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The oil industry`s need to produce with maximum efficiency, not to mention the safety and the environment aspects, encourages the optimization of processes. It makes them look for a level of excellence in acquisition of equipment, ensuring the quality without prejudice security of facilities and peoples. Knowing the reliability of equipment and that this stands for a system is fundamental to the production strategy to seeks the maximum return on investment. The reliability analysis techniques have been increasingly applied in the industry as strategy for predicting failures likelihood ensuring the integrity of processes. Some reliability theories underlie the decisions to use stochastic calculations to estimate equipment failure. This dissertation proposes two techniques associating qualitative (through expertise opinion) and quantitative data (European North Sea oil companies fault database, Ored) applied on centrifugal pump to water injection system for secondary oil recovery on two scenarios. The data were processed in reliability commercial software. As a result of hybridization, it was possible to determine the pump life cycle and what impact on production if it fails. The technique guides the best maintenance policy - important tool for strategic decisions on asset management.
O texto levanta os perfis epistemológico e socianalítico da questão paradigmática. Mauss evidenciara o moule affectif das noções científicas de força e causa. Posteriormente Baudouin falaria na indução arquetípica das noções e a antropologia do imaginário de Durand concluiria pela indução arquetipal do conceito pela imagem. Chegava-se, assim, ao desvendamento do substrato inconsciente das ideações, de um substrato regido pela catexis vetorializada, traduzindo-se nos valores como cerne das ideações. É o famoso a priori emotivo. Portanto, no texto, questionam-se dois mitos, esteios da ciência clássica: o mito da objetividade científica e o da neutralidade axiológica. Destaca, assim, a falácia da existência de uma ruptura epistemológica entre ciência e ideologia. A partir daí, as ideações tornam-se ideologias, sobretudo nas ciências do homem e nas ciências da educação que, ademais, tornam-se suporte de uma disfarçada luta ideológica, na qual, num colonialismo cognitivo, as estratégias de conhecimento dissimulam as de preconceito. Entretanto, assumir a realidade desse suporte fantasmanalítico e ideológico propicia uma tarefa educativa salutar: os paradigmas tornam-se fantasias e, nessa relativização crítica, podem ser usados como um campo de objetos transicionais coletivos num ludismo cultural e educativo. No policulturalismo da sociedade contemporânea, o politeísmo de valores de Weber transforma-se num politeísmo epistemológico, regido pelo relativismo ontológico de Feyerabend e por uma ética do pragmatismo. Articulando cultura, organização e educação, a antropologia das organizações educativas e a culturanálise de grupos de Paula Carvalho traduzem as heurísticas dessa dialética transicional.
Abstract:It boards a study about the methodology applied in the classroom, with emphasis at the Physic teaching, but could be taken to the other matters of high school, mainly to that alumns with school delay and that needs a pedagogics resources to get the aproach of them to the subject showed trying to improve their learnship. The study was developed through the bibliographic research methodology, associated to the induce resource that allows to evaluate the methods of teaching praticed actually at High Schools, as the private as the public, to give to the teachers the resources that should change the dificulties of learning with prejudice the classmates performances. The results reacheds demonstrated that is perfectly possible to augment the physic teaching body, taking in consideration the expansion of the profit at the teachinglearnig procces, besides having allowed to shows that this methodology porpouse could be takes to others subjects of the High School to became this phase of school more suitable to the necessities of society. It concludes that the brazilian Education could receive a lot of augments, from the professional criativity on always that inside the classroom, really close of the problems showed by the classmates about learning collecting
OBJETIVO: Este trabalho apresenta resultados acerca das propriedades psicométricas da Escala de atitudes frente ao HIV/AIDS. Os dados, provenientes de uma amostra de 549 alunos entre universitários, ensinos médio e ensino fundamental. MÉTODOS: Os dados foram tratados pelo método dos componentes principais da análise fatorial. A análise final, postulado um eigenvalue mínimo de 2, resultou cinco fatores. Foram eliminados itens que apresentaram carga fatorial menor que 0,30. Neste estudo, o menor alfa observado foi de 0,79. Portanto, é provável que todos os 47 itens do instrumento final elaborado meçam o mesmo construto: atitude frente ao HIV/AIDS. RESULTADOS: Escores inferiores a 96 foram considerados fraco grau de conhecimento sobre HIV/AIDS; entre 96 e 192 moderado grau de conhecimento e acima de 192 alto grau de conhecimento sobre HIV/AIDS. Foram estabelecidos os fatores: 1, 2 e 3, sendo fator geral de percepção da informação técnico-científica; fator de percepção da informação técnico-científica versus sexualidade e preconceito; fator de percepção da informação técnico-científica no uso de drogas, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: O alfa de Cronbach encontrado para a escala como um todo foi de 0,859, sugerindo fortemente a existência da fidedignidade do instrumento que se mostrou útil para avaliar o grau de conhecimento acerca do HIV/AIDS e o risco decorrente do desconhecimento, entre estudantes.
