999 resultados para Modelo de tributação semi-dual


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A new type of dual-channel PAM chlorophyll fluorometer has been developed, which is specialised in the detection of extremely small differences in photosynthetic activity in algae or thylakoids suspensions. In conjunction with standardised algae cultures or isolated thylakoids, the new device provides an ultrasensitive biotest system for detection of toxic substances in water samples. In this report, major features of the new device are outlined and examples of its performance are presented using suspensions of Phaeodactylum tricornutum (diatoms) and of freeze-dried thylakoids of Lactuca sativa (salad). Investigated and reference samples are exposed to the same actinic intensity of pulse-modulated measuring light. The quantum yields are assessed by the saturation pulse method. Clock-triggered repetitive measurements of quantum yield typically display a standard deviation of 0.1%, corresponding to the inhibition induced by 0.02 mug diuron l(-1). Hence, for diuron or compounds with similar toxicity, the detection limit is well below the 0.1 mug l(-1) defined as the limit for the presence of a single toxic substance in water by the European Commission drinking water regulation. The amounts of water and biotest material required for analysis are very small, as a single assay involves two 1 ml samples, each containing ca. 0.5 mug chlorophyll. Both with Phaeodactylum and thylakoids the relationship between inhibition and diuron concentration is strictly linear up to 10% inhibition, with very similar slopes. Apparent inhibition depends on the actinic effect of the measuring light, showing optima at 6 and 4 mumol quanta m(-2) s(-1) with Phaeodactylum and thylakoids, respectively.


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Passive techniques as an alternative to artificial cooling can bring important energy, environmental, financial, operational and qualitative benefits. However, regions such as the wet tropics can reach high levels of thermal stress in which passive means alone are unable to provide appropriate thermal comfort standards for some parts of the year. Despite a great accumulation of empirical information on the passive performance of houses for either free-running or conditioned modes, very little work has been done on the thermal performance of buildings that can operate with a mixed-running strategy in warm-humid climates. Buildings with such design features are able to balance the needs for comfort, privacy, and energy efficiency during different periods of the year. As free-running and conditioned modes are believed by many to be 'opposite' approaches, and have been presented as separate strategies, this paper demonstrates that not all parameters are directly opposite and a possible dual-mode integrated operation can be used for warm-humid locations for maximum comfort and minimum energy requirements. For this purpose, simulation runs using ESP-R (University of Strathclyde, ESRU, UK) were based on the climate data of Darwin (Australia) and on the ventilation styles of the house: free running and conditioned. Design features applicable to both, i.e. for a dual mode operation could be identified and the differences between conditioned and free running were demonstrated and proved not to be totally conflicting and therefore suitable for a dual mode operation. Different daily usage profiles (five use patterns were defined), and zoning of sleeping and living areas are presented. The dual mode use patterns compared to the base case house, for all the user possibilities, had improved performances of 17-52%, when compared to the free-running mode and 66-98% when compared to the conditioned mode. Simulation runs using other warm-humid climates (Miami, USA; Sao Luis, Brazil; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) were also conducted and compared to the results found for Darwin. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present paper reviews the findings of 30 years of verbal/manual dual task studies, the method most commonly used to assess lateralization of speech production in non-clinical samples. Meta-analysis of 64 results revealed that both the type of manual task used and the nature of practice that is given influence the size of the laterality effect. A meta-analysis of 36 results examining the effect size of sex differences in estimate,, of lateralization of speech production indicated that males appear to show, slightly larger laterality effects than females. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Along with material characteristics and geometry, the climate in which a mine is located can have a dramatic effect on the appropriate options for rehabilitation. The paper outlines the setting, mining, milling and waste disposal at Kidston Gold Mine's open pit operations in the semi-arid climate of North Queensland, Australia, before focusing on the engineering aspects of the rehabilitation of Kidston. The mine took a holistic and proactive approach to rehabilitation, and was prepared to demonstrate a number of innovative approaches, which are described in the paper. Engineering issues that had to be addressed included the geotechnical stability and deformation of waste rock dumps, including a 240 m high in-pit dump: the construction and performance monitoring of a “store and release” cover over potentially acid forming mineralised waste rock; erosion from the side slopes of the waste rock dumps; the in-pit co-disposal of waste rock and thickened tailings; the geotechnical stability of the tailings dam wall; the potential for erosion of bare tailings; the water balance of the tailings dam; direct revegetation of the tailings; and the pit hydrology. The rehabilitation of the mine represents an important benchmark in mine site rehabilitation best practice, from which lessons applicable worldwide can be shared.


