345 resultados para Kimberlite magmas


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Gabbroic cumulates drilled south of the Kane Transform Fault on the slow-spread Mid-Atlantic Ridge preserve up to three discrete magnetization components. Here we use absolute age constraints derived from the paleomagnetic data to develop a model for the magmatic construction of this section of the lower oceanic crust. By comparing the paleomagnetic data with mineral compositions, and based on thermal models of local reheating, we infer that magmas that began crystallizing in the upper mantle intruded into the lower oceanic crust and formed meter-scale sills. Some of these magmas were crystal-laden and the subsequent expulsion of interstitial liquid from them produced '"cumulus" sills. These small-scale magmatic injections took place over at least 210 000 years and at distances of ~3 km from the ridge axis and may have formed much of the lower crust. This model explains many of the complexities described in this area and can be used to help understand the general formation of oceanic crust at slow-spread ridges.


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 125 recovered serpentined harzburgites and dunites from a total of jive sites on the crests and flanks of two serpen finite seamounts, Conical Seamount in the Mariana forearc and Torishima Forearc Seamount in the Izu-Bonin forearc. These are some of the first extant forearc peridotites reported in the literature and they provide a window into oceanic, supra-subduction zone (SSZ) mantle processes. Harzbutrgites from both seamounts are very refractory with low modal clinopyroxene (<4%), chrome-rich spinels (cx-number = 0.40-0.80), very low incompatible element contents, and (with the exception of amphibole-bearing samples) U-shaped rare earth element (REE) profiles with positive Eu anomalies. Both sets of peridotites have olivine-spinel equilibration temperatures that are low compared with abyssal peridotites, possibly because of water-assisted diffusional equilibration in the SSZ environment However, other features indicate that the harzburgites from the two seamounts have very different origins. Harzburgites from Conical Seamount are characterized by calculated oxygen fugacities between FMQ (fayalite- magnetite- quartz) - 1.1 (log units) and FMQ + 0.4 which overlap those of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) peridotites. Dunites from Conical Seamotmt contain small amounts of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and amphibole and are light REE (LREE) enriched. Moreover; they are considerably more oxidized than the harzburgites to which they are spatially related, with calculated oxygen fugacities of FMQ -0.2 toFMQ + 1.2. Using textural and geochemical evidence, we interpret these harzburgites as residual MORB mantle (from 15 to 20 % fractional melting) which has subsequently been modified by interaction with boninitic melt ivithin the mantle wedge, and these dunites as zones of focusing of this melt in which pyroxene has preferentially been dissolved from the harzbutgite protolith. In contrast, harzburgites from Torishima Forearc Seamount give calculated oxygen fugacities between FMQ + 0.8 and FMQ + l.6, similar to those calculated for other subduction-zone related peridotites and similar to those calculated for the dunites (FMQ + 1.2 to FMQ + 1.8) from the same seamount. In this case, we interpret both the harzburgites and dunites as linked to mantle melting (20-25 % fractional melting) in a supra-subduction zone environment The results thus indicate that the forearc is underlain by at least two types of mantle lithosphere, one being trapped or accreted oceanic lithosphere, the other being lithosphere formed by subduction-related melting. They also demonstrate that both types of mantle lithosphere may have undergone extensive interaction with subduction-derived magmas.


