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We report two cases of beta-thalassemia-induced osteoporosis. A man and a woman presented an osteoporosis at the densitometry and were treated with bisphoshonate iv. All the studies analysed the efficacity of bisphosphonate, in particular zoledronate seems to be effective. Concerning the pathogenesis, the RANK-RANK-Ligand and OPG play a major role in bone-resorption and seem to be the principal implicated mechanism for the development of osteoporosis in BTM. At the moment there is no study evaluating the efficacity of denosumab in the BTM.


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Osteoporosis is a silent chronic disease. The human, medical and economic impacts, as well as the easy access to the screening and specific treatments incite us to introduce a treatment as soon as this one is justified. The maximal efficiency of treatments is possible only if the therapeutic adherence (which includes compliance and persistence) is good. Regrettably, as frequently in the chronic diseases, this one is often bad. It can be strengthened by a better patient's education and information, a better follow-up, but also by a today available variety of treatments.


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Antecedentes: El Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica (SFC) es una enfermedad que presenta disfunción multidimensional. Se recomienda tratamiento multidisciplinario que incluya el ejercicio. Material y métodos: Diseñamos un proyecto unicéntrico, experimental, prospectivo partiendo de la hipótesis siguiente: El ejercicio físico progresivo (EFP) enseñado por fisioterapeutas, puede beneficiar a los enfermos de SFC mejorando sus síntomas. Resultados: Evidencian la eficacia del EFP con SFC valorando las variables sintomáticas con escalas y cuestionarios. Conclusiones: El estudio, valora sintomatología relevante antes de iniciar el tratamiento para comparar los resultados obtenidos, mediante tres seguimientos, constatando la eficacia del tratamiento multidisciplinar con EFP a corto y largo plazo.


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El Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica presenta muchas perturbaciones *multidimensionales que afectan de forma *holística a las personas que sufren esta enfermedad y que el tratamiento actual de la fatiga, dolor, ansiedad-depresión y alteraciones del sueño, presentes en esta entidad clínica, es insatisfactorio. La hipótesis de partida de este ensayo consiste a contrastar que la acupuntura resulta más útil que el placebo. Proponemos la realización de un estudio clínico, aleatorio y controlado con placebo, de la técnica de acupuntura, orientado al aumento de la sensación del paciente de bienestar, al alivio del dolor y de la rigidez, la acupuntura es eficaz para reducir la fatiga, ansiedad-depresión y alteraciones del sueño, en el paciente diagnosticado, del Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica.


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Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is commonly used in the care of patients for diagnostic classification of osteoporosis, low bone mass (osteopenia), or normal bone density; assessment of fracture risk; and monitoring changes in bone density over time. The development of other technologies for the evaluation of skeletal health has been associated with uncertainties regarding their applications in clinical practice. Quantitative ultrasound (QUS), a technology for measuring properties of bone at peripheral skeletal sites, is more portable and less expensive than DXA, without the use of ionizing radiation. The proliferation of QUS devices that are technologically diverse, measuring and reporting variable bone parameters in different ways, examining different skeletal sites, and having differing levels of validating data for association with DXA-measured bone density and fracture risk, has created many challenges in applying QUS for use in clinical practice. The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) 2007 Position Development Conference (PDC) addressed clinical applications of QUS for fracture risk assessment, diagnosis of osteoporosis, treatment initiation, monitoring of treatment, and quality assurance/quality control. The ISCD Official Positions on QUS resulting from this PDC, the rationale for their establishment, and recommendations for further study are presented here.


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The best indirect evidence that increased bone turnover contributes to fracture risk is the fact that most of the proven therapies for osteoporosis are inhibitors of bone turnover. The evidence base that we can use biochemical markers of bone turnover in the assessment of fracture risk is somewhat less convincing. This relates to natural variability in the markers, problems with the assays, disparity in the statistical analyses of relevant studies and the independence of their contribution to fracture risk. More research is clearly required to address these deficiencies before biochemical markers might contribute a useful independent risk factor for inclusion in FRAX(®).


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El objetivo de este estudio recae en cómo y de qué forma el ex adicto a sustancias alteradoras del ánimo (E-ASAA), cursando por el estadio de mantenimiento, puede ejercer el rol de asesor y promotor de salud, como “Paciente Experto”, conjuntamente con los profesionales especializados en drogodependencias. Paralelamente este “cómo y de qué forma” viene a dar respuesta a una necesidad existente en las Comunidades Terapéuticas, a saber, reducir las Altas Voluntarias (AV) de los residentes recién incorporados y tras su Alta Terapéutica (AT). Sin embargo, se requiere de una investigación de tipo cualitativo para determinar los factores desencadenantes que inducen a esta prevalencia de AV y recaídas post-AT. Los resultados extraídos de la investigación a informantes clave muestran como existe un deficitario asesoramiento pre-entrada y acompañamiento post-AT. El E-ASAA, debidamente formado, podría dar respuesta a estas demandas asistenciales, mejorando así la completa reinserción de los usuarios de CCTT. La Propuesta del Proyecto “Mi amigo de Comunidad” integra este conocimiento aportando soluciones.


