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The diversity of European culture is reflected in its healthcare training programs. In intensive care medicine (ICM), the differences in national training programs were so marked that it was unlikely that they could produce specialists of equivalent skills. The Competency-Based Training in Intensive Care Medicine in Europe (CoBaTrICE) program was established in 2003 as a Europe-based worldwide collaboration of national training organizations to create core competencies for ICM using consensus methodologies to establish common ground. The group's professional and research ethos created a social identity that facilitated change. The program was easily adaptable to different training structures and incorporated the voice of patients and relatives. The CoBaTrICE program has now been adopted by 15 European countries, with another 12 countries planning to adopt the training program, and is currently available in nine languages, including English. ICM is now recognized as a primary specialty in Spain, Switzerland, and the UK. There are still wide variations in structures and processes of training in ICM across Europe, although there has been agreement on a set of common program standards. The combination of a common "product specification" for an intensivist, combined with persisting variation in the educational context in which competencies are delivered, provides a rich source of research inquiry. Pedagogic research in ICM could usefully focus on the interplay between educational interventions, healthcare systems and delivery, and patient outcomes, such as including whether competency-based program are associated with lower error rates, whether communication skills training is associated with greater patient and family satisfaction, how multisource feedback might best be used to improve reflective learning and teamworking, or whether increasing the proportion of specialists trained in acute care in the hospital at weekends results in better patient outcomes.
Hintergrund: Wegen sich verändernder Strukturen im Spitalbereich sowie im Bereich der Hausarztabdeckung als auch infolge zunehmenden Drucks auf das Gesundheitssystem kommen mehr Patienten auf die Notfallstationen, die aufgrund ihrer Grunderkrankung und des fortgeschrittenen Krankheitsstadiums von einem palliativen Behandlungskonzept profitieren. Eine wesentliche Herausforderung ist hierbei bereits die Definition von «Palliative Care» (PC), sowie die Klärung, was genau die palliative Versorgung beinhaltet. Häufig vermischt wird der Terminus «Palliative Care» mit «End of life care». Die vorliegende Studie ist eine Standortbestimmung im Universitären Notfallzentrum des Inselspitals Bern (UNZ), das jährlich rund 32 400 Patienten versorgt. Ziel ist es, mehr über den Wissensstand und die persönliche Einstellung der Mitarbeiter zu palliativen Fragestellungen und speziell zum Begriff «Palliative Care» zu erhalten. Methodik: Die Mitarbeiter des Universitären Notfallzentrums des Inselspitals Bern (UNZ) wurden mittels einer Online-Umfrage durch eine spitalexterne Fachinstitution interviewt. Diese Befragung basiert auf einem Instrument [1], das in einer vergleichbaren Studie auf einer Notfallstation in den USA entwickelt und validiert wurde. Resultate: Von 154 Mitarbeitenden (Pflege und Ärzte) füllten 60 Mitarbeitende die Befragung vollständig aus, entsprechend einer Antwortrate von 39%. Die Definition von Palliative Care (von n=60) war sehr heterogen und konnte in sechs Themenbereiche eingeteilt werden. Bei den Fragen nach spezifischen Leistungsangeboten äusserten die Mitarbeitenden den Wunsch nach einem erleichterten Zugang zu bestehenden Patientendaten, nach einem 24-Stunden-Palliative-Care-Konsiliardienst und nach mehr Besprechungszeit für Fragestellungen der PC im klinischen Alltag. Schlussfolgerungen: Die heterogene Begriffsdefinition von «Palliative Care» bestätigt sich. Es besteht kein klares Vorgehen, und zudem lässt sich ein Zeitmangel für ausführliche Patientengespräche in palliativen Situationen im UNZ feststellen. Der Patientenwunsch oder Patientenverfügungen mit DNR/DNI-Prozedere stehen nicht im Widerspruch zu den persönlichen Wertvorstellungen der meisten Mitarbeitenden. Die 24-Stunden-Verfügbarkeit eines spezialisierten PC-Teams, das Erarbeiten von Guidelines und vermehrtes Training für PC würde von den UNZ-Mitarbeitenden begrüsst.
