932 resultados para Multilevel linear model


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La scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent est une déformation 3D du rachis. La littérature comporte une multitude d’études sur la prédiction de l’évolution et l’identification de facteurs de risque de progression. Pour l’instant les facteurs de risque établis sont l’amplitude de la déformation, la maturité squelettique et le type de courbure. Plusieurs autres champs ont été explorés comme les aspects génétiques, biochimiques, mécaniques, posturaux et topographiques, sans vraiment apporter beaucoup de précision à la prédiction de l’évolution. L’avancement de la technologie permet maintenant de générer des reconstructions 3D du rachis à l’aide des radiographies standard et d’obtenir des mesures de paramètres 3D. L’intégration de ces paramètres 3D dans un modèle prédictif représente une avenue encore inexplorée qui est tout à fait logique dans le contexte de cette déformation 3D du rachis. L’objectif général de cette thèse est de développer un modèle de prédiction de l’angle de Cobb à maturité squelettique à partir de l’information disponible au moment de la première visite, soit l’angle de Cobb initial, le type de courbure, l’âge osseux et des paramètres 3D du rachis. Dans une première étude, un indice d’âge osseux a été développé basé sur l’ossification de l’apophyse iliaque et sur le statut du cartilage triradié. Cet indice comporte 3 stades et le second stade, qui est défini par un cartilage triradié fermé avec maximum 1/3 d’ossification de l’apophyse iliaque, représente le moment pendant lequel la progression de la scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent est la plus rapide. Une seconde étude rétrospective a permis de mettre en évidence le potentiel des paramètres 3D pour améliorer la prédiction de l’évolution. Il a été démontré qu’à la première visite il existe des différences pour 5 paramètres 3D du rachis entre un groupe de patients qui sera éventuellement opéré et un groupe qui ne progressera pas. Ces paramètres sont : la moyenne da la cunéiformisation 3D des disques apicaux, la rotation intervertébrale à la jonction inférieure de la courbure, la torsion, le ratio hauteur/largeur du corps vertébral de T6 et de la colonne complète. Les deux dernières études sont basées sur une cohorte prospective de 133 patients avec une scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent suivi dès leur première visite à l’hôpital jusqu’à maturité squelettique. Une première étude a permis de mettre en évidence les différences morphologiques à la première visite entre les patients ayant progresser de plus ou moins de 6°. Des différences ont été mise en évidence pour la cyphose, l’angle de plan de déformation maximal, la rotation ntervertébrale l’apex, la torsion et plusieurs paramètres de «slenderness». Ensuite une seconde étude a permis de développer un modèle prédictif basé sur un modèle linéaire général en incluant l’indice d’âge osseux développé dans la première étude, le type de courbure, l’amplitude de l’angle de Cobb à la première visite, l’angle de déformation du plan maximale, la cunéiformisation 3D des disques T3-T4, T8-­T9, T11-­T12 et la somme des cunéiformisation 3D de tous les disques thoraciques et lombaires. Le coefficient de détermination multiple pour cette modélisation est de 0.715. Le modèle prédictif développé renforce l’importance de considérer la scoliose idiopathique dans les trois dimensions et il permettra d’optimiser la prédiction de l’évolution au moment de la première visite.


