901 resultados para Machinery, Kinematics of.


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Bats are animals that posses high maneuvering capabilities. Their wings contain dozens of articulations that allow the animal to perform aggressive maneuvers by means of controlling the wing shape during flight (morphing-wings). There is no other flying creature in nature with this level of wing dexterity and there is biological evidence that the inertial forces produced by the wings have a key role in the attitude movements of the animal. This can inspire the design of highly articulated morphing-wing micro air vehicles (not necessarily bat-like) with a significant wing-to-body mass ratio. This thesis presents the development of a novel bat-like micro air vehicle (BaTboT) inspired by the morphing-wing mechanism of bats. BaTboT’s morphology is alike in proportion compared to its biological counterpart Cynopterus brachyotis, which provides the biological foundations for developing accurate mathematical models and methods that allow for mimicking bat flight. In nature bats can achieve an amazing level of maneuverability by combining flapping and morphing wingstrokes. Attempting to reproduce the biological wing actuation system that provides that kind of motion using an artificial counterpart requires the analysis of alternative actuation technologies more likely muscle fiber arrays instead of standard servomotor actuators. Thus, NiTinol Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) acting as artificial biceps and triceps muscles are used for mimicking the morphing wing mechanism of the bat flight apparatus. This antagonistic configuration of SMA-muscles response to an electrical heating power signal to operate. This heating power is regulated by a proper controller that allows for accurate and fast SMA actuation. Morphing-wings will enable to change wings geometry with the unique purpose of enhancing aerodynamics performance. During the downstroke phase of the wingbeat motion both wings are fully extended aimed at increasing the area surface to properly generate lift forces. Contrary during the upstroke phase of the wingbeat motion both wings are retracted to minimize the area and thus reducing drag forces. Morphing-wings do not only improve on aerodynamics but also on the inertial forces that are key to maneuver. Thus, a modeling framework is introduced for analyzing how BaTboT should maneuver by means of changing wing morphology. This allows the definition of requirements for achieving forward and turning flight according to the kinematics of the wing modulation. Motivated by the biological fact about the influence of wing inertia on the production of body accelerations, an attitude controller is proposed. The attitude control law incorporates wing inertia information to produce desired roll (φ) and pitch (θ) acceleration commands. This novel flight control approach is aimed at incrementing net body forces (Fnet) that generate propulsion. Mimicking the way how bats take advantage of inertial and aerodynamical forces produced by the wings in order to both increase lift and maneuver is a promising way to design more efficient flapping/morphing wings MAVs. The novel wing modulation strategy and attitude control methodology proposed in this thesis provide a totally new way of controlling flying robots, that eliminates the need of appendices such as flaps and rudders, and would allow performing more efficient maneuvers, especially useful in confined spaces. As a whole, the BaTboT project consists of five major stages of development: - Study and analysis of biological bat flight data reported in specialized literature aimed at defining design and control criteria. - Formulation of mathematical models for: i) wing kinematics, ii) dynamics, iii) aerodynamics, and iv) SMA muscle-like actuation. It is aimed at modeling the effects of modulating wing inertia into the production of net body forces for maneuvering. - Bio-inspired design and fabrication of: i) skeletal structure of wings and body, ii) SMA muscle-like mechanisms, iii) the wing-membrane, and iv) electronics onboard. It is aimed at developing the bat-like platform (BaTboT) that allows for testing the methods proposed. - The flight controller: i) control of SMA-muscles (morphing-wing modulation) and ii) flight control (attitude regulation). It is aimed at formulating the proper control methods that allow for the proper modulation of BaTboT’s wings. - Experiments: it is aimed at quantifying the effects of properly wing modulation into aerodynamics and inertial production for maneuvering. It is also aimed at demonstrating and validating the hypothesis of improving flight efficiency thanks to the novel control methods presented in this thesis. This thesis introduces the challenges and methods to address these stages. Windtunnel experiments will be oriented to discuss and demonstrate how the wings can considerably affect the dynamics/aerodynamics of flight and how to take advantage of wing inertia modulation that the morphing-wings enable to properly change wings’ geometry during flapping. Resumen: Los murciélagos son mamíferos con una alta capacidad de maniobra. Sus alas están conformadas por docenas de articulaciones que permiten al animal maniobrar gracias al cambio geométrico de las alas durante el vuelo. Esta característica es conocida como (alas mórficas). En la naturaleza, no existe ningún especimen volador con semejante grado de dexteridad de vuelo, y se ha