880 resultados para Pino de fibra de vidro


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Foram utilizados cinco bovinos fistulados no rúmen para se determinar a degradação da cana-de-açúcar em dietas com diferentes fontes de proteína degradável, por meio do método de incubação de sacos de náilon. Os tratamentos estudados foram: cana e uréia; cana e farelo de soja; cana, farelo de soja e uréia; cana e glúten de milho; cana, glúten de milho e uréia. Após um período de adaptação de 14 dias, iniciou-se a incubação dos sacos de náilon, nos tempos de 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 e 120 horas. Após o período de incubação, foram determinados o pH e a concentração de amônia no fluido ruminal, em amostras retiradas 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 e 21 horas após a alimentação. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com tratamentos como parcelas e tempos como subparcelas. A concentração de amônia foi mais elevada nos tratamentos com maior quantidade de proteína degradável, porém não houve efeito significativo para os tratamentos. Para os valores de pH, houve significância, apresentando valores mais elevados para os tratamentos com maior quantidade de proteína degradável. Não se observou efeito significativo das diferentes fontes de nitrogênio sobre a degradação da matéria seca e da fibra em detergente neutro da cana-de-açúcar, sendo que a degradabilidade dessas duas frações variou apenas com o tempo de incubação. Os resultados do experimento não comprovaram o princípio de que a maior quantidade de proteína degradável no rúmen possa induzir maior degradação da FDN da dieta.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar o efeito das silagens de três híbridos de sorgo: granífero (Conti-Silo, de porte baixo), duplo propósito (Conti-Silo-03, de porte médio) e forrageiro (547-F, de porte alto) e de três épocas distintas (aos 105, 112 e 119 dias após a semeadura) sobre a degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca (MS) e da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN). Foram utilizados três bovinos adultos mestiços fistulados no rúmem, distribuídos em um delineamento experimental em parcelas subdivididas, com três tempos de incubação (6, 24, 96 horas). Houve diferença (P<0,05) nas frações de desaparecimento da MS e de FDN após 6, 24 e 96 horas de incubação ruminal entre as diferentes silagens. Quanto à época de colheita, a diferença na degradação de MS foi observada após 96 horas de incubação, destacando-se a variedade de duplo propósito, superior nos três diferentes cortes. Com a maturação, observou-se tendência de aumento na fração degradável da MS, porém esse efeito foi menos evidente nas silagens de sorgo forrageiro. Para a FDN não houve diferença (P<0,05) entre silagens em nenhum dos tempos de incubação.


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Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da suplementação com farelo de algodão, uréia ou amiréia a dietas com silagem de milho e milho moído, por intermédio do método da digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca, nitrogênio e fibra em detergente ácido. O tratamento com uréia apresentou resultados superiores ao demais tratamentos, em todas características estudadas, e os tratamentos com farelo de algodão ou amiréia, resultados semelhantes. Os valores digestibilidade in vitro obtidos foram: 70,5; 69,8 e 72,7% para matéria seca; 61,6; 63,1 e 66,7% para nitrogênio e 30,8; 30,0 e 43,1% para fibra em detergente ácido dos tratamentos contendo farelo de algodão, amiréia e uréia, respectivamente. As dietas com silagem de milho e milho moído suplementadas com uréia fornecem bons resultados de digestibilidade in vitro de matéria seca, nitrogênio e fibra em detergente ácido


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de teores de fibra bruta na dieta sobre o desempenho produtivo, composição centesimal da carcaça e parâmetros fisiológicos de juvenis de pacu. O experimento teve duração de 84 dias, e foram utilizados 360 juvenis de pacu, com peso médio de 23,97±0,59 g, distribuídos aleatóriamente em 30 tanques com 180 L de água, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos (5, 7, 9, 11, 13 e 15% de fibra bruta) e cinco repetições. Dietas com altos teores de fibra (11, 13 e 15%) resultaram em piores taxas de ganho de peso, conversão alimentar e crescimento específico, além de menor eficiência proteica e consumo de ração. A composição da carcaça dos animais foi alterada pelo aumento do teor de fibra das dietas. Os teores de proteína e cinza tiveram aumento com o incremento nos teores de fibra. O metabolismo foi alterado com o emprego de teores crescentes de fibra, o que resultou em pequena elevação do colesterol plasmático. Teores de fibra bruta de até 9% não tiveram efeitos negativos no metabolismo; entretanto, teores acima de 11% reduziram o crescimento dos peixes.