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Introduction: La correction de la Classe II avec un appareil myofonctionnel est un traitement commun chez les patients en croissance. Le Twin Block et le correcteur de Classe II fixe (CCF) sont des appareils populaires et plusieurs publications scientifiques ont décrit leurs effets sur les tissus orofaciaux. Plusieurs articles rapportent les changements de l’électromyographie des muscles de la mastication durant le traitement avec un Twin Block, mais peu d’articles ont étudié ces changements avec un CCF. Comme le Twin Block et le CCF ont des biomécaniques différentes, leur influence sur les muscles est possiblement différente. Objectifs: Évaluer les adaptations musculaires suite à un traitement par appareil myofonctionnel : Twin Block et CCF. Matériels et méthodes: Dans une étude cohorte prospective, 24 patients en pic de croissance ont été assignés aléatoirement à un traitement (13 Twin Block; 11 CCF) et l’EMG des muscles masséters et temporaux a été mesurée à 1, 5, 13, 21, 29, 37 semaines. Les muscles ont été mesurés sous trois états: au repos, en occlusion centré (OC) et en contraction volontaire maximal (CVM) Résultats: Les données ont été analysées à l’aide d’un modèle mixte linéaire à mesures répétées et ont été documentées pour chaque muscle selon quatre conditions: i- avec Twin Block en bouche, ii- sans Twin Block en bouche iii- avec CCF en bouche et iv- sans Twin Block comparé au groupe avec CCF. Dans la condition i, des résultats significatifs ont été observés au repos pour le masséter droit et gauche, ainsi que le temporal gauche avec une valeur-p≤0.005. En CVM, la condition i montre aussi des résultats significatifs pour le masséter droit et le temporal gauche avec une valeur-p≤0.05. Les conditions ii et iii ont obtenu des résultats non-significatifs en tout temps. Par contre, lorsque ces deux conditions sont comparées l’une à l’autre (condition iv), des résultats significatifs ont été obtenus en OC pour les temporaux gauche et droit avec une valeur-p=0.005. Conclusions: Avec le Twin Block en bouche, l’EMG augmente au cours du temps en CVM, mais diminue en OC. Par contre, sans le Twin Block en bouche et avec le CCF en bouche, l’EMG ne varie pas. Cependant, le Twin Block et le CCF sont différents au niveau des mesures de l’EMG au cours des neuf mois de traitement. Ceci peut être expliqué par le nivellement graduel de l’occlusion postérieure durant le traitement avec le CCF qui ne se produit pas avec le Twin Block.


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Cette thèse est organisée en trois chapitres. Les deux premiers s'intéressent à l'évaluation, par des méthodes d'estimations, de l'effet causal ou de l'effet d'un traitement, dans un environnement riche en données. Le dernier chapitre se rapporte à l'économie de l'éducation. Plus précisément dans ce chapitre j'évalue l'effet de la spécialisation au secondaire sur le choix de filière à l'université et la performance. Dans le premier chapitre, j'étudie l'estimation efficace d'un paramètre de dimension finie dans un modèle linéaire où le nombre d'instruments peut être très grand ou infini. L'utilisation d'un grand nombre de conditions de moments améliore l'efficacité asymptotique des estimateurs par variables instrumentales, mais accroit le biais. Je propose une version régularisée de l'estimateur LIML basée sur trois méthodes de régularisations différentes, Tikhonov, Landweber Fridman, et composantes principales, qui réduisent le biais. Le deuxième chapitre étend les travaux précédents, en permettant la présence d'un grand nombre d'instruments faibles. Le problème des instruments faibles est la consequence d'un très faible paramètre de concentration. Afin d'augmenter la taille du paramètre de concentration, je propose d'augmenter le nombre d'instruments. Je montre par la suite que les estimateurs 2SLS et LIML régularisés sont convergents et asymptotiquement normaux. Le troisième chapitre de cette thèse analyse l'effet de la spécialisation au secondaire sur le choix de filière à l'université. En utilisant des données américaines, j'évalue la relation entre la performance à l'université et les différents types de cours suivis pendant les études secondaires. Les résultats suggèrent que les étudiants choisissent les filières dans lesquelles ils ont acquis plus de compétences au secondaire. Cependant, on a une relation en U entre la diversification et la performance à l'université, suggérant une tension entre la spécialisation et la diversification. Le compromis sous-jacent est évalué par l'estimation d'un modèle structurel de l'acquisition du capital humain au secondaire et de choix de filière. Des analyses contrefactuelles impliquent qu'un cours de plus en matière quantitative augmente les inscriptions dans les filières scientifiques et technologiques de 4 points de pourcentage.


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Posterior epilepsies are relatively rare, mainly suspected clinically by the presence of visual auras. Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is an emerging non-invasive imaging technique that has the potential to monitor hemodynamic changes during epileptic activity. Combined with electroencephalography (EEG), 9 patients with posterior epilepsies were recorded using EEG-fNIRS with large sampling (19 EEG electrodes and over 100 fNIRS channels). Spikes and seizures were carefully marked on EEG traces, and convolved with a standard hemodynamic response function for general linear model (GLM) analysis. GLM results for seizures (in 3 patients) and spikes (7 patients) were broadly sensitive to the epileptic focus in 7/9 patients, and specific in 5/9 patients with fNIRS deoxyhemoglobin responses lateralized to the correct lobe, and to plausible locations within the occipital or parietal lobes. This work provides evidence that EEG-fNIRS is a sensitive technique for monitoring posterior epileptic activity.


