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This study analyses the contradictory effects of decentralisation on public spending. We distinguish three dimensions of decentralisation and analyse their joint and separate effects on public spending in the Swiss cantons over 20 years. We find that overall decentralisation has a strong, significant and negative effect on the size of the public sector, thus confirming the Leviathan hypothesis. The same holds for fiscal and institutional decentralisation. However, the extent to which political processes and actors are organised locally rather than centrally actually increases central and decreases local spending. This suggests that actors behave strategically when dealing with the centre by offloading the more costly policies. The wider implication of our study is that the balance between self-rule and shared rule has implications also for the size of the overall political system.
While India's state-owned enterprises are widely believed to be inefficient, there is a dearth of studies that document such inefficiency on any rigorous basis. Yet, since improvement in firm efficiency is one of the basic objectives of privatization, it is important to assess whether efficiency is indeed lower in the public sector than in the private sector. This paper compares the performance of state-owned enterprises with those of private sector firms in respect of technical efficiency. The comparison is made in eight different sectors over the period 1991-92 to 1998-99. We measure technical efficiency using the method of Data Envelopment Analysis. Judging by the average levels of technical efficiency, no conclusive evidence of superior performance on the part of the private sector is found.
India's public sector banks (PSBs) are compared unfavorably with their private sector counterparts, domestic and foreign. This comparison rests, for the most part, on financial measures of performance, and such a comparison provides much of the rationale for privatization of PSBs.In this paper, we attempt a comparison between PSBs and their private sector counterparts based on measures of productivity that use quantities of outputs and inputs. We employ two measures of productivity: Tornqvist and Malmquist total factor productivity growth. We attempt these comparisons over the period 1992-2000, comparing PSBs with both domestic private and foreign banks. Out of a total of four comparisons we have made, there are no differences in three cases, PSBs do better in two, and foreign banks in one. To put it differently, PSBs are seen to be at a disadvantage in only one out of six comparisons. It is difficult, therefore, to sustain the proposition that efficiency and productivity have been lower in public sector banks relative to their peers in the private sector.
La Extensión Rural, como mecanismo para propender al desarrollo rural en la Argentina, ha sido la herramienta por excelencia utilizada por los Estados para lograr objetivos institucionales vinculados a las políticas dominantes. El presente trabajo se propone analizar la institucionalidad asociada a la Extensión Rural y Asistencia Técnica en el sector hortícola del Gran La Plata luego de la crisis del 2001, como instrumento de apoyo al desarrollo rural. Para ello identifica a los actores del sector público y de la sociedad civil vinculados al proceso de innovación tecnológica que participan en la construcción de una nueva institucionalidad y los enfoques paradigmáticos emergentes, presentes en la agricultura familiar de la región. Se concluye que los cambios institucionales que se están operando, como resultado de una nueva visión de la institucionalidad que se está construyendo, están dando lugar a estrategias de intervención novedosas para la región, siendo cada vez más frecuentes las acciones que operan a favor de la agricultura familiar
La Extensión Rural, como mecanismo para propender al desarrollo rural en la Argentina, ha sido la herramienta por excelencia utilizada por los Estados para lograr objetivos institucionales vinculados a las políticas dominantes. El presente trabajo se propone analizar la institucionalidad asociada a la Extensión Rural y Asistencia Técnica en el sector hortícola del Gran La Plata luego de la crisis del 2001, como instrumento de apoyo al desarrollo rural. Para ello identifica a los actores del sector público y de la sociedad civil vinculados al proceso de innovación tecnológica que participan en la construcción de una nueva institucionalidad y los enfoques paradigmáticos emergentes, presentes en la agricultura familiar de la región. Se concluye que los cambios institucionales que se están operando, como resultado de una nueva visión de la institucionalidad que se está construyendo, están dando lugar a estrategias de intervención novedosas para la región, siendo cada vez más frecuentes las acciones que operan a favor de la agricultura familiar
La Extensión Rural, como mecanismo para propender al desarrollo rural en la Argentina, ha sido la herramienta por excelencia utilizada por los Estados para lograr objetivos institucionales vinculados a las políticas dominantes. El presente trabajo se propone analizar la institucionalidad asociada a la Extensión Rural y Asistencia Técnica en el sector hortícola del Gran La Plata luego de la crisis del 2001, como instrumento de apoyo al desarrollo rural. Para ello identifica a los actores del sector público y de la sociedad civil vinculados al proceso de innovación tecnológica que participan en la construcción de una nueva institucionalidad y los enfoques paradigmáticos emergentes, presentes en la agricultura familiar de la región. Se concluye que los cambios institucionales que se están operando, como resultado de una nueva visión de la institucionalidad que se está construyendo, están dando lugar a estrategias de intervención novedosas para la región, siendo cada vez más frecuentes las acciones que operan a favor de la agricultura familiar
This paper reviews the relationship between public sector investment and private sector investment through government expenditures financed by government bonds in the Japanese economy. This study hypothesizes that deficit financing by bond issues does not crowd out private sector investment, and this finance method may crowd in. Thus the government increases bond issues and sells them in the domestic and international financial markets. This method does not affect interest rates because they are insensitive to government expenditures and they depend on interest rates levels in the international financial market more than in the domestic financial market because of globalization and integration among financial markets.