A study about the polyphonic aspect of The Lusiads. An epic poem in Portuguese Language written by Luís de Camões, that narrates the adventure of the journey of Vasco da Gama in the discoverer of new shipping lanes for the Índias. Secondarily, tells the historics battles engaged during the process of foundation and consolidation of the Portuguese Empire. The object of the study are the diverse speeches that compose the poem s narration, aiming at to the possible aesthetic relation of the epic poetry of Camões with the novelistic prose developed in the modernity, starting with D. Quijote and consacrating it at polyphonic novels written by Dostoiévski. The sdudy focuses the singularity of Camões lies in the elaboration of a narrative structurally epic, but at the same time contains several deviating speeches. Such speeches emphasize the multiple planes and multiple voices (characteristics of novelistic prose) without, however, prejudice the interlinking logical-formal epos, resulting in the monological finish conventional of the epic gender. This feature characterizes The Lusiads as monological literary work, but also shows dialogism and plurilinguism, essentials to the polyphonic phenomenon. Another prominent aspect of the poetry of Camões is the relative procedure to the expressiveness of the characters. They are, in the majority, rhetorical creations, which assume, in the speech, human or myhtological characteristics. Stratagem that permits to the poet to emit a multiple faces of vision of the facts told. The analysis of the speeches supports-itself entirely in the polyphonic theory of Mikhail Bakhtin, shall be cited, accessory, viewpoints of others theoretical, as long if it is judged compatible with the theory adopted
The dance is one of the cultural content of body movement. But it is known, by means of literature and researches, that the training of teachers of Physical Education has submitted this content limits, damaging their future education in schools. This article discusses these limits and their possible solutions, ruled itself for both in literature and analysis on data collected in search of the Masters PEREIRA (2007). In this analysis it was felt that the dance is little in this Fitness because of graduate students have little experience inside and outside the school environment, because many parents, teachers and students have to dance with prejudice, and because do not feel prepared to deal with this content in schools. It appears that this may be due to the hegemony of sports in physical education, and some misunderstandings when you think the goals and content of dance in physical education.
The considerable expansion of Distance Education registered in recent years in Brazil raises the importance of debate about how the implementation of this policy has been happening so that formulators and implementers make better informed decisions, maximizing results, identifying successes and overcoming bottlenecks. This study aims to evaluate the implementation process of Distance Education policy by Secretary of Distance Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. For this, we sought to use an evaluation proposal consistent with this policy, and came to the one developed by Sonia Draibe (2001), which suggests an analysis called anatomy of evaluation general process. To achieve the objectives, we made a qualitative research, case study type, using documentary research and semi-structured interviews with three groups of subjects who belong to the policy: managers, technicians and beneficiaries. It was concluded that: the implementation process needs a open contact channel between the management and technicians and beneficiaries; the lack of clarity in the dissemination of information between technicians produces noises that affects the outcomes; the absence of dissemination of internal and external actions contributes to the perpetuation of prejudice in relation to Distance Education; using selection criteria based on competence and merit contributes to form a team of skilled technicians to perform their function within the policy; an institution that do not enable technicians generates gaps that possibly will turn into policy implementation failures; all subjects involved in politics need internal evaluations to contribute to improvements in the implementation process, however, a gap is opened between the subjects if there is no socialization of results; the existence of an internal structure that manipulates financial resources and balances the budget from different maintainer programs is essencial; the consortium between IES and municipalities in presential support poles are bottlenecks in the process, since beneficiaries are exposed to inconsistency and lack of commitment of these local municipalities
The present study investigated the reproductive dynamics and parasitism of four species of marine fishes: serra Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus brasiliensis, Atlantic leatherjacks, Oligoplites saurus and O. palometa,, and Atlantic bumper, C. chrysurus, during the period of August, 2005 to July, 2007, in the coastal waters of Southwest Atlantic Ocean, Brazil. The collected fish samples were measured, weighed, dissected, the gonads were weighed and examined to separate the sex. The gonadosomatic index (GSI), fecundity, type of spawning, the breeding season, the macro and microscopic characterization of the gonads were determined. The ectoparasites from the branchial chambers and bucal cavity of the fish were collected, measured, weighed and identified. The sex ratio of the study fish species were approximately 1M:1F, however, there was a predominance of males of O. palometa (3M:2F). The GSI of fishes varied according to their reproductive cycle and the stage of gonadal maturation. The highest values of GSI and the spawning period coincided with the rainy period of the region. The females presented total spawning and the fecundity was positively correlated with the weight of the ovary and the body. Four stages of development of the gonads immature, maturing, mature and spent were identified macroscopically and histological analyses of ovaries revealed the different phases of oocyte development. Three species of isopod parasites were identified in the study fishes: Livoneca redmmanni, Rocinela signata and Cimothoa spinipalpa. The first two species occurred in the branchial cavities of C. chrysurus and S. brasiliensis. The isopod C.spinipalpa (a new species) was registered for the first time in the bucal cavity of O. saurus and O. palometa. The parasitic isopods preferred the branchial chambers and the bucal cavity of the host fishes as these were protected microhabitats. The isopods parasitized the immature, maturing and mature fishes. The prevalence of infection of isopods in the hosts varied from 16 to 21%, though in O. palometa it was 60%. In the rainy period the highest isopod parasitic occurrence was registered, however, this did not prejudice the normal reproductive cycle of the host fish.