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Actualmente, las lesiones medulares son muy frecuentes y suelen provocar una repentina pérdida de autonomía; así pues, es importante el estudio de los posibles tratamientos teniendo como finalidad el incremento de la funcionalidad de las personas afectadas por este tipo de lesión. La visualización motora es una técnica utilizada desde hace muchos años en el ámbito del deporte, pero está muy poca estudiada en personas sufriendo algún tipo de lesión medular incompleta. El interés de esta técnica viene también de la poca cantidad de recursos económicos que necesita su utilización. El presente proyecto explica la elaboración de un estudio mixto que tiene como principal objetivo el estudio de los efectos de la visualización motora como parte del tratamiento de fisioterapia en pacientes sufriendo una lesión medular incompleta, mediante una aplicación de esta técnica enfocada en los miembros afectados por la lesión. Se propone entonces realizar un tratamiento a pacientes ingresados en centros especializados en lesión medular. Las limitaciones del estudio son el posible abandono de algún participante, el pequeño tamaño de la muestra y la dificultad para valorar la real implicación de las personas participantes.


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Fractures due to osteoporosis are one of the major complications after heart transplantation, occurring mostly during the first 6 months after the graft, with an incidence ranging from 18% to 50% for vertebral fractures. Bone mineral density (BMD) decreases dramatically following the graft, at trabecular sites as well as cortical sites. This is explained by the relatively high doses of glucocorticoids used during the months following the graft, and by a long-term increase of bone turnover which is probably due to cyclosporine. There is some evidence for a beneficial effect on BMD of antiresorptive treatments after heart transplantation. The aim of this study was to assess prospectively the effect on BMD of a 3-year treatment of quarterly infusions of 60 mg of pamidronate, combined with 1 g calcium and 1000 U vitamin D per day, in osteoporotic heart transplant recipients, and that of a treatment with calcium and vitamin D in heart transplant recipients with no osteoporosis. BMD of the lumbar spine and the femoral neck was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in all patients every 6 months for 2 years and after 3 years. Seventeen patients, (1 woman, 16 men) aged 46+/-4 years (mean +/- SEM) received only calcium and vitamin D. A significant decrease in BMD was observed after 6 months following the graft, at the lumbar spine (- 6.6%) as well as at the femoral neck (-7.8%). After 2 years, BMD tended to recover at the lumbar spine, whereas the loss persisted after 3 years at the femoral neck. Eleven patients (1 woman and 10 men) aged 46+/-4 years (mean +/- SEM) started treatment with pamidronate on average 6 months after the graft, because they had osteoporosis of the lumbar spine and/or femoral neck (BMD T-score below -2.5 SD). Over the whole treatment period, a continuous increase in BMD at the lumbar spine was noticed, reaching 18.3% after 3 years (14.3% compared with the BMD at the time of the graft). BMD at the femoral neck was lowered in the first year by -3.4%, but recovered totally after 3 years of treatment. In conclusion, a 3-year study of treatment with pamidronate given every 3 months to patients with existing osteoporosis led to a significant increase in lumbar spine BMD and prevented loss at the femoral neck. However, since some of these patients were treated up to 14 months after the transplant, they may already have passed through the phase of most rapid bone loss. In patients who were not osteoporotic at baseline, treatment with calcium and vitamin D alone was not able to prevent the rapid bone loss that occurs immediately after transplantation.


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The 3-year FREEDOM trial assessed the efficacy and safety of 60 mg denosumab every 6 months for the treatment of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Participants who completed the FREEDOM trial were eligible to enter an extension to continue the evaluation of denosumab efficacy and safety for up to 10 years. For the extension results presented here, women from the FREEDOM denosumab group had 2 more years of denosumab treatment (long-term group) and those from the FREEDOM placebo group had 2 years of denosumab exposure (cross-over group). We report results for bone turnover markers (BTMs), bone mineral density (BMD), fracture rates, and safety. A total of 4550 women enrolled in the extension (2343 long-term; 2207 cross-over). Reductions in BTMs were maintained (long-term group) or occurred rapidly (cross-over group) following denosumab administration. In the long-term group, lumbar spine and total hip BMD increased further, resulting in 5-year gains of 13.7% and 7.0%, respectively. In the cross-over group, BMD increased at the lumbar spine (7.7%) and total hip (4.0%) during the 2-year denosumab treatment. Yearly fracture incidences for both groups were below rates observed in the FREEDOM placebo group and below rates projected for a "virtual untreated twin" cohort. Adverse events did not increase with long-term denosumab administration. Two adverse events in the cross-over group were adjudicated as consistent with osteonecrosis of the jaw. Five-year denosumab treatment of women with postmenopausal osteoporosis maintained BTM reduction and increased BMD, and was associated with low fracture rates and a favorable risk/benefit profile.