demostrado, que las fuerzas inerciales producidas por el batir de las alas juega un papel fundamental en los movimientos que orientan al animal en vuelo. Estas características pueden inspirar el diseño de un micro vehículo aéreo compuesto por alas mórficas con redundantes grados de libertad, y cuya proporción entre la masa de sus alas y el cuerpo del robot sea significativa. Esta tesis doctoral presenta el desarrollo de un novedoso robot aéreo inspirado en el mecanismo de ala mórfica de los murciélagos. El robot, llamado BaTboT, ha sido diseñado con parámetros morfológicos muy similares a los descritos por su símil biológico Cynopterus brachyotis. El estudio biológico de este especimen ha permitido la definición de criterios de diseño y modelos matemáticos que representan el comportamiento del robot, con el objetivo de imitar lo mejor posible la biomecánica de vuelo de los murciélagos. La biomecánica de vuelo está definida por dos tipos de movimiento de las alas: aleteo y cambio de forma. Intentar imitar como los murciélagos cambian la forma de sus alas con un prototipo artificial, requiere el análisis de métodos alternativos de actuación que se asemejen a la biomecánica de los músculos que actúan las alas, y evitar el uso de sistemas convencionales de actuación como servomotores ó motores DC. En este sentido, las aleaciones con memoria de forma, ó por sus siglas en inglés (SMA), las cuales son fibras de NiTinol que se contraen y expanden ante estímulos térmicos, han sido usados en este proyecto como músculos artificiales que actúan como bíceps y tríceps de las alas, proporcionando la funcionalidad de ala mórfica previamente descrita. De esta manera, los músculos de SMA son mecánicamente posicionados en una configuración antagonista que permite la rotación de las articulaciones del robot. Los actuadores son accionados mediante una señal de potencia la cual es regulada por un sistema de control encargado que los músculos de SMA respondan con la precisión y velocidad deseada. Este sistema de control mórfico de las alas permitirá al robot cambiar la forma de las mismas con el único propósito de mejorar el desempeño aerodinámico. Durante la fase de bajada del aleteo, las alas deben estar extendidas para incrementar la producción de fuerzas de sustentación. Al contrario, durante el ciclo de subida del aleteo, las alas deben contraerse para minimizar el área y reducir las fuerzas de fricción aerodinámica. El control de alas mórficas no solo mejora el desempeño aerodinámico, también impacta la generación de fuerzas inerciales las cuales son esenciales para maniobrar durante el vuelo. Con el objetivo de analizar como el cambio de geometría de las alas influye en la definición de maniobras y su efecto en la producción de fuerzas netas, simulaciones y experimentos han sido llevados a cabo para medir cómo distintos patrones de modulación de las alas influyen en la producción de aceleraciones lineales y angulares. Gracias a estas mediciones, se propone un control de vuelo, ó control de actitud, el cual incorpora información inercial de las alas para la definición de referencias de aceleración angular. El objetivo de esta novedosa estrategia de control radica en el incremento de fuerzas netas para la adecuada generación de movimiento (Fnet). Imitar como los murciélagos ajustan sus alas con el propósito de incrementar las fuerzas de sustentación y mejorar la maniobra en vuelo es definitivamente un tópico de mucho interés para el diseño de robots aéros mas eficientes. La propuesta de control de vuelo definida en este trabajo de investigación podría dar paso a una nueva forma de control de vuelo de robots aéreos que no necesitan del uso de partes mecánicas tales como alerones, etc. Este control también permitiría el desarrollo de vehículos con mayor capacidad de maniobra. El desarrollo de esta investigación se centra en cinco etapas: - Estudiar y analizar el vuelo de los murciélagos con el propósito de definir criterios de diseño y control. - Formular modelos matemáticos que describan la: i) cinemática de las alas, ii) dinámica, iii) aerodinámica, y iv) actuación usando SMA. Estos modelos permiten estimar la influencia de modular las alas en la producción de fuerzas netas. - Diseño y fabricación de BaTboT: i) estructura de las alas y el cuerpo, ii) mecanismo de actuación mórfico basado en SMA, iii) membrana de las alas, y iv) electrónica abordo. - Contro de vuelo compuesto por: i) control de la SMA (modulación de las alas) y ii) regulación de maniobra (actitud). - Experimentos: están enfocados en poder cuantificar cuales son los efectos que ejercen distintos perfiles de modulación del ala en el comportamiento aerodinámico e inercial. El objetivo es demostrar y validar la hipótesis planteada al inicio de esta investigación: mejorar eficiencia de vuelo gracias al novedoso control de orientación (actitud) propuesto en este trabajo. A lo largo del desarrollo de cada una de las cinco etapas, se irán presentando los retos, problemáticas y soluciones a abordar. Los experimentos son realizados utilizando un túnel de viento con la instrumentación necesaria para llevar a cabo las mediciones de desempeño respectivas. En los resultados se discutirá y demostrará que la inercia producida por las alas juega un papel considerable en el comportamiento dinámico y aerodinámico del sistema y como poder tomar ventaja de dicha característica para regular patrones de modulación de las alas que conduzcan a mejorar la eficiencia del robot en futuros vuelos.