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Major and rare earth element (REE) data for basalts from Holes 483, 483B, and 485A of DSDP Leg 65, East Pacific Rise, mouth of the Gulf of California, support a simple fractional crystallization model for the genesis of rocks from this suite. The petrography and mineral chemistry (presented in detail elsewhere) provide no evidence for magma mixing, but rather a simple multistage cooling process. Based on its lowest TiO2 content (0.88%), FeO*/MgO ratio (0.95 with total Fe as FeO), and Mg# (100 Mg/Mg + Fe" = 70), sample 483-17-2-(78-83) has been selected as the most primitive primary magma of the samples analyzed. This is supported by the REE data which show this sample has the lowest total REE content, a La/Sm_cn (chondrite-normalized) = 0.36, and Eu/Sm_cn = 1.05. Because other samples analyzed have higher SiO2, lower Mg#, and a negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Sm_cn as low as 0.89), they are most likely derivative magmas. Wright-Doherty and trace element modelling support fractional crystallization of 14.1% plagioclase (An88), 6.7% olivine (Fo86), and 4.7% clinopyroxene (Wo41En49Fs10) from 483-17-2-(78-83) to form the least differentiated sample with Mg# = 63. The La/Sm_cn of this derivative magma is almost identical to the parent magma (0.35 to 0.36), but the other samples have higher La/Sm_cn (0.45 to 0.51), more total REE, and lower Mg# (60 to 56). Both Wright-Doherty and trace element modelling indicate that the primary magma chosen cannot produce these more evolved samples. For the major elements, the TiO2 and P2O5 are too low in the calculated versus the observed (1.38 to 1.90; 0.11 to 0.17, respectively, for example). Rayleigh fractionation calculates a lower La/Sm_cn and requires about 60% crystal removal versus 40% for the Wright-Doherty. These more evolved samples must be derived from a parent magma different from the one selected here and, unfortunately, not sampled in this study. A magma formed by a smaller degree of partial melting with slightly more residual clinopyroxene left in the mantle than for sample 483-17-2-(78-83) is required.


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Cretaceous basalts recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 183 at Site 1137 on the Kerguelen Plateau show remarkable geochemical similarities to Cretaceous continental tholeiites located on the continental margins of eastern India (Rajmahal Traps) and southwestern Australia (Bunbury basalt). Major and trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions of the Site 1137 basalts are consistent with assimilation of Gondwanan continental crust (from 5 to 7%) by Kerguelen plume-derived magmas. In light of the requirement for crustal contamination of the Kerguelen Plateau basalts, we re-examine the early tectonic environment of the initial Kerguelen plume head. Although a causal role of the Kerguelen plume in the breakup of Eastern Gondwana cannot be ascertained, we demonstrate the need for the presence of the Kerguelen plume early during continental rifting. Activity resulting from interactions by the newly formed Indian and Australian continental margins and the Kerguelen plume may have resulted in stranded fragments of continental crust, isolated at shallow levels in the Indian Ocean lithosphere.


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Chemical compositions and 1-atm. phase relations were determined for basalts drilled from Holes 501, 504A, 504B, 505, and 505B on Legs 68, 69, and 70 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Chemical, experimental, and petrographic data indicate that these basalts are moderately evolved (Mg' values from 0.60 to 0.70), with olivine plus Plagioclase and often clinopyroxene on the liquidus. Chemical stratigraphy was used to infer that sequential influxes of magma into a differentiating magma chamber or separate flows from different magma chambers or both had occurred. Two major types of basalt were found to be inter layered: Group M, a rarely occurring type with major element chemistry and magmaphile element abundances within the range of the majority of ocean-floor basalts (TiO2 = 1.3%, Na2O 2.5%, Zr = 103 ppm, Nb = 2.5 ppm, and Y = 31 ppm); and Group D, a highly unusual series of basalt compositions that exhibit much lower magmaphile element abundances (TiO2 = 0.75-1.2%, Na2O = 1.7-2.3%, Zr = 34-60 ppm, Nb = 0.5-1.2 ppm, and Y = 16-27 ppm). The liquidus temperatures of the Group D basalts are high (1230- 1260°C) compared with those of other ocean-floor basalts of similar Mg' values. They have high CaO/Na2O ratios (5-8) and are calculated to be in equilibrium with unusually calcic Plagioclase (An78-84). The two basalt groups cannot be related by fractionation processes. However, constant Zr/Nb ratios (>40) for the two groups suggest a single mantle source, with differences in magmaphile element abundances and other element ratios (e.g., Zr/Ti, Zr/Y, Ce/Yb) arising through sequential melting of the same source. Magmas similar to Group D, if mixed with more typical mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) magmas in shallow magma chambers, could provide a source for the highly calcic Plagioclase phenocrysts that appear in more common (i.e., less depleted) phyric ocean-floor basalts.