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Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a digestibilidade da energia e da fibra de dietas contendo uréia, amiréia ou farelo de algodão como fontes protéicas exclusivas e silagem de milho como volumoso. Utilizaram-se 24 borregos com 11 meses de idade e peso médio 31 kg e o método da coleta total de fezes. A ingestão de matéria seca foi de 64,1; 68,8 e 71,4 g/kg PV0,75/dia e as digestibilidades da energia da FDN e da FB foram 63,0; 67,7 e 64,4%, 39,6; 55,7 e 50,0%, 47,0; 49,3 e 53,4%, respectivamente, para dietas com uréia, amiréia e farelo de algodão. Os ganhos em peso foram 278,5; 348,0; e 293,7 g/anim.dia, na mesma ordem. O uso da amiréia poderá ser o mais adequado, em relação a uréia e farelo de algodão, em dietas para borregos contendo silagem de milho como volumoso.


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The main purpose of this dissertation, consists of the study and analysis of the PBG (Photonic Band Gap )..tecnology incorporated in optical fiber structures. So, we'l1 present a complete PBG structure theory, and folowing this, we'l1 present also a chapter for convencional optical fiber, due to the need to construct the base theory of them, and latter a more complete work about photonic crystal fiber. Finaly, we'l1 show the results of the signals , dispersion, and obtained curves under the right dimensions according to the required signals, for convencional optical and photonic crystal fiber. Knowing that PBG crystals with low losses act as perfect mirrors for forbidden frequences and knowing that the persence of structures of PBG as substrates, brings some desirable characteristics such as spontaneous emition supression and superficial waves. We' 11 show according to these characteristics its applications in telecomunication. Therefore, the enphasis of this work is to show that the optical fibers are the only practible thing to integrate the enormous quantity of data and video at intemet' s market, developing, manipulating, changing, and multiplexing the optical fibers chanels in an area where we expect that the photonic crystals has an important hole, since the photonic crystals can be projected and made to avoid losses in the bands of certain wavelength which permits the increase in efficiency ofthe optical components projected with crystals. A sequence of this work would be the utilisation of the PBG structures in the new system of optical network without fiber developed by Bell laboratories of the lucent tecnology, last year using light rays for transmiting information through the air. The new system of optical networks without fiber will permit sending the data of 15 cd-rooms in less then one second, what represents 65 times more information than those transmitted through the actual radio frequences


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Nowadays, optic fiber is one of the most used communication methods, mainly due to the fact that the data transmission rates of those systems exceed all of the other means of digital communication. Despite the great advantage, there are problems that prevent full utilization of the optical channel: by increasing the transmission speed and the distances involved, the data is subjected to non-linear inter symbolic interference caused by the dispersion phenomena in the fiber. Adaptive equalizers can be used to solve this problem, they compensate non-ideal responses of the channel in order to restore the signal that was transmitted. This work proposes an equalizer based on artificial neural networks and evaluates its performance in optical communication systems. The proposal is validated through a simulated optic channel and the comparison with other adaptive equalization techniques