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Les simulations et figures ont été réalisées avec le logiciel R.


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The thesis deals with some of the non-linear Gaussian and non-Gaussian time models and mainly concentrated in studying the properties and application of a first order autoregressive process with Cauchy marginal distribution. In this thesis some of the non-linear Gaussian and non-Gaussian time series models and mainly concentrated in studying the properties and application of a order autoregressive process with Cauchy marginal distribution. Time series relating to prices, consumptions, money in circulation, bank deposits and bank clearing, sales and profit in a departmental store, national income and foreign exchange reserves, prices and dividend of shares in a stock exchange etc. are examples of economic and business time series. The thesis discuses the application of a threshold autoregressive(TAR) model, try to fit this model to a time series data. Another important non-linear model is the ARCH model, and the third model is the TARCH model. The main objective here is to identify an appropriate model to a given set of data. The data considered are the daily coconut oil prices for a period of three years. Since it is a price data the consecutive prices may not be independent and hence a time series based model is more appropriate. In this study the properties like ergodicity, mixing property and time reversibility and also various estimation procedures used to estimate the unknown parameters of the process.


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Solid waste generation is a natural consequence of human activity and is increasing along with population growth, urbanization and industrialization. Improper disposal of the huge amount of solid waste seriously affects the environment and contributes to climate change by the release of greenhouse gases. Practicing anaerobic digestion (AD) for the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) can reduce emissions to environment and thereby alleviate the environmental problems together with production of biogas, an energy source, and digestate, a soil amendment. The amenability of substrate for biogasification varies from substrate to substrate and different environmental and operating conditions such as pH, temperature, type and quality of substrate, mixing, retention time etc. Therefore, the purpose of this research work is to develop feasible semi-dry anaerobic digestion process for the treatment of OFMSW from Kerala, India for potential energy recovery and sustainable waste management. This study was carried out in three phases in order to reach the research purpose. In the first phase, batch study of anaerobic digestion of OFMSW was carried out for 100 days at 32°C (mesophilic digestion) for varying substrate concentrations. The aim of this study was to obtain the optimal conditions for biogas production using response surface methodology (RSM). The parameters studied were initial pH, substrate concentration and total organic carbon (TOC). The experimental results showed that the linear model terms of initial pH and substrate concentration and the quadratic model terms of the substrate concentration and TOC had significant individual effect (p < 0.05) on biogas yield. However, there was no interactive effect between these variables (p > 0.05). The optimum conditions for maximizing the biogas yield were a substrate concentration of 99 g/l, an initial pH of 6.5 and TOC of 20.32 g/l. AD of OFMSW with optimized substrate concentration of 99 g/l [Total Solid (TS)-10.5%] is a semi-dry digestion system .Under the optimized condition, the maximum biogas yield was 53.4 L/kg VS (volatile solid).. In the second phase, semi-dry anaerobic digestion of organic solid wastes was conducted for 45 days in a lab-scale batch experiment for substrate concentration of 100 g/l (TS-11.2%) for investigating the start-up performances under thermophilic condition (50°C). The performance of the reactor was evaluated by measuring the daily biogas production and calculating the degradation of total solids and the total volatile solids. The biogas yield at the end of the digestion was 52.9 L/kg VS for the substrate concentration of 100 g/l. About 66.7% of volatile solid degradation was obtained during the digestion. A first order model based on the availability of substrate as the limiting factor was used to perform the kinetic studies of batch anaerobic digestion system. The value of reaction rate constant, k, obtained was 0.0249 day-1. A laboratory bench scale reactor with a capacity of 36.8 litres was designed and fabricated to carry out the continuous anaerobic digestion of OFMSW in the third phase. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of the digester at total solid concentration of 12% (semi-dry) under mesophlic condition (32°C). The digester was operated with different organic loading rates (OLRs) and constant retention time. The performance of the reactor was evaluated using parameters such as pH, volatile fatty acid (VFA), alkalinity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), TOC and ammonia-N as well as biogas yield. During the reactor’s start-up period, the process is stable and there is no inhibition occurred and the average biogas production was 14.7 L/day. The reactor was fed in continuous mode with different OLRs (3.1,4.2 and 5.65 kg VS/m3/d) at constant retention time of 30 days. The highest volatile solid degradation of 65.9%, with specific biogas production of 368 L/kg VS fed was achieved with OLR of 3.1 kg VS/m3/d. Modelling and simulation of anaerobic digestion of OFMSW in continuous operation is done using adapted Anaerobic Digestion Model No 1 (ADM1).The proposed model, which has 34 dynamic state variables, considers both biochemical and physicochemical processes and contains several inhibition factors including three gas components. The number of processes considered is 28. The model is implemented in Matlab® version The model based on adapted ADM1 was tested to simulate the behaviour of a bioreactor for the mesophilic anaerobic digestion of OFMSW at OLR of 3.1 kg VS/m3/d. ADM1 showed acceptable simulating results.