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El primer procesamiento estricto realizado con el software científico Bernese y contemplando las más estrictas normas de cálculo recomendadas internacionalmente, permitió obtener un campo puntual de alta exactitud, basado en la integración y estandarización de los datos de una red GPS ubicada en Costa Rica. Este procesamiento contempló un total de 119 semanas de datos diarios, es decir unos 2,3 años, desde enero del año 2009 hasta abril del año 2011, para un total de 30 estaciones GPS, de las cuales 22 están ubicadas en el territorio nacional de Costa Rica y 8 internaciones pertenecientes a la red del Sistema Geocéntrico para las Américas (SIRGAS). Las denominadas soluciones semilibres generaron, semana a semana, una red GPS con una alta exactitud interna definida por medio de los vectores entre las estaciones y las coordenadas finales de la constelación satelital. La evaluación semanal dada por la repetibilidad de las soluciones brindó en promedio errores de 1,7 mm, 1,4 mm y 5,1 mm en las componentes [n e u], confirmando una alta consistencia en estas soluciones. Aunque las soluciones semilibres poseen una alta exactitud interna, las mismas no son utilizables para fines de análisis cinemático, pues carecen de un marco de referencia. En Latinoamérica, la densificación del Marco Internacional Terrestre de Referencia (ITRF), está representado por la red de estaciones de operación continua GNSS de SIRGAS, denominada como SIRGAS-CON. Por medio de las denominadas coordenadas semanales finales de las 8 estaciones consideradas como vínculo, se refirió cada una de las 119 soluciones al marco SIRGAS. La introducción del marco de referencia SIRGAS a las soluciones semilibres produce deformaciones en estas soluciones. Las deformaciones de las soluciones semilibres son producto de las cinemática de cada una de las placas en las que se ubican las estaciones de vínculo. Luego de efectuado el amarre semanal a las coordenadas SIRGAS, se hizo una estimación de los vectores de velocidad de cada una de las estaciones, incluyendo las de amarre, cuyos valores de velocidad se conocen con una alta exactitud. Para la determinación de las velocidades de las estaciones costarricenses, se programó una rutina en ambiente MatLab, basada en una ajuste por mínimos cuadrados. Los valores obtenidos en el marco de este proyecto en comparación con los valores oficiales, brindaron diferencias promedio del orden de los 0,06 cm/a, -0,08 cm/a y -0,10 cm/a respectivamente para las coordenadas [X Y Z]. De esta manera se logró determinar las coordenadas geocéntricas [X Y Z]T y sus variaciones temporales [vX vY vZ]T para el conjunto de 22 estaciones GPS de Costa Rica, dentro del datum IGS05, época de referencia 2010,5. Aunque se logró una alta exactitud en los vectores de coordenadas geocéntricas de las 22 estaciones, para algunas de las estaciones el cálculo de las velocidades no fue representativo debido al relativo corto tiempo (menos de un año) de archivos de datos. Bajo esta premisa, se excluyeron las ocho estaciones ubicadas al sur de país. Esto implicó hacer una estimación del campo local de velocidades con solamente veinte estaciones nacionales más tres estaciones en Panamá y una en Nicaragua. El algoritmo usado fue el denominado Colocación por Mínimos Cuadrados, el cual permite la estimación o interpolación de datos a partir de datos efectivamente conocidos, el cual fue programado mediante una rutina en ambiente MatLab. El campo resultante se estimó con una resolución de 30' X 30' y es altamente constante, con una velocidad resultante promedio de 2,58 cm/a en una dirección de 40,8° en dirección noreste. Este campo fue validado con base en los datos del modelo VEMOS2009, recomendado por SIRGAS. Las diferencias de velocidad promedio para las estaciones usadas como insumo para el cálculo del campo fueron del orden los +0,63 cm/a y +0,22 cm/a para los valores de velocidad en latitud y longitud, lo que supone una buena determinación de los valores de velocidad y de la estimación de la función de covarianza empírica, necesaria para la aplicación del método de colocación. Además, la grilla usada como base para la interpolación brindó diferencias del orden de -0,62 cm/a y -0,12 cm/a para latitud y longitud. Adicionalmente los resultados de este trabajo fueron usados como insumo para hacer una aproximación en la definición del límite del llamado Bloque de Panamá dentro del territorio nacional de Costa Rica. El cálculo de las componentes del Polo de Euler por medio de una rutina programa en