Caregiving for individuals with Alzheimer's disease is associated with chronic stress and elevated symptoms of depression. Placement of the care receiver (CR) into a long-term care setting may be associated with improved caregiver well-being; however, the psychological mechanisms underlying this relationship are unclear. This study evaluated whether decreases in activity restriction and increases in personal mastery mediated placement-related reductions in caregiver depressive symptoms. In a 5-year longitudinal study of 126 spousal Alzheimer's disease caregivers, we used multilevel models to evaluate placement-related changes in depressive symptoms (short form of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale), activity restriction (Activity Restriction Scale), and personal mastery (Pearlin Mastery Scale) in 44 caregivers who placed their spouses into long-term care relative to caregivers who never placed their CRs. The Monte Carlo method for assessing mediation was used to evaluate the significance of the indirect effect of activity restriction and personal mastery on postplacement changes in depressive symptoms. Placement of the CR was associated with significant reductions in depressive symptoms and activity restriction and was also associated with increased personal mastery. Lower activity restriction and higher personal mastery were associated with reduced depressive symptoms. Furthermore, both variables significantly mediated the effect of placement on depressive symptoms. Placement-related reductions in activity restriction and increases in personal mastery are important psychological factors that help explain postplacement reductions in depressive symptoms. The implications for clinical care provided to caregivers are discussed.
BACKGROUND A rapid review, guided by a protocol, was conducted to inform development of the World Health Organization's guideline on personal protective equipment in the context of the ongoing (2013-present) Western African filovirus disease outbreak, with a focus on health care workers directly caring for patients with Ebola or Marburg virus diseases. METHODS Electronic databases and grey literature sources were searched. Eligibility criteria initially included comparative studies on Ebola and Marburg virus diseases reported in English or French, but criteria were expanded to studies on other viral hemorrhagic fevers and non-comparative designs due to the paucity of studies. After title and abstract screening (two people to exclude), full-text reports of potentially relevant articles were assessed in duplicate. Fifty-seven percent of extraction information was verified. The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation framework was used to inform the quality of evidence assessments. RESULTS Thirty non-comparative studies (8 related to Ebola virus disease) were located, and 27 provided data on viral transmission. Reporting of personal protective equipment components and infection prevention and control protocols was generally poor. CONCLUSIONS Insufficient evidence exists to draw conclusions regarding the comparative effectiveness of various types of personal protective equipment. Additional research is urgently needed to determine optimal PPE for health care workers caring for patients with filovirus.
INTRODUCTION Every joint registry aims to improve patient care by identifying implants that have an inferior performance. For this reason, each registry records the implant name that has been used in the individual patient. In most registries, a paper-based approach has been utilized for this purpose. However, in addition to being time-consuming, this approach does not account for the fact that failure patterns are not necessarily implant specific but can be associated with design features that are used in a number of implants. Therefore, we aimed to develop and evaluate an implant product library that allows both time saving barcode scanning on site in the hospital for the registration of the implant components and a detailed description of implant specifications. MATERIALS AND METHODS A task force consisting of representatives of the German Arthroplasty Registry, industry, and computer specialists agreed on a solution that allows barcode scanning of implant components and that also uses a detailed standardized classification describing arthroplasty components. The manufacturers classified all their components that are sold in Germany according to this classification. The implant database was analyzed regarding the completeness of components by algorithms and real-time data. RESULTS The implant library could be set up successfully. At this point, the implant database includes more than 38,000 items, of which all were classified by the manufacturers according to the predefined scheme. Using patient data from the German Arthroplasty Registry, several errors in the database were detected, all of which were corrected by the respective implant manufacturers. CONCLUSIONS The implant library that was developed for the German Arthroplasty Registry allows not only on-site barcode scanning for the registration of the implant components but also its classification tree allows a sophisticated analysis regarding implant characteristics, regardless of brand or manufacturer. The database is maintained by the implant manufacturers, thereby allowing registries to focus their resources on other areas of research. The database might represent a possible global model, which might encourage harmonization between joint replacement registries enabling comparisons between joint replacement registries.