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Major and trace element analyses are presented for 110 samples from the DSDP Leg 60 basement cores drilled along a transect across the Mariana Trough, arc, fore-arc, and Trench at about 18°N. The igneous rocks forming breccias at Site 453 in the west Mariana Trough include plutonic cumulates and basalts with calc-alkaline affinities. Basalts recovered from Sites 454 and 456 in the Mariana Trough include types with compositions similar to normal MORB and types with calc-alkaline affinities within a single hole. At Site 454 the basalts show a complete compositional transition between normal MORB and calc-alkaline basalts. These basalts may be the result of mixing of the two magma types in small sub-crustal magma reservoirs or assimilation of calc-alkaline, arc-derived vitric tuffs by normal MORB magmas during eruption or intrusion. A basaltic andesite clast in the breccia recovered from Site 457 on the active Mariana arc and samples dredged from a seamount in the Mariana arc are calc-alkaline and similar in composition to the basalts recovered from the Mariana Trough and West Mariana Ridge. Primitive island arc tholeiites were recovered from all four sites (Sites 458-461) drilled on the fore-arc and arc-side wall of the trench. These basalts form a coherent compositional group distinct from the Mariana arc, West Mariana arc, and Mariana Trough calc-alkaline lavas, indicating temporal (and perhaps spatial?) chemical variations in the arc magmas erupted along the transect. Much of the 209 meters of basement cored at Site 458 consists of endiopside- and bronzite-bearing, Mg-rich andesites with compositions related to boninites. These andesites have the very low Ti, Zr, Ti/Zr, P, and rare-earthelement contents characteristic of boninites, although they are slightly light-rare-earth-depleted and have lower MgO, Cr, Ni, and higher CaO and Al2O3 contents than those reported for typical boninites. The large variations in chemistry observed in the lavas recovered from this transect suggest that diverse mantle source compositions and complex petrogenetic process are involved in forming crustal rocks at this intra-oceanic active plate margin.


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To examine the processes and histories of arc volcanism and of volcanism associated with backarc rifting. 130 samples containing igneous glass shards were taken from the Plioccne-Quatemai^ succession on the rift Hank (Site 788) and the Quaternary fill in the basin fill of the Sumisu Rift (Sites 790 and 791). These samples were subsequently analyzed at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Shizuoka University. The oxides determined by electron probe do not account for the total weight of the material; differences between summed oxides and 100% arise from the water contents, probably augmented by minor losses thai result from alkali vaporization during analysis. Weight losses in colorless glasses are up to 9%; those in brown glasses (dacitcs to basalts) arc no more than 4.5%; shards from the rift-flank (possibly caused by prolonged proximity to ihc scafloor) generally have higher values than those from the rift-basin fill How much of the lost water is magmatic, and how much is hydrated is uncertain; however, although the shards absorb potassium, calcium, and magnesium during hydration in the deep sea, they do so only to a minor extent that does not significantly alter their major element compositions. Therefore, the electron-probe results are useful in evaluating the magmatism recorded by the shards. Pre- and syn-rift Izu-Bonin volcanism were overwhelmingly dominated by rhyolile explosions, demonstrating that island arcs may experience significant silicic volcanism in addition to the extensive basaltic and basaltic andestic activity, documented in many arcs since the 1970s, that occurs in conjunction with the andesitic volcanism formerly thought to be dominant. Andesitic eruptions also occurred before rifting, but the andesitic component in our samples is minor. All the pre- and syn-rift rhyolites and andesites belong to the low-alkali island-arc tholeiitic suite, and contrast markedly with the alkali products of Holocene volcanism on the northernmost Mariana Arc that have been attributed to nascent rifting. The Quaternary dacites and andesites atop the rift flank and in the rift-basin fill are more potassic than those of Pliocene age, as a result of assimilation from the upper arc crust, or from variations in degrees of partial melting of the source magmas, or from metasomatic fluids. All the glass layers from the rift-flank samples belong to low-K arc-tholeiitic suites. Half of those in the Pliocene succession are exclusively rhyolitic: the others contain minor admixtures of dacite and andesite, or andesite and either basaltic andesite or basalt. In Contrast, the Quaternary (syn-rift) volcaniclastics atop the rift-flank lack basalt and basaltic andesite shards. These youngest sediments of the rift flank show close compositional affinities with five thick layers of coarse, rhyolitic pumice deposits in the basin fill, the two oldest more silicic than the younger ones. The coarse layers, and most thin ash layers that occur in hemipelagites below and intercalated between them, are low-K rhyolites and therefore probably came from sources in the arc. However, several thin rhyolitic ash beds in the hemipelagites are abnormally enriched in potassium and must have been provided by more distal sources, most likely to the west in Japan. Remarkably, the Pliocene-Pleistocene geochemistry of the volcanic front does not appear to have been influenced by the syn-rift basaltic volcanism only a few kilometers away. Rare, thin layers of basaltic ash near the bases of the rift-basin successions are not derived from the arc. They deviate strongly from trends that the arc-derived glasses display on oxide-oxide plots, and show close affinities to the basalts empted all over the Sumisu Rift during rifting. These basalts, and the basaltic ashes in the basal rift-basin fill, arc compositionally similar to those erupted from mature backarc basins elsewhere.


