989 resultados para Levav, Jonathan


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Mutable state can be useful in certain algorithms, to structure programs, or for efficiency purposes. However, when shared mutable state is used in non-local or nonobvious ways, the interactions that can occur via aliases to that shared memory can be a source of program errors. Undisciplined uses of shared state may unsafely interfere with local reasoning as other aliases may interleave their changes to the shared state in unexpected ways. We propose a novel technique, rely-guarantee protocols, that structures the interactions between aliases and ensures that only safe interference is possible. We present a linear type system outfitted with our novel sharing mechanism that enables controlled interference over shared mutable resources. Each alias is assigned separate, local roles encoded in a protocol abstraction that constrains how an alias can legally use that shared state. By following the spirit of rely-guarantee reasoning, our rely-guarantee protocols ensure that only safe interference can occur but still allow many interesting uses of shared state, such as going beyond invariant and monotonic usages. This thesis describes the three core mechanisms that enable our type-based technique to work: 1) we show how a protocol models an alias’s perspective on how the shared state evolves and constrains that alias’s interactions with the shared state; 2) we show how protocols can be used while enforcing the agreed interference contract; and finally, 3) we show how to check that all local protocols to some shared state can be safely composed to ensure globally safe interference over that shared memory. The interference caused by shared state is rooted at how the uses of di↵erent aliases to that state may be interleaved (perhaps even in non-deterministic ways) at run-time. Therefore, our technique is mostly agnostic as to whether this interference was the result of alias interleaving caused by sequential or concurrent semantics. We show implementations of our technique in both settings, and highlight their di↵erences. Because sharing is “first-class” (and not tied to a module), we show a polymorphic procedure that enables abstract compositions of protocols. Thus, protocols can be specialized or extended without requiring specific knowledge of the interference produce by other protocols to that state. We show that protocol composition can ensure safety even when considering abstracted protocols. We show that this core composition mechanism is sound, decidable (without the need for manual intervention), and provide an algorithm implementation.