In the demanding environment of healthcare reform, reduction of unwanted physician practice variation is promoted, often through evidence-based guidelines. Guidelines represent innovations that direct change(s) in physician practice; however, compliance has been disappointing. Numerous studies have analyzed guideline development and dissemination, while few have evaluated the consequences of guideline adoption. The primary purpose of this study was to explore and analyze the relationship between physician adoption of the glycated hemoglobin test guideline for management of adult patients with diabetes, and the cost of medical care. The study also examined six personal and organizational characteristics of physicians and their association with innovativeness, or adoption of the guideline. ^ Cost was represented by approved charges from a managed care claims database. Total cost, and diabetes and related complications cost, first were compared for all patients of adopter physicians with those of non-adopter physicians. Then, data were analyzed controlling for disease severity based on insulin dependency, and for high cost cases. There was no statistically significant difference in any of eight cost categories analyzed. This study represented a twelve-month period, and did not reflect cost associated with future complications known to result from inadequate management of glycemia. Guideline compliance did not increase annual cost, which, combined with the future benefit of glycemic control, lends support to the cost effectiveness of the guideline in the long term. Physician adoption of the guideline was recommended to reduce the future personal and economic burden of this chronic disease. ^ Only half of physicians studied had adopted the glycated hemoglobin test guideline for at least 75% of their diabetic patients. No statistically significant relationship was found between any physician characteristic and guideline adoption. Instead, it was likely that the innovation-decision process and guideline dissemination methods were most influential. ^ A multidisciplinary, multi-faceted approach, including interventions for each stage of the innovation-decision process, was proposed to diffuse practice guidelines more effectively. Further, it was recommended that Organized Delivery Systems expand existing administrative databases to include clinical information, decision support systems, and reminder mechanisms, to promote and support physician compliance with this and other evidence-based guidelines. ^
Expenditures for personal health services in the United States have doubled over the last decade. They continue to outpace the growth rate of the gross national product. Costs for medical care have steadily increased at an annual rate well above the rate of inflation and have gradually outstripped payers' ability to meet their premiums. This limitation of resources justifies the ongoing healthcare reform strategies to maximize utilization and minimize costs. The majority of the cost-containment effort has focused on hospitals, as they account for about 40 percent of total health expenditures. Although good patient outcomes have long been identified as healthcare's central concern, continuing cost pressures from both regulatory reforms and the restructuring of healthcare financing have recently made improving fiscal performance an essential goal for healthcare organizations. ^ The search for financial performance, quality improvement, and fiscal accountability has led to outsourcing, which is the hiring of a third party to perform a task previously and traditionally done in-house. The incomparable nature and overwhelming dissimilarities between health and other commodities raise numerous administrative, organizational, policy and ethical issues for administrators who contemplate outsourcing. This evaluation of the outsourcing phenomenon, how it has developed and is currently practiced in healthcare, will explore the reasons that healthcare organizations gravitate toward outsourcing as a strategic management tool to cut costs in an environment of continuing escalating spending. ^ This dissertation has four major findings. First, it suggests that U.S. hospitals in FY2000 spent an estimated $61 billion in outsourcing. Second, it finds that the proportion of healthcare outsourcing highly correlates with several types of hospital controlling authorities and specialties. Third, it argues that healthcare outsourcing has implications in strategic organizational issues, professionalism, and organizational ethics that warrant further public policy discussions before expanding its limited use beyond hospital “hotel functions” and back office business processes. Finally, it devises an outsourcing suitability scale that organizations can utilize to ensure the most strategic option for outsourcing and concludes with some public policy implications and recommendations for its limited use. ^