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In the last decades there was a significant increasing of the numbers of researchers that joint efforts to find alternatives to improve the development of low environmental impact technology. Materials based on renewable resources have enormous potentials of applications and are seen as alternatives for the sustainable development. Within other parameters, the sustainability depends on the energetic efficiency, which depends on the thermal insulation. Alternative materials, including vegetal fibers, can be applied to thermal insulation, where its first goal is to minimize the loss of energy. In the present research, it was experimentally analyzed the thermal behavior of fiber blankets of sisal (Agave sisalana) with and without surface treatment with oxide hidroxide (NaOH). Blankets with two densities (1100/1200 and 1300/1400 g/m2) were submitted to three rates of heat transfer (22.5 W, 40 W and 62.5 W). The analysis of the results allowed comparing the blankets treated and untreated in each situation. Others experiments were carried out to obtain the thermal conductivity (k), heat capacity (C) and the thermal diffusivity (α) of the blankets. Thermo gravimetric analyses were made to the verification of the thermal stability. Based on the results it was possible to relate qualitatively the effect of the heat transfer through the sisal blankets subjected to three heat transfer rates, corresponding to three temperature values (77 °C, 112 °C e 155 °C). To the first and second values of temperature it was verified a considerable reduction on the rate of heat transfer; nevertheless, to the third value of temperature, the surface of the blankets (treated and untreated) in contact with the heated surface of the tube were carbonized. It was also verified, through the analyses of the results of the measurements of k, C e α, that the blankets treated and untreated have values near to the conventional isolating materials, as glass wool and rock wool. It could be concluded that is technically possible the use of sisal blankets as constitutive material of thermal isolation systems in applications where the temperature do not reach values greater than 112 ºC


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There are a number of damaging mechanisms that various materials can suffer in service. However, when working with polymer composite materials, this is something that requires analysis, especially when exposed to adverse environmental conditions. Thus, the objective of the present thesis is the study of the direct influence of environmental aging and the form of hybridization of the reinforcement woven on the structural stability, surfacedegradation and fracture process of polymer composites laminates. For this, the development of two polymer composite laminates was necessary, where one of them was reinforced with a bi-directional woven with hybrid strandsofkevlar-49/glass-Efibers, and the other also with a bi-directionalwoven, however with weft and warpformed of alternating strandsof Kevlar-49 fibers and glass-E fiber The reinforcementwoven are industrially manufactured. Both laminates use a polyester resin as a matrixand are made up of four layers each. All laminates were industrially prepared by the hand lay-up method of manufacturing. To do this, test specimens were manufactured of the respective laminates and submitted to environmental aging accelerated through the aging chamber. They were exposed to alternating cycles of UV radiation and moisture (heated steam) for a standard defined period. At the end of the exposure period the specimens were subjected to mechanical tests of uniaxial tensile and bending in three points and to the characterizationsof the fracture and surface deterioration. In addition, they were submitted to a structural degradation assessment by the measurement of mass variation technique (MMVT) and the measurement of thickness variation technique (MTVT), this last technique being developed in this thesis. At the end of the analysis it was observed that the form of hybridization of the reinforcement woven and the aging process directly influence with losses or gain in mechanical properties, with losses in the structural degradation and in the formation and propagation of damage mechanism of the developedcomposite laminates


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In the present research work, composites were prepared using pine apple leaf fibres (PALF) as reinforcement with unsaturated polyester resin as matrix, incorporating with fire retardant at different compositions. The PALF was obtained from the decortication of pine apple leaves obtained from Ramada 4 from Ielmo Marinho in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The unsaturated polyester resin and the catalyzer were bought from the local establishment. The fire retardant, aluminium tri-hydroxide - Al(OH)3 was donated by Alcoa Alumínio S.A and was used in the proportions of 20%, 40% and 60% w/w. Initially the fibres were treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, to remove any impurities present on the fibre surface, such as wax, fat, pectin and pectate, in order to have a better adsorption of the fibres with the matrix as well as the flame retardant. The fibre mat was prepared in a mat preparator by immersion, developed in the Textile Engineering Laboratory, at the UFRN. The composites (300x300x3 mm) were prepared by compression molding and the samples (150x25x3 mm) for analysis of the properties were cut randomly using a laser cutter. Some of the cut samples were used to measure the smoke emission and fire resistance using UL94 standard. Mechanical tension-extension and flexural properties were carried in CTGás RN and the Laboratório de Metais e Ensaios Mecânicos Engenharia de Materiais UFRN , as well as SEM studies were carried out at Núcleo de Estudos em Petróleo e Gás Natural - UFRN . From the observed results, it was noted that, there was no marked influence of the fire retardant on the mechanical properties. Also in the water absorption test, the quantity of water absorbed was less in the sample with higher concentration of fire retardant. It was also observed that the increase in the proportion of the fire retardant increased the time of burning, may be due to the compactness of the composite due to the presence of fire retardant as a filling material even though it was meant to reduce the rate of inflammability of the composite