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The Kerguelen Plateau and Broken Ridge in the southern Indian Ocean together represent one of the most voluminous large igneous provinces (LIPs) ever emplaced on Earth. A scientific objective of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 183 was to constrain the post-melting magma evolution of Kerguelen Plateau magmas. In an effort to better understand this evolution, isotopic and trace element analysis of individual plagioclase crystals hosted within two Kerguelen Plateau basalts recovered from Elan Bank were undertaken. Previous whole-rock studies established that the two host basalts investigated in this study are samples of crustally contaminated (lower group) and relatively uncontaminated (upper group) basalt. Plagioclase phenocrysts from the uncontaminated basalt are dominantly normal zoned and exhibit a 87Sr/86SrI range of 0.704845-0.704985, which overlaps uncontaminated group whole-rock values previously reported. Plagioclase crystals from the contaminated basalt are dominantly reverse zoned and exhibit a 87Sr/86SrI range of 0.705510-0.705735, which all lie within contaminated group whole-rock values previously reported. There are no systematic within crystal core to rim variations in 87Sr/86SrI from either group, with the exception that contaminated group crystal rims have overall less radiogenic 87Sr/86SrI than other zones. These observations indicate that crustal assimilation occurred before the formation of Unit 10 plagioclase phenocrysts, which is supported by parent magma trace element abundance data inverted using carefully calculated partition coefficients. Trace element diffusion modeling indicates that the upper group basalt (Unit 4) experienced a more vigorous eruptive flux than the lower group basalt (Unit 10). We suggest that plagioclase phenocrysts in both the upper and lower group basalts originated from the shallowest section of what was likely a complex magma chamber system. We contend that the magmatic system contained regions of extensive plagioclase-dominated crystal mush. Crustal assimilation was not a significant ongoing process in this portion of the Elan Bank magmatic system. Both basalts exhibit compelling evidence for remobilization and partial resorption of crystalline debris (e.g., reverse zoned crystals, glomerocrysts). We suggest Unit 4 and 10 magmas ascended different sections of the Elan Bank magma system, where the Unit 10 magmas ascended a section of the magma system that penetrated a stranded fragment of continental crust.


