opinião de outras pessoas. Uma das hipóteses envolvidas neste estudo é a de que este fenômeno patológico envolva mecanismos associados à empatia na medida em que envolve a atitude de colocar-se no lugar de outra pessoa e inferir, mesmo que de maneira distorcida, o que esta pessoa está pensando ou sentindo. Este projeto visa investigar a relevância da capacidade empática de pessoas com altos níveis de ansiedade social na gênese de seus sintomas. Para isso, serão aplicados dois questionários em voluntários adultos: A Escala de Ansiedade de Liebowitz e a Escala Multidimensional de Reatividade Interpessoal de Davis (EMRI), e serão estudadas as possíveis correlações entre a Ansiedade Social e a Empatia. A hipótese a ser testada é a de que indivíduo com altos níveis de ansiedade social teria uma atividade espelho mais acentuada e, com isso, um maior índice de empatia. Espera-se que este tipo de estudo possa contribuir para um melhor entendimento a respeito da fisiopatologia da ansiedade social e, consequentemente, contribuir para o desenvolvimento de formas de psicoterapia comportamentais mais eficazes para este tipo de problema clínico.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES


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In recent years, solid carriers suitable oxygen have been developed for use in different chemical processes recirculation. The success of this technology is directly related to the chemical reactivity and the oxygen storage capacity of the carrier. Thus, research into the development of new materials that can be applied to the process becomes extremely important. Possible candidates are the carriers based on nickel and copper for presenting favorable thermodynamic properties. In this work, aluminates type MAl2O4 (M = Mg and Ca) and M0,9B0,1Al2O4 (B = Ni and Cu) that are used as supports were synthesized by combustion reactions assisted by microwave and calcined at 900°C/2h. Then, the carriers were impregnated with 10% (m/m) of nickel or copper, and subsequently calcined at 600°C/2h to obtain the solid oxygen carriers, which were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) Microscopy scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and temperature programmed reduction (TPR). Reactions simulating the combustion process by chemical recirculation were performed by cycles reduction/oxidation, in order to evaluate the reactivity of carriers. XRD analysis revealed diffraction peaks of the spinel type structures. In the doped substrates were verified the presence of secondary phases, suggesting that all the metal was incorporated into the spinel structure. In solid oxygen carriers, the NiO and CuO phases were observed after impregnation of active phases on different media. The results of evaluations of chemical cycles reduction/oxidation revealed that TSO's impregnated with nickel in various media were more active and are potential candidates for use in the chemical recirculation technology


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In this work it were developed synthetic and theoretical studies for clerodane-type diterpenes obtained from Croton cajucara Benth which represents one of the most important medicinal plant of the Brazil amazon region. Specifically, the majoritary biocompound 19-nor-clerodane trans-dehydrocrotonin (t-DCTN) isolated from the bark of this Croton, was used as target molecule. Semi-synthetic derivatives were obtained from t-DCTN by using the followed synthetic procedures: 1) catalytic reduction with H2, 2) reduction using NaBH4 and 3) reduction using NaBH4/CeCl3. The semi-synthetic 19-nor-furan-clerodane alcohol-type derivatives were denominated such as t-CTN, tCTN-OL, t-CTN-OL, t-DCTN-OL, t-DCTN-OL, being all of them characterized by NMR. The furan-clerodane alcohol derivatives t-CTN-OL and tCTN-OL were obtained form the semi-synthetic t-CTN, which can be isolated from the bark of C. cajucara. A theoretical protocol (DFT/B3LYP) involving the prevision of geometric and magnetic properties such as bond length and angles, as well as chemical shifts and coupling constants, were developed for the target t-DCTN in which was correlated NMR theoretical data with structural data, with satisfactory correlation with NMR experimental data (coefficients ranging from 0.97 and 0.99) and X-ray diffraction data. This theoretical methodology was also validated for all semi-synthetic derivatives described in this work. In addition, topological data from the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) showed the presence of H-H and (C)O--H(C) intramolecular stabilized interactions types for t-DCTN e t-CTN, contributing to the understanding of the different reactivity of this clerodanes in the presence of NaBH4.


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Increasing energy demand is being met largely by fossil fuel reserves, which emit CO2, SOx gases and various other pollutants. So does the search for fuels that emit fewer pollutants and have the same energy efficiency. In this context, hydrogen (H2) has been increasingly recognized as a potential carrier of energy for the near future. This is because the H2 can be obtained by different routes and has a wide application area , in addition to having clean burning, generating only H2O as a product of combustion , and higher energy density per unit mass . The Chemical Looping Reforming process (CLR) has been extensively investigated in recent years, it is possible to regenerate the catalyst by applying cycles of reduction and oxidation. This work has as main objective to develop catalysts based on nickel and cobalt to study the reactivity of reform with chemical recycling process. The catalysts were prepared by three different methods: combustion assisted by microwave, wet impregnation and co-precipitation. All catalysts synthesized have the same amount by weight of the active phases (60% w / w). The other 40 % m/m consists in La2O3 (8% w / w), Al2O3 (30% w / w) and MgO (2%). Oxygen carriers have been named as follows: N or C, nickel or cobalt, followed by the number 3 or 6, meaning 30 to 60% of active phase in the oxide form and C, CI or CP, which means self-combustion assisted by microwave, self-combustion assisted by microwave followed by wet impregnation and co-precipitation. The oxygen carriers were then characterized by the techniques of X-ray diffraction (XRD), surface area (BET), temperature programmed reduction (TPR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The characterization results showed that the different synthesis methods have led to obtaining different morphologies and structures. Redox tests using CH4 as reducing agent and sintetic air as oxidant agent was done with N6C and C6C, N6CI and C6CI and N6CP and C6CP oxygen carriers. The tests revealed different behaviors, depending on active phase and on synthesis procedure. N6C oxygen carrier produced high levels of H2. The C6CI oxygen carrier produced CO2 and H2O without carbon deposits.