This study aims to understand the experience of people suffering from mental disorder. The patients are enrolled in a mental health ambulatory clinic in the city of Natal (RN). Mental disorders are growing rapidly in the contemporary world and are a source of intense mental suffering. Besides patients being strongly marked by a history of isolation and prejudice, they have been the target of real atrocities committed in the name of preservation of a supposed normality. The understanding and treatment of this disorder is influenced by cultural and historical inferences, depending on the period in which it is experienced. Semi-directed Interviews were conducted with a group of users, with the emphasis on giving voice to their uniqueness and individuality, highlighting how each one perceives his or her own experience. These were recorded and later transcribed by identifying the core of meanings. The results were analyzed under the gaze of the Humanist Phenomenology Existential perspective, which aims to unravel the phenomenon, without truths from volatility, highlighting the existence of the mental disorder as a way of living, being permeated by suffering mental and influenced by social problems, assuming contours very particular to each individual. Some progress has been perceived, even by users, with respect to the change of paradigm in the way of care, but still there is a consistent emphasis on medical and drug use. The changes point to the need for offering services to replace the asylum hospital model, and in addition to accept the bearer of mental disorder as a citizen, a bearer of rights who should be accepted and respected by society. Despite the pain expressed and its close liaison with suicide, their reports are full of perspectives and attitudes of confrontation facing life, pointing to new possibilities to be, recreating itself
Millon describes the normal personality by means of adaptation styles that are effective in normal environments and personality disorders such as unadapted operating styles. To operacionalize his theoretical model, Millon has built several instruments, including the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III (MCMI-III), wich consists of a self report inventory composed by 175 true or false response items, containing four verification scales, and others scales wich evaluates 14 personality patterns and 10 clinical syndromes. The Substance Dependence scale (T) is placed along with Clinical Syndromes scales. This research is justified by the lack of a Brazilian instrument to assess personality psychopathological aspects, and aims to translate and semantically adapt the MCMI-III to the Brazilian context, checking validity elements of the Substance Dependence scale, and developing a computer application for assisting the evaluation of assessment results. To this intent, 2.588 individuals data was collected, male and female, aged between 18 and 85 years, characterized as belonging to a clinical or non-clinical group, who took part in the survey via the internet or in person. Respondents completed the MCMI-III, a socio-demographic questionnaire and a subgroup also answered to the Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Besides descriptive statistics, we performed the analysis using the Student t test, principal components analysis and internal consistency. Despite difficulties related to translating very specific English terms, the assessment by judges, experts on Millon´s theory, and the back translation, attested the adequacy of the Brazilian version. Factorial analysis indicated the grouping of translated T scale items into three factors (social activities prejudice, lack of impulse control, and oppositional behavior), by presenting a single item on a fourth factor (apparently related to seeking pleasurable stimuli). The Cronbach alpha for this set of items was 0,82, indicating an acceptable scale reliability. The data analysis resulted in distinction of scores between clinical and non-clinical groups and between men and women; the relationship between high scores on the scale T and the other scales; scores of drug users according to the declared used substance; and the relationship between high scores on T and the verification of disorder or risk on GHQ mental health factor, indicating the instrument´s adequate sensistivity in identifying psychopathologies and the relationship between the different disorders or psychopathological personality patterns. Although further studies are necessary to develop the scores transformation factors, the computerized correction tool was adequate.
