702 resultados para Health Sciences, Mental Health|Psychology, Developmental|Psychology, Clinical


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Las enfermedades no transmisibles provocan cada ano 38 millones de fallecimientos en el mundo. Entre ellas, tan solo cuatro enfermedades son responsables del 82% de estas muertes: las enfermedades cardiovasculares, las enfermedades crónicas respiratorias, la diabetes, y el cáncer. Se prevé que estas cifras aumenten en los próximos anos, ya que las tendencias indican que en el año 2030 las muertes por esta causa ascenderán a 53 millones de personas. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) considera importante buscar soluciones para afrontar esta situación y ha solicitado a los gobiernos del mundo la implementación de intervenciones para mejorar los hábitos de vida de las personas y reducir así el riesgo de desarrollo de enfermedades no trasmisibles. Cada año se producen 32 millones de infartos de miocardio y derrames celebrales, de los cuales 12.5 son mortales. En el mundo entre el 40% y 75% de la víctimas de un infarto de miocardio mueren antes de su ingreso en el hospital. En los casos que sobreviven, la adopción de un estilo de vida saludable puede evitar infartos sucesivo, y supone un ahorro potencial de 6 billones de euros al año. La rehabilitación cardiaca es un programa individualizado que aplica un método multidisciplinar para ayudar al paciente a recuperar su condición física, a gestionar la enfermedad cardiovascular y sus comorbilidades, a adoptar hábitos de vida saludables, y a promover su salud mental. La rehabilitación cardiaca requiere la total involucración y motivación del paciente, solo de esta manera se podrán promover hábitos saludables y mejorar la gestión y prevención de su enfermedad. Aunque la participación en los programas de rehabilitación cardiaca es baja, hoy en día existen programas de rehabilitación cardiaca que el paciente puede realizar en su casa. Estos suponen una solución prometedora para aumentar la participación. La rehabilitación cardiaca se considera una intervención integral donde los modelos de psicología de la salud son aplicados para promover un cambio en el estilo de vida de las personas así como para ayudarles a afrontar su propia enfermedad. Existen métodos para implementar cambios de hábitos y de aptitud, y también se considera muy relevante promover no solo el bienestar físico sino también el mental. Existen tecnologías que promueven los cambios de comportamientos en los seres humanos. En concreto, las tecnologías persuasivas y los sistemas de apoyo al cambio de comportamientos modelan las características, las estrategias y los métodos de diseño para promover cambios usando la tecnología. Pero estos modelos tienen algunas limitaciones: todavía no se ha definido que rol tienen las emociones en el cambio de comportamientos y como traducir los métodos de la psicología de la salud en la tecnología. Esta tesis se centra en tres elementos que tienen un rol clave en los cambios de hábitos y actitud: el estado físico, el estado mental, y la tecnología. -Estado de salud: un estado de salud critico puede modificar la actitud del ser humano respecto al cambio. A la vez un buen estado de salud hace que la necesidad del cambio sea menos percibida. -Estado emocional: la actitud tiene un componente afectivo. Los estados emocionales negativos pueden reducir la habilidad de una persona para adoptar nuevos comportamientos. La salud mental es la situación ideal donde los individuos tienen predisposición a los cambios. La tecnología puede ayudar a las personas a adoptar nuevos hábitos, así como a mantener una salud física y mental. Este trabajo de investigación se centra en el diseño de tecnologías para la mejora del estado físico y emocional de las personas. Se ha propuesto un marco de diseño llamado “Well.Be.Sign”. El marco se basa en tres aspectos: El marco teórico: representa los elementos que se tienen que definir para diseñar tecnologías para promover el bienestar de las personas. -El diagrama de influencia: presenta las fuerzas de ‘persuasión’ en el contexto de la salud. El rol de las tecnologías persuasivas ha sido contextualizado en una dimensión donde otros elementos influencian el usuario.  