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The expansion of cultivated areas with genetically modified crops (GM) is a worldwide phenomenon, stimulating regulatory authorities to implement strict procedures to monitor and verify the presence of GM varieties in agricultural crops. With the constant growing of plant cultivating areas all over the world, consumption of aflatoxin-contaminated food also increased. Aflatoxins correspond to a class of highly toxic contaminants found in agricultural products that can have harmful effects on human and animal health. Therefore, the safety and quality evaluation of agricultural products are important issues for consumers. Lateral flow tests (strip tests) is a promising method for the detection both proteins expressed in GM crops and aflatoxins-contaminated food samples. The advantages of this technique include its simplicity, rapidity and cost-effective when compared to the conventional methods. In this study, two novel and sensitive strip tests assay were developed for the identification of: (i) Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 proteins expressed in GM cotton crops and; (ii) aflatoxins from agricultural products. The first strip test was developed using a sandwhich format, while the second one was developed using a competitive format. Gold colloidal nanoparticles were used as detector reagent when coated with monoclonal antibodies. An anti-species specific antibody was sprayed at the nitrocellulose membrane to be used as a control line. To validate the first strip test, GM (Bollgard I® e Planta 50- EMBRAPA) and non-GM cotton leaf (Cooker 312) were used. The results showed that the strip containing antibodies for the identification of Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 proteins was capable of correctly distinguishing between GM samples (positive result) and non-GM samples (negative result), in a high sensitivity manner. To validate the second strip test, artificially contaminated soybean with Aspergillus flavus (aflatoxin-producing fungus) was employed. Food samples, such as milk and soybean, were also evaluated for the presence of aflatoxins. The strip test was capable to distinguish between samples with and without aflatoxins samples, at a sensitivity concentration of 0,5 μg/Kg. Therefore, these results suggest that the strip tests developed in this study can be a potential tool as a rapid and cost-effective method for detection of insect resistant GM crops expressing Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 and aflatoxins from food samples.


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The expansion of cultivated areas with genetically modified crops (GM) is a worldwide phenomenon, stimulating regulatory authorities to implement strict procedures to monitor and verify the presence of GM varieties in agricultural crops. With the constant growing of plant cultivating areas all over the world, consumption of aflatoxin-contaminated food also increased. Aflatoxins correspond to a class of highly toxic contaminants found in agricultural products that can have harmful effects on human and animal health. Therefore, the safety and quality evaluation of agricultural products are important issues for consumers. Lateral flow tests (strip tests) is a promising method for the detection both proteins expressed in GM crops and aflatoxins-contaminated food samples. The advantages of this technique include its simplicity, rapidity and cost-effective when compared to the conventional methods. In this study, two novel and sensitive strip tests assay were developed for the identification of: (i) Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 proteins expressed in GM cotton crops and; (ii) aflatoxins from agricultural products. The first strip test was developed using a sandwhich format, while the second one was developed using a competitive format. Gold colloidal nanoparticles were used as detector reagent when coated with monoclonal antibodies. An anti-species specific antibody was sprayed at the nitrocellulose membrane to be used as a control line. To validate the first strip test, GM (Bollgard I® e Planta 50- EMBRAPA) and non-GM cotton leaf (Cooker 312) were used. The results showed that the strip containing antibodies for the identification of Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 proteins was capable of correctly distinguishing between GM samples (positive result) and non-GM samples (negative result), in a high sensitivity manner. To validate the second strip test, artificially contaminated soybean with Aspergillus flavus (aflatoxin-producing fungus) was employed. Food samples, such as milk and soybean, were also evaluated for the presence of aflatoxins. The strip test was capable to distinguish between samples with and without aflatoxins samples, at a sensitivity concentration of 0,5 μg/Kg. Therefore, these results suggest that the strip tests developed in this study can be a potential tool as a rapid and cost-effective method for detection of insect resistant GM crops expressing Cry1Ac and Cry8Ka5 and aflatoxins from food samples.