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Semi-aquatic animals represent a transitional locomotor condition characterised by the possession of morphological features that allow locomotion both in water and on land. Most ecologically important behaviours of crocodilians occur in the water, raising the question of whether their 'terrestrial construction' constrains aquatic locomotion. Moreover, the demands for aquatic locomotion change with life-history stage. It was the aim of this research to determine the kinematic characteristics and efficiency of aquatic locomotion in different-sized crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus). Aquatic propulsion was achieved primarily by tail undulations, and the use of limbs during swimming was observed only in very small animals or at low swimming velocities in larger animals. Over the range of swimming speeds we examined, tail beat amplitude did not change with increasing velocity, but amplitude increased significantly with body length. However, amplitude expressed relative to body length decreased with increasing body length. Tail beat frequency increased with swimming velocity but there were no differences in frequency between different-sized animals. Mechanical power generated during swimming and thrust increased non-linearly with swimming velocity, but disproportionally so that kinematic efficiency decreased with increasing swimming velocity. The importance of unsteady forces, expressed as the reduced frequency, increased with increasing swimming velocity. Amplitude is the main determinant of body-size-related increases in swimming velocity but, compared with aquatic mammals and fish, crocodiles are slow swimmers probably because of constraints imposed by muscle performance and unsteady forces opposing forward movement. Nonetheless, the kinematic efficiency of aquatic locomotion in crocodiles is comparable to that of fully aquatic mammals, and it is considerably greater than that of semi-aquatic mammals.


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We consider a mixture model approach to the regression analysis of competing-risks data. Attention is focused on inference concerning the effects of factors on both the probability of occurrence and the hazard rate conditional on each of the failure types. These two quantities are specified in the mixture model using the logistic model and the proportional hazards model, respectively. We propose a semi-parametric mixture method to estimate the logistic and regression coefficients jointly, whereby the component-baseline hazard functions are completely unspecified. Estimation is based on maximum likelihood on the basis of the full likelihood, implemented via an expectation-conditional maximization (ECM) algorithm. Simulation studies are performed to compare the performance of the proposed semi-parametric method with a fully parametric mixture approach. The results show that when the component-baseline hazard is monotonic increasing, the semi-parametric and fully parametric mixture approaches are comparable for mildly and moderately censored samples. When the component-baseline hazard is not monotonic increasing, the semi-parametric method consistently provides less biased estimates than a fully parametric approach and is comparable in efficiency in the estimation of the parameters for all levels of censoring. The methods are illustrated using a real data set of prostate cancer patients treated with different dosages of the drug diethylstilbestrol. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Evidence for nearly synchronous climate oscillations during the last deglaciation has been found throughout the Northern Hemisphere but few records are based on independent time scales of calendar years. We present a rare uranium-series dated oxygen-carbon isotope record for a speleothem from Tangshan Cave, China, which demonstrates that abrupt deglacial climatic oscillations from 16 800 to 10 500 yr BP are semi-synchronous with those found in Greenland ice core records. Relatively rapid shifts in speleothem oxygen isotope ratios demonstrate that the intensity of the East Asian monsoon switched in parallel with the abrupt transitions separating the Bolling-Allerod, Younger Dryas, and pre-Boreal climatic reversals. However, the dated isotopic transitions appear to have lasted longer. Our results demonstrate the dominant role of atmospheric teleconnections in the rapid propagation of deglacial climatic signals on a hemispheric scale, and highlight the importance of U-series dated speleothems in the timing and characterization of abrupt climate change. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A arquitetura de inform??tica do IBGE busca refletir a evolu????o das Tecnologias da Informa????o e de Comunica????o (TIC) e vem sendo modificada ao longo dos anos, de maneira a manter - se um equil??brio entre os anseios e diretrizes institucionais e governamentais. A partir do aprendizado e do sucesso obtidos no Censo Demogr??fico 2010, o IBGE inova agora na forma de administrar sua ??rea de TIC, baseado em software especialista adquirido.O IBGE se beneficia da administra????o dos bens de inform??tica, da responsabilidade sobre contratos, da gest??o do patrim??nio, do uso otimizado dos softwares comerciais, da agilidade de obten????o de informa????es sobre o parque computacional instalado, do monitoramento on-line dos servi??os oferecidos pela TI, da economia de gastos com viagens para suporte t??cnico dentro dos estados e entre os mesmos, da reeduca????o de funcion??rios quanto ao uso de tecnologias, da forma organizada e planejada de trabalho e, portanto, da gest??o p??blica das TIC


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A fun????o capacita????o passa a ser concebida dentro de uma nova proposta materializada no modelo Pool de Capacita????o que tem por objetivos aumentar a capacidade do processo, alinhar a ??rea de recursos humanos ??s estrat??gias institucionais e sintoniz??-la com a cultura organizacional e os cen??rios externos. O processo de capacita????o passa a operar de forma sist??mica, desconcentrada e articulada em rede interna e externa


