904 resultados para License to market
This dissertation is a literature review with exploratory and descriptive purposes, which aims to compile the different perceptions of the term Social Entrepreneurship, but not propon-being of an epistemological analysis on the topic. The main objectives of this research were: 1) to identify the convergences and divergences in the various perceptions of the Social Entrepre-neurship, from the perspectives: American, European and Brazilian; 2) identify whether Social Entrepreneurship can be considered as a new theoretical trend, or can be understood as a sub-category of an existing theory; 3) identify whether Social Entrepreneurship can be considered as practice of Social Management; 4) identify whether the "Social Business", proposed by Yunus (2010), can be considered as a completely new type of organization, as the author says. For this research were studied literary works available in the physical environment and elec-tronic database. The main concepts studied in this research were: Entrepreneurship; Social Management; Third Sector; Business Management and Social Entrepreneurship. The conclu-sions reached by this study were: 1-a) the main theoretical convergence is the Social Entrepre-neur ability to apply methods and process typically used in for-profit companies, in business that aimed social value creation; 1-b) the main difference is the different perceptions that the United States, Europe and Brazil have about what is Social Entrepreneurship. In the American perspective, these are private sector organizations operating according to market logic and that somehow generates social value. In the European perspective, closer to the social economy, emphasizes the activities of civil society organizations with public functions. In Brazil empha-sizes market initiatives aimed at reducing poverty and transform the social conditions of mar-ginalized or excluded individuals; 2) Social Entrepreneurship is an activity that incorporates much all the practices, methods and processes of commercial entrepreneurship and, as such, should not be considered as a new theoretical trend, but a subcategory of Entrepreneurship theory. 3) Social Entrepreneurship cannot be considered as a practice of Social Management, being much closer to the commercial entrepreneurship practices; 4) the "Social Business" pro-posed by Yunus (2010), closely resembled in its modus operandi with the Social Enterprises in Western Europe, thus, not supporting the author's claim.
Neste trabalho são estudadas as características do mercado de private equity e venture capital no Brasil, particularmente no que se refere às metodologias de avaliação de investimentos, com o intuito de procurar identificar o método que se ajusta melhor à realidade brasileira para mensuração de ativos sem cotação corrente de mercado, presentes nas carteiras dos Fundos Mútuos de Investimento em Empresas Emergentes e Fundos de Investimento em Participações. Para atingir este objetivo, serão discutidos os principais mercados no exterior, ou seja, Estados Unidos e Europa, bem como as características específicas deste mercado no Brasil, além de apresentar como a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários trata o assunto, uma vez que os ativos aqui tratados não possuem marcação a mercado, como ocorre em outros fundos disciplinados por esta autarquia. Em seguida, são descritas as metodologias a partir das quais serão investigadas as formas como as organizações gestoras abordam os métodos em seus regulamentos e confrontadas as opiniões das organizações mencionadas com as dos investidores. Por fim, busca-se atingir o objetivo proposto utilizando o comportamento do valor das cotas no período de vida dos fundos como indicador do método mais apropriado.
In the 1970s, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was discussed by Nobel laureate Milton Friedman in his article “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits.” (Friedman, 1970). His view on CSR was contemptuous as he referred to it as “hypocritical window-dressing” a reflection of the view of Corporate America on CSR back then. For a long time short-term maximization of shareholder value was the only maxim for top management across industries and companies. Over the last decade, CSR has become a more important and relevant factor of a company’s reputation, shifting the discussion from whether CSR is necessary to how best CSR commitments should be done (Smith, 2003). Inevitably, companies do have an environmental, social and economic impact, thereby imposing social costs on current and future generations. In 2013, 50 of the world biggest companies have been responsible for 73 percent of the total carbon dioxide (CO2) emission (Global 500 Climate Change Report 2013). Post et al. (2002) refer to these social costs as a company’s need to retain its “license to operate”. In the late 1990s, CSR reporting was nearly unknown, which drastically changed during the last decade. Allen White, co-founder of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), said that CSR reporting”… has evolved from the extraordinary to the exceptional to the expected” (Confino, 2013). In confirmation of this, virtually all of the world’s largest 250 companies report on CSR (93%) and reporting by now appears to be business standard (KPMG, 2013). CSR reports are a medium for transparency which may lead to an improved company reputation (Noked, 2013; Thorne et al, 2008; Wilburn and Wilburn, 2013). In addition, it may be used as part of an ongoing shareholder relations campaign, which may prevent shareholders from submitting Environmental and Social (E&S)1 proposals (Noked, 2013), based on an Ernst & Young report 1 The top five E&S proposal topic areas in 2013 were: 1. Political spending/ lobbying; 2. Environmental sustainability; 3. Corporate diversity/ EEO; 4.Labor/ human rights and 5. Animal testing/ animal welfare. Three groups of environmental sustainability proposal topics of sub-category number two (environmental sustainability) 6 2013, representing the largest category of shareholder proposals submitted. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) even goes as far as to claim that CSR reports are “…becoming critical to a company’s credibility, transparency and endurance.” (PwC, 2013).