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RESUMO: Resumo Uma prestação de serviços de saúde mental para crianças e adolescentes (CAMHS) oportuna, eficaz e baseada na evidência pode evitar incapacidade a longo prazo. No entanto, estes serviços são criticamente sub-financiados em todo o mundo. É um imperativo garantir que este precioso recurso não seja desperdiçado. Os governos e outras partes interessadas relevantes na área da saúde mental precisam de conhecer o estado de saúde mental da população, quais os recursos disponíveis e como melhor utilizar os recursos disponíveis para orientar uma política e decisões efectivas sobre os níveis de serviços. Objetivo: O objetivo deste artigo é explorar o papel da acuidade, gravidade e complexidade na determinação dos cuidados em saúde mental especializados recebidos por crianças e adolescentes que sofrem perturbações mentais. Métodos: Este estudo é exploratório envolvendo uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Foi realizada uma pesquisa com palavras-chave utilizando bases de dados PsychINFO, EMBASE, PubMed e MEDLINE. A literatura cinzenta também foi investigada com um enfoque nas abordagens sistémicas, organizacionais e políticas para a organização e comissionamento de CAMHS. Foram selecionados apenas documentos escritos em Inglês. Três países, Bélgica, Reino Unido e Estados Unidos, todos eles com modelos muito diferentes de organização de CAMHS, foram revistos para investigar de que forma os conceitos de acuidade, gravidade e complexidade foram utilizados na sua concepção de serviços para determinar o nível da assistência prestada. Resultados: Nem a Bélgica, nem o modelo norte-americano de CAMHS organização de serviço parecem estar alinhados com os principais conceitos na determinação do nível de prestação de serviços. O sistema de serviços do Reino Unido de CAMHS está mais estreitamente alinhado com esses conceitos e tem uma alocação de recursos mais equilibrada entre o hospital e a comunidade. O seu ponto fraco está na falta de flexibilidade entre os níveis de serviço e na falta de apoio para com o sector dos cuidados de saúde primários. Conclusões: A variabilidade na alocação de recursos a diferentes níveis especializados de CAMHS (em regime de internamento, ambulatório, e na comunidade) e o modelo diferente de estrutura de serviços entre os países estudados indica uma inconsistência na forma como as crianças e adolescentes que apresentam aos CAMHS são referenciados para os cuidados que recebem. Isto põe em questão se as crianças e adolescentes com perturbações mentais estão a receber o nível e tipo de cuidados concordantes com as suas necessidades. A concepção e o comissionamento de sistemas de CAMHS levam-nos à discussão de uma série de princípios fundamentais que devem ser considerados. O sistema perfeito no entanto, ainda está para ser encontrado. -------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Provision of timely, effective, evidence based mental health services to children and adolescents can prevent long term impairment, but they are critically underfunded across the globe. There is an imperative to ensure this precious resource is not wasted. Governments and other relevant mental health stakeholders need to know the mental health status of the population, what resources are available and how best to use the resources available to guide effective policy and decisions about service levels. Aim: The aim of this paper is to explore the role of acuity, severity and complexity in determining the specialist mental health care that children and adolescents experiencing mental disorders receive. Methods: This study is exploratory involving a systematic scan of the literature. A key word search was conducted using databases PSYCHINFO, EMBASE, PUBMED and MEDLINE. Grey literature was also searched to focus on systemic, organisational and policy approaches to the organisation and commissioning of CAMHS. Only documents written in English were selected. Three countries Belgium, UK and the US all with very different models of service organisation for CAMHS were reviewed to investigate how well the concepts of acuity, severity and complexity were used to determine the level of care delivered in their service design. Findings: Neither the Belgium nor the US model of CAMHS service organisation appear to align with the key concepts driving intensity of level of service provision. The UK CAMHS service system most closely aligns with the concepts. It has a more balanced resource allocation between hospital and community. Its downfall is in its lack of flexibility between service levels and its lack of support for the primary care sector. Conclusions: The variability in resource allocation to different service levels (inpatient, outpatient, community) within specialist CAMHS and the differing model of service structure across countries indicates an inconsistency in how children and adolescents presenting to CAMHS are allocated to the care they receive. This puts into question whether children and adolescent with mental disorders are receiving a level and type of care commensurate with their needs. In commissioning and designing CAMHS systems a number of key principles that should be considered are discussed. The perfect system however, is yet to be found.


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It is well known that, unless worker-firm match quality is controlled for, returns to firm tenure (RTT) estimated directly via reduced form wage (Mincer) equations will be biased. In this paper we show that even if match quality is properly controlled for there is a further pervasive source of bias, namely the co-movement of firm employment and firm wages. In a simple mechanical model where human capital is absent and separation is exogenous we show that positively covarying shocks (either aggregate or firm level) to firms employment and wages cause downward bias in OLS regression estimates of RTT. We show that the long established procedures for dealing with "traditional" RTT bias do not circumvent the additional problem we have identified. We argue that if a reduced form estimation of RTT is undertaken, firm-year fixed effects must be added in order to eliminate this bias. Estimates from two large panel datasets from Portugal and Germany show that the bias is empirically important. Adding firm-year fixed effects to the regression increases estimates of RTT in the two respective countries by between 3.5% and 4.5% of wages at 20 years of tenure over 80% (50%) of the estimated RTT level itself. The results extend to tenure correlates used in macroeconomics such as the minimum unemployment rate since joining the firm. Adding firm-year fixed effects changes estimates of these effects also.