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A transi????o paradigm??tica vivenciada pela gest??o p??blica no Brasil tem provocado a busca por arranjos institucionais capazes de romper com a in??rcia institucional e responder ?? complexidade das novas demandas sociais. O presente estudo busca analisar a intersetorialidade a partir de fatores pol??ticos e institucionais que influenciaram o Programa Mais Educa????o, com foco na articula????o entre as ??reas de educa????o e cultura. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa realizada a partir do estudo sistem??tico da literatura sobre pol??ticas intersetoriais, analisada ?? luz do modelo sist??mico de Easton. Aborda conceitos como agendamento e implementa????o de pol??ticas p??blicas, centrando-se no debate contempor??neo sobre intersetorialidade. Analisa, a partir dos dados levantados sobre o Programa Mais Educa????o e entrevistas semi dirigidas com gestores dos diferentes minist??rios que o integram, mecanismos existentes na gest??o p??blica para que essa intersetorialidade se efetive. Constata a centralidade do papel das ideias na burocracia de governo em resposta a demandas sociais hist??ricas, contudo sorganizadas. O estudo reconhece a educa????o integral como um campo de atua????o complexo e interdisciplinar, cujo desenvolvimento de pol??ticas p??blicas mais efetivas, eficientes e eficazes, exige abordagens distintas e somat??ria de esfor??os entre as ??reas. A complexidade do modelo de gest??o do Programa reflete-se em um arranjo institucional inovador em que a intersetorialidade otimiza recursos e esfor??os das ??reas envolvidas, exigindo coordena????o intersetorial centralizada e coopera????o entre os ??rg??os


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O Minist??rio do Trabalho e Emprego, por interm??dio de sua Secretaria de Inspe????o do Trabalho, vem desenvolvendo arrojado programa de metas, visando diminuir os altos ??ndices de informalidade na contrata????o de m??o-de-obra. Al??m de ilegal, tal situa????o provoca graves preju??zos aos trabalhadores. Visando superar este contexto no meio rural, a Secretaria de Inspe????o do Trabalho lan??ou o projeto denominado "Condom??nio de Empregadores". O Condom??nio de Empregadores ?? a uni??o de produtores rurais pessoas f??sicas, com a ??nica finalidade de contratar diretamente empregados rurais, sendo outorgados a um dos produtores poderes para contratar e gerir a m??o-de-obra em suas propriedades. Iniciado em julho de 1999, o projeto consiste na capacita????o dos auditores fiscais, no estabelecimento de parcerias com institui????es governamentais e n??o governamentais e na implanta????o desse novo modelo de contrata????o em ??mbito nacional. Com o apoio do Minist??rio P??blico do Trabalho, do Instituto Nacional de Seguridade Social e de entidades representativas dos trabalhadores e segmento patronal, j?? foram implantados condom??nios no Paran??, Minas Gerais e S??o Paulo. Espera-se at?? o final do ano a cria????o de condom??nios em quase todo o territ??rio nacional, com a regulariza????o de dezenas de milhares de v??nculos laborais


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Texto que focaliza o processo de surgimento e desenvolvimento do modelo gerencial (managerialism ou public management) no campo da administra????o p??blica, analisando seus limites e potencialidades, mediante a abordagem do caso ingl??s e americano de reformas administrativas de governo, ao longo das d??cadas de 80 e 90; ao final, al??m do perfil das principais mudan??as administrativas que t??m afetado o setor p??blico em escala mundial, um coment??rio breve sobre o caso brasileiro.


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Este Caderno traz dois relat??rios de pesquisa internacionais. O primeiro objetiva fazer um levantamento do que se sabe sobre organiza????es de aprendizagem, traduzir as informa????es resultantes em orienta????es pr??ticas e desenvolver abordagens que possam ajudar gerentes a transformar seus locais de trabalho. O segundo relat??rio objetiva verificar a exist??ncia de um modelo canadense de administra????o p??blica canadense, identificando suas principais caracter??sticas distintivas de outros modelos


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O presente trabalho ?? resultado de um estudo onde observamos planos diretores de inform??tica e, considerando sua l??gica, verificamos que eles, na forma como s??o propostos para empresas do setor privado, n??o se aplicam ao setor p??blico


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O estudo empreende uma an??lise do programa de gera????o de renda e emprego embutido no modelo de gest??o de res??duos s??lidos da SLU de Belo Horizonte, focalizando os mecanismos de gest??o adotados e enunciando os principais problemas enfrentados pelos agentes envolvidos no processo. O trabalho procura explicitar o marco de refer??ncia utilizado para embasar a reflex??o do modelo de gest??o de res??duos s??lidos. Posteriormente, ?? apresentada a metodologia empregada. Na seq????ncia, encontra-se a descri????o propriamente dita do modelo de gest??o de res??duos s??lidos da SLU de Belo Horizonte, bem como dos seus impactos no que diz respeito ?? gera????o de emprego e renda, o que significa incluir a ASMARE como o outro p??lo da parceria. Aqui estar??o expostos os resultados relevantes da pesquisa, bem como a an??lise dos resultados e os coment??rios conclusivos encerrando a an??lise