973 resultados para Raw materials


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Ilmastonmuutoksen myötä tuotteiden hiilijalanjälkien laskeminen on yleistynyt. Tässä työssä perehdytään pakkausten aiheuttamiin kasvihuonekaasupäästöihin niiden elinkaaren aikana. Työssä lasketaan hiilijalanjälki myymäläpakkaukselle, joka on valmistettu kuituvaloksesta. Vertailua varten lasketaan hiilijalanjälki paisutetusta polystyreenistä valmistetulle pakkaukselle samassa käyttötarkoituksessa. Tavoitteena on selvittää, miten pakkausten kasvihuonekaasutaseet eroavat toisistaan, ja mitkä elinkaaren aikaiset vaiheet muodostavat merkittävimmät päästöt. Työssä käytetään PAS 2050 -ohjeistusta hiilijalanjäljen laskentaan. Laskennassa on huomioitu suorien ja epäsuorien päästöjen lisäksi myös vältetyt päästöt. Tulosten mukaan materiaalien välisen paremmuuden ratkaisee käytetty jätteenkäsittelytapa. Mikäli kuituvalos kierrätetään, on sen hiilijalanjälki paisutettua polystyreeniä (EPS) pienempi. Tarkastellut jätteenkäsittelytavat EPS:lle olivat kaatopaikkasijoitus ja energiahyötykäyttö. Mikäli kuituvalos kompostoidaan tai käytetään hyödyksi energiana, on sen hiilijalanjälki suurempi kuin EPS:n. Kuituvaloksella selkeästi merkittävimmäksi kasvihuonekaasujen aiheuttajaksi osoittautui pakkauksen valmistusvaihe. EPS:llä merkittäviä vaiheita olivat raaka-aineen tuotanto ja kuljetukset. Tulokset antavat kuvan materiaalien ilmastonmuutospotentiaalista, mutta on huomioitava, ettei hiilijalanjälkitarkastelussa huomioida muita pakkausten ympäristövaikutuksia niiden elinkaaren ajalta.


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The goal of the present work was to describe the wood fuel market of Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus, to estimate wood fuel potential and to research opportunities of wood fuel trading. Nowadays the wood waste, wood residues and by-products are becoming more and more potential raw materials for energy production. Against the background of unstable prices of traditional energy sources and environmental degradation, European States are planning to get 12% of energy from alternative sources already in 2010. Wastes of wood-working and agricultural productions are such sources. At present time the most popular wood biofuels are wood pellets, briquettes, wood chips and logs. Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus have a rather big potential of wood fuel resources. But wood fuels markets of these countries are on the entry level and quite disorganized. There is almost no domestic usage of wood biofuel. All produced pellets, briquettes as well as wood chips and logs go to the export, but the volumes are not high at present time. Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus have a very suitable geographical location. The most promising directions of wood fuel trading are developed wood fuel markets of Northern countries, Austria, Germany as well as actively developing markets of Poland and Hungary. At the long distance truck and sea transportation are the most appropriate. At a short distance cheap transportation by rail is more suitable. Thereby export is a potential opportunity for development of wood fuel production and in the future for usage in the researched countries.


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The main purposes of this study are analyzing of forest sector of North-West and research of potentials of wood fuel market in this region. Research is focused on definition of the most perspective areas for export of wood fuel: logging residues, industrial wood processing residues, pellets and briquettes. Russian wood energy industry is very young in comparison with European countries. Nowadays there are no support and serious attention from the government to this sector. Hence almost all wood fuel market is oriented to the Western Europe. Export of wood fuel is dominated over the internal consumption. Pellet production in North –West is rapidly growing. Despite internal market has been developed the lion's share of pellets goes to export. Part of industrial wood processing residues is used by producers for their own goals, part goes to the export and rest of them is not used at all. Logging residues as raw materials for fuel have great potentials; most of them are left in a forest. Special techniques for their processing are too expensive for Russian entrepreneur. Some parts of North –West, which are situated close to the border with European countries, are potential for export. Political, economical and logistical challenges are complicated facilities for foreign customer to purchase wood fuel in remote parts of North-West. However some decisions for solving this problem exist and Russian manufactures are still interested in export of their products.