El proceso de diseño: describe el proceso de diseño utilizando una metodología iterativa e incremental que aplica una combinación de métodos de diseño existentes (Diseño Orientado a Objetivos, Diseño de Sistemas Persuasivos) así como elementos originales de este trabajo de investigación. Los métodos se han aplicados para diseñar un sistema que ofrezca un programa de tele-rehabilitación cardiaca. Inicialmente se ha diseñado un prototipo de acuerdo con las necesidades del usuario. En segundo lugar, el prototipo se ha extendido especificando la intervención requerida para al programa de rehabilitación cardiaca. Finalmente el sistema se ha desarrollado y validado en un ensayo clínico con grupo control, donde se observaron las variaciones del estado cardiovascular, el nivel de conocimiento acerca de la enfermedad, la percepción de la enfermedad, la persistencia de hábitos saludables, y la aceptabilidad del sistema. Los resultados muestran que el grupo de intervención tiene una superior capacidad cardiovascular, mejor conocimiento acerca de la enfermedad, y más percepción de control de la enfermedad. Asimismo, en algunos casos se ha registrado persistencia de los hábitos de ejercicios 6 meses después del uso del sistema. Otros dos estudios se han presentado para demonstrar la relevancia del estado emocional del usuario en el diseño de aplicaciones para la promoción del bienestar.  En personas con una grave enfermedad crónica como la insuficiencia cardiaca, donde se ha presentado las conexiones entre estado de salud y estado emocional. En el estudio se ensena la relaciones que tienen los síntomas y las emociones negativas y como un estado negativo emocional puede empeorar la condición física del paciente. -Personas con trastornos del humor: el estudio muestra como las emociones pueden tener un impacto en la percepción de la tecnología por parte del usuario. ABSTRACT Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) cause the death of 38 million people every year. Four major NCDs are responsible for 82% of these deaths: cardio vascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes and cancer. These pandemic numbers are projected to raise to 53 million deaths in 2030, and for this reason the assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) considers communicable diseases as an urgent need to be addressed. It is also a trend to advocate the adoption of mobile technology to deliver health services and to promote healthy behaviours among citizens, but adopting healthS promoting lifestyle is still a difficult task facing human tendencies. Within this context, there is a promising opportunity: persuasive technologies. These technologies are intentionally designed to change a person’s attitudes or behaviours; when applied in this context, than can be used to change health-related attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours. Each year there are 32 million heart attacks and strokes globally, of which about 12.5 million are fatal. Worldwide between 40 and 75% of all heart-attack victims die before reaching hospital. Avoiding a second heart attack by improving adherence to lifestyle and medication regimens has a cost saving potential of around €6 billion per year. In most of the cases the cardiovascular event has been provoked by unhealthy lifestyle. Furthermore, after an MI event the patient's decision to adopt or not healthier behaviour will influence the progress of the disease. Cardio-rehabilitation is an individualized program that follows a multidisciplinary approach to support the user to recover from the Myocardial Infarction, manage the Cardio Vascular Disease and the comorbidities, adopt healthy habits, and cope with any emotional distress. Cardio- rehabilitation requires patient participation and willingness to perform behavioral modifications and change the attitude toward the management and prevention of the disease. Participation in the Cardio Rehabilitation program is not high; the home-based rehabilitation program is a promising solution to increase participation. Nowadays cardio rehabilitation is considered a comprehensive intervention in which models of health psychology are applied to promote the behaviour change of the individuals. Relevant methods that have been successfully applied to foster healthy habits include the Health Belief Model and the Trans Theoretical Model. Studies also demonstrate the importance to promote not only the physical but also the mental well being of the individuals. The idea of also promoting behaviour change using technologies has been defined by the literature as persuasive technologies or behaviour change support systems, in which the features, the strategies and the design method have been modelled to foster the behaviour change using technology. Limitations have been found in this model: there is still research to be done on the role of the emotions and how psychological health intervention can be translated into computer methods. This research focuses on three elements that could foster behaviour change in individuals: the physical and emotional status of the person, and the technology. Every component can influence the user's attitude and behaviour in the following ways: ' Physical status: bad physical status could change