941 resultados para Multicriteria approval


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The goal of this article is to map out public perceptions of animal experimentation in 28 European countries. Postulating cross-cultural differences, this study mixes country-level variables (from the Eurostat database) and individual-level variables (from Eurobarometer Science and Technology 2010). It is shown that experimentation on animals such as mice is generally accepted in European countries, but perceptions are divided on dogs and monkeys. Between 2005 and 2010, we observe globally a change of approval on dogs and monkeys, with a significant decrease in nine countries. Multilevel analysis results show differences at country level (related to a post-industrialism model) and at individual level (related to gender, age, education, proximity and perceptions of science and the environment). These results may have consequences for public perceptions of science and we call for more cross-cultural research on press coverage of animal research and on the level of public engagement of scientists doing animal research


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Purpose: To evaluate whether parametric imaging with contrast material-enhanced ultrasonography (US) is superior to visual assessment for the differential diagnosis of focal liver lesions (FLLs). Materials and Methods: This study had institutional review board approval, and verbal patient informed consent was obtained. Between August 2005 and October 2008, 146 FLLs in 145 patients (63 women, 82 men; mean age, 62.5 years; age range, 22-89 years) were imaged with real-time low-mechanical-index contrast-enhanced US after a bolus injection of 2.4 mL of a second-generation contrast agent. Clips showing contrast agent uptake kinetics (including arterial, portal, and late phases) were recorded and subsequently analyzed off-line with dedicated image processing software. Analysis of the dynamic vascular patterns (DVPs) of lesions with respect to adjacent parenchyma allowed mapping DVP signatures on a single parametric image. Cine loops of contrast-enhanced US and results from parametric imaging of DVP were assessed separately by three independent off-site readers who classified each lesion as benign, malignant, or indeterminate. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive values were calculated for both techniques. Interobserver agreement (κ statistics) was determined. Results: Sensitivities for visual interpretation of cine loops for the three readers were 85.0%, 77.9%, and 87.6%, which improved significantly to 96.5%, 97.3%, and 96.5% for parametric imaging, respectively (P < .05, McNemar test), while retaining high specificity (90.9% for all three readers). Accuracy scores of parametric imaging were higher than those of conventional contrast-enhanced US for all three readers (P < .001, McNemar test). Interobserver agreement increased with DVP parametric imaging compared with conventional contrast-enhanced US (change of κ from 0.54 to 0.99). Conclusion: Parametric imaging of DVP improves diagnostic performance of contrast-enhanced US in the differentiation between malignant and benign FLLs; it also provides excellent interobserver agreement.


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Pela sua posição geográfica e particulares condições climáticas, devidas à sua inserção na faixa saheliana com caraterísticas de marcada aridez, Cabo Verde é um arquipélago com condições naturais adversas, pautado principalmente pela seca prolongada. Muitas vezes esta conjuntura é interpolada por curtos períodos de fortes chuvadas que podem originar cheias e inundações nos principais centros urbanos. Os eventos ocorridos revelam consequências graves, desde prejuízos na agricultura, perda de animais, destruição de infra-estruturas, perda de bens materiais e, mesmo, vítimas humanas mortais. Este estudo tem como objetivos principais: (i) perceber os problemas e desafios que se colocam à cidade da Praia (maior centro urbano do país, com forte crescimento e expansão urbana) perante situações de inundação; (ii) contribuir para o maior conhecimento das causas e consequências dessas inundações; (iii) definir quais as áreas de maior suscetibilidade às cheias e quais as que possuem um maior risco potencial. Optou-se por uma metodologia integrada, através do levantamento bibliográfico, cartográfico, numérico e percetivo (com base em entrevistas e inquéritos). Para o estudo das bacias hidrográficas foram calculados índices morfométricos, definidas classes de permeabilidade do substrato geológico e aplicado o método multicritério de Reis (2011) para a definição das áreas suscetíveis às cheias. Analisaram-se as precipitações máximas diárias anuais e respetivos períodos de retorno, com a aplicação do método de Gumbel. A análise de notícias de jornais, referentes ao período compreendido entre 1980 e 2011, foi fundamental para o conhecimento da distribuição espácio-temporal dos eventos perigosos de inundação em Cabo Verde e na cidade da Praia. Os resultados obtidos revelam um significativo grau de suscetibilidade às cheias na cidade da Praia. As áreas de maior risco potencial às inundações encontram-se no setor central da cidade, resultante da conjugação da convergência do escoamento das três ribeiras principais, da elevada densidade populacional e de construção desordenada nos leitos de cheia e nas áreas deprimidas, onde se acumulam as águas.


