931 resultados para Marcos Fernande Gonçalves da Silva


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Esta dissertação elabora uma exegese de Marcos 4. 35 41, Jesus Acalma uma Tempestade . Para tanto, parte da revisão crítica da pesquisa atual do Jesus Histórico em diálogo com a História Cultural, Micro-história e Psicologia Histórica, com o intuito de levantar questões pertinentes às narrativas míticas e sua importância para o saber histórico. Do mapeamento literário dos Papiros Mágicos Gregos, bem como referência ao Hino de Auto-Exaltação de Qumran, ao antigo testamento e a textos rabínicos posteriores ao Novo Testamento, emergem paralelos que são fundamentais para a compreensão da perícope analisada. Assim, a exegese do texto em questão lança luz sobre os elementos de poder, medo e identidade mítica presentes na narrativa.(AU)


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A tese constitui uma discussão teórico-conceitual de natureza eminentemente qualitativa sobre a construção cultural dos chamados critérios de noticiabilidade no jornalismo. Sua proposta central é inserir a problemática da noticiabilidade isto é, a discussão em torno dos parâmetros que levam determinados acontecimentos a receber a valoração de notícia em detrimento de outros no interior de uma reflexão mais ampla, de ordem culturalista, que objetiva dimensionar a narrativa noticiosa como um dos elementos estético-expressivos mais consistentes na sustentação da experiência cotidiana moderna. Como objetivos específicos, busca-se: 1) a discussão teórica de algumas das mais significativas abordagens conceituais que os critérios de noticiabilidade recebem historicamente nas ciências sociais; 2) a apresentação de um conjunto alternativo de concepções teóricas que, articuladas, possam explicitar a complexidade do processo de seleção noticiosa; e 3) a proposição de uma sistematização teórico-conceitual para tais articulações de modo a sintonizar a tese com o estado da arte no campo da teoria do jornalismo. Aporta-se, ao fim, na elaboração de um modelo explicativo pendular que se institui como metáfora possível para a relação entre o jornalismo, os paradoxos cotidianos e os parâmetros simbólicos que caracterizam a regularidade cotidiana como padrão cultural da sociabilidade moderna.


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Esta tese teve por objetivo saber como o corpo docente da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS) percebe, entende e reage ante a incorporação e utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) nos cursos de graduação dessa Instituição, considerando os novos processos comunicacionais dialógicos que elas podem proporcionar na sociedade atual. Metodologicamente, a tese é composta por pesquisa bibliográfica, buscando fundamentar as áreas da Educação e Comunicação, assim como a Educomunicação; pesquisa documental para contextualização do lócus da pesquisa e de uma pesquisa exploratória a partir da aplicação de um questionário online a 165 docentes da UEMS, que responderam voluntariamente. Verificou-se que os professores utilizam as TICs cotidianamente nas atividades pessoais e, em menor escala, nos ambientes profissionais. Os desafios estão em se formar melhor esse docente e oferecer capacitação continuada para que utilizem de forma mais eficaz as TICs nas salas de aula. Destaca-se ainda que os avanços em tecnologia e os novos ecossistemas comunicacionais construíram novas e outras realidades, tornando a aprendizagem um fator não linear, exigindo-se revisão nos projetos pedagógicos na educação superior para que estes viabilizem diálogos propositivos entre a comunicação e a educação. A infraestrutura institucional para as TICs é outro entrave apontado, tanto na aquisição como na manutenção desses aparatos tecnológicos pela Universidade. Ao final, propõe-se realizar estudos e pesquisas que possam discutir alterações nos regimes contratuais de trabalho dos docentes, uma vez que, para atuar com as TICs de maneira apropriada, exige-se mais tempo e dedicação do docente.