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This work presents Bayes invariant quadratic unbiased estimator, for short BAIQUE. Bayesian approach is used here to estimate the covariance functions of the regionalized variables which appear in the spatial covariance structure in mixed linear model. Firstly a brief review of spatial process, variance covariance components structure and Bayesian inference is given, since this project deals with these concepts. Then the linear equations model corresponding to BAIQUE in the general case is formulated. That Bayes estimator of variance components with too many unknown parameters is complicated to be solved analytically. Hence, in order to facilitate the handling with this system, BAIQUE of spatial covariance model with two parameters is considered. Bayesian estimation arises as a solution of a linear equations system which requires the linearity of the covariance functions in the parameters. Here the availability of prior information on the parameters is assumed. This information includes apriori distribution functions which enable to find the first and the second moments matrix. The Bayesian estimation suggested here depends only on the second moment of the prior distribution. The estimation appears as a quadratic form y'Ay , where y is the vector of filtered data observations. This quadratic estimator is used to estimate the linear function of unknown variance components. The matrix A of BAIQUE plays an important role. If such a symmetrical matrix exists, then Bayes risk becomes minimal and the unbiasedness conditions are fulfilled. Therefore, the symmetry of this matrix is elaborated in this work. Through dealing with the infinite series of matrices, a representation of the matrix A is obtained which shows the symmetry of A. In this context, the largest singular value of the decomposed matrix of the infinite series is considered to deal with the convergence condition and also it is connected with Gerschgorin Discs and Poincare theorem. Then the BAIQUE model for some experimental designs is computed and compared. The comparison deals with different aspects, such as the influence of the position of the design points in a fixed interval. The designs that are considered are those with their points distributed in the interval [0, 1]. These experimental structures are compared with respect to the Bayes risk and norms of the matrices corresponding to distances, covariance structures and matrices which have to satisfy the convergence condition. Also different types of the regression functions and distance measurements are handled. The influence of scaling on the design points is studied, moreover, the influence of the covariance structure on the best design is investigated and different covariance structures are considered. Finally, BAIQUE is applied for real data. The corresponding outcomes are compared with the results of other methods for the same data. Thereby, the special BAIQUE, which estimates the general variance of the data, achieves a very close result to the classical empirical variance.