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Effet d'un bolus intraveineux de phénylephrine ou d'éphedríne sur le flux sanguin cutané lors d'une anesthésie rachidienne Introduction : La phénylephrine et l'éphedrine sont des substances vaso-actives utilisées de routine pour corriger des épisodes d'hypotension artérielle induits par l'anesthésie intrarachidienne. L'influence de ces deux vasopresseurs sur le flux sanguin cutané (FSC) dans ce contexte n'a jusqu'à maintenant pas été décrite. Cette étude évalue l'effet d'une injection intraveineuse de 75 µg de phénylephrine ou de 7.5 mg d'éphedrine sur le FSC mesuré par Laser Doppler, dans les zones concernées parle bloc sympathiqué induit par l'anesthésie intrarachidienne (membres inférieurs) et dans les zones non concernées (membres supérieurs). Méthode :Après acceptation par le Comité d'Éthique, et obtention de leur accord écrit, 20 patients devant subir une intervention chirurgicale élective en décubitus dorsal sous anesthésie. intrarachidienne ont été inclus dans cette étude randomisée en double insu. Le FSC a été mesuré en continu par deux sondes fixées l'une à la cuisse (zone avec bloc sympathique) et l'autre sur l'avantbras (zone sans bloc sympathique). Les valeurs de FSC ont été enregistrées après l'anesthésie rachidienne (valeur contrôle), puis après l'injection i.v. dè phénylephrine (10 patients) ou d'éphedrine (10 patients) pour corriger une hypotension définie comme une chute de 20 mmHg de la pression artérielle systolique. Les variations de FSC exprimées en pourcentage de la valeur contrôle moyenne (+/- écart type) ont été analysées par le test t de Student. Résultats :Les données démographiques des patients et le niveau sensitif induit par l'anesthésie rachidienne sont similaires dans les deux groupes. Aux doses utilisées, seule l'éphedrine restaure la pression artérielle aux valeurs précédant l'anesthésie rachidienne. La phénylephrine augmente le FSC de l'avant-bras de 44% (+/- 79%) et de la cuisse de 34% (+/-24%), alors que l'éphedrine diminue le débit sanguin cutané de l'avant-bras de 16% (+/- 15%) et de la cuisse de 22% (+/-11%). Conclusion : L'injection intraveineuse de phénylephrine et d'éphedrine ont des effets opposés sur le flux sanguin cutané, et cette réponse n'est pas modifiée par le bloc sympathique.. Cette différence peut s'expliquer par la distribution des sous-types de récepteurs adrénergiques alpha et leur prédominance relative dans les veines et les artères de différents diamètres perfusant le tissu sous-cutané et la peau. L'éphedrine, èn raison de sa meilleure efficacité pour traiter les épisodes d'hypotension artérielle après anesthésie intrarachidienne devrait être préféré à la phénylephrine, leurs effets opposés sur le flux sanguin cutané n'étant pas pertinents en pratique clinique. SUMMARY Background: Phenylephrine or ephedrine is routinely used to correct hypotensive episodes fallowing spinal anaesthesia (SA). The influence of these two vasopressors on skin blood flow (SBF) has not yet been described. We have therefore evaluated the effects of an i.v. bolus of 75 µg phenylephrine or 7.5 mg of ephedrine on SBF measured by laser Doppler flowmetry during sympathetic blockade induced by SA. Methods: With Ethical Committee approval and written consent, 20 patients scheduled for elective procedures in supine position under SA were enrolled in this double-blind randomized study. SBF was measured continuously by two probes fixed at the thigh (area with sympathic blockade) and forearm level (area without sympathic blockade) respectively. SBF values were recorded after SA (control values) and then after a bolus administration of phenylephriné (n=10) or ephedrine (n=10) when systolic blood pressure decreased by 20 mmHg. Changes were expressed as percentage of control SBF values and analysed by Student's paired t-test. Results: Patient characteristics and dermatomal sensory levels were similar in both groups. Phenylephrine increases mean SBF at the forearm level by 44% (79%) [mean (SD)j and at the thigh by 34% (24%). Ephedrine decreases SBF at the forearm level by 16% (15%) and at the thigh by 22% (il%). Ephedrine bolus restores arterial blood pressure to pre-anaesthesia values, whereas phenylephrine does not. Conclusion: Administratión of phenylephrine and ephedrine has opposite effects on skin blood flow and sympathetic blockade does not modify this response. These findings could be explained by the distribution of the alpha-adrenoréceptor subtypes and their relative predominance among veins and arteries of different size perfusing the subcutaneous tissue and the skin. Ephedrine, due to its better efficacy to correct hypotensive episodes following SA, should be preferred, to phenylephrine, their opposite effects on SBF being not relevant for clinical practice.