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New petrographic and compositional data were reported for 143 samples of core recovered from Sites 832 and 833 during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134. Site 832 is located in the center and Site 833 is on the eastern edge of the North Aoba Basin, in the central part of the New Hebrides Island Arc. This basin is bounded on the east (Espiritu Santo and Malakula islands) and west (Pentecost and Maewo islands) by uplifted volcano-sedimentary ridges associated with collision of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone west of the arc. The currently active Central Belt volcanic front extends through the center of this basin and includes the shield volcanoes of Aoba, Ambrym, and Santa Maria islands. The oldest rocks recovered by drilling are the lithostratigraphic Unit VII Middle Miocene volcanic breccias in Hole 832B. Lava clasts are basaltic to andesitic, and the dominant phenocryst assemblage is plagioclase + augite + orthopyroxene + olivine. These clasts characteristically contain orthopyroxene, and show a low to medium K calc-alkaline differentiation trend. They are tentatively correlated with poorly documented Miocene calc-alkaline lavas and intrusives on adjacent Espiritu Santo Island, although this correlation demands that the measured K-Ar of 5.66 Ma for one clast is too young, due to alteration and Ar loss. Lava clasts in the Hole 832B Pliocene-Pleistocene sequence are mainly ankaramite or augite-rich basalt and basaltic andesite; two of the most evolved andesites have hornblende phenocrysts. These lavas vary from medium- to high-K compositions and are derived from a spectrum of parental magmas for which their LILE and HFSE contents show a broad inverse correlation with SiO2 contents. We hypothesize that this spectrum results from partial melting of an essentially similar mantle source, with the low-SiO2 high HFSE melts derived by lower degrees of partial melting probably at higher pressures than the high SiO2, low HFSE magmas. This same spectrum of compositions occurs on the adjacent Central Chain volcanoes of Aoba and Santa Maria, although the relatively high-HFSE series is known only from Aoba. Late Pliocene to Pleistocene lava breccias in Hole 833B contain volcanic clasts including ankaramite and augite + olivine + plagioclase-phyric basalt and rare hornblende andesite. These clasts are low-K compositions with flat REE patterns and have geochemical affinities quite different from those recovered from the central part of the basin (Hole 832B). Compositionally very similar lavas occur on Merelava volcano, 80 km north of Site 833, which sits on the edge of the juvenile Northern (Jean Charcot) Trough backarc basin that has been rifting the northern part of the New Hebrides Island Arc since 2-3 Ma. The basal sedimentary rocks in Hole 833B are intruded by a series of Middle Pliocene plagioclase + augite +/- olivine-phyric sills with characteristically high-K evolved basalt to andesite compositions, transitional to shoshonite. These are compositionally correlated with, though ~3 m.y. older than, the high-HFSE series described from Aoba. The calc-alkaline clasts in Unit VII of Hole 832B, correlated with similar lavas of Espiritu Santo Island further west, presumably were erupted before subduction polarity reversal perhaps 6-10 Ma. All other samples are younger than subduction reversal and were generated above the currently subduction slab. The preponderance in the North Aoba Basin and adjacent Central Chain islands of relatively high-K basaltic samples, some with transitional alkaline compositions, may reflect a response to collision of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone with the arc some 2-4 Ma. This may have modified the thermal structure of the subduction zone, driving magma generation processes to deeper levels than are present normally along the reminder of the New Hebrides Island Arc.


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Phase equilibria simulations were performed on naturally quenched basaltic glasses to determine crystallization conditions prior to eruption of magmas at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) east of Ascension Island (7°11°S).The results indicate that midocean ridge basalt (MORB) magmas beneath different segments of the MAR have crystallized over a wide range of pressures (100-900MPa). However, each segment seems to have a specific crystallization history. Nearly isobaric crystallization conditions (100-300MPa) were obtained for the geochemically enriched MORB magmas of the central segments, whereas normal (N)-MORB magmas of the bounding segments are characterized by polybaric crystallization conditions (200-900MPa). In addition, our results demonstrate close to anhydrous crystallization conditions of N-MORBs, whereas geochemically enriched MORBs were successfully modeled in the presence of 0.4-1wt% H2O in the parental melts.These estimates are in agreement with direct (Fourier transform IR) measurements of H2O abundances in basaltic glasses and melt inclusions for selected samples. Water contents determined in the parental melts are in the range 0.04-0.09 and 0.30-0.55 wt% H2O for depleted and enriched MORBs, respectively. Our results are in general agreement (within ±200MPa) with previous approaches used to evaluate pressure estimates in MORB. However, the determination of pre-eruptive conditions of MORBs, including temperature and water content in addition to pressure, requires the improvement of magma crystallization models to simulate liquid lines of descent in the presence of small amounts of water. KEY WORDS: MORB; Mid-Atlantic Ridge; depth of crystallization; water abundances; phase equilibria calculations; cotectic crystallization; pressure estimates; polybaric fractionation