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Short summary: This study was undertaken to assess the diversity of plant resources utilized by the local population in south-western Madagascar, the social, ecological and biophysical conditions that drive their uses and availability, and possible alternative strategies for their sustainable use in the region. The study region, ‘Mahafaly region’, located in south-western Madagascar, is one of the country’s most economically, educationally and climatically disadvantaged regions. With an arid steppe climate, the agricultural production is limited by low water availability and a low level of soil nutrients and soil organic carbon. The region comprises the recently extended Tsimanampetsotsa National Park, with numerous sacred and communities forests, which are threatened by slash and burn agriculture and overexploitation of forests resources. The present study analyzed the availability of wild yams and medicinal plants, and their importance for the livelihood of the local population in this region. An ethnobotanical survey was conducted recording the diversity, local knowledge and use of wild yams and medicinal plants utilized by the local communities in five villages in the Mahafaly region. 250 households were randomly selected followed by semi-structured interviews on the socio-economic characteristics of the households. Data allowed us to characterize sociocultural and socioeconomic factors that determine the local use of wild yams and medicinal plants, and to identify their role in the livelihoods of local people. Species-environment relationships and the current spatial distribution of the wild yams were investigated and predicted using ordination methods and a niche based habitat modelling approach. Species response curves along edaphic gradients allowed us to understand the species requirements on habitat conditions. We thus investigated various alternative methods to enhance the wild yam regeneration for their local conservation and their sustainable use in the Mahafaly region. Altogether, six species of wild yams and a total of 214 medicinal plants species from 68 families and 163 genera were identified in the study region. Results of the cluster and discriminant analysis indicated a clear pattern on resource, resulted in two groups of household and characterized by differences in livestock numbers, off-farm activities, agricultural land and harvests. A generalized linear model highlighted that economic factors significantly affect the collection intensity of wild yams, while the use of medicinal plants depends to a higher degree on socio-cultural factors. The gradient analysis on the distribution of the wild yam species revealed a clear pattern for species habitats. Species models based on NPMR (Nonparametric Multiplicative Regression analysis) indicated the importance of vegetation structure, human interventions, and soil characteristics to determine wild yam species distribution. The prediction of the current availability of wild yam resources showed that abundant wild yam resources are scarce and face high harvest intensity. Experiments on yams cultivation revealed that germination of seeds was enhanced by using pre-germination treatments before planting, vegetative regeneration performed better with the upper part of the tubers (corms) rather than the sets of tubers. In-situ regeneration was possible for the upper parts of the wild tubers but the success depended significantly on the type of soil. The use of manure (10-20 t ha¹) increased the yield of the D. alata and D. alatipes by 40%. We thus suggest the promotion of other cultivated varieties of D. alata found regions neighbouring as the Mahafaly Plateau.


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La literatura sobre la calidad de la educación ha prestado poca atención al papel que tienen las bibliotecas públicas dentro de los determinantes del desempeño educativo. Las bibliotecas públicas son activos externos al colegio y al hogar del estudiante, pero hacen parte del entorno social que les rodea. La puesta en marcha a finales de 2001 de tres bibliotecas de gran tamaño en Bogotá, conocidas como megabibliotecas, nos permite analizar el impacto de estas iniciativas sobre la calidad de la educación en los colegios aledaños. Dicho impacto se daría a través de mecanismos adicionales a la simple reducción de costos al acceso a la información: las bibliotecas renovaron el espacio público mediante la generación de espacios agradables y amigables hacia la educación, además ofrecen regularmente actividades lúdicas dirigidas a las habitantes del sector. Aprovechando la distancia del plantel educativo a la biblioteca como una aproximación al costo de acceso a la misma, utilizando para ello Diferencia en Diferencias junto a la descomposición Blinder Oaxaca. Encontramos que las mismas parecen no tener un impacto significativo sobre el desempeño académico general en los exámenes oficiales SABER 11 durante los años posteriores a su implementación. Se recomienda analizar programas específicos que aprovechen las bibliotecas para actividades escolares y otras posibles variables de impacto como actitudes hacia el estudio y aspiraciones a la educación superior.


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This paper analyzes the measure of systemic importance ∆CoV aR proposed by Adrian and Brunnermeier (2009, 2010) within the context of a similar class of risk measures used in the risk management literature. In addition, we develop a series of testing procedures, based on ∆CoV aR, to identify and rank the systemically important institutions. We stress the importance of statistical testing in interpreting the measure of systemic importance. An empirical application illustrates the testing procedures, using equity data for three European banks.


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En este trabajo se estima el efecto del género del profesor sobre la deserción y el rendimiento educativo de los estudiantes en Colombia durante el periodo 2009-2012. La estrategia empírica se fundamenta en un modelo de regresión lineal que establece la relación entre la proporción de profesoras interactuada con el género del estudiante. Los resultados sugieren que existe un sesgo de selección debido a que las profesoras aumentan la probabilidad de que las niñas finalicen la educación media, lo que implica que la composición de habilidades entre hombres y mujeres no es la misma. Luego de corregir este sesgo de selección, se encuentra un resultado significativo en el género del profesor. Un aumento de una desviación estándar en la proporción de profesoras incrementa en 0.01 desviaciones estándar el puntaje de los niños en la prueba de matemáticas y el puntaje de las niñas en la prueba de lenguaje. Este trabajo utiliza información proveniente de la prueba Saber 11, la Resolución 166 y el concurso docente.


