286 resultados para Lateinamerika Nationenbildung Identität Kulturwissenschaft
This work aims at providing a first approximation to the study of lexical vitality by comparing its results to those of ALEA as well as carrying out a study on the current state of affairs. These results represent our early data collection from location 515 corresponding to Gualchos in La Alpujarra. Here we show a very interesting relationship between the deep socio-economic and demographic transformation of the area and a lexical mutation that is shown by a high percentage of lexical mortality and a loss of dialectal specificity giving rise to a shift towards standard terms, especially in fields related to agricultural and ranching life.
The aim of this paper is to introduce the less known part of the Río de la Plata: Uruguay. The main question is whether a country relatively young and of tiny dimensions has its own identity. For that, after giving some theoretical information, we present a brief history of this country and the results of two surveys. The first done a couple of years ago for the Spanish newspaper El País and the other conducted recently among a group of Argentines. It is not a professional survey, rather an invitation to reflect on the process of the creation of the Uruguayan identity, its principal points and relations between two apparently very close countries, separated by the same river.
There is no doubt that the figure of Stanislaw Lem is a solid reference in the context of science fiction literature of Eastern Europe in the second half of the twentieth century. Lem developed a literary game in which the criticism of the political system was implied in each paragraph along with an acid humor that transferred into masterpieces of contemporary science fiction.
This article shows in which way the so-called climate theories, which have been developed since Antiquity, change over the course of time and influence the different theories on the origin of language. Via Montesquieu and Rousseau, the “climate theories” have influenced Johann Gottfried Herder, who bases on the romantic concept of Volk. By this means, a lot of ideas come into being which are fundamental for the foundation and development of the national philologies in Europe.
The sovereign of a democratic state is „the people“. However, they transfer their voices to a few political party representatives in order to make them exercise legislative and executive powers in the name of “the people”. In different European countries, this model of representative democracy is marked by elements of direct democracy. In Switzerland, for example, there are frequent plebiscites on a number of issues and in France, the President of the Republic is elected directly. In Germany, the constitution calls for a “Volksabstimmung”, or a referendum at the federal level, a “Volksentscheid” or plebiscite at the federal state level and a “Bürgerentscheid” at the city level. But in small municipalities where everyone knows each other and people talk, a different form of direct democracy continues on. In the case of Bubenreuth, where I have lived for more than 30 years, the community dared to raise its voice against the mayor and against town councillors to have them revoke the application of a legal but unjust regulation, or for them to at least mitigate the effects.
This paper analyzes the emergence of the term 'pueble', or 'people', in Spanish literature of the nineteenth century with the meaning of differentiated social subject in a corpus composed of texts of the War of Independence by Mariano José de Larra and Rosalia de Castro. The texts and authors selected are representative of their cultural and historical contexts and together they form a part of the Spanish Romanticism.
This short essay deals with literary representations of identity and of social reality, especially in relation to the novelistic works published by the Spanish writer Juan José Millás. The article is divided into three parts. The first section is dedicated to a general overview of the new perspectives brought by the contemporary ‘linguistic turn’ in culture, which is currently considered as the product of different discourses and not as an ontological datum. The postmodern condition, on the other hand, is described as the age in which it has become radically difficult to rely on such ideas as “nation” and “people” for the construction of personal identity. The second part of the article identifies Millás’ poetics as an excellent example of describing the neurotic symptoms produced by the urban way of life in Western communities. Millás recognizes the separateness between language and material reality as the origin of the subject's isolation, especially in contemporary life. Finally, the third part handles with Lo que sé de los hombrecillos, the last novel by Millás, in which we witness a significant switch from neurosis to psychosis in the mind of the protagonist who offers us a distorted realisation of his idea of community and plenitude.