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The solution of partial differential equation of seepage problems is difficult to find analytically, especially for situations that involve great complexity. To overcome this problem, software based on finite differences and finite elements are usually used. This work presents the use of a finite element software, the GEO5, to solve the seepage problem at a dam of very complex section, the dam Eng. Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves, which at the end of its construction suffered rupture of the upstream slope at the central dam and then went through a process of reconstruction and auscultation. The analyses were performed for the operating condition of the reservoir, with an established flow. A numerical model was developed based on the level readings of the reservoir water and their piezometric readings as a proposal for the evaluation and future behavior prediction of the dam on established flow conditions. The use of constitutive models with the aid of computer systems is reflected in a way to predict future risk situations so they can be prevented


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This thesis presented is to research the actor's work in the construction of physical actions, according to the methodology developed by Constantin Stanislavski in his analysis of dramatic action, called "method of physical action", applied to questions of scenic representation of the Brazilian marginal, according to the look "cruel" and realistic / naturalistic Plinio Marcos playwright. Based on the circumstances given by Pliniano universe, the intention is to contribute to the reflection on the actor's work on the scene with the marginal characters in "Razor in the Flesh", highlighting some important aspects, to assist in the construction of this fictional world. You want to create conditions for the formation of an actor that leverages the scene the contradictions and conflicts of this work. The research aims from the theoretical and practical study as a methodological hypothesis, producing critical reflection from the creative process of the agent with the realization of a scenic experiment focused on psychophysical technique of this Russian pedagogue. Thus, we intend to have a look at the method of physical actions focusing on his last great contribution to the work, especially the procedure of active analysis by doing a reading from "Razor in the Flesh" through this creative scenic exercise, extending the studies concerning the actor's art. This research is a general explanation about the trajectory of Stanislavski to his encounter with the physical action, while, highlights the inconsistencies of understanding of his work around the world. Stanislavski initially developed the "method" having as a backdrop, the realist aesthetic - a dialogue relationship between reality and the scene - through a style which creates a theatrical reality, and consequently, artistic, not literally naturalistic way through an integral mimicry. That is, the representation of work in realistic theater aesthetics should be developed in order to create a theatrical reality. Stanislavski believes that theater is convention, since the actor's work on himself should encourage this second nature, scenic.


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Registration of point clouds captured by depth sensors is an important task in 3D reconstruction applications based on computer vision. In many applications with strict performance requirements, the registration should be executed not only with precision, but also in the same frequency as data is acquired by the sensor. This thesis proposes theuse of the pyramidal sparse optical flow algorithm to incrementally register point clouds captured by RGB-D sensors (e.g. Microsoft Kinect) in real time. The accumulated errorinherent to the process is posteriorly minimized by utilizing a marker and pose graph optimization. Experimental results gathered by processing several RGB-D datasets validatethe system proposed by this thesis in visual odometry and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) applications.


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We propose a mechatronic system for monitoring water quality in rivers, lakes, dams and sea, able to perform the acquisition, processing and presentation of data via the web in real time, in order to facilitate analysis quickly and needs by interested communities. The hardware architecture and software monitoring system has been developed so that it can be generic, that is, supporting different applications. Nevertheless, as a validation of the proposed system, we built a prototype that operates embarked on an autonomous robotic sailboat, a responsible platform for collecting the data in multiple predefined points from a ground station with a planning system navigation. This final application combines the advantages of autonomy of a robotic sailboat with the need for fast and accurate monitoring of water quality, in addition to the use of an autonomous robotic sailboat unmanned facilitate the development of other research in this area.


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The localization of mobile robots in indoor environments finds lots of problems such as accumulated errors and the constant changes that occur at these places. A technique called global vision intends to localize robots using images acquired by cameras placed in such a way that covers the place where the robots movement takes place. Localization is obtained by marks put on top of the robot. Algorithms applied to the images search for the mark on top of the robot and by finding the mark they are able to get the position and orientation of the robot. Such techniques used to face some difficulties related with the hardware capacity, fact that limited their execution in real time. However, the technological advances of the last years changed that situation and enabling the development and execution of such algorithms in plain capacity. The proposal specified here intends to develop a mobile robot localization system at indoor environments using a technique called global vision to track the robot and acquire the images, all in real time, intending to improve the robot localization process inside the environment. Being a localization method that takes just actual information in its calculations, the robot localization using images fit into the needs of this kind of place. Besides, it enables more accurate results and in real time, what is exactly the museum application needs.