Introduction. There is a need for physical activity interventions based in primary care clinics that take advantage of community resources. The purpose of this randomized controlled trial was to compare the effects of two physical activity interventions: (1) physical activity prescription by a primary care provider plus referral to community physical activity resources and (2) physical activity prescription only. ^ Methods. Sedentary adult patients recruited from a general medicine clinic were randomized to receive a physical activity prescription, delivered by the primary care provider, plus referral to community physical activity resources (n=38) or physical activity prescription only (n=32). Outcomes were use of community resources (exercise facility and personal trainers), physical activity levels (self-report questionnaire and pedometer), and attitudes regarding physical activity assessed at 8 weeks. ^ Results. Three of 38 (7.9%) subjects referred to the community resources and none of the 32 subjects in the prescription only group used the community resources during the 8 week trial. Sixteen of 32 subjects in the prescription plus referral group and 19 of 38 in the prescription group completed the self-report follow-up forms at 8 weeks. For minutes of moderate- or vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, there were no between-group differences at baseline, follow-up, or change from baseline to follow-up. However, for moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity, there were significant improvements from baseline to follow-up within each group. For attitudes related to physical activity, there were no between-group differences at baseline, follow-up, or change from baseline to follow-up; neither were there any within-group changes. ^ Discussion. Physical activity prescription delivered by a healthcare provider in the context of a routine primary care visit can improve physical activity levels, with no additional improvement gained by referring to community resources. The intervention was feasible for primary care providers to deliver, but only 50% of subjects returned the self-report physical activity questionnaire at the 8 week assessment. ^
Background. Nosocomial infections are a source of concern for many hospitals in the United States and worldwide. These infections are associated with increased morbidity, mortality and hospital costs. Nosocomial infections occur in ICUs at a rate which is five times greater than those in general wards. Understanding the reasons for the higher rates can ultimately help reduce these infections. The literature has been weak in documenting a direct relationship between nosocomial infections and non-traditional risk factors, such as unit staffing or patient acuity.^ Objective. To examine the relationship, if any, between nosocomial infections and non-traditional risk factors. The potential non-traditional risk factors we studied were the patient acuity (which comprised of the mortality and illness rating of the patient), patient days for patients hospitalized in the ICU, and the patient to nurse ratio.^ Method. We conducted a secondary data analysis on patients hospitalized in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) of the Memorial Hermann- Texas Medical Center in Houston during the months of March 2008- May 2009. The average monthly values for the patient acuity (mortality and illness Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) scores), patient days for patients hospitalized in the ICU and average patient to nurse ratio were calculated during this time period. Active surveillance of Bloodstream Infections (BSIs), Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) and Ventilator Associated Pneumonias (VAPs) was performed by Infection Control practitioners, who visited the MICU and performed a personal infection record for each patient. Spearman's rank correlation was performed to determine the relationship between these nosocomial infections and the non-traditional risk factors.^ Results. We found weak negative correlations between BSIs and two measures (illness and mortality DRG). We also found a weak negative correlation between UTI and unit staffing (patient to nurse ratio). The strongest positive correlation was found between illness DRG and mortality DRG, validating our methodology.^ Conclusion. From this analysis, we were able to infer that non-traditional risk factors do not appear to play a significant role in transmission of infection in the units we evaluated.^
Accurate ascertainment of risk factors and disease status is vital in public health research for proper classification of research subjects. The two most common ways of obtaining this data is by self-report and review of medical records (MRs). South Texas Women’s Health Project was a case-control study looking at interrelationships between hormones, diet, and body size and breast cancer among Hispanic women 30-79 years of age. History of breast cancer, diabetes mellitus (DM) and use of DM medications was ascertained from a personal interview. At the time of interview, the subject identified her major health care providers and signed the medical records release form, which was sent to the designated providers. The MRs were reviewed to confirm information obtained from the interview.