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Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is one of the most prevalent genetic diseases and every general practitioner may have to counsel these patients. The follow-up of the patients carrying the trait has changed substantially lately and new treatments have been developed and are close to get approval. We review here the new ultrasound diagnostic criteria, the place of the renal volumetry by MRI in the follow-up, the place of the genetic molecular diagnosis and we discuss the pathogenesis and the future treatment that are in phase III clinical studies and will soon change completely the outcome of the disease.


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A presente dissertação procurou identificar os principais problemas e desafios que o Processo de Planeamento Urbano Sustentável (Amado,2005) coloca ao nível local no contexto insular e, através do desenhar de soluções, promover o desenvolvimento equilibrado, coeso e sustentável do respetivo território. Através de uma análise teórica procurou-se conhecer e compreender o Quadro Legal do Ordenamento do Território em Cabo Verde. A fase inicial do Ordenamento do Território no País, com a aprovação da Lei de Bases do Ordenamento do Território e Planeamento Urbanístico na década de 90, bem como a insularidade do território, a mão-de-obra pouco qualificada e os poucos recursos financeiros são os grandes desafios que o país enfrenta a nível do Ordenamento do Território. O núcleo urbano de Chã de Caldeiras, que pertence ao município de Santa Catarina do Fogo, Freguesia de Santa Catarina do Fogo, é caraterizado por uma paisagem única, comportando zonas de reserva como o Parque Natural do Fogo e pela proximidade ao vulcão, sendo uma das localidades com maiores atrativos naturais no arquipélago de Cabo Verde. Ora, devido à inexistência de qualquer instrumento de gestão territorial até à atualidade, a área de intervenção do Plano Detalhado, apresenta uma fraca hierarquização da rede urbana e malha viária, construções inacabadas e de fraca qualidade, inexistência de praças e locais de convívio e carencias em termos de infraestruturas básicas (agua, luz e saneamento). Este trabalho pretende ser um contributo para um Desenvolvimento Sustentável para Chã de Caldeiras, (re)qualificando o espaço urbano, zelando pelos interesses da população local e garantindo desta forma a melhoria da qualidade de vida num espaço temporal alargado.


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This guide is a general outline for bio diesel facilities on potential regulatory requirements and regulatory agency approval times. Much of the information is related to environmental permitting by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). Your facility’s permit requirements may differ depending upon the specific operations planned. Information is also provided about regulatory requirements administered by the Iowa Workforce Development, Labor Services Division and the Iowa Department of Public Safety, Fire Marshal Division. Requirements established by local units of government may also apply. Be sure to contact the city in which the facility will be located or the county if the facility is not located in a city, to identify these requirements.


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This guide is a general outline for ethanol facilities on potential regulatory requirements and regulatory agency approval times. Much of the information is related to environmental permitting by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). Your facility’s permit requirements may differ depending upon the specific operations planned. Information is also provided about regulatory requirements administered by the Iowa Workforce Development, Labor Services Division and the Iowa Department of Public Safety, Fire Marshal Division. Requirements established by local units of government may also apply. Be sure to contact the city in which the facility will be located or the county if the facility is not located in a city, to identify these requirements.