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Neste Oil has introduced plant oils and animal fats for the production of NExBTL renewable diesel, and these raw materials differ from the conventional mineral based oils. One subject of new raw materials study is thermal degradation, or in another name pyrolysis, of these organic oils and fats. The aim of this master’s thesis is to increase knowledge on thermal degradation of these new raw materials, and to identify possible gaseous harmful thermal degradation compounds. Another aim is to de-termine the health and environmental hazards of identified compounds. One objective is also to examine the formation possibilities of hazardous compounds in the produc-tion of NExBTL-diesel. Plant oils and animal fats consist mostly of triglycerides. Pyrolysis of triglycerides is a complex phenomenon, and many degradation products can be formed. Based on the literature studies, 13 hazardous degradation products were identified, one of which was acrolein. This compound is very toxic and dangerous to the environment. Own pyrolysis experiments were carried out with rapeseed and palm oils, and with a mix-ture of palm oil and animal fat. At least 12 hazardous compounds, including acrolein, were analysed from the gas phase. According to the experiments, the factors which influence on acrolein formation are the time of the experiment, the sphere (air/hydrogen) in which the experiment is carried out, and the characteristics of the used oil. The production of NExBTL-diesel is not based on pyrolysis. This is why thermal degradation is possible only when abnormal process conditions prevail.


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Ilmastonmuutoksen myötä tuotteiden hiilijalanjälkien laskeminen on yleistynyt. Tässä työssä perehdytään pakkausten aiheuttamiin kasvihuonekaasupäästöihin niiden elinkaaren aikana. Työssä lasketaan hiilijalanjälki myymäläpakkaukselle, joka on valmistettu kuituvaloksesta. Vertailua varten lasketaan hiilijalanjälki paisutetusta polystyreenistä valmistetulle pakkaukselle samassa käyttötarkoituksessa. Tavoitteena on selvittää, miten pakkausten kasvihuonekaasutaseet eroavat toisistaan, ja mitkä elinkaaren aikaiset vaiheet muodostavat merkittävimmät päästöt. Työssä käytetään PAS 2050 -ohjeistusta hiilijalanjäljen laskentaan. Laskennassa on huomioitu suorien ja epäsuorien päästöjen lisäksi myös vältetyt päästöt. Tulosten mukaan materiaalien välisen paremmuuden ratkaisee käytetty jätteenkäsittelytapa. Mikäli kuituvalos kierrätetään, on sen hiilijalanjälki paisutettua polystyreeniä (EPS) pienempi. Tarkastellut jätteenkäsittelytavat EPS:lle olivat kaatopaikkasijoitus ja energiahyötykäyttö. Mikäli kuituvalos kompostoidaan tai käytetään hyödyksi energiana, on sen hiilijalanjälki suurempi kuin EPS:n. Kuituvaloksella selkeästi merkittävimmäksi kasvihuonekaasujen aiheuttajaksi osoittautui pakkauksen valmistusvaihe. EPS:llä merkittäviä vaiheita olivat raaka-aineen tuotanto ja kuljetukset. Tulokset antavat kuvan materiaalien ilmastonmuutospotentiaalista, mutta on huomioitava, ettei hiilijalanjälkitarkastelussa huomioida muita pakkausten ympäristövaikutuksia niiden elinkaaren ajalta.


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The oleochemical industry has a permanent interested in controlling the physical, functional and organoleptical properties of their products and in producing useful derivatives from their raw materials. The potential of biotechnology for developing novel or well-known products at more competitive costs meets the need of this industrial segment in expanding their goals. In this work some technical aspects, problems and perspectives related to the production of oil and fat derivatives using biotransformation techniques are discussed. Particular emphasis is given to the description of biotransformation processes using lipase as catalyst, in view of the great versatility of this enzyme class to mediate typical reactions in this technological sector.