ambiente MatLab y aplicado a diferentes combinaciones de puntos no brindó mayores aportes a la definición física de este límite. La estrategia lo que confirmó fue simplemente la diferencia en la dirección de todos los vectores velocidad y no permitió reveló revelar con mayor detalle una ubicación de esta zona dentro del territorio nacional de Costa Rica. ABSTRACT The first strict processing performed with the Bernese scientific software and contemplating the highest standards internationally recommended calculation, yielded a precise field of high accuracy, based on the integration and standardization of data from a GPS network located in Costa Rica. This processing watched a total of 119 weeks of daily data, is about 2.3 years from January 2009 to April 2011, for a total of 30 GPS stations, of which 22 are located in the country of Costa Rica and 8 hospitalizations within the network of Geocentric System for the Americas (SIRGAS). The semi-free solutions generated, every week a GPS network with high internal accuracy defined by vectors between stations and the final coordinates of the satellite constellation. The weekly evaluation given by repeatability of the solutions provided in average errors of 1.7 mm 1.4 mm and 5.1 mm in the components [n e u], confirming a high consistency in these solutions. Although semi-free solutions have a high internal accuracy, they are not used for purposes of kinematic analysis, because they lack a reference frame. In Latin America, the densification of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), is represented by a network of continuously operating GNSS stations SIRGAS, known as SIRGAS-CON. Through weekly final coordinates of the 8 stations considered as a link, described each of the solutions to the frame 119 SIRGAS. The introduction of the frame SIRGAS to semi-free solutions generates deformations. The deformations of the semi-free solutions are products of the kinematics of each of the plates in which link stations are located. After SIRGAS weekly link to SIRGAS frame, an estimate of the velocity vectors of each of the stations was done. The velocity vectors for each SIRGAS stations are known with high accuracy. For this calculation routine in MatLab environment, based on a least squares fit was scheduled. The values obtained compared to the official values, gave average differences of the order of 0.06 cm/yr, -0.08 cm/yr and -0.10 cm/yr respectively for the coordinates [XYZ]. Thus was possible to determine the geocentric coordinates [XYZ]T and its temporal variations [vX vY vZ]T for the set of 22 GPS stations of Costa Rica, within IGS05 datum, reference epoch 2010.5. The high accuracy vector for geocentric coordinates was obtained, however for some stations the velocity vectors was not representative because of the relatively short time (less than one year) of data files. Under this premise, the eight stations located in the south of the country were excluded. This involved an estimate of the local velocity field with only twenty national stations plus three stations in Panama and Nicaragua. The algorithm used was Least Squares Collocation, which allows the estimation and interpolation of data from known data effectively. The algorithm was programmed with MatLab. The resulting field was estimated with a resolution of 30' X 30' and is highly consistent with a resulting average speed of 2.58 cm/y in a direction of 40.8° to the northeast. This field was validated based on the model data VEMOS2009 recommended by SIRGAS. The differences in average velocity for the stations used as input for the calculation of the field were of the order of +0.63 cm/yr, +0.22 cm/yr for the velocity values in latitude and longitude, which is a good determination velocity values and estimating the empirical covariance function necessary for implementing the method of application. Furthermore, the grid used as the basis for interpolation provided differences of about -0.62 cm/yr, -0.12 cm/yr to latitude and longitude. Additionally, the results of this investigation were used as input to an approach in defining the boundary of Panama called block within the country of Costa Rica. The calculation of the components of the Euler pole through a routine program in MatLab and applied to different combinations of points gave no further contributions to the physical definition of this limit. The strategy was simply confirming the difference in the direction of all the velocity vectors and not allowed to reveal more detail revealed a location of this area within the country of Costa Rica.