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Forest regrowth occupies an extensive and increasing area in the Amazon basin, but accurate assessment of the impact of regrowth on carbon and nutrient cycles has been hampered by a paucity of available allometric equations. We develop pooled and species-specific equations for total aboveground biomass for a study site in the eastern Amazon that had been abandoned for 15 years. Field work was conducted using randomized branch sampling, a rapid technique that has seen little use in tropical forests. High consistency of sample paths in randomized branch sampling, as measured by the standard error of individual paths (14%), suggests the method may provide substantial efficiencies when compared to traditional procedures. The best fitting equations in this study used the traditional form Y=a×DBHb, where Y is biomass, DBH is diameter at breast height, and a and b are both species-specific parameters. Species-specific equations of the form Y=a(BA×H), where Y is biomass, BA is tree basal area, H is tree height, and a is a species-specific parameter, fit almost as well. Comparison with previously published equations indicated errors from -33% to +29% would have occurred using off-site relationships. We also present equations for stemwood, twigs, and foliage as biomass components.


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Desde los años noventa del siglo pasado, la presencia de mujeres en instancias de gobierno, y en puestos de relevancia en las organizaciones internacionales, ha supuesto un aumento en la calidad de la representación de los regímenes democráticos a nivel interno, y una gradual modificación en los discursos, en las prácticas y en las culturas organizacionales de las instancias multilaterales, a nivel internacional. La investigación que presentamos se propone analizar la emergencia de la cuestión de género en la agenda de las organizaciones internacionales, la redefinición del discurso de estos organismos en función de este nuevo elemento, y cómo y en qué medida estas redefiniciones responden a las transformaciones impulsadas por la introducción de la cuestión de género en la vida política de América Latina


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La vuelta de la democracia ha permitido visibilizar a numerosos grupos étnicos que se encontraban oprimidos por las élites en el poder. Éstas, que han tradicionalmente cooptado el concepto de nación, mantienen un enfrentamiento con los grupos indígenas, con recientes accesos al poder. Este conflicto se ha manifestado en diferentes grados a lo largo de los años, yendo desde huelgas hasta conatos de guerra civil. Desde esta perspectiva, el presente proyecto se abocará a discernir las relaciones existentes entre identidad, emergencia étnica y conflicto en la región andina


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El objetivo de identificar, caracterizar y ensayar los suelos cordobeses, es optimizar técnica y económicamente las subestructuras y las superestructuras de las obras civiles y arquitectónicas. Por ende, consolidar un uso de suelo sustentable, es objetivizar las construcciones tí­picas dentro del marco urbano local. Dentro de este marco, la vivienda social , es un tipo de construcción muy importante a considerar. El comportamiento de los suelos colapsibles de la región mediterránea del paí­s, es el resultado de la interacción entre su origen y la variación del estado tensional dentro de la masa de suelo en el medio. De esta interacción, se produce una mayor o menor alteración de los ví­nculos de su estructura que definen su grado de colapso. Para obtener una estructura estable a partir de este tipo de suelo, existen distintos procedimientos. Uno de ellos consiste en modificar las propiedades del suelo mediante su estabilización para hacerlo capaz de cumplir mejores requerimientos a largo plazo o durante su vida útil (Ingles y Metcalf, 1972). De acuerdo a los resultados de los ensayos ejecutados en gran mayorí­a en el Laboratorio de Suelos de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la UCC, se podrán recomendar especificaciones técnicas y constructivas concretas sustentables. Las mismas serán accesibles a la comunidad (responsabilidad social universitaria) lo que se traducirá en mejoras técnicas y económicas para el diseño de la subestructura (fundaciones o cimentaciones) y la superestructura (estructura portante) con el consiguiente beneficio social que ello implica, sobretodo para los sectores de menores recursos.