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This work presents an analysis of the behavior of some algorithms usually available in stereo correspondence literature, with full HD images (1920x1080 pixels) to establish, within the precision dilemma versus runtime applications which these methods can be better used. The images are obtained by a system composed of a stereo camera coupled to a computer via a capture board. The OpenCV library is used for computer vision operations and processing images involved. The algorithms discussed are an overall method of search for matching blocks with the Sum of the Absolute Value of the difference (Sum of Absolute Differences - SAD), a global technique based on cutting energy graph cuts, and a so-called matching technique semi -global. The criteria for analysis are processing time, the consumption of heap memory and the mean absolute error of disparity maps generated.


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The triatomine fauna distribution and the natural infection by Trypanosoma cruzi was evaluated aiming the comprehension of the transmission dynamics of this parasite in the countryside of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. Additionally, the research for Trypanosoma rangeli was also investigated. The captures of triatomines were performed at sylvatic, peridomicile and domicile environments at different municipalities of the central and western mesoregions of this state. The insects were identified and examined by direct method, xenoculture and PCR to detect T. cruzi. The detection of T. rangeli was performed by direct examination of the hemolymph and multiplex PCR of 151 positive specimens for T. cruzi. Of 824 captured insects, the species were distributed in Triatoma brasiliensis (66.4%), Triatoma pseudomaculata (18.2%), Panstrongylus lutzi (12.7%) and Rhodnius nasutus (2.7%), and T. brasiliensis was found in most of the evaluated municipalities. The species were captured at nymph and adult stages, except P. lutzi, exclusively in adult stage. In the sylvatic environment were captured T. brasiliensis (57%), P. lutzi (28%) and T. pseudomaculata (15%) species. At the peridomicile environment were identified T. brasiliensis (74%), T. pseudomaculata (21%) and R. nasutus (5.0%), while in the intradomicile was found only T. brasiliensis. The infection rate of triatomines by T. cruzi was 30.4%, P. lutzi showed highest rate (78%), followed by T. brasiliensis (24.4%), T. pseudomaculata (22.6%) and R. nasutus (4.5%). Infected triatomines indexes at silvatic, peridomicile and domicile environments were of 41.8%, 20.1% and 50.0%, respectively. T. rangeli was only detected by multiplex PCR in 2.6% (4/151) of examined insects, of these 4.4% (3/67) were T. brasiliensis and 1.5% (1/63) P. lutzi species. The data showed that the positivity of P. lutzi allied to its ability to invade domicile attracted by light, suggests a likely participation of this insect between epidemiological transmission cycles of T. cruzi. T. brasiliensis was the only specie present in all environments, what reinforces its importance related to the capacity for adapting to the domestic environment, potential as a vector, and maintenance of sylvatic and domestic transmissions cycles in the semiarid, indicating the necessity of continuous epidemiological surveillance. The presence of T. rangeli in T. brasiliensis and P. lutzi was first recorded in rural zone of this State, broadening the area of occurrence of this protozoan in northeastern Brazil.


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The triatomine fauna distribution and the natural infection by Trypanosoma cruzi was evaluated aiming the comprehension of the transmission dynamics of this parasite in the countryside of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. Additionally, the research for Trypanosoma rangeli was also investigated. The captures of triatomines were performed at sylvatic, peridomicile and domicile environments at different municipalities of the central and western mesoregions of this state. The insects were identified and examined by direct method, xenoculture and PCR to detect T. cruzi. The detection of T. rangeli was performed by direct examination of the hemolymph and multiplex PCR of 151 positive specimens for T. cruzi. Of 824 captured insects, the species were distributed in Triatoma brasiliensis (66.4%), Triatoma pseudomaculata (18.2%), Panstrongylus lutzi (12.7%) and Rhodnius nasutus (2.7%), and T. brasiliensis was found in most of the evaluated municipalities. The species were captured at nymph and adult stages, except P. lutzi, exclusively in adult stage. In the sylvatic environment were captured T. brasiliensis (57%), P. lutzi (28%) and T. pseudomaculata (15%) species. At the peridomicile environment were identified T. brasiliensis (74%), T. pseudomaculata (21%) and R. nasutus (5.0%), while in the intradomicile was found only T. brasiliensis. The infection rate of triatomines by T. cruzi was 30.4%, P. lutzi showed highest rate (78%), followed by T. brasiliensis (24.4%), T. pseudomaculata (22.6%) and R. nasutus (4.5%). Infected triatomines indexes at silvatic, peridomicile and domicile environments were of 41.8%, 20.1% and 50.0%, respectively. T. rangeli was only detected by multiplex PCR in 2.6% (4/151) of examined insects, of these 4.4% (3/67) were T. brasiliensis and 1.5% (1/63) P. lutzi species. The data showed that the positivity of P. lutzi allied to its ability to invade domicile attracted by light, suggests a likely participation of this insect between epidemiological transmission cycles of T. cruzi. T. brasiliensis was the only specie present in all environments, what reinforces its importance related to the capacity for adapting to the domestic environment, potential as a vector, and maintenance of sylvatic and domestic transmissions cycles in the semiarid, indicating the necessity of continuous epidemiological surveillance. The presence of T. rangeli in T. brasiliensis and P. lutzi was first recorded in rural zone of this State, broadening the area of occurrence of this protozoan in northeastern Brazil.