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The state-to-state transfer of rotational and vibrational energy has been studied for S1 glyoxal (CHOCHO) in collisions with D2, N2, CO and C2H4 using crossed molecular beams. A laser is used to pump glyoxal seeded in He to its S1 zero point level with zero angular momentum about its top axis (K′ = 0). The inelastic scattering to each of at least 26 S1 glyoxal rotational and rovibrational levels is monitored by dispersed S1–S0 fluorescence. Various collision partners are chosen to investigate the relative influences of reduced mass and the collision pair interaction potential on the competition among the energy transfer channels. When the data are combined with that obtained previously from other collision partners whose masses range from 2 to 84 amu, it is seen that the channel competition is controlled primarily by the kinematics of the collisional interaction. Variations in the intermolecular potential play strictly a secondary role.


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We describe the characteristics of the rapidly rotating molecular disk in the nucleus of the mildly active galaxy NGC4258. The morphology and kinematics of the disk are delineated by the point-like watervapor emission sources at 1.35-cm wavelength. High angular resolution [200 microas where as is arcsec, corresponding to 0.006 parsec (pc) at 6.4 million pc] and high spectral resolution (0.2 km.s-1 or nu/Deltanu = 1.4 x 10(6)) with the Very-Long-Baseline Array allow precise definition of the disk. The disk is very thin, but slightly warped, and is viewed nearly edge-on. The masers show that the disk is in nearly perfect Keplerian rotation within the observable range of radii of 0.13-0.26 pc. The approximately random deviations from the Keplerian rotation curve among the high-velocity masers are approximately 3.5 km.s-1 (rms). These deviations may be due to the masers lying off the midline by about +/-4 degrees or variations in the inclination of the disk by +/-4 degrees. Lack of systematic deviations indicates that the disk has a mass of <4 x 10(6) solar mass (M[symbol: see text]). The gravitational binding mass is 3.5 x 10(7) M[symbol: see text], which must lie within the inner radius of the disk and requires that the mass density be >4 x 10(9) M[symbol: see text].pc-3. If the central mass were in the form of a star cluster with a density distribution such as a Plummer model, then the central mass density would be 4 x 10(12) M[symbol: see text].pc-3. The lifetime of such a cluster would be short with respect to the age of the galaxy [Maoz, E. (1995) Astrophys. J. Lett. 447, L91-L94]. Therefore, the central mass may be a black hole. The disk as traced by the systemic velocity features is unresolved in the vertical direction, indicating that its scale height is <0.0003 pc (hence the ratio of thickness to radius, H/R, is <0.0025). For a disk in hydrostatic equilibrium the quadrature sum of the sound speed and Alfven velocity is <2.5 km.s-1, so that the temperature of the disk must be <1000 K and the toroidal magnetic field component must be <250 mG. If the molecular mass density in the disk is 10(10) cm-3, then the disk mass is approximately 10(4) M[symbol: see text], and the disk is marginally stable as defined by the Toomre stability parameter Q (Q = 6 at the inner edge and 1 at the outer edge). The inward drift velocity is predicted to be <0.007 km.s-1, for a viscosity parameter of 0.1, and the accretion rate is <7 x 10(-5) M[symbol: see text].yr-1. At this value the accretion would be sufficient to power the nuclear x-ray source of 4 x 10(40) ergs-1 (1 erg = 0.1 microJ). The volume of individual maser components may be as large as 10(46) cm3, based on the velocity gradients, which is sufficient to supply the observed luminosity. The pump power undoubtedly comes from the nucleus, perhaps in the form of x-rays. The warp may allow the pump radiation to penetrate the disk obliquely [Neufeld, D. A. & Maloney, P. R. (1995) Astrophys. J. Lett. 447, L17-L19]. A total of 15 H2O megamasers have been identified out of >250 galaxies searched. Galaxy NGC4258 may be the only case where conditions are optimal to reveal a well-defined nuclear disk. Future measurement of proper motions and accelerations for NGC4258 will yield an accurate distance and a more precise definition of the dynamics of the disk