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Durante los últimos tres años, hemos desarrollado, en el marco del presente proyecto de investigación, una profundización en las condiciones y las estrategias armadas en torno al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, y sus posibles correlatos en los diferentes ensayos aplicados en América Latina, para potenciar desde el espacio educativo superior una mayor integración de sistemas y un aumento de la calidad del servicio universitario, junto a una profundización de las políticas de investigación científica y de gestión del conocimiento. Y todo ello para ahondar el compromiso social y la calidad de los regímenes democráticos de la región, con mayores grados de relevancia en el respeto y la promoción de los derechos humanos y de las políticas de igualdad y de justicia. En esta segunda etapa del proyecto, generaremos una aproximación específica a una de las estrategias más relevantes en las políticas públicas tendientes a mayores grados de democratización e igualitarismo: las iniciativas que propenden hacia la equidad de género, un horizonte objetivo para el cual los planes y programas educativos tienen una importancia crucial, tanto en el aseguramiento del éxito como en la perdurabilidad de esos avances en torno al rescate y a la igualdad del rol social de la mujer. En este sentido, nuestra región, y el Espacio Latinoamericano de Educación Superior en su conjunto, pueden aprovechar muy eficazmente la apropiación y la adecuación de algunas de las políticas igualitaristas, de equidad y de discriminación positiva ya experimentadas en el entorno del espacio europeo, que sigue siendo el referente al que se aspira. Junto a las estrategias operativas, ese Espacio Latinoamericano debería atender a la importancia relevante que tienen los reclamos de identidad de las minorías, especialmente los que impulsan la igualación efectiva de derechos para ambos sexos, propugnando un rescate histórico del papel social de las mujeres. Esta nueva agenda podría potenciarse mediante la cooperación interuniversitaria Europa-Iberoamérica, así como del desarrollo de estudios académicos sobre las características particulares de articulación de los temas que comprende (como la equidad de género), teniendo como marco referencial el sistema educativo superior.


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In Ireland the average energy cost for a household in 2006 was estimated to be €1,767, an increase of 4% on 2005 figures. With the state o f the current economic climate, home owners are beginning to realise the potential of energy efficient construction methods. The Passive House Standard offers a cost efficient and sustainable construction solution compared to the Traditional Irish construction methods. This report focuses on the Cost comparison between Passive House construction and traditional construction methods. The report also focuses on barriers that are slowing market penetration of the Passive House standard in the Irish Market. It also identifies potential energy savings that passive house occupants would benefit from. The report also highlights professional opinions on the future development o f the Passive House Standard in Ireland. The conclusions of this report are that the Passive House Standard is a more financially suitable construction solution compared to that o f a traditional dwelling complying with the Irish Building Regulations. The report also concludes that the Passive House Standard won’t be introduced as an Irish Building Regulation in the future but that it will have a big impact on future building regulations. The hypothesis o f this report is supported by data obtained from a literature review, qualitative data analysis and a case study. The report recommends that in order for the Passive House Standard to penetrate further into the Irish construction market, various barriers must be rectified. Local manufactures must start producing suitable components that suit the Passive House specification. The Building Energy Rating system must be altered in order for the Passive House to achieve its potential BER rating.


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FUNDAMENTO: O bloqueio completo do ramo esquerdo esforço-induzido (BCRE E-I) é um achado infrequente ao teste de exercício e sua prevalência e significado prognóstico não são claros. OBJETIVO: Avaliar de forma longitudinal a prevalência e o significado prognóstico do BCRE E-I em homens americanos veteranos de guerra. MÉTODOS: Avaliamos 9.623 pacientes que realizaram ergometria em esteira (TE) entre 1987 e 2007. Os desfechos foram comparados entre aqueles com TE NL, os com BCRE E-I e os que apresentaram Dep ST anormal. A mortalidade e a causa das mortes foram identificadas de forma cega para os resultados do TE. RESULTADOS: Nesta coorte prospectiva, 6922 indivíduos apresentaram TE NL (57,2 ± 11,4 anos), 1.739 apresentaram Dep ST anormal (62,7 ± 9,8 anos) e 38 casos de BCRE E-I foram identificados (65,2 ± 11,9 anos). A prevalência do BCRE E-I foi 0,38%. Após 8,8 anos, ocorreram 1.699 mortes por todas as causas e 610 mortes cardiovasculares (CV). Doença arterial coronária e insuficiência cardíaca foram mais prevalentes nos pacientes com BCRE E-I. Pacientes com BCRE E-I tiveram razão de azar de 2,37 (p = 0,002) para mortalidade por todas as causas, mas a mesma não foi significativa quando ajustada para idade ou quando a mortalidade cardiovascular foi o desfecho avaliado. CONCLUSÃO: BCRE E-I é um achado raro. Indivíduos com BCRE E-I apresentam maior mortalidade por todas as causas quando comparados aqueles com TE NL. No entanto, tal fato é explicado por esses pacientes serem significativamente mais velhos e por apresentarem mais enfermidades cardiovasculares associadas.