^ Aim of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity between MRs and personal interview in diagnosis of breast cancer, DM and DM treatment. We also wanted to assess how successful our low-cost approach was in obtaining pertinent MRs and what factors influenced the quality of MR or interview data. Study sample was 721 women with both self-report and MR data available by June 2007. Overall response rate for MR requests was 74.5%. MRs were 80.9% sensitive and 100% specific in confirming breast cancer status. Prevalence of DM was 22.7% from the interviews and 16% from MRs. MRs did not provide definite information about DM status of 53.6% subjects. Sensitivity and specificity of MRs for DM status was 88.9% and 90.4% respectively. Disagreement on DM status from the two sources was seen in 15.9% subjects. This discordance was more common among older subjects, those who were married and were predominantly Spanish speaking. Income and level of education did not have a statistically significantly association with this disagreement.^ Both self-report and MRs underestimate the prevalence of DM. Relying solely on MRs leads to greater misclassification than relying on self-report data. MRs have good to excellent specificity and thus serve as a good tool to confirm information obtained from self-report. Self-report and MRs should be used in a complementary manner for accurate assessment of DM and breast cancer status.^
This research focussed on the extent to which the characteristics of a sample of 8,554 Mexican-Americans affected their satisfaction with medical care by: (1) describing satisfaction with medical care among the population, (2) examining the relationships between satisfaction with health services and personal characteristics of the population, and (3) comparing the results of the research with the results of studies of personal health services in other times, places, and populations.^ The distribution of sex among this population was close to even with men representing 50.4%, however respondents over age 50 years represent 11.3% of the sample. The highest grade attended was found in the Elementary (37.9%), and 70% responded they have a good health. Ninety-three percent of the sample were attended to within thirty minutes they arrived at their clinic/health center. Eighty-two percent of the sample were "Very Satisfied" with the care they received during their last visit.^ Ten hypotheses were tested in this research. Females tend to be more satisfied than males; age was found to correlate with satisfaction with respondents over 40 years reporting more satisfaction levels; there was no correlation between education and satisfaction with the educated expressing more skepticism about medical care; respondents covered by Medicare or Medicaid were more satisfied; perceived health status rating was highly correlated with satisfaction; respondents who spent less than 30 minutes traveling to the clinic/health center were more satisfied while 82% of respondents who had less than 30 minutes waiting time expressed more satisfaction.^ As remarked by Hulka and Aday that responses to client satisfaction questionnaire often provided socially acceptable answers, the results found in this sample was therefore not surprising. The author recommends that instruments for the collection of information on client satisfaction should be studied and modified where applicable to reduce what John Ware termed Acquiescent Response Set (ARS)--a tendency to agree with statement of opinion regardless of content. ^
Health care workers have been known to carry into the workplace a variety of judgmental and negative attitudes towards their patients. In no other area of patient care has this issue been more pronounced as in the management of patients with AIDS. Health care workers have refused to treat or manage patients with AIDS and have often treated them more harshly than identically described leukemia patients. Some health care institutions have simply refused to admit patients with AIDS and even recent applicants to medical colleges and schools of nursing have indicated a preference for schools in areas with low prevalence of HIV disease. Since the attitudes of health care workers do have significant consequences on patient management, this study was carried out to determine the differences in clinical practice in Nigeria and the United States of America as it relates to knowledge of a patient's HIV status, determine HIV prevalence and culture in each of the study sites and how they impact on infection control practices, determine the relationship between infection control practices and fear of AIDS, and also determine the predictors of safe infection control practices in each of the study sites.^ The study utilized the 38-item fear of AIDS scale and the measure of infection control questionnaire for its data. Questionnaires were administered to health care workers at the university teaching hospital sites of Houston, Texas and Calabar in Nigeria. Data was analyzed using a chi-square test, and where appropriate, a student t-tests to establish the demographic variables for each country. Factor analysis was done using principal components analysis followed by varimax rotation to simple structure. The subscale scores for each study site were compared using t-tests (separate variance estimates) and utilizing Bonferroni adjustments for number of tests. Finally, correlations were carried out between infection control procedures and fear of AIDS in each study site using Pearson-product moment correlation coefficients.