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This work presents a proposal for the management of residues from teaching laboratories. The main goals of the proposal are: scale reduction of experiments, reuse of residues as raw materials for new experiments and appropriate treatment and storage of residues. The methodology includes standardized labels for residue classification and registration of experimental classes and their residues in files. The management seemed to be efficient, resulting in a reduction of the amount of reagents utilized and residues generated, and an increase of reutilization of residues. A considerable decrease of needed storage space and suitable methods for correct residue disposal were achieved. We expect that all laboratories, including those exclusively for research activities, become involved, in a near future, in the Residue Management Project of URI - Campus Erechim.


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Samples of copper compounds covering all of the XXth century and the end of the XIXth century were submitted to classical and instrumental quantitative analysis. The amount of impurities greatly decreased with time, reaching a constant level since the 1960's. The gravimetric method was suitable for the determination of copper although other procedures also gave good or reasonable results. However, for metal contaminants, atomic absorption spectrometry was the best choice because of its lower detection limits, being able to determine several elements in the oldest samples. Ion chromatography detected several anions in copper salts manufactured before the 1950's. An increasing quality of raw materials and a better sensitivity of analytical methods led to quality improvement of copper compounds with time.


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Peat is an organic substance with the maintenance of a mineral part, what shows it as interesting object for studying. Both organic and mineral parts of peat find application in various fields of activity of the people. Antibacterial properties of peat are known since an antiquity. Today people have expanded a spectrum of application of peat to use of by-products of its processing for reception of rather ecologically harmless fuel. The master theses are focused on peat, as on ambiguous raw materials for processing and fuel manufacture. The purpose of theses to show how much widely applied peat, technologies on its processing and its influence on environment at all stages of its working out.


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The synthesis of ZSM-5 zeolite was studied by three synthesis methods: standard synthesis, three day synthesis and synthesis employing clays (kaolin and montmorillonite). The raw materials and prepared materials were characterized by Chemical Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The results show that it is possible to synthesized ZSM-5 zeolite using clays as raw materials. Kaolin gives phases of higher crystalinity than montmorillonite.


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[spa] El presente estudio se centra en la caracterización macroscópica y microscópica de las materias primas silíceas del yacimiento de la Dolina de l'Esquerda de les Alzines, un yacimiento del Pleistoceno superior ubicado en el macizo del Garraf. El objetivo ha sido establecer distintas variedades de sílex, mediante la descripción macroscópica y microscópica de los elementos del conjunto lítico, para disponer, por vez primera, de unas categorías definidas de los recursos abióticos silíceos disponibles y explotados durante la prehistoria en este macizo. Además, mediante el presente estudio se ha evaluado también la posible procedencia y el área captación de dichas materias. [eng]The present study focuses on the macroscopic and microscopic characterization of siliceous raw materials from the archeological site of Dolina de l'Esquerda de les Alzines, an Upper Pleistocene deposit located in the Garraf Massif. The aim of this study has been to establish different varieties of chert, by a precise description of the elements of the lithic assemblage, to provide for the first time a few categories defined from the siliceous abiotic resources available and exploited during Prehistory in the massif. Furthermore, through the present study we also assessed the possible origin and procurement area of such materials.