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Purpose: The M-band is an important cytoskeletal structure in the centre of the sarcomere, believed to cross-link the thick filament lattice. Its main components are three closely related modular proteins from the myomesin gene family: Myomesin, M-protein and myomesin-3. Each muscle is characterized by its unique M-band protein composition, depending on the contractile parameters of a particular fiber. To investigate the role of the M-band in one of the most relevant and clinically increasing cardiac diseases, we analyzed the expression of myomesin proteins in dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM).Methods: In a previous study we analyzed mouse models suffering from DCM, demonstrating that the embryonic heart specific EH-myomesin splicing isoform was up-regulated directly corresponding to the degree of cardiac dysfunction and ventricular dilation. Based on this study, human ventricular and atrial samples (n=32) were obtained during heart surgery after informed consent and approval by an institutional review board. Patients were aged 30-70 years and suffered from dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM;n=13), Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM;n=10) or served as controls (n=9). Patients suffering from DCM or HCM were in endstage heart-failure (NYHA III-IV) and either underwent heart transplantation or Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) implantation. Heart samples from patients who underwent valve surgery or congenital heart surgery served as controls. Heart Samples were analyzed using RT-PCR, Western blot, and immunofluorescence.Results: By investigating the expression pattern of myomesins, we found that DCM is accompanied by specific M-band alterations, which were more pronounced in ventricular samples compared to the atrium. Changes in the amounts of different myomesins during DCM occurred in a cell-specific manner, leading to a higher heterogeneity of the cytoskeleton in cardiomyocytes through the myocardial wall with some cells switching completely to an embryonic phenotype.Conclusions: Here we present that the embryonic heart specific EH-myomesin isoform is up-regulated in human DCM. The alterations of the M-band protein composition might be part of a general adaptation of the sarcomeric cytoskeleton to unfavorable working conditions in the failing heart and may modify the mechanical properties of the cardiomyocytes. We suggest that the upregulation of EH-myomesin might play a pivotal role in DCM and might support classical imagingas a novel sarcomeric marker for this disease.


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The interaction between the immune system and cancer was an area of research interest for several decades. The recent U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval of sipuleucel-T and ipilimumab stimulated broader interest in manipulating immunity to fight cancer. In the context of prostate cancer, the immunotherapy strategies under development are therapeutic vaccination strategies, such as sipuleucel-T and PROSTVAC-VF, or immune checkpoint blockade of CTLA-4. Improved understanding of the immune responses generated by the development of predictive biomarkers for patient selection will guide rational combinations of these treatments and provide new treatment options in prostate cancer.


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No hace más de 3 años se podía leer en las revistas especializadas que España había pasado a ocupar el tercer puesto en el ranking mundial por potencia eólica instalada. La industria eólica española a su vez ha pasado a ocupar el tercer puesto en la fabricación e instalación de aerogeneradores, con una cuota de mercado del 13%, siendo así un sector con gran capacidad de exportación. Por otra parte, tras diez años de promulgación de la Ley 31/95, de 8 de noviembre, de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, y después su desarrollo reglamentario, es un hecho incontestable que, pese a todo, y a los ingentes esfuerzos realizados por los distintos actores implicados en la prevención de riesgos laborales (Estado, Comunidades Autónomas, Agentes Sociales, Entidades especializadas, etcetera), existe un sector como el de la construcción que, constituyendo uno de los ejes del crecimiento económico de nuestro país, está sometido a unos riesgos especiales y continúa registrando una siniestralidad laboral muy notoria por sus cifras y gravedad. La legislación de prevención, los manuales sobre las distintas disciplinas preventivas, los libros especializados, los expertos... han abordado ya, con mayor o menor acierto, muchas de las cuestiones generales y específicas que afectan a la seguridad y salud: la evaluación de riesgos, las medidas higiénicas, los equipos de trabajo y equipos de protección individual, la planificación, la formación, los servicios de prevención , los sistemas de gestión de la prevención, las auditorías ... forman parte de los contenidos que se han ido creando en torno a este tema. No obstante, resulta de gran interés la elaboración de un estudio de Seguridad y Salud, en el que partiendo de un desarrollo técnico concreto, pero sobre todo integral, es decir, que comprenda todas las fases para el suministrp e instalación de aerogeneradores para un parque eólico, vayamos desgranando cada uno de los puntos desarrollados en su construcción. Entre las conclusiones más destacadas de este trabajo, se encuentra la definición de las condiciones relativas a la prevención de accidentes y enfermedades laborales durante la ejecución de los trabajos de suministro e instalación de un parque eólico y la gestión de su prevención, las características de las instalaciones preceptivas para higiene y bienestar de los trabajadores, así como directrices básicas mínimas, que deben reflejarse y desarrollarse en el Plan de Seguridad y Salud que las empresas contratistas deberán presentar para su aprobación por el director de obra, antes del comienzo de los trabajos, de forma que sea posible la disminución de accidentes laborales así como evitar las posibles sanciones administrativas y/o penales.