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The study of anatomy has changed enormously in the last few decades. No longer do medical students have to spend long hours in the dissecting room searching fruitlessly for the otic ganglion or tracing the small arteries that form the anastomosis round the elbow joint. They now need to know only the basic essentials of anatomy with particular emphasis on their clinical relevance and this is a change that is long overdue. However, students still have examinations to pass and in this book the authors, a surgeon and an anatomist, have tried to provide a means of rapid revision without any frills. To this end, the book follows the standard format of the at a Glance series and is arranged in short, easily digested chapters, written largely in note form, with the appropriate illustrations on the facing page. Where necessary, clinical applications are included in italics and there are a number of clinical illustrations. We thus hope that this book will be helpful in revising and consolidating the knowledge that has been gained from the dissecting room and from more detailed and explanatory textbooks.


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O Fibroelastoma Papilífero é um tumor cardíaco benigno, encontrado principalmente nas válvulas. A maioria é assintomática, mas, quando presentes, são inespecíficos ou relacionados a fenômenos embólicos. Em geral, são diagnosticados em exames de imagem de rotina ou em cirurgias valvares e autópsias. Por sua raridade, há controvérsia sobre sua terapêutica. Descrevemos sete casos diagnosticados e tratados em nossa instituição entre 1989 a 2010, o que constitui a maior casuística nacional dessa patologia até o momento.


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The Nobel Prize was created by Alfred Nobel. The first prize was awarded in 1901 and Emil Adolf von Behring was the first laureate in medicine due to his research in diphtheria serum. Regarding cardiology, Nobel Prize’s history permits a global comprehension of progress in pathophysiology, diagnosis and therapeutics of various cardiac diseases in last 120 years. The objective of this study was to review the major scientific discoveries contemplated by Nobel Prizes that contributed to cardiology. In addition, we also hypothesized why Carlos Chagas, one of our most important scientists, did not win the prize in two occasions. We carried out a non-systematic review of Nobel Prize winners, selecting the main studies relevant to heart diseaseamong the laureates. In the period between 1901 and 2013, 204 researches and 104 prizes were awarded in Nobel Prize, of which 16 (15%) studies were important for cardiovascular area. There were 33 (16%) laureates, and two (6%) were women. Fourteen (42%) were American, 15 (45%) Europeans and four (13%) were from other countries. There was only one winner born in Brazil, Peter Medawar, whose career was all in England. Reviewing the history of the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine area made possible to identify which researchers and studies had contributed to advances in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Most winners were North Americans and Europeans, and male.


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Litargus tetraspilotus LeConte, 1856 was collected feeding on Oidium sp. (Fungi, Ascomycota, Erysiphaceae) associated with fruit trees. This is the first time L. tetraspilotus is recorded in Brazil, totaling three species of Mycetophagidae for this country. This study aims to provide a complementary description of this species based on new characters and to present information on its life cycle under laboratory conditions and fluctuation in population in the field. During the period of inventories between July 2004 and August 2006, about every fifteen days, a total of 565 specimens of L. tetraspilotus were collected, with the highest abundance found on citrus plants, with values differing significantly between the two years. The population levels differed between the seasons; spring had the greatest abundance and autumn the least. There was a significant positive correlation of L. tetraspilotus abundance with rainfall and relative humidity. Mycetophagidae, as well as other mycophagous families of Brazilian coleopterans, are barely studied, warranting further future studies of their bioecology and systematics.