Análise de desempenho das maiores administradoras de fundos de investimentos de renda fixa no Brasil
MELO, Maxymme Mendes de ; PINHEIRO, Andrea Santos ; NASCIMENTO, R. M. ; MARTINELLI, Antonio Eduardo ; DUTRA, Ricardo Peixoto Suassuna ; MELO, Marcus Antônio de Freitas . Análise microestrutural de misturas cerâmicas de grês Porcelanato com adição de chamote de telhas cerâmicas. Cerâmica (São Paulo. Impresso), v. 55, p. 356-364, 2009
The Oil industry in Brazil has gone through several stages during the economical, political and social historical process. However, the significative changes have happened in the last fifteen years, due to market opening arising from the relaxation of the state monopoly over the Oil deposits and its derivatives. The edition of the Constitutional Amendment #9, changing the first paragraph of the 177th item of the Federal Constitution, marked the end of a stiffness about the monopoly that the Brazilian state kept in relation to the exploration and research of Oil and Gas. The economical order was fundamental to actualize the idea contained in the #9 Amendment, since its contents has the power to set up measures to be adopted by public power in order to organize the economical relations from a social viewpoint. The new brazilian Oil scenery, called pre-salt, presents itself in a way to amaze the economical markets, in addition to creating a new perspective to the social sector. This work will identify, in this new scenario, the need for change in the legal system. Nevertheless, this subject must not be treated in a thoughtless way: being an exhaustible good, we shall not forget that the future generations also must benefit from the exploration of natural resources recently discovered. The settlement of a new regulatory mark, including the change in the concession contract model to production and sharing is one of the suggested solutions as a bill in the National Congress, in an attempt to ensure the sovereignty of the nation. The constitutionality of a new regulatory mark is questioned, starting from an analysis of the state monopoly, grounding the comprehnsions in the brazilian constitutions, the relevance of the creation of Petrobras for self-assertion of the state about the monopoly of Oil and derivatives, and its posture after the Constitutional Amendment nº 9 (1995), when a company stops having control of the state monopoly, beginning to compete in a fairly way with other companies. The market opening and private initiative are emphasized from the viewpoint of the Constitutional Principles of the Economical and Social Order. The relaxation of the monopoly regarding the exploratory activity in the Federal Constitution doesn't deprive from the Union the ownerships of underground goods, enabling to this federal entity to contract, directly or by concession of exploration of goods, to state-owned or private companies. The existing oil in the pre-salt layer transforms the scenario from very high risk to low risk, which gives the Union the possibility of defining another way of exploring this resources in the best interests of the Public Administration
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
natural resources that still enjoy, in the certainty that if we do not, could culminate at the end of that remains. The environmental contamination by fuels in the retail service of oil and biofuels, has been a subject of growing research in Brazil, due to the large pollution potential of this activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of implementing the Environmental Management System (EMS) in fuel retail service stations in the city of Parnamirim-RN, but also describe the current situation the same as licensing and environmental characterization; identify existing barriers to implementation of EMS on the costs, technologies, knowledge, vision, present the potential benefits for the implementation of the EMS (social, economic and environmental), to identify the existence of plans for future action to implement the EMS , as a subsidy to promote the implementation of it. The methodology was developed through analysis of documents provided by the environmental agency responsible for licensing of retail service stations and fuel pala ANP. For data collection, we used the questionnaire was applied directly to managers or managers of sub-stations. Data were collected in 12 of 30 posts in the municipality. For purposes of data treatment was performed a descriptive analysis with respect to the opinion of twelve managers (respondents). The data acquired, according