O presente estudo tem como objetivo compreender a percepção e o significado do cuidar de pacientes com problemas de auto-imagem, resultantes de alteração física, por enfermeiros de um hospital universitário. A trajetória metodológica foi a fenomenologia, os sujeitos da pesquisa foram oito enfermeiros. Para a análise dos depoimentos, realizou-se a transcrição e as leituras, buscando a essência das unidades, expressão dos significados, tematizando e interpretando as falas, buscando convergências, divergências e idiossincrasias e a síntese do fenômeno. Os temas desvelados foram: (não)aceitação da enfermidade; trabalho em equipe; limitações conseqüentes da doença; sentimentos e comportamento do enfermeiro e equipe; vínculo entre equipe, paciente e família; a família; auto-imagem do paciente; idade dos pacientes; o preconceito; (re) conhecimento da doença; nível e cuidados mais intensos; a religião e capacitação. Pela amplitude do fenômeno outros ângulos podem ser desvelados e outras perspectivas habitadas.
Este estudo objetivou identificar as representações sociais de agentes comunitários de uma unidade de Programa Saúde da Família sobre o transtorno mental. Optamos pela pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando o estudo de caso. Para a coleta de dados, recorremos à entrevista semi-estruturada, enriquecida pelo uso de Técnica Projetiva, e à análise temática para analisar o material obtido. Os resultados evidenciam representações sociais ancoradas no paradigma psiquiátrico tradicional. Esse considera a pessoa acometida pelo transtorno mental passiva, sem condições de protagonizar os próprios caminhos que, por sua vez, são marcados pelo preconceito. Desse modo, denota-se a grande necessidade de investimento na capacitação em saúde mental, junto aos atores do cenário da assistência do Programa de Saúde da Família. de acordo com o estudo, tal investimento contribuirá para a efetivação de práticas e construção de novos saberes, contribuindo para a melhoria da assistência em saúde.
Este estudo apresenta o resultado de pesquisa envolvendo 27 profissionais da saúde, que atendem pacientes com aidsem enfermarias de isolamento, em Centro de Referência Regional para aids. Os dados do estudo, analisados e interpretados segundo a Fenomenologia Existencial, mostram a visão dos profissionais a respeito desse cuidado: trabalha-se com um paciente difícil, exigente, discriminado, embora deva ser visto como igual aos outros pacientes; o medo do contágio e o preconceito interferem na assistência e no relacionamento com este paciente; prejudicando a postura profissional; há a percepção a respeito dos efeitos deletérios do isolamento para os pacientes com aids, porém não se visualizam perspectivas para oferecer apoio efetivo. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade de implementar programas educativos e de apoio aos profissionais da área.
Neste artigo, a partir da definição do conceito de zona muda das representações sociais, descrevemos as técnicas de substituição e de descontextualização normativa desenvolvidas pela Escola de Aix-en-Provence para revelar as representações escondidas ou mascaradas em função de sua inadequação às normas sociais vigentes no grupo de referência dos respondentes de questionários. A seguir, relatamos os primeiros estudos realizados com a intenção de revelar elementos representacionais da zona muda de representações e os estudos atuais sobre esse conceito e descrevemos e discutimos três possíveis explicações para a mudança de representações em situações de substituição ou de descontextualização normativa: a projeção de representações condenáveis pelas normas sociais a outros grupos de representação quando os sujeitos falam por outros grupos e não por si mesmo; o efeito da transparência de representações quando são descritas as representações de grupos conhecidos; o efeito da influência social de normas ou de representações proeminentes no grupo de pertença.
Família e escola são considerados contextos primordiais para o desenvolvimento humano, sendo desejável que haja um elo adequado entre esses espaços. Pautado nessa premissa, este artigo objetiva analisar as relações estabelecidas entre a escola e a família de crianças com baixo rendimento escolar, salientando que a escola pesquisada adota o regime de progressão continuada. O referencial teórico do estudo foi a perspectiva bioecológica de Bronfenbrenner. Participaram da pesquisa seis crianças, seus respectivos responsáveis e professoras. A coleta de dados consistiu de entrevistas semiestruturadas e observações. Os dados foram coligidos em duas categorias: envolvimento e comunicação. Embora os resultados destaquem a comunicação como principal veículo de trocas entre os dois contextos, essa necessita ser aprimorada. A família e a escola compreendem que devem trabalhar em colaboração, mas tal relação precisa ser reconstruída, pois se mostra assimétrica e repleta de preconceitos.