human attitude toward the necessity to adopt health behaviours; at the same time, good health status reduces the need to adopt healthy habits. ' Emotional status: the attitude has an affective component, negative emotional state can reduce the ability of a person to adopt new behaviours, and mental well being is the ideal situation in which individuals have a predisposition to adopt healthy behaviours. ' Technology: it can help users to adopt new behaviours and can also be support to promote physical and emotional status. Following this approach the idea driven in this research is that technology that is designed to improve the physical status and the emotional status of the individual could better foster behaviour change. According to this principle, the Well.Be.Sign framework has been proposed. The framework is based on three views: ' The theoretical framework: it represents the patterns that have to be defined to design the technologies to promote well being. ' The influence diagram: it shows the persuasive forces in the context of health care. The role of the persuasive technologies is contextualized in a wider universe where other factors and persuasive forces influence a patient. ' The design process: it shows the process of design using an iterative, incremental methodology that applies a combination of existing methodologies (Goal Directed Design and Persuasive System Design) and others that are original to this research. The methods have been applied to design a system to deliver cardio rehabilitation at home: first a prototype has been defined according to the user’s needs, then it has been extended with the specific intervention required for the cardio–rehabilitation, finally the system has been developed and validated in a controlled clinical study in which the cardiovascular fitness, the level of knowledge, the perception of the illness, the persistence of healthy habits and the system acceptance (only the intervention group) were measured. The results show that the intervention group increased cardiovascular capacity, knowledge, feeling of control of illness and perceived benefits of exercise at the end of the study. After six months of the study, a followSup of the exercise habits was performed. Some individuals of the intervention group continued to be engaged in the running exercise sessions promoted in the designed system. Two other cases have been presented to demonstrate the foundations of the Well.Be.Sign’s approach to promote both physical and emotional status: ' People affected by Heart Failure, in which a bidirectional connection between health status and emotions has been discussed with patients. Two correlations were demonstrated: the relationship between symptoms and negative emotional response, and that negative emotional status is correlated with worsening of chronic conditions. ' People with mood disorders: the study shows that emotions could also impact how the user perceives the technology.


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A clínica da Obesidade Mórbida e a Cirurgia Bariátrica exige estudos e acompanhamentos do paciente. Os benefícios e riscos do emagrecimento por tratamento cirúrgico devem servir como ponto de alerta aos profissionais da saúde. O uso do questionário no serviço de psicologia é norteado pela escuta psicológica. Objetivos: 1) Descrever o perfil sócio-demográfico candidatos à cirurgia bariátrica. 2) Analisar a percepção dos pacientes sobre características de personalidade associadas à obesidade e transtornos alimentares. 3) Descrever os conteúdos psicodinâmicos da narrativa do sujeito e avaliar o sistema tensional inconsciente de dois pacientes por meio do Teste das Relações Objetais de Phillipson (TRO). Método: O delineamento metodológico com análise de dados pelo método epidemiológico e estudo de caso clínico, orientação psicanalítica. Na primeira etapa foram consultados 300 questionários do serviço de psicologia e na segunda dois pacientes com ganho de peso após 24 meses. São pacientes que procuraram tratamento em clínica especializada, em uma metrópole do sudeste brasileiro, sob consentimento pós-informado. Os questionários foram preenchidos por 227 mulheres e 73 homens; com média de idade igual a 36 anos; escolaridade ensino médio e superior, 53%; maioria casados; IMC entre grave e super mórbido (94,3%). Técnicas cirúrgicas indicadas Capella Bypass e Fobi-Capella (67%). Resultados: características psicológicas referidas pelos pacientes, a ansiedade apontou em 93,7% das respostas, seguidas por impulsividade, depressão, tolerância à frustração, baixa auto-estima, resolvedor de problemas dos outros (mais de 50%). No histórico familiar da obesidade está em mais de 70% depressão e uso do álcool em 30%; realização de