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We provide new insights into the geochemistry of serpentinites from mid-ocean ridges (Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Hess Deep), passive margins (Iberia Abyssal Plain and Newfoundland) and fore-arcs (Mariana and Guatemala) based on bulk-rock and in situ mineral major and trace element compositional data collected on drill cores from the Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program. These data are important for constraining the serpentinite-hosted trace element inventory of subduction zones. Bulk serpentinites show up to several orders of magnitude enrichments in Cl, B, Sr, U, Sb, Pb, Rb, Cs and Li relative to elements of similar compatibility during mantle melting, which correspond to the highest primitive mantle-normalized B/Nb, B/Th, U/Th, Sb/Ce, Sr/Nd and Li/Y among subducted lithologies of the oceanic lithosphere (serpentinites, sediments and altered igneous oceanic crust). Among the elements showing relative enrichment, Cl and B are by far the most abundant with bulk concentrations mostly above 1000 µg/g and 30 µg/g, respectively. All other trace elements showing relative enrichments are generally present in low concentrations (µg/g level), except Sr in carbonate-bearing serpentinites (thousands of µg/g). In situ data indicate that concentrations of Cl, B, Sr, U, Sb, Rb and Cs are, and that of Li can be, increased by serpentinization. These elements are largely hosted in serpentine (lizardite and chrysotile, but not antigorite). Aragonite precipitation leads to significant enrichments in Sr, U and B, whereas calcite is important only as an Sr host. Commonly observed brucite is trace element-poor. The overall enrichment patterns are comparable among serpentinites from mid-ocean ridges, passive margins and fore-arcs, whereas the extents of enrichments are often specific to the geodynamic setting. Variability in relative trace element enrichments within a specific setting (and locality) can be several orders of magnitude. Mid-ocean ridge serpentinites often show pronounced bulk-rock U enrichment in addition to ubiquitous Cl, B and Sr enrichment. They also exhibit positive Eu anomalies on chondrite-normalized rare earth element plots. Passive margin serpentinites tend to have higher overall incompatible trace element contents than mid-ocean ridge and fore-arc serpentinites and show the highest B enrichment among all the studied serpentinites. Fore-arc serpentinites are characterized by low overall trace element contents and show the lowest Cl, but the highest Rb, Cs and Sr enrichments. Based on our data, subducted dehydrating serpentinites are likely to release fluids with high B/Nb, B/Th, U/Th, Sb/Ce and Sr/Nd, rendering them one of the potential sources of some of the characteristic trace element fingerprints of arc magmas (e.g. high B/Nb, high Sr/Nd, high Sb/Ce). However, although serpentinites are a substantial part of global subduction zone chemical cycling, owing to their low overall trace element contents (except for B and Cl) their geochemical imprint on arc magma sources (apart from addition of H2O, B and Cl) can be masked considerably by the trace element signal from subducted crustal components.


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Basalts from Hole 504B, Leg 83, exhibit remarkable uniformity in major and trace element composition throughout the 1075.5 m of basement drilled. The majority of the basalts, Group D', have unusual compositions relative to normal (Type I) mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). These basalts have relatively high mg values (0.60-0.70) and CaO abundances (11.7-13.7%; Ca/Al = 0.78-0.89), but exhibit a marked depletion in compatible trace elements (Cr and Ni); moderately incompatible trace elements (Zr, Y, Ti, etc.); and highly incompatible trace elements (Nb, LREE, etc.). Petrographic and compositional data indicate that most of these basalts are evolved, having fractionated significant amounts of plagioclase, olivine, and clinopyroxene. Melting experiments on similar basalt compositions from the upper portion of Hole 504B (Leg 70; Autio and Rhodes, 1983) indicate that the basalts are co-saturated with olivine and plagioclase and often clinopyroxene on the 1-atm. liquidus. Two rarely occurring groups, M' and T, are compositionally distinct from Group D' basalts. Group T is strongly depleted in all magmaphile elements except the highly incompatible ones (Nb, La, etc.), while Group M' has moderate concentrations of both moderately and highly incompatible trace elements and is similar to Type I MORB. Groups M' and T cannot be related to Group D' nor to each other by crystal fractionation, crystal accumulation, or magma mixing. The large differences in magmaphile element ratios (Zr/Nb, La/Yb) among these three chemical groups may be accounted for by complex melting models and/or local heterogeneity of the mantle beneath the Costa Rica Ridge. Xenocrysts and xenoliths of plagioclase and clinopyroxene similar in texture and mineral composition to crystals in coarse-grained basalts from the lower portion of the hole are common in Hole 504B basalts. These suggest that addition of solid components either from conduit or magma chamber walls has occurred and may be a common source of disequilibrium crystals in these basalts. However, mixing of plagioclase-laden depleted melts (similar to the Costa Rica Ridge Zone basalts) with normal MORB magmas could provide an alternate source for some refractory plagioclase crystals found out of equilibrium in many phyric MORB. The uniformity of major element compositions in Hole 504B basalts affords an ideal situation for investigating the effects of alteration on some major and trace elements in oceanic basalts. Alteration observed in whole-rock samples records primarily two events - a high-temperature and a low-temperature phase. High-temperature phases include: chlorite, talc, albite, actinolite, sphene, quartz, and pyrite. The low-temperature phases include smectite (saponite), epistilbite or laumontite, and minor calcite. Laumontite may actually straddle the gap between the low- and high-temperature mineral assemblages. Alteration is restricted primarily to partial replacement of primary phases. Metamorphic grade, in general, increases from the top to the bottom of Hole 504B (Legs 69, 70, and 83) as seen in the change from a smectiteto- chlorite-dominated secondary mineral assemblage. However, a systematic progression for the interval recovered during Leg 83 is not apparent. Rather, the extent of alteration appears to be a function of the initial texture and fracture density. Variations in whole-rock major and trace element concentrations cannot be attributed convincingly to any differences in alteration observed. Compositional characteristics of the secondary minerals indicated that extensive remobilization of elements has not occurred; local redistribution is suggested in most cases. Thus, the major and trace element signature of these basalts remains effectively the same as the original composition prior to alteration.