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Chapter I - The obligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii is the causative agent of toxoplasmosis, a disease that affects humans and generates economic losses in farm animals. When prevention fails disease refers to the diagnosis and subsequent treatment if the individual is diagnosed as positive. Therefore, the development of new accurate diagnostic tools for detecting T. gondii infection is a need in particular to determine the environmental source of infection which can result in more appropriate public health policies against different routes of infection and prevent potential damage that toxoplasmosis can cause when animals are infected. Chapter II - The domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) are considered epidemiological sentinels, still representing a major source of recombinant strains when predated by cats, it is common to find them with multiple infections. We evaluate the diagnostic potential of six synthetic peptides (SAG2Y, MIC1, M2AP, GRA10, ROP2 and ROP7) predicted in silico from tachyzoites immunodominant markers of T. gondii in samples from naturally infected chickens, comparing synthetic peptides with antigen total soluble (STAg). In general, our results demonstrated that reactivity rates and positivity for these peptides are similar to the STAg, and the ROP7 peptide and the combination of peptides MIC1+ROP2 have significant sensitivity, confirming them as potential diagnostic tools for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in chickens. Chapter III - Sheep (Ovis aries) are commonly infected with Toxoplasma gondii due to his eating habits. Infection in pregnant sheep can have serious consequences such as embryonic death, fetal resorption, mummification, and neonatal death. One concern regarding the infection in these animals is that the meat can be a source of contamination to humans and other carnivores. Therefore perform accurate diagnosis in these animals is of fundamental importance. In the present study we evaluated the potential of new synthetic peptides as a diagnostic tool. Synthetic peptides (SAG2Y, SRS52A, MIC14, GRA4, GRA10 and GRA15) were predicted in silico from immunodominant proteins of T. gondii. We determine the levels of IgG antibodies using sera obtained from two farms in the city of Uberlândia. Analyzing the results together, the peptide combination GRA10+GRA15 (Accuracy = 0,82) showed better characteristics compared with the other mixtures. This preparation could be better analyzed with an antigenic mixture potential use in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in sheep and other species.


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ALVES, Ana paula Melo. Vermiculitas tratadas quimicamente na obtenção de sólidos microporosos como precursores para híbridos inorgânico-orgânicos com aplicações adsortivas. 2009. 124 f. Tese (Doutorado em Quimica) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, 2009.


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AZEVEDO, Luciana Karla Araújo de, et al. Caracterização e correlação do fenômeno pró-zona com títulos de sororeatividade do VDRL e reação de imuno-fluorescência indireta em soros de pacientes com sífilis. Revista Brasileira de Análises Clínicas, Rio de Janeiro, v. 38, n. 2, p. 183-187, 2006.


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O principal objetivo deste trabalho é preparar um cermeto do tipo Al2O3/Ti(C,N) com propriedades mecânicas adequadas à sua utilização na maquinação de materiais do tipo DIN ISO 513:K01-K10 e ISO H01-H10. De forma a incrementar a sinterabilidade do cermeto investigou-se o efeito da adição de dopantes metálicos, nomeadamente alumínio metálico (Al) e hidreto de titânio (TiH2) e o efeito da substituição da moagem convencional por moagem de alta energia. As variáveis das etapas principais de processamento, i.e., da moagem, prensagem e sinterização, foram selecionadas com trabalho realizado quer na Universidade de Aveiro quer na empresa Palbit. Foram preparadas três composições do cermeto Al2O3/Ti(C,N) com adições de 5%TiH2, 1%Al e 5%TiH21%Al através da moagem de alta energia. Os parâmetros de moagem, i.e. a velocidade de rotação, o rácio bolas/pó e o tempo de moagem foram otimizados para os seguintes valores: 350 rpm, 10:1 e 5 h, respetivamente. A utilização da moagem de alta energia permitiu uma redução do tamanho de partícula dos pós até aproximadamente 100 nm e a obtenção de uma boa uniformidade da distribuição das fases (Al2O3+Ti(C,N)). A etapa de conformação foi efetuada por prensagem uniaxial seguida de prensagem isostática. A avaliação da reatividade dos cermetos através de dilatometria em atmosfera de vácuo revelou que a densificação é maioritariamente realizada em estado sólido. A adição de apenas 1%Al é a menos efetiva para a densificação. Os cermetos foram sinterizados através de sinterização convencional em forno de vazio a 1650ºC e prensagem a quente (1650ºC com uma pressão uniaxial de 25 MPa). Os valores de densificação obtidos, aproximadamente 80% e 100%, respetivamente, indicam que a aplicação de pressão durante a sinterização é efetiva para atingir densificações elevadas nos compactos, compatíveis com as suas aplicações tecnológicas. As propriedades mecânicas de dureza e de tenacidade avaliadas nos três cermetos apresentaram valores aproximados de 1800-1900 HV50 para a dureza e entre 5.4 e 7.7 MPa.m1/2 para a tenacidade à fratura.


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ALVES, Ana paula Melo. Vermiculitas tratadas quimicamente na obtenção de sólidos microporosos como precursores para híbridos inorgânico-orgânicos com aplicações adsortivas. 2009. 124 f. Tese (Doutorado em Quimica) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, 2009.


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AZEVEDO, Luciana Karla Araújo de, et al. Caracterização e correlação do fenômeno pró-zona com títulos de sororeatividade do VDRL e reação de imuno-fluorescência indireta em soros de pacientes com sífilis. Revista Brasileira de Análises Clínicas, Rio de Janeiro, v. 38, n. 2, p. 183-187, 2006.