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The hydrocycloning operation has a goal to separate solid-liquid suspensions and liquid-liquid emulsions through the centrifugal force action. Hydrocyclones are equipment with reduced size and used in both clarification and thickening. This device is used in many areas, like petrochemical and minerals process, and accumulate advantages like versatility and low cost of maintenance. However, the demand to improve the process and to reduce the costs has motivated several studies of equipment optimization. The filtering hydrocyclone is a non-conventional equipment developed at FEQUI/UFU with objective to improve the hydrocycloning separation efficiency. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the operating conditions of feed concentration and underflow diameter on the performance of a filtering geometry optimized to minimization of energy costs. The filtration effect was investigated through the comparison between the performance of the Optimized Filtering Hydrocyclone (HCOF) and the Optimized Concentrator Hydrocyclone (HCO). Because of the resemblance of hydrocyclones performance, the filtration did not represent significant effect on the performance of the HCOF. It was found that in this geometry the decrease of the variable underflow diameter was very favorable to thickening operation. The suspension concentration of quartzite at 1.0% of solids in volume was increased about 42 times when the 3 mm underflow diameter was used. The increase on the feed solid percentage was good for decreasing the energy spent, so that a minimum number of Euler of 730 was achieved at CVA = 10.0%v. However, a greater amount of solids in suspension leads to a lower efficiency of the equipment. Therefore, to minimize the underflow-to-throughput ratio and keep a high efficiency level, it is indicated to work with dilute suspension (CVA = 1.0%) and 3 mm underflow diameter (η = 67%). But if it is necessary to work with high feed concentration, the use of 5 mm underflow diameter provides a rise in the efficiency. The HCO hydrocyclone was compared to the traditional family of hydrocyclones Rietema and presented advantages like higher efficiency (34% higher in average) and lower energy costs (20% lower in average). Finally, the efficiency curves and project equation have been raised for the HCO hydrocyclone each with satisfactory adjust.


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A caracterização anatômica, física, mecânica e química da madeira fornece informações importantes para sua melhor utilização. Contudo, para que madeiras se tornem boa opção para o mercado de pisos, adicionalmente é necessária a realização de ensaios que simulem suas reais condições em serviço. Esses ensaios simulam o pisoteio executado pelos sapatos de salto com pequenas áreas de pressão, o arraste e a queda de objetos, a resistência à abrasão da superfície e o atrito oferecido durante o deslocamento de pessoas que caminham sobre ele. Grande dificuldade da seleção de novas madeiras para pisos está na ausência de valores de referência físico-mecânicos. O presente trabalho visou a caracterizar as madeiras de Eucalyptus clöeziana F. Muell, de Eucalyptus microcorys F. Muell e de Corymbia maculata Hook, para as propriedades de densidade básica, retratibilidade, aplicação de carga rolante, de atrito estático e dinâmico, endentação causada por cargas aplicadas em pequenas áreas, impacto da esfera de aço cadente e resistência à abrasão. Foi observado que as madeiras estudadas podem ser utilizadas para a confecção de pisos, de acordo com seus resultados obtidos e por meio de comparações com resultados de literatura.