982 resultados para Location Manufacturing Decision
Objectives: Advances in surface electromyography (sEMG) techniques provide a clear indication that refinement of electrode location relative to innervation zones (IZ) is required in order to optimise the accuracy, relevance and repeatability of the sEMG signals. The aim of this study was to identify the IZ for the sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene muscles to provide guidelines for electrode positioning for future clinical and research applications. Methods: Eleven volunteer subjects participated in this study. Myoelectric signals were detected from the sternal and clavicular heads of the stemocleidomastoid and the anterior scalene muscles bilaterally using a linear array of 8 electrodes during isometric cervical flexion contractions. The signals were reviewed and the IZ(s) were identified, marked on the subjects' skin and measurements were obtained relative to selected anatomical landmarks. Results: The position of the IZ lay consistently around the mid-point or in the superior portion of the muscles studied. Conclusions: Results suggest that electrodes should be positioned over the lower portion of the muscle and not the mid-point, which has been commonly used in previous studies. Recommendations for sensor placement on these muscles should assist investigators and clinicians to ensure improved validity in future sEMG applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article examines the productivity performance of Australia's manufacturing sector by decomposing its output growth into input growth, technological progress and gains in technical efficiency. This three-way decomposition is done with an improved version of the stochastic frontier model using eight, two-digit industry level data from 1968/9 to 1994/5. Empirical evidence shows that input growth fueled output growth from 1968/9 to 1973/4, but since then, total factor productivity (TFP) growth has been the main contributor of output growth. While the trend of TFP growth was found to be promising for most industries with positive and increasing technological progress, the negative gains from technical efficiency over time is however cause for concern.
In Ruddock and Others v Vadarlis and Others the Federal Court had to balance two fundamental but competing rights, the right of the state to secure its frontiers and the rights of individuals not to be subjected to unlawful detention - Court's task was hampered by intense public debate over the illegal refugee crisis - in the wake of 11 September 2001 and the Tampa crisis, the Federal Government has rushed through several amendments to migration laws and border protection legislation.
Crop modelling has evolved over the last 30 or so years in concert with advances in crop physiology, crop ecology and computing technology. Having reached a respectable degree of acceptance, it is appropriate to review briefly the course of developments in crop modelling and to project what might be major contributions of crop modelling in the future. Two major opportunities are envisioned for increased modelling activity in the future. One opportunity is in a continuing central, heuristic role to support scientific investigation, to facilitate decision making by crop managers, and to aid in education. Heuristic activities will also extend to the broader system-level issues of environmental and ecological aspects of crop production. The second opportunity is projected as a prime contributor in understanding and advancing the genetic regulation of plant performance and plant improvement. Physiological dissection and modelling of traits provides an avenue by which crop modelling could contribute to enhancing integration of molecular genetic technologies in crop improvement. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The role of sport-specific practice in the development of decision-making expertise in the sports of field hockey, netball, and basketball was examined. Fifteen expert decision-makers and 13 experienced non-expert athletes provided detailed information about the quantity and type of sport-specific and other related practice activities they had undertaken throughout their careers. Experts accumulated more hours of sport-specific practice from age 12 years onwards than did non-experts, spending on average some 13 years and 4,000 hours on concentrated sport-specific practice before reaching international standard. A significant negative correlation existed between the number of additional activities undertaken and the hours of sportspecific training required before attaining expertise, suggesting a functional role for activities other than sport-specific training in the development of expert decision-making.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo utilizar a lógica fuzzy para geração de zonas de manejo, na área agrária e ambiental. Uma das aplicações consistiu da utilização do método fuzzy C-means, para geração de zonas de manejo para a cultura do mamoeiro, em um plantio comercial localizado em São Mateus-ES, com base em determinações realizadas através de amostragens e análises químicas do solo, considerando os atributos: P, K, Ca, Mg, e Saturação por bases (V%). Aplicou-se também a lógica fuzzy para desenvolver e executar um procedimento para dar suporte ao processo de tomada de decisões, envolvendo análise multicritério, gerando mapas de adequabilidade ao uso público e a conservação no Parque Estadual da Cachoeira da Fumaça, no município de Alegre-ES, considerando como fatores a localização da cachoeira, o uso do solo, os recursos hídricos, as trilhas, os locais de acessos, a infraestrutura, a declividade da área, e utilizando a abordagem de Sistema de Informações Geográficas para análise e combinação da base de dados. A partir das zonas de manejo geradas, foi possível explicar a variabilidade espacial dos atributos do solo na área de estudo da cultura do mamoeiro, e observa-se que as similaridades entre as zonas geradas, a partir de diferentes atributos, mostrou variação, mas observa-se uma influência nos dados, principalmente pelos atributos P e V. A partir do zoneamento da Unidade de Conservação foi possível selecionar áreas mais aptas ao ecoturismo, sendo encontradas próximas da cachoeira, trilhas em zonas de reflorestamento e de Mata Atlântica. Quanto às áreas propensas a medidas de conservação localizam-se próximas à cachoeira e às estruturas do parque, devido à maior pressão antrópica exercida nesses locais. Outras áreas que se destacaram, foram as áreas de pastagem, por estarem em estágio de regeneração natural. Os resultados indicam áreas de mesmo potencial de produção do mamoeiro, ou quando aplicado à área ambiental, áreas que devem receber maior cuidado para utilização por ecoturismo e para preservação e servem de base para a tomada de decisões, visando melhor aproveitamento da área.
Liberal-Institutionalism and Structural Realism expectations about international organizations are confronted by looking at if and how US-controlled international aid is granted, and particularly if it is related or not to political affinity and to United Nations Security Council (UNSC) non-permanent membership. A preliminary assessment suggests that these relations only hold for the period of the Cold War, and, even then, only when UNSC non-permanent membership is in years in which the Security Council was deemed very important.
The real Cloud and Ubiquitous Manufacturing systems require effectiveness and permanent availability of resources, their capacity and scalability. One of the most important problems for applications management over cloud based platforms, which are expected to support efficient scalability and resources coordination following SaaS implementation model, is their interoperability. Even application dashboards need to easily incorporate those new applications, their interoperability still remains a big problem to override. So, the possibility to expand these dashboards with efficiently integrated communicational cloud based services (cloudlets) represents a relevant added value as well as contributes to solving the interoperability problem. Following the architecture for integration of enriched existing cloud services, as instances of manufacturing resources, this paper: a) proposes a cloud based web platform to support dashboard integrating communicational services, and b) describe an experimentation to sustain the theory that the effective and efficient interoperability, especially in dynamic environments, could be achieved only with human intervention.
1 – Summary of the decision taken by the Portuguese Constitutional Court, of January 13, 2011; 2 – Complete text of the decision of the Portuguese Constitutional Court, of January 13, 2011, Judge Maria João ANTUNES (Reporter), Judge Carlos Pamplona de OLIVEIRA, Judge José Borges SOEIRO, Judge Gil GALVÃO, Judge Rui Manuel Moura RAMOS (President) –in terms of the tribunalconstitucional.pt, August 1, 2011; 3 – Brief annotation to the problem of the “medical act”; 3.1 – Plus some conclusions on the brief annotation to the problem of the “medical act”; 3.2 – Brief annotation to the problem of “consent”– continuation of the previous comments; 4 – Conclusions. It must never be forgotten that “consent” does not stand as the only cause of exclusion of unlawfulness.