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Transcriptional stimulation by the model activator GAL4-VP16 (a chimeric protein consisting of the DNA-binding domain of the yeast activator GAL4 and the acidic activation domain of the herpes simplex virus protein VP16) involves a series of poorly understood protein-protein interactions between the VP16 activation domain and components of the RNA polymerase II general transcription machinery. One of these interactions is the VP16-mediated binding and recruitment of transcription factor TFIIB. However, TATA box-binding protein (TBP)-associated factors (TAFs), or coactivators, are required for this interaction to culminate in productive transcription complex assembly, and one such TAF, Drosophila TAF40, reportedly forms a ternary complex with VP16 and TFIIB. Due to TFIIB's central role in gene activation, we sought to directly visualize the surfaces of this protein that mediate formation of the ternary complex. We developed an approach called protease footprinting in which the broad-specificity proteases chymotrypsin and alkaline protease were used to probe binding of 32P-end-labeled TFIIB to GAL4-VP16 or TAF40. Analysis of the cleavage products revealed two regions of TFIIB protected by VP16 from protease attack, one of which overlapped with a region protected by TAF40. The close proximity of the VP16 and TAF40 binding sites on the surface of TFIIB suggests that this region could act as a regulatory interface mediating the effects of activators and coactivators on transcription complex assembly.


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We present Keck I MOSFIRE spectroscopy in the Y and H bands of GDN-8231, a massive, compact, star-forming galaxy at a redshift of z ~ 1.7. Its spectrum reveals both Hα and [Nii] emission lines and strong Balmer absorption lines. The Hα and Spitzer MIPS 24 μm fluxes are both weak, thus indicating a low star-formation rate of SFR≲5-10 M_⨀ yr−1. This, added to a relatively young age of ~700 Myr measured from the absorption lines, provides the first direct evidence for a distant galaxy being caught in the act of rapidly shutting down its star formation. Such quenching allows GDN-8231 to become a compact, quiescent galaxy, similar to three other galaxies in our sample, by z ~ 1.5. Moreover, the color profile of GDN-8231 shows a bluer center, consistent with the predictions of recent simulations for an early phase of inside-out quenching. Its line-of-sight velocity dispersion for the gas, σ_LOG^gas = 127 ± 32 km s^−1, is nearly 40% smaller than that of its stars, σ_LOG^* = 215 ± 35 km s^−1. High-resolution hydro-simulations of galaxies explain such apparently colder gas kinematics of up to a factor of ~1.5 with rotating disks being viewed at different inclinations and/or centrally concentrated star-forming regions. A clear prediction is that their compact, quiescent descendants preserve some remnant rotation from their star-forming progenitors.


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Partly republished from "Machinery."


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Several landforms found in the fold-and-thrust belt area of Central Precordillera, Pre-Andes of Argentina, which were often associated with tectonic efforts, are in fact related to non-tectonic processes or gravitational superficial structures. These second-order structures, interpreted as gravitational collapse structures, have developed in the western flank of sierras de La Dehesa and Talacasto. These include rock-slides, rock falls, wrinkle folds, slip sheets and flaps, among others; which together constitute a monoclinal fold dipping between 30º and 60º to the west. Gravity collapse structures are parallel to the regional strike of the Sierra de la Dehesa and are placed in Ordovician limestones and dolomites. Their sloping towards the west, the presence of bed planes, fractures and joints; and the lithology (limestone interbedded with incompetent argillaceous banks) would have favored their occurrence. Movement of the detached structures has been controlled by lithology characteristics, as well as by bedding and joints. Detachment and initial transport of gravity collapse structures and rockslides in the western flank of the Sierra de la Dehesa were tightly controlled by three structural elements: 1) sliding surfaces developed on parallel bedded strata when dipping >30° in the slope direction; 2) Joint’s sets constitute lateral and transverse traction cracks which release extensional stresses and 3) Discontinuities fragmenting sliding surfaces.  Some other factors that could be characterized as local (lithology, structure and topography) and as regional (high seismic activity and possibly wetter conditions during the postglacial period) were determining in favoring the steady loss of the western mountain side in the easternmost foothills of Central Precordillera.