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In 1998 the first decorticator was developed in the Textile Engineering Laboratory and patented for the purpose of extracting fibres from pineapple leaves, with the financial help from CNPq and BNB. The objective of the present work was to develop an automatic decorticator different from the first one with a semiautomatic system of decortication with automatic feeding of the leaves and collection of the extracted fibres. The system is started through a command system that passes information to two engines, one for starting the beater cylinder and the other for the feeding of the leaves as well as the extraction of the decorticated fibres automatically. This in turn introduces the leaves between a knife and a beater cylinder with twenty blades (the previous one had only 8 blades). These blades are supported by equidistant flanges with a central transmission axis that would help in increasing the number of beatings of the leaves. In the present system the operator has to place the leaves on the rotating endless feeding belt and collect the extracted leaves that are being carried out through another endless belt. The pulp resulted form the extraction is collected in a tray through a collector. The feeding of the leaves as well as the extraction of the fibres is controlled automatically by varying the velocity of the cylinders. The semi-automatic decorticator basically composed of a chassis made out of iron bars (profile L) with 200cm length, 91 cm of height 68 cm of width. The decorticator weighs around 300Kg. It was observed that the increase in the number of blades from 8 to twenty in the beater cylinder reduced the turbulence inside the decorticator, which helped to improve the removal of the fibres without any problems as well as the quality of the fibres. From the studies carried out, from each leaf 2,8 to 4,5% of fibres can be extracted. This gives around 4 to 5 tons of fibres per hectare, which is more than that of cotton production per hectare. This quantity with no doubt could generate jobs to the people not only on the production of the fibres but also on their application in different areas


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To take care of to the demand of the new constructions in the low income communities and to develop the production of a strengthened alternative brick with staple fibers of coconut, capable to contribute mainly with the recycling of the green and mature coconut in the urban and agricultural lexes, this research was developed, to confection bricks of soil-cement with coconut fiber. Ecologically correct material and of low cost, since the greenhouse use of or oven for burning will be manufactured without. The study it presents a set of tables and graphs that prove good indices found in the values of the density, water absorption, axial compressive strength and isolation term acoustics, with evidential results that make possible the production in industrial character with press mechanics or the place of the workmanship with manual form. The preparation of coconut staple fibers was made of natural form without use of chemical products not to deprive of characteristics the properties mechanical physicist-chemistries and of the same ones. The sixty bricks produced in simple and manual press had been carried through in four lots of fifteen units. The mixture of aggregates was made in four different traces composites for: ground erinaceous, cement, fiber of dry coconut and water; the bricks had been compact in the press and cured in natural way under an area covered during the minimum time of seven days