^ The study revealed that there were five dimensions of the fear of AIDS in health care workers, namely fear of loss of control, fear of sex, fear of HIV infection through blood and illness, fear of death and medical interventions and fear of contact with out-groups. Fear of loss of control was the primary area of concern in the Nigerian health care workers whereas fear of HIV infection through blood and illness was the most important area of AIDS related feats in United States health care workers. The study also revealed that infection control precautions and practices in Nigeria were based more on normative and social pressures whereas it was based on knowledge of disease transmission, supervision and employee discipline in the United States, and thus stresses the need for focused educational programs in health care settings that emphasize universal precautions at all times and that are sensitive to the cultural nuances of that particular environment. ^
Oral health is essential for the general well being of the individual and collectively for the health of the population. Oral health can be maintained by routine dental care and visits to dental professionals, but accessing professional dental care may be a continuing difficulty in vulnerable older adult population. Many older adults are not frequent users of dental care, though oral health is crucial to their well-being and overall health. Access to care is the timely use of personal health services to achieve the best possible health outcomes. ^ Objectives: The aims of this review are to (i) to analyze and elucidate the relationship between socio-economic disparities in gender, ethnicity, poverty status, education and the continuing public issue of access to oral care, (ii) to identify the underlying causes through which these factors can affect access to oral care. This review will provide a knowledgeable basis for development of interventions to provide adequate access to oral care in older adults and implementing policies to ensure access to oral care; through highlighting the various socio economic factors that affect access to oral care among older adults. ^ Methods: This paper used a purposeful review of literature on socioeconomic disparities in access to oral care among older adults. The references considered in this review included all the relevant articles, surveys and reports published in English language, since the year 1985 to 2010, in the United States. The articles selected were scrutinized for relevancy to the topic of access to oral care and which included discussions of the effects of gender, ethnicity, poverty status, educational status in accessing oral care. ^ Results: Evidence confirmed the continuing disparity in access to oral care among older adults. The possible links identified were gender inequality, ethnic differences, income levels and educational differences affecting access to oral care. The underlying causes linking these factors with access to oral care were established. ^ Conclusion: The analysis of the literature review findings supported the prevalence of disparities in gender, ethnicity, income and education with its possible links affecting access to oral care. The underlying causes helped to understand the reasons behind this growing issue of inaccessible oral care. Further research is needed to develop policies and target dental public health efforts towards specific problem areas ensuring equitable access to oral services and consequently, improve the health of older adults.^
La práctica de profesiones relacionadas con la salud se asocia a agotamiento físico y psicológico capaz de producir alteraciones en el plano de la sexualidad. Mediante una encuesta estructurada y anónima se valoró el grado de satisfacción respecto a la calidad de vida sexual y los factores relacionados con esta en médicos, residentes y enfermeros. El 62% afirmó que desde el inicio de la actividad laboral disminuyó la frecuencia y calidad de las relaciones sexuales, primordialmente en residentes (69.3%) (p<0.05) y mujeres (61%), el 33.1% refirió mayor atracción por otras personas y 15% infidelidad. El 71.8% consideró que la frecuencia no era óptima, el 48.6% no estaba satisfecho y el 37.3% que la pareja no estaba conforme con su desempeño sexual. Las mujeres utilizan más pretextos para evitar la relación sexual (22.6 vs. 6.1%), consideran que satisfacen menos a sus parejas (45 vs. 22%) y tienen orgasmos menos frecuentemente (22 vs. 8%) que los hombres (p< 0.05) y estos son más infieles (24.5 vs. 9.7%) (p< 0.05). Los residentes refieren que la frecuencia y calidad sexual disminuyó más con el inicio del trabajo (71.8 vs. 46.7%) (p<0.05), atribuido principalmente al cansancio extremo y se sienten más atraídos por compañeros de trabajo que los médicos de planta (24 vs. 2%) (p<0.05). El cuidado de la salud es un determinante de riesgo de disfunción sexual causado por las demandas y condiciones laborales, que genera un alto grado de estrés y desgaste psicofísico, que conducen a un deterioro de la salud sexual.