to the Likert scale were tabulated and analyzed using software SPSS 17.0 and Excel 2003, it was generated tables and graphs to observe the behavior of the data. The results showed that most respondents have a schooling level higher (58.3%) of the jobs surveyed 50% work on average 6 to 10 years and 41.6% are in operation for over 11 years , 75.0% do not have a license to operate and 12 stations, 58.3% were sued for not having a license to operate and are therefore in full commercial activity, 83% of jobs have some practice environmentally responsible, 75% agree in making planning future action to implement 8 the EMS in their ventures, 70% in full agreement that the high cost is a form of impediment to implementation of EMS; 66.67% agreed that resistance to change is an impediment to implementation of EMS; 90.91% agreed that the implementation of EMS is very complex, 80% of respondents agreed in a very significant environmental legislation is also a key factor preventing the implementation of EMS is noteworthy that 100% of respondents agreed that the knowledge about the use of the EMS will help to solve environmental problems in the fuel retail service stations, the implementation of the EMS will benefit with increased efficiency of resources applied to the findings by the agreement of 91.66% of respondents, where only 8, 33% disagreed, there was also a percentage of 100%, agreed that the company's image will be a great benefit, but also a contribution to solving environmental problems in the fuel retail service stations. Thus, the importance of the implementation of EMS in the fuel retail service stations in the city of Parnamirim-RN, with an urgent need to be deployed. And the bodies responsible for policy on state-run and supervise more tightly and action, this type of activity, in order to regulate the sustainable functioning of retail service stations of fuel, thus promoting a better quality of life for the population of the municipality of natal-RN
Knowledge and innovation were seen as major forces, both for survival, as the acquisition of competitive advantages in the Brazilian economy, as well as adding value to the product as a market differentiator. The Triple Helix model is directed toward the knowledge-based economy. Over the past six years, the Federal Government through the Financier of Studies and Projects ( FINEP ) invested in technological innovation projects, economic subsidies, about U.S. $ 1 billion supporting more than 800 projects with these resources. According to the MCTI , the Northeast, over the years 2000 to 2010 increased spending on Science and Technology (considering the activities of research and development more scientific and related activities) of the State Government in relation to its total revenue In 2000, 0.51% of total revenues were invested in Science & Technology, while in 2010 this figure increased to 1.31%. Among the nine Northeast states, Paraíba is highlighted. In 2000, 0.33% of its total revenues were directed to innovation, reaching 2.04% in 2010, the largest increase in the region while the RN invested 0.24% in 2000 and in 2010 reached the level of 1.42 %. According to IBGE, in the period 2000-2011, the micro and small enterprises surpassed the barrier of 6 million establishments. In 2000, there were 4.2 million establishments while in 2011 were 6.3 million active establishments. Therefore, throughout the period, there was a creation of approximately 2.1 million new establishments. Between 2000 and 2011, micro and small businesses have created 7.0 million formal jobs, 8.6 million jobs in 2000 to 15.6 million in 2011. This scenario shows the importance of this study in relation to the investment of governments in RD & I in micro and small enterprises. This study aims to analyze the interaction Universities - Business - Government in the development of innovation in micro and small companies in Rio Grande do Norte participants of the edicts of Inova FAPERN. We chose to adopt as a research method case study concerning the procedure of the research, exploratory, descriptive, and on documents with engineers and researchers of innovation projects approved by PAPPE Subsidy (Inova -RN I, II and III). Data collection was done through the report made by FAPERN entitled: " Evaluation of companies financed and supported by the Grant Program for Technological Innovation for Micro and Small Enterprises RN - INOVA -RN " (2010) and a questionnaire with 40 closed questions and 1 opened to 30 affirmative composed based on a 5-point Likert scale. The analysis of data was qualitative and quantitative. The study provided to identify the importance and barriers arising from the relation between Government Enterprise (micro and small) and University as essential to the economic development of the region. It was also identified that, in the innovation projects, 70% of the goods or services originating from research were to market these, 50% resulted in a patent for the company and 80% publications of scientific articles