Many countries around the world are implementing Public?Private?Partnership (PPP) contacts to manage road infrastructure. In some of these contracts the public sector introduces economic incentives to the private operator to foster the accomplishment of social goals. One of the incentives that have been introduced in some PPP contracts is related to safety in such a way that the better the safety outcome the greater will be the economic reward to the contractor. The aim of this paper is at identify whether the incentives to improve road safety in highway PPPs are ultimately effective in improving safety ratios. To this end Poisson and negative binomial regression models have been applied using information from highway sections in Spain. The findings indicate that even though road safety is highly influenced by variables that are not much controllable by the contractor such as the Average Annual Daily Traffic and the percentage of heavy vehicles, the implementation of safety incentives in PPPs has a positive influence in the reduction of fatalities, injuries and accidents.
La crisis y la disminución de confianza en las Administraciones Públicas están produciendo que los gobiernos apuesten por nuevos sistemas de gobernanza y organización. Si bien esto es un hecho claro, no lo es tanto el nivel de implantación e implicación en estos temas por parte de las Administraciones. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es el de determinar el Estado de Madurez del Gobierno Abierto en el Sector Público Español. Para ello, se realiza un estudio teórico en el que se enmarca este concepto y se dan a conocer las definiciones previas y puntos clave necesarios para su implantación. Posteriormente, mediante distintos análisis, entre los que se incluyen indicadores, encuestas y estudios de las diferentes webs, se pretende llegar al estado actual y a un modelo general y eficiente de Gobierno Abierto. ABSTRACT. Crisis and the fall in public authorities confident are making Governments go to new systems of Government and organization. Although this is a fact, not so much the level of implantation and involvement in these issues by the administrations. The main aim of this project is determine the State of Maturity of the Open Government in the Spanish Public Sector. To achieve this, a theoretical study is made which include this concept and the previous definitions and key points required are given for its implementation. Subsequently, by several analysis, including indicators, surveys and studies of the different sites, we intend to reach the current state and a general and efficient model of Open Government.
European public sectors are particularly affected by the demographic challenge and an ageing and shrinking workforce. According to OECD statistics, over 30% of public employees of central government in 13 countries will leave during the next 15 years. Moreover, the public sector has as compared to the private sector to rely on a much older workforce, who will have to work longer in future. Against this background, European governments need to react and re-think major elements of current HR and organisational management in the public sector. Particularly the skills in age management should be improved in order to also maintain in future a highly productive, competent and efficient public sector and to ensure that public employees stay longer ‘employable’, ‘healthy’, ‘fit for the job’ and ‘up to the task’. The survey suggests some solutions by investing more in three priority areas in the field of HRM.
From the Introduction. This contribution will focus on the core question if, how and to what extent the EU procurement rules and principles (may) affect the national health care systems. We start our analysis by summarizing the applicable EU public procurement legislation, principles and soft law and its exact scope in relation to health care. (section 2). Subsequently, we turn to the parties in a contract, subject to procurement rules in the field of health care, addressing both the definition of contracting authorities and relevant case law (section 3). This will then lead to an analysis of possible justifications for not holding a tender procedure in the field of health care (section 4). Finally, we illustrate the impact of EU public procurement rules on health care by analysing a Dutch case study, in which the question whether public hospitals in the Netherlands qualify as contracting authorities in terms of the Public Sector Directive stood central (section 5). Our conclusions will follow in section 6.
It is generally assumed that any capital needs discovered by the Asset Quality Review the ECB is scheduled to finish by the end of 2014 should be filled by public funding (= fiscal backstop). This assumption is wrong, however. Banks that do not have enough capital should be asked to obtain it from the market; or be restructured using the procedures and rules recently agreed. The Directorate-General for Competition at the European Commission should be particularly vigilant to ensure that no further state aid flows to an already oversized European banking system. The case for a public backstop was strong when the entire euro area banking system was under stress, but this is no longer the case. Banks with a viable business model can find capital; those without should be closed because any public-sector re-capitalisation would likely mean throwing good money after bad.
In April 2015, the Ukrainian parliament passed a long-awaited law on the gas sector which paves the way for the extremely difficult process of reforming and de-monopolising the Ukrainian gas sector. The law will come into force on 1 October 2015 and involves the break-up of the state-owned company Naftogaz, the current monopolist, and the gradual creation of a competitive gas market in line with the so-called Third Energy Package. At the same time, a threefold increase in the price of gas paid by individual customers and the public sector was introduced. The price had been subsidised for years and no previous government had ever decided to raise it.