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Stora Enson Kotkan tehtaiden paperikone yksi on pieni erikoislaatuja tekevä paperikone, jonka hy6tysuhteen parantamiseen on etsitty keinoja kunnossapidon toimesta. Kansainvälisen kilpailun kiristyessä sekä raaka aineiden ja energian kallistuessa paperikoneen hy6tysuhteen tulee olla korkealla tasolla. Tämän diplomity6n kirjallisuusosassa on perehdytty yleisesti kunnossapidon käsitteisiin ja toimintatapoihin. Vikaantumisen osiossa on pyritty l6ytamaan mekanismi laakereiden vikaantumiseen ja kunnonvalvonnalla keinot laakereiden vikaantumisen ehkäisyyn. Työn käytännön osiossa tutkittiin paperikoneen häiriökirjauksia vuosilta 2006 ja 2007 tehtaan toiminnanohjausjärjestelmistä. Samanaikaisesti selvitettiin toimenpidekirjauksia ja tehtyjä korjauksia samoihin kohteisiin, joissa vikaantumista tapahtuu. Tavoitteena oli selvittää syyt suuriin hairi6seisokkiaikoihin sekä analysoida suunniteltujen ja suunnittelemattomien seisokkien suhdetta. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin häiriökirjauksien puutteellisuus ja kirjauksien merkitys häiriöiden ennaltaehkäisyssä.


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Chemical industry underwent a significant upturn in the past few years. In Brazil, the position of this industry has been continuously strengthened as the second largest industrial sector. Current circumstances are discussed, especially the need for increased innovation, the impacts of nanotechnology, biotechnology and information technologies. Some misconceptions on the Brazilian chemical industry are criticized and recent improvements are described, including those related to environmental protection, to conclude that its prospects are very good, considering both the availability of basic raw materials (oil, natural gas, agribusiness products and minerals), the growing demand and increased competitiveness.


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Resum L’any 1969 es van començar a comercialitzar els sistemes digitals programables coneguts com autòmats programables o PLC’s, utilitzats per controlar qualsevol tipus de procés industrial. Al llarg de tots aquests anys, aquests sistemes i tota la tecnologia en general han evolucionat molt, i només és qüestió de temps que la tecnologia que utilitzem avui en dia quedi obsoleta i substituïda per una de millors característiques i amb més avantatges. Aquest és el motiu de l’elaboració d’aquest treball, que com a objectiu pretén modernitzar un procés de fabricació d’una industria química que ha quedat molt limitat a causa de l’antiguitat de la instal•lació. Per dur a terme aquesta modernització, s’introdueixen sistemes de control amb majors prestacions, s’utilitzen xarxes de comunicacions per facilitar el muntatge elèctric de la instal•lació i un sistema de supervisió i adquisició de dades per poder obtenir un control més estricte del procés de fabricació i de tots els factors que intervenen. El funcionament del procés de fabricació és que a partir d’unes matèries primeres líquides emmagatzemades en dipòsits, es dosifiquin aquestes matèries en l’ordre i la quantitat desitjada dins un o diversos recipients per barrejar-les i aplicar els tractaments que siguin necessaris. Tot aquest procés està controlat per un autòmat programable, i disposa de diferents terminals operadors per poder interactuar amb el sistema. També té implementat un sistema SCADA en diversos ordinadors per aportar una visió general de la planta en temps real, un registre de dades dels paràmetres que es controlen i alhora serveix per enllaçar amb la xarxa d’ordinadors existent. Com annex d’aquest treball, es presenten els esquemes elèctrics i el programa de l’autòmat programable per veure totes les característiques elèctriques dels dispositius i el mètode de funcionament del procés. S’ha aconseguit donar un salt tecnològic i poder gaudir de tots els avantatges que ofereixen les noves tecnologies, que com a resultat s’ha optimitzat i millorat el procés de fabricació. De totes les conclusions, la més destacada és la d’haver dissenyat un sistema de control basat en una estructura descentralitzada molt flexible, que es pot expandir i adaptar fàcilment als possibles canvis.


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The thermal decomposition of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB)/ammonium nitrate (AN) based propellants, so called smokeless formulations, and raw materials were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TG). The thermoanalytical profile of different components and of propellant were evaluated and the Arrhenius parameters for the thermal decomposition of the propellant sample were determined by the Ozawa method. The kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition of propellant samples were determined by DSC measurements. The values obtained for activation energy (Ea) and pre-exponential factor were 163 kJ mol-1 and 1.94x10(6) min-1.