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Els processos per a l’aprovació i la implementació de la Llei per a l’Autonomia personal i l’Atenció a les Persones en situació de Dependència (LAPAD) han donat lloc a un intens debat polític i social que, coincidint també amb les millores en la provisió de serveis i els avenços mèdics, ha contribuït a un procés de classificació i d’etiquetatge basats en els dèficits de les persones que es troben en aquestes circumstàncies. Aquesta visió anul·la el subjecte i la seva experiència singular i condiciona l’abordatge dels models d’atenció i de cura. L’estudi pretén fer una aproximació a les persones grans amb pèrdua d’autonomia funcional, fent emergir les seves veus, que expressen com perceben, interpreten, afronten i es reajusten a la nova situació. Partint d’un enfocament constructivista, basat en la subjectivitat, es fa un recorregut sobre els models de la discapacitat que han reeixit en l’activitat científica dels darrers anys, els mecanismes de regulació de les pèrdues que defensen les teories del cicle vital i les aportacions que s’han fet sobre el model de la resiliència aplicat a les persones que envelleixen. El resultats de l’estudi mostren com les representacions i els significats que les persones grans atribueixen a la seva experiència s’inscriuen en les seves trajectòries vitals, donant un sentit únic i singular a la forma de viure i de respondre a la pèrdua d’autonomia funcional i les seves conseqüències. Aquelles que expressen una vivència d’integritat respecte de la vida viscuda, amb predomini d’afectes positius envers un mateix i els altres, que conserven l’esperança i el desig de continuar vivint, s’ajusten a les pèrdues de manera més satisfactòria que aquelles que expressen desconfiança i una certa amargor respecte de la pròpia vida. D’això se’n deriva que els espais d’escolta i d’acompanyament poden ser un recurs vàlid i necessari en el qual, a través de la paraula i el testimoni narrat, el subjecte pugui repensar i resignificar les seves experiències.


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Informing several departments that approval for the change in data processing equipment should be approved in writing from the State Comptroller prior to submission to the Executive Council.


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BACKGROUND: The increased use of meta-analysis in systematic reviews of healthcare interventions has highlighted several types of bias that can arise during the completion of a randomised controlled trial. Study publication bias and outcome reporting bias have been recognised as a potential threat to the validity of meta-analysis and can make the readily available evidence unreliable for decision making. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this update, we review and summarise the evidence from cohort studies that have assessed study publication bias or outcome reporting bias in randomised controlled trials. Twenty studies were eligible of which four were newly identified in this update. Only two followed the cohort all the way through from protocol approval to information regarding publication of outcomes. Fifteen of the studies investigated study publication bias and five investigated outcome reporting bias. Three studies have found that statistically significant outcomes had a higher odds of being fully reported compared to non-significant outcomes (range of odds ratios: 2.2 to 4.7). In comparing trial publications to protocols, we found that 40-62% of studies had at least one primary outcome that was changed, introduced, or omitted. We decided not to undertake meta-analysis due to the differences between studies. CONCLUSIONS: This update does not change the conclusions of the review in which 16 studies were included. Direct empirical evidence for the existence of study publication bias and outcome reporting bias is shown. There is strong evidence of an association between significant results and publication; studies that report positive or significant results are more likely to be published and outcomes that are statistically significant have higher odds of being fully reported. Publications have been found to be inconsistent with their protocols. Researchers need to be aware of the problems of both types of bias and efforts should be concentrated on improving the reporting of trials.


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This manual captures the experience of practitioners in the Iowa Department of Transportation’s (Iowa DOT’s) Office of Location and Environment (OLE). It also documents the need for coordinated project development efforts during the highway project planning, or location study phase and engineering design. The location study phase establishes: * The definition of, and need for, the highway improvement project * The range of alternatives and many key attributes of the project’s design * The recommended alternative, its impacts, and the agreed-to conditions for project approval The location study process involves developing engineering alternatives, collecting engineering and environmental data, and completing design refinements to accomplish functional designs. The items above also embody the basic content required for projects compliant with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 19691, which directs federal agencies to use a systematic, interdisciplinary approach during the planning process whenever proposed actions (or “projects”) have the potential for environmental impacts. In doing so, NEPA requires coordination with stakeholders, review, comment, and public disclosure. Are location studies and environmental studies more about the process or the documents? If properly conducted, they concern both—unbiased and reasonable processes with quality and timely documents. In essence, every project is a story that needs to be told. Engineering and environmental regulations and guidance, as documented in this manual, will help project staff and managers become better storytellers.