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 backarc basin lavas are characterized by anomalously high Au contents (1.0-11.4 ppb) and strongly fractionated relative platinum group element (PGE) abundances (Pd/Ir ratio, approximately 100). The Rh and Ir contents are very low, ranging from below detection (approximately 0.02 ppb) to 0.08 ppb. The Pd and Pt contents range from <0.3 to 4 ppb. Rh, Pd, and Pt values are consistently and significantly higher in Site 836 and 839 samples relative to those from Sites 834 and 835. Major, trace, and rare earth element (REE) data suggest Sites 836 and 839 have a more pronounced arc signature than Sites 834 and 835. No correlation exists between noble metal abundance and indices of alteration or fractionation (e.g., loss on ignition (LOI), Mg#, and Cr or Ni contents), suggesting that measured values and ratios are primary and reflect characteristics of the mantle source. The evaluation of Leg 135 noble metal data with respect to potential mantle-source components is hindered by the lack of data on magmas derived from such sources. However, analyses of the limited available data for the different magma types suggest that the characteristic enrichment of Leg 135 lavas in Au, relative to Pd and Cu, cannot be derived solely from simple MORB-type or ocean-island-type mantle, or mantle depleted by a previous melt extraction event. The Au-enriched signature of the Lau basin lavas could, however, be produced through the addition of a sedimentary component from the downgoing slab. Separation of Au from the PGE occurs within oceanic hydrothermal systems and gold values of the resultant precipitates are 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than other oceanic crustal components. Even small additions of this component from the downgoing oceanic crust to a supra-subduction zone mantle melt could account for the high mean Au/Pd ratios of the Leg 135 samples (Sites 834 and 835, Au/Pd = 5.04; Sites 836 and 839, Au/Pd = 2.26).


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A number of intensely altered, dark xenoliths with palimpsest quench textures were recorded within altered dacitic host rocks at Site 1189 (Roman Ruins, PACMANUS) during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 193. Several of these displayed puzzling marginal fringes, apparently of altered plagioclase with variolitic texture, protruding into adjacent host rocks. Despite their alteration, the xenoliths were interpreted as fragments of rapidly chilled, possibly olivine-bearing basalts incorporated into the dacitic magmas either within the crustal plumbing system or during eruption at the seafloor (figures F15, F16, F17, F42, and F43 in Shipboard Scientific Party, 2002, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.193.104.2002). An additional example of formerly spinifex-textured xenolith, the first from Site 1188 (Snowcap) and the first from the upper cristobalite-bearing zone of alteration, has been revealed by postcruise studies. Furthermore, a pristine sample of the parent lithology has been found within a dredge haul (MD-138, Binatang-2000 Cruise of Franklin; 3°43.60'S, 151°40.35'E, 1688 meters below sea level) from the Satanic Mills hydrothermal field at PACMANUS, near ODP Site 1191. The purpose of this report is to document these discoveries and thereby to confirm and build on shipboard interpretations. To my knowledge, similar xenoliths have never before been found in modern island arc or backarc volcanic sequences. Spinifex textures are most common in Archean komatiites, some of which are bimodally associated with calc-alkaline felsic volcanic rocks.