913 resultados para IEA-R1 REACTOR


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La IEA (Asociaci??n Internacional para la Evaluaci??n del Rendimiento Educativo) realiza desde 2004 un estudio sobre educaci??n c??vica y ciudadana: ICCS (Estudio Internacional sobre Civismo y Ciudadan??a, 'International Civic and Citizenship Study'). Se presentan los datos m??s destacados del informe internacional elaborado por la IEA en 2010, desde el punto de vista espa??ol, compar??ndolos con el promedio internacional (media ICCS) y con una selecci??n de pa??ses con los que resulta m??s relevante la comparaci??n con Espa??a. Se presentan los datos estructurados en 5 cap??tulos y 1 anexo que recoge los resultados del m??dulo europeo, formado por una prueba cognitiva y un cuestionario sobre los valores, actitudes, percepciones y comportamientos c??vicos y ciudadanos de los estudiantes en temas relacionados con Europa y la Uni??n Europea.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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L’objecte del present treball és la realització d’una aplicació que permeti portar a terme el control estadístic multivariable en línia d’una planta SBR. Aquesta eina ha de permetre realitzar un anàlisi estadístic multivariable complet del lot en procés, de l’últim lot finalitzat i de la resta de lots processats a la planta. L’aplicació s’ha de realitzar en l’entorn LabVIEW. L’elecció d’aquest programa ve condicionada per l’actualització del mòdul de monitorització de la planta que s’està desenvolupant en aquest mateix entorn


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Els lixiviats d'abocadors urbans són aigües residuals altament contaminades, que es caracteritzen per les elevades concentracions d'amoni i el baix contingut de matèria orgànica biodegradable. El tractament dels lixiviats a través dels processos de nitrificació-desnitrificació convencionals és costós a causa de la seva elevada demanda d'oxigen i la necessitat d'addició d'una font de carboni externa. En els darrers anys, la viabilitat del tractament d'aquest tipus d'afluents per un procés combinat de nitritació parcial-anammox ha estat demostrada. Aquesta tesi es centra en el tractament de lixiviats d'abocador a través d'un procés de nitritació parcial en SBR, com un pas preparatori per a un reactor anammox. Els resultats de l'estudi han demostrat la viabilitat d'aquesta tecnologia per al tractament de lixiviats d'abocador. El treball va evolucionar des d'una escala inicial de laboratori, on el procés va ser testat inicialment, a uns exitosos experiments d'operació a llarg termini a escala pilot. Finalment, la tesi també inclou el desenvolupament, calibració i validació d'un model matemàtic del procés, que té com a objectiu augmentar el coneixement del procés.


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Exopolysaccharides (EPS) isolated from two Bifidobacterium strains, one of human intestinal origin (Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum IPLA E44) and the other from dairy origin (Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis IPLA R1), were subjected to in vitro chemically simulated gastrointestinal digestion. which showed the absence of degradation of both polymers in these conditions. Polymers were then used as carbon sources in pH-controlled faecal batch cultures and compared with the non-prebiotic carbohydrate glucose and the prebiotic inulin to determine changes in the composition of faecal bacteria. A set of eight fluorescent in situ hybridisation oligonucleotide probes targeting 16S rRNA sequences was used to quantify specific groups of microorganisms. Growth of the opportunistic pathogen Clostridium histolyticum occurred with all carbohydrates tested similarly to that found in negative control cultures without added carbohydrate and was mainly attributed to the culture conditions used rather than enhancement of growth by these substrates. Polymers E44 and RI stimulated growth of Lactobacillus/Enterococcus, Bifidobacterium, and Bacteroides/Prevotella in a similar way to that seen with inulin. The EPS RI also promoted growth of the Atopobium cluster during the first 24 h of fermentation. An increase in acetic and lactic acids was found during early stages of fermentation (first 10-24 h) correlating with increases of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Atopobium. Propionic acid concentrations increased in old cultures, which was coincident with the enrichment of Clostridium cluster IX in cultures with EPS RI and with the increases in Bacteroides in cultures with both microbial EPS (RI and E44) and inulin. The lowest acetic to propionic acid ratio was obtained for EPS E44. None of the carbohydrates tested supported the growth of microorganisms from Clostridium clusters XIVa+b and IV, results that correlate with the poor butyrate production in the presence of EPS. Thus, EPS synthesized by bifidobacteria from dairy and intestinal origins can modulate the intestinal microbiota in vitro, promoting changes in some numerically and metabolically relevant microbial populations and shifts in the production of short chain fatty acids. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Co-combustion performance trials of Meat and Bone Meal (MBM) and peat were conducted using a bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) reactor. In the combustion performance trials the effects of the co-combustion of MBM and peat on flue gas emissions, bed fluidization, ash agglomeration tendency in the bed and the composition and quality of the ash were studied. MBM was mixed with peat at 6 levels between 15% and 100%. Emissions were predominantly below regulatory limits. CO concentrations in the flue gas only exceeded the 100 mg/m3 limit upon combustion of pure MBM. SO2 emissions were found to be over the limit of 50 mg/m3, while in all trials NOx emissions were below the limit of 300 mg/m3. The HCl content of the flue gases was found to vary near the limit of 30 mg/m3. VOCs however were within their limits. The problem of bed agglomeration was avoided when the bed temperature was about 850 °C and only 20% MBM was co-combusted. This study indicates that a pilot scale BFB reactor can, under optimum conditions, be operated within emission limits when MBM is used as a co-fuel with peat. This can provide a basis for further scale-up development work in industrial scale BFB applications


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Using a simple and accessible Teflon AF-2400 based tube-intube reactor, a series of pyrroles were synthesised in flow using the Paal–Knorr reaction of 1,4-diketones with gaseous ammonia. An inline flow titration technique allowed measurement of the ammonia concentration and its relationship to residence time and temperature.


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A simple tube-in-tube reactor based on the gas-permeable membrane Teflon AF-2400 was used in the continuous flow reaction of gaseous ammonia with isothiocyanates and one isocyanate. A colourimetric in-line titration technique is also reported as a simple method to quantify the amount of ammonia taken up by the solvent in the system.


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The use of three orthogonally tagged phosphine reagents to assist chemical work-up via phase-switch scavenging in conjunction with a modular flow reactor is described. These techniques (acidic, basic and Click chemistry) are used to prepare various amides and tri-substituted guanidines from in situ generated iminophosphoranes.