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio de simulação econômica, a viabilidade de aquisição de um silo-secador, para pequenas propriedades rurais, tendo como referências as opções de terceirizar o processo de secagem/armazenagem ou a comercialização do milho úmido. em virtude da alta diversificação encontrada nas pequenas propriedades rurais, a simulação foi realizada considerando-se diferentes tamanhos de áreas exploradas com milho (10; 20; 30 e 40 ha), níveis de produtividade (3.900; 4.500 e 5.100 kg ha-1) e preços por saca de milho (R$ 13,03; R$ 19,69 e R$ 34,29), no Estado de São Paulo. Comparando as rentabilidades obtidas, notou-se a superioridade da receita líquida na aquisição do silo secador nas áreas de produção de 20 ha com produtividade de 4.500 e 5.100 kg ha-1, 30 ha e 40 ha nos vários níveis de produtividade (3.900; 4.500 e 5.100 kg ha-1) sempre que o preço de mercado da saca de milho cobriu os custos anuais do sistema. A terceirização da secagem/armazenagem apresentou-se como a melhor alternativa nas áreas de 10 ha (todas as produtividades) e 20 ha (produtividade de 3.900 kg ha-1). A comercialização do produto úmido nunca se constituiu na opção mais rentável.
Software Products Lines (SPL) is a software engineering approach to developing software system families that share common features and differ in other features according to the requested software systems. The adoption of the SPL approach can promote several benefits such as cost reduction, product quality, productivity, and time to market. On the other hand, the SPL approach brings new challenges to the software evolution that must be considered. Recent research work has explored and proposed automated approaches based on code analysis and traceability techniques for change impact analysis in the context of SPL development. There are existing limitations concerning these approaches such as the customization of the analysis functionalities to address different strategies for change impact analysis, and the change impact analysis of fine-grained variability. This dissertation proposes a change impact analysis tool for SPL development, called Squid Impact Analyzer. The tool allows the implementation of change impact analysis based on information from variability modeling, mapping of variability to code assets, and existing dependency relationships between code assets. An assessment of the tool is conducted through an experiment that compare the change impact analysis results provided by the tool with real changes applied to several evolution releases from a SPL for media management in mobile devices
Adorno e Horkheimer adotaram a noção de fetichismo da mercadoria para a análise da arte e da cultura. Bens materiais e físicos não são idênticos aos simbólicos. Apesar de dominante, a indústria cultural não pode ser tomada como protótipo de toda análise da cultura. Não se pode reduzir toda a produção cultural da época da economia de mercado a produtos de mercado. A pluralidade de práticas artísticas e culturais, à qual se assiste em países como o Brasil, torna problemático o uso indiscriminado do referencial frankfurtiano.
Estudos relacionados ao perfil do consumidor colocam-se como importante subsídio à participação competitiva dos diferentes segmentos nas cadeias agroalimentares e para a própria organização da mesma. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de identificar o perfil dos consumidores de frutas em cidades do interior do Estado de São Paulo. A amostra foi constituída de 404 consumidores em pontos de venda previamente selecionados nas cidades de Botucatu, Avaré, Jaboticabal, Ilha Solteira e Tupã. Os resultados sobre o perfil do consumidor de frutas nas cidades pesquisadas sinalizam uma preocupação com as características do produto (saudáveis e saborosos), com o preço e com facilidades de acesso na compra. Os resultados apontam também para a necessidade de maiores estudos sobre a importância da informação relacionada aos aspectos mais valorizados (características do produto e preço) na estrutura de consumo.
Incluye Bibliografía
Includes bibliography