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In the present work, three composites with distinct reinforcements (polyester, modal e polyester + modal), all if a unsaturated orthophthalic polyester resin as matrix were used, in order to conduct a comparative study by mechanical tests and water absorption. The fibre mats were prepared in a mat preparatory by immersion developed in the Textile Engineering Laboratory. The composites were manufactured using a closed mould process by compression using an unsaturated orthophthalic polyester resin as matrix and 1% MEK (methyl ethyl ketone peroxide) as an initiator. In each composite twelve samples with the dimensions of 150x25x3 mm were cut randomly for the mechanical analysis (tension x extension, three points bending and water absorption and Scanning Electron Micsroscopy). The mechanical tests were carried out in the Laboratório de Metais e Ensaios Mecânicos UFRN . All the analyses were carried out according to the ASTM norms. The resultant samples from the mechanical analysis were subjected for the Scanning Electron Microscopy analysis. Based on the results obtained, it was observed that the reinforced composite with two fibres (modal + polyester) presented better results in comparison to the other two composites both in the tension/extension as well on the three point bending tests. In the water absorption test, it was possible to observe an equilibrium in the water absorption by the modal and polyester composite, due to the union of the two fibres. In the SEM images, the regions of rupture in the composites as well as the adsorption between the fiber and the matrix could be observed


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Composites based on PEEK + PTFE + CARBON FIBER + Graphite (G_CFRP) has increased application in the top industries, as Aerospace, Aeronautical, Petroleum, Biomedical, Mechanical and Electronics Engineering challenges. A commercially available G_CFRP was warmed up to three different levels of thermal energy to identify the main damage mechanisms and some evidences for their intrinsic transitions. An experimental test rig for systematize a heat flux was developed in this dissertation, based on the Joule Effect. It was built using an isothermal container, an internal heat source and a real-time measurement system for test a sample by time. A standard conical-cylindrical tip was inserted into a soldering iron, commercially available and identified by three different levels of nominal electrical power, 40W (manufacturer A), 40W (manufacturer B), 100W and 150W, selected after screening tests: these power levels for the heat source, after one hour of heating and one hour of cooling in situ, carried out three different zones of degradation in the composite surface. The bench was instrumented with twelve thermocouples, a wattmeter and a video camera. The twelve specimens tested suffered different degradation mechanisms, analyzed by DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) and TG (Thermogravimetry) techniques, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy-Dispersive X-Rays (EDX) Analysis. Before and after each testing, it was measured the hardness of the sample by HRM (Hardness Rockwell M). Excellent correlations (R2=1) were obtained in the plots of the evaporated area after one hour of heating and one hour of cooling in situ versus (1) the respective power of heat source and (2) the central temperature of the sample. However, as resulting of the differential degradation of G_CFRP and their anisotropy, confirmed by their variable thermal properties, viscoelastic and plastic properties, there were both linear and non-linear behaviour between the temperature field and Rockwell M hardness measured in the radial and circumferential directions of the samples. Some morphological features of the damaged zones are presented and discussed, as, for example, the crazing and skeletonization mechanism of G_CFRP


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The Sustainability has been evidence in the world today; organizations have sought to be more and more into this philosophy in their processes, whether products or attendance. In the present work were manufactured eco-composites with animal fiber (dog wool) that is currently discarded into the environment without any use. The fibers were characterized and made matting (non-woven). The phases of the project were consisted to develop methods and to convert these fibers (booster) blended with polyester resin (matrix) in different proportions (10%, 20% and 30%) at the composite. Were studied fiber characteristics, mechanical properties of the composites, water absorption and scanning electron microscopy. Initially, the fibers were treated with solution of sodium hydroxide of 0.05 mols, and then taken to matting preparing at the textile engineering laboratory - UFRN. The composites were made by compression molding, using an orthophthalic polyester resin as matrix and 1% MEK (methyl ethyl ketone peroxide) as initiator (catalyst). To evaluate the mechanical tests (tensile and flexural) and water absorption were made twelve specimens with dimensions 150x25x3 mm were cut randomly. According to the standard method, tensile tests (ASTM 3039) bending tests (ASTM D790) were performed at the mechanical testing of metals at laboratory UFRN. The results of these tests showed that the composite reinforced with 30% had a better behavior when exposed to tension charge; while on the three points bending test showed that the composite reinforced with 10% had a better behavior. In the water absorption test it was possible to see that the highest absorption happened on the composite reinforced with 30%. In the micrographs, it was possible to see the regions of rupture and behavior of the composite (booster / matrix)