Analysis of popular topics taught in the light of the topics learned poetry, revolving around the urbis encomium, understanding the popular verses somehow respond to a similar structure to that established for the praise of copyright poetry. The popular songs are close to the issue which are specific to them, collected by imitation or by spontaneous coincidence and adopt many of the tools of author's lyric poetry. Within this framework, we go deeply into analogies we found when studying the group of songs we label " songs to the earth" with the topics of classical rhetoric making up the urbis encomium, the praise for the city.
The first of the four paths that structure the book "Los girasoles ciegos", by Alberto Méndez – with its theory about the delayed end of the Spanish Civil War as a longing for destruction outside of any kind of strategy based on military logic – presents the construction of a memory based on certain oral marks, facts provided quietly by apparently non-central characters, the distrust of written documents, and the use of speech patterns mostly associated with spontaneity in order to set up a level of verisimilitude which makes the memory emerge in parallel pathways considered relatively reliable (for example, the case of a report), forged speech on the basis of indirect references, testimonials and letters. The aim of the paper is to consider an example of contemporary Spanish narrative in which a journey, perhaps weak in terms of the material, support to the channels through which the narrator comes in the story through the voice of the people – but functional as an approach to a search of the recent past – contributes to a certain conception of memory.
Rezension von: Eckart Liebau / Jörg Zirfas (Hrsg.): Die Bildung des Geschmacks, Über die Kunst der sinnlichen Unterscheidung, Bielefeld: transcript 2011 228 S.; ISBN 978-3-8376-1746-7)
Rezension von: Angelika Schmidt-Koddenberg / Simone Zorn: Zukunft gesucht! Berufs-und Studienorientierung in der Sek. II, Berlin u.a.: Budrich 2011 (183 S.; ISBN 978-3-8664-9381-0)
Rezension von: Sabine Seichter: Erziehung und Ernährung, Mit einem Vorwort von Micha Brumlik, Weinheim/Basel: Beltz/Juventa 2012 (285 S.; ISBN 978-3-7799-2807-2)
Rezension von: Lothar Böhnisch/Reinhard Winter: Männliche Sozialisation. Bewältigungsprobleme männlicher Geschlechtsidentität im Lebenslauf. Weinheim/München: Juventa 1993, 232 S.
Ein Verständnis von Demokratie als „stets im Kommen oder im Werden“ schließt fort- und immerwährende Verhandlungsprozesse mit ein. Das Ausbleiben von Konflikten oder die Versuche des Einebnens und Nivellierens von Widersprüchen oder gar deren Negation sind dann Indizien der Gefährdung von Demokratisierung und gesamtgesellschaftlicher Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Der vorliegende Beitrag betont die Bedeutung von Widerständigkeit für Demokratisierung. Der vorgestellte Ansatz der Reflexion auf Unterscheidungen - un/doing difference - verabschiedet die stillschweigende Vorstellung, dass es vorab feststehende und gegebene Individuen oder Gruppen mit bestimmten Eigenschaften gibt, an die unterschiedliche Angebote und Interventionen gerichtet werden können. Es ist eine differenzsensible Herangehensweise, die latente Unterschiede aufgreift und ihnen im Handeln - im Sinne von Ungleichheiten - Bedeutung verleiht. Den Abschluss des Beitrages bilden vier Strategien im Kontext politischer Bildungsarbeit, um Pluralität und Kontingenz sichtbar zu machen: Pluralisierung und Konkurrenz ermöglichen; Löschung durch Nichtbeachten; ironische Entlarvung von Selbstverständlichkeitsannahmen; eingeführte Kategorien stehen lassen und zugleich Alternativen fördern. (DIPF/Orig.)
Traditional popular poetry follows a certain culture and has a literary canon that is very different from written poetry by educated authors. Among the elements that distinguish this poetry and that emphasize the continual presence of symbolism, which is manifested in the connotative reading of the texts, is a symbolism that refers to eroticism and to the romantic relationships of men. In these folk songs nature acquires a distinct meaning of love, for example by means of the presence of the olive as a frequent motif in Andalusian, Hispanic and European songs.