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A gravidez é uma fase especial da vida, com diversas alterações nos sistemas hormonais, anatómicos, e na composição corporal da mulher. No entanto, não é claro que alterações biomecânicas tridimensionais ocorrerem. Através do acompanhamento da mulher na gravidez e pós-parto, os objetivos da presente tese foram: 1) determinar os parâmetros temporais e espaciais do ciclo da marcha; 2) descrever a cinemática angular do membro inferior; 3) calcular os momentos e potências articulares do tornozelo, joelho e coxofemoral, utilizando o cálculo por dinâmica inversa; 4) descrever as magnitudes dos picos dos momentos e potências articulares dos membros inferiores; 5) identificar possíveis diferenças entre as fases de recolha relativamente aos parâmetros biomecânicos; 6) descrever longitudinalmente a composição corporal as alterações morfológicas; 7) analisar a influência das alterações antropométricas na cinética articular. Os resultados mostram que as mulheres mantêm os parâmetros temporais e espaciais da marcha. A cinemática angular do membro inferior tem o mesmo padrão, no entanto, a magnitude de alguns picos, especialmente na bacia e coxofemoral durante a fase terminal do apoio, pré-balanço e de balanço, apresentam alterações significativas. A coxofemoral é a articulação com mais alterações na cinética articular, com um aumento da carga interna associada aos momentos articulares da coxofemoral no plano transversal. No entanto, diversos momentos e potências articulares revelam uma diminuição significativa para o final da gravidez e/ou um aumento entre alguns trimestres da gravidez e o pós-parto. Como esperado, a maioria das variáveis associadas à composição corporal e às dimensões corporais tem um aumento significativo durante a gravidez e uma diminuição no pós-parto. Os modelos desenvolvidos para prever a carga interna aplicada ao membro inferior da grávida através de variáveis antropométricas, incluem quatro modelos com variáveis associadas à quantidade de gordura, quatro modelos com variáveis associadas à massa corporal global, três modelos que incluem a massa livre de gordura, e um modelo que inclui a forma do tronco. Os altos valores do R2 ajustado, mostram que as alterações na composição corporal e morfologia, determinam em grande parte a cinética articular da mulher nesta fase particular da vida.


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Since children already use and explore applications on smartphones, we use this as the starting point for design. Our monitoring and analysis framework, BaranC, enables us to discover and analyse which applications children uses and precisely how they interact with them. The monitoring happens unobtrusively in the background so children interact normally in their own natural environment without artificial constraints. Thus, we can discover to what extent a child of a particular age engages with, and how they physically interact with, existing applications. This information in turn provides the basis for design of new child-centred applications which can then be subject to the same comprehensive child use analysis using our framework. The work focuses on the first aspect, namely, the monitoring and analysis of current child use of smartphones. Experiments show the value of this approach and interesting results have been obtained from this precise monitoring of child smartphone usage.


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An overview is given of a user interaction monitoring and analysis framework called BaranC. Monitoring and analysing human-digital interaction is an essential part of developing a user model as the basis for investigating user experience. The primary human-digital interaction, such as on a laptop or smartphone, is best understood and modelled in the wider context of the user and their environment. The BaranC framework provides monitoring and analysis capabilities that not only records all user interaction with a digital device (e.g. smartphone), but also collects all available context data (such as from sensors in the digital device itself, a fitness band or a smart appliances). The data collected by BaranC is recorded as a User Digital Imprint (UDI) which is, in effect, the user model and provides the basis for data analysis. BaranC provides functionality that is useful for user experience studies, user interface design evaluation, and providing user assistance services. An important concern for personal data is privacy, and the framework gives the user full control over the monitoring, storing and sharing of their data.