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The objective of this paper is to introduce a diVerent approach, called the ecological-longitudinal, to carrying out pooled analysis in time series ecological studies. Because it gives a larger number of data points and, hence, increases the statistical power of the analysis, this approach, unlike conventional ones, allows the complementation of aspects such as accommodation of random effect models, of lags, of interaction between pollutants and between pollutants and meteorological variables, that are hardly implemented in conventional approaches. Design—The approach is illustrated by providing quantitative estimates of the short-termeVects of air pollution on mortality in three Spanish cities, Barcelona,Valencia and Vigo, for the period 1992–1994. Because the dependent variable was a count, a Poisson generalised linear model was first specified. Several modelling issues are worth mentioning. Firstly, because the relations between mortality and explanatory variables were nonlinear, cubic splines were used for covariate control, leading to a generalised additive model, GAM. Secondly, the effects of the predictors on the response were allowed to occur with some lag. Thirdly, the residual autocorrelation, because of imperfect control, was controlled for by means of an autoregressive Poisson GAM. Finally, the longitudinal design demanded the consideration of the existence of individual heterogeneity, requiring the consideration of mixed models. Main results—The estimates of the relative risks obtained from the individual analyses varied across cities, particularly those associated with sulphur dioxide. The highest relative risks corresponded to black smoke in Valencia. These estimates were higher than those obtained from the ecological-longitudinal analysis. Relative risks estimated from this latter analysis were practically identical across cities, 1.00638 (95% confidence intervals 1.0002, 1.0011) for a black smoke increase of 10 μg/m3 and 1.00415 (95% CI 1.0001, 1.0007) for a increase of 10 μg/m3 of sulphur dioxide. Because the statistical power is higher than in the individual analysis more interactions were statistically significant,especially those among air pollutants and meteorological variables. Conclusions—Air pollutant levels were related to mortality in the three cities of the study, Barcelona, Valencia and Vigo. These results were consistent with similar studies in other cities, with other multicentric studies and coherent with both, previous individual, for each city, and multicentric studies for all three cities


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Relations between the apparent electrical conductivity of the soil (ECa) and top- and sub-soil physical properties were examined for two arable fields in southern England (Crowmarsh Battle Farms and the Yattendon Estate). The spatial variation of ECa and the soil properties was explored geostatistically. The variogram ranges showed that ECa varied on a similar spatial scale to many of the soil physical properties in both fields. Several features in the map of kriged predictions of ECa were also evident in maps of the soil properties. In addition, the correlation coefficients showed a strong relation between ECa and several soil properties. A moving correlation analysis enabled differences in the relations between ECa and the soil properties to be examined within the fields. The results indicated that relations were inconsistent; they were stronger in some areas than others. A regression of ECa on the principal component scores of the leading components for both fields showed that the first two components accounted for a large proportion of the variance in ECa, whereas the others accounted for little or none. For Crowmarsh topsoil sand and clay, loss on ignition and volumetric water measured in the autumn had large correlations on the first component, and for Yattendon they were large for topsoil sand and clay, and autumn and spring volumetric water. The cross-variograms suggested strong coregionalization between ECa and several soil physical properties; in particular subsoil sand and silt at Crowmarsh, and subsoil sand and clay at Yattendon. The structural correlations from the linear model of coregionalization confirmed the strength of the relations between ECa and the subsoil properties. Nevertheless, no one property was consistently important for both fields. Although a map of ECa can indicate the general patterns of spatial variation in the soil, it is not a substitute for information on soil properties obtained by sampling and analysing the soil. Nevertheless, it could be used to guide further sampling. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent radar and rain-gauge observations from the island of Dominica, which lies in the eastern Caribbean sea at 15 N, show a strong orographic enhancement of trade-wind precipitation. The mechanisms behind this enhancement are investigated using idealized large-eddy simulations with a realistic representation of the shallow trade-wind cumuli over the open ocean upstream of the island. The dominant mechanism is found to be the rapid growth of convection by the bulk lifting of the inhomogenous impinging flow. When rapidly lifted by the terrain, existing clouds and other moist parcels gain buoyancy relative to rising dry air because of their different adiabatic lapse rates. The resulting energetic, closely-packed convection forms precipitation readily and brings frequent heavy showers to the high terrain. Despite this strong precipitation enhancement, only a small fraction (1%) of the impinging moisture flux is lost over the island. However, an extensive rain shadow forms to the lee of Dominica due to the convective stabilization, forced descent, and wave breaking. A linear model is developed to explain the convective enhancement over the steep terrain.