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Risk factors for fracture can be purely skeletal, e.g., bone mass, microarchitecture or geometry, or a combination of bone and falls risk related factors such as age and functional status. The remit of this Task Force was to review the evidence and consider if falls should be incorporated into the FRAX® model or, alternatively, to provide guidance to assist clinicians in clinical decision-making for patients with a falls history. It is clear that falls are a risk factor for fracture. Fracture probability may be underestimated by FRAX® in individuals with a history of frequent falls. The substantial evidence that various interventions are effective in reducing falls risk was reviewed. Targeting falls risk reduction strategies towards frail older people at high risk for indoor falls is appropriate. This Task Force believes that further fracture reduction requires measures to reduce falls risk in addition to bone directed therapy. Clinicians should recognize that patients with frequent falls are at higher fracture risk than currently estimated by FRAX® and include this in decision-making. However, quantitative adjustment of the FRAX® estimated risk based on falls history is not currently possible. In the long term, incorporation of falls as a risk factor in the FRAX® model would be ideal.


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Siempre recordaré las clases que nos impartieron en la facultad de enfermería sobre heridas y úlceras por presión, no obstante, no fue hasta realizar las prácticas clínicas en mi tercer curso en el Hospital de Vielha, que no me percaté de lo interesante que era el tema. Pude vivir la experiencia de un caso bastante impactante, era un paciente del cual las curas se llevaban a cabo con Terapia VAC. Desde aquel momento me produjo un gran interés abarcar este género tan amplio y adquirir nuevos conocimientos sobre el tema, por lo que me decanté a realizar en mi trabajo de final de grado una intervención basada en el tratamiento de las úlceras venosas.La aparición de úlceras, sean por presión, vasculares o pie diabético son un grave problema de salud en la comunidad al que enfermería se enfrenta diariamente en cualquier ámbito de su trabajo. Este tipo de heridas tienen un gran impacto sobre la salud y la calidad de vida de los pacientes ya que el individuo se ve afectado en todas sus dimensiones, tanto físicas como psíquicas y sociales, por lo que se debe abordar su atención desde una perspectiva integral que contemple la prevención, los factores de riesgo y el tratamiento de la úlcera. Es muy importante que el profesional de enfermería conozca el proceso de desarrollo de las úlceras en general, así como los factores de riesgo, las fases de lesión, las zonas más susceptibles para su aparición, principios básicos de tratamiento, y medidas preventivas, ya que su labor es esencial no sólo en la prevención, sino también en el tratamiento integral y posterior seguimiento de las úlceras.


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Osteoporosis is complicated by the occurrence of fragility fractures. Over past years, various treatment options have become available, mostly potent antiresorptive agents such as bisphosphonates and denosumab. However, antiresorptive therapy cannot fully and rapidly restore bone mass and structure that has been lost because of increased remodelling. Alternatively recombinant human parathyroid hormone (rhPTH) analogues do increase the formation of new bone material. The bone formation stimulated by intermittent PTH analogues not only increases bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mass but also improves the microarchitecture of the skeleton, thereby reducing incidence of vertebral and nonvertebral fractures. Teriparatide, a recombinant human PTH fragment available in Switzerland, is reimbursed as second-line treatment in postmenopausal women and men with increased fracture risk, specifically in patients with incident fractures under antiresorptive therapy or patients with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis and intolerance to antiresorptives. This position paper focuses on practical aspects in the management of patients on teriparatide treatment. Potential first-line indications for osteoanabolic treatment as well as the benefits and limitations of sequential and combination therapy with antiresorptive drugs are discussed.


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Análisis del Tratamiento Informativo del Jornal Nacional en Brasil en la decisión de la sede olímpica 2016. Una aproximación al estudio de las principales tendencias de la Información en TV, análisis de los contenidos informativos de televisión, desde de la perspectiva de la Espectacularización de la Información. Relación Medios de Comunicación y Juegos Olímpicos.


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El diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer está asociado a manifestaciones psicológicas negativas tales como estrés, ansiedad, depresión, etc (Carver, Pozo, Harris et al. 1993). En el ámbito de la psiconeuroinmunología, abundan las investigaciones que sugieren un efecto depresor de tales manifestaciones (Cohen y Williamson, 1991) sobre el sistema inmune, o, en cualquier caso, del efecto modulador del estrés sobre la respuesta inmunológica del individuo (Contrada et al. 1990). Diversos modelos psicoinmunológicos (Fig.1) (Greer y Watson, 1985; Temoshock, 1987; Contrada et al. 1990) proponen mecanismos explicativos para dar cuenta de cómo los factores psicológicos pueden afectar a la aparición, desarrollo y recidiva del cáncer. Existe una gran evidencia sobre los efectos que la intervención psicológica ejerce sobre tales manifestaciones, disminuyendo los niveles de ansiedad y depresión, mejorando la calidad de vida de los pacientes, (Luebbert, Dahme, Hasenbring, 2001) y en algunos casos, aumentando las tasas de supervivencia (Fawzy, Fawzy, Huyn et al. 1993). Teniendo en cuenta estas premisas, algunos autores han hipotetizado sobre la posibilidad de aumentar la función inmune a través de la intervención psicológica, hipótesis que, en los últimos años ha generado un interés considerable. Sin embargo, la evidencia disponible ofrece resultados contradictorios, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo es aportar luz a la controversia existente en este ámbito.