psicoterapia (30%) e medicamentos para depressão e ansiedade (10%). Na segunda etapa, foi realizado o diagnóstico psicodinâmico, por meio do Teste das Relações Objetais de Phillipson com duas pacientes, cuja análise indicou necessidade de psicoterapia psicanalítica, pois tinham fixações na posição esquizoparanóide e apresentavam dificuldade em lidar com perdas e baixa motivação para mudança e insigth. Conclusões: Com a aplicação do questionário e o registro das observações empíricas, este questionário de entrevista semidirigida preenche condições de melhor acessar e avaliar os conteúdos revelados pelos pacientes. As contradições entre as respostas e o discurso, no contato individual com o psicólogo, apontam a necessidade de investimento no preparo do paciente para a cirurgia e mais acentuadamente o acompanhamento psicológico no primeiro ano do pós-operatório. Há um pensamento mágico a ser trabalhado durante a aplicação do questionário sobre as crenças frente à cirurgia e o emagrecimento e assim convocar o paciente a ocupar o lugar do sujeito implicado em seu processo pré e pós-operatório. O TRO contribuiu na compreensão do diagnóstico psicodinâmico de pacientes com ganho de peso após cirurgia e reforçou a necessidade de maior investimento no pré-operatório.(AU)


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A clínica da Obesidade Mórbida e a Cirurgia Bariátrica exige estudos e acompanhamentos do paciente. Os benefícios e riscos do emagrecimento por tratamento cirúrgico devem servir como ponto de alerta aos profissionais da saúde. O uso do questionário no serviço de psicologia é norteado pela escuta psicológica. Objetivos: 1) Descrever o perfil sócio-demográfico candidatos à cirurgia bariátrica. 2) Analisar a percepção dos pacientes sobre características de personalidade associadas à obesidade e transtornos alimentares. 3) Descrever os conteúdos psicodinâmicos da narrativa do sujeito e avaliar o sistema tensional inconsciente de dois pacientes por meio do Teste das Relações Objetais de Phillipson (TRO). Método: O delineamento metodológico com análise de dados pelo método epidemiológico e estudo de caso clínico, orientação psicanalítica. Na primeira etapa foram consultados 300 questionários do serviço de psicologia e na segunda dois pacientes com ganho de peso após 24 meses. São pacientes que procuraram tratamento em clínica especializada, em uma metrópole do sudeste brasileiro, sob consentimento pós-informado. Os questionários foram preenchidos por 227 mulheres e 73 homens; com média de idade igual a 36 anos; escolaridade ensino médio e superior, 53%; maioria casados; IMC entre grave e super mórbido (94,3%). Técnicas cirúrgicas indicadas Capella Bypass e Fobi-Capella (67%). Resultados: características psicológicas referidas pelos pacientes, a ansiedade apontou em 93,7% das respostas, seguidas por impulsividade, depressão, tolerância à frustração, baixa auto-estima, resolvedor de problemas dos outros (mais de 50%). No histórico familiar da obesidade está em mais de 70% depressão e uso do álcool em 30%; realização de psicoterapia (30%) e medicamentos para depressão e ansiedade (10%). Na segunda etapa, foi realizado o diagnóstico psicodinâmico, por meio do Teste das Relações Objetais de Phillipson com duas pacientes, cuja análise indicou necessidade de psicoterapia psicanalítica, pois tinham fixações na posição esquizoparanóide e apresentavam dificuldade em lidar com perdas e baixa motivação para mudança e insigth. Conclusões: Com a aplicação do questionário e o registro das observações empíricas, este questionário de entrevista semidirigida preenche condições de melhor acessar e avaliar os conteúdos revelados pelos pacientes. As contradições entre as respostas e o discurso, no contato individual com o psicólogo, apontam a necessidade de investimento no preparo do paciente para a cirurgia e mais acentuadamente o acompanhamento psicológico no primeiro ano do pós-operatório. Há um pensamento mágico a ser trabalhado durante a aplicação do questionário sobre as crenças frente à cirurgia e o emagrecimento e assim convocar o paciente a ocupar o lugar do sujeito implicado em seu processo pré e pós-operatório. O TRO contribuiu na compreensão do diagnóstico psicodinâmico de pacientes com ganho de peso após cirurgia e reforçou a necessidade de maior investimento no pré-operatório.(AU)


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O acidente cerebrovascular é uma doença de grande incidência no Brasil e no mundo. As pessoas que sofreram este tipo de acometimento podem apresentar seqüelas variadas, como motoras, cognitivas, sensoriais, sociais, afetivo-emocionais e transtornos psiquiátricos, levando a graus variados de dependência. Sendo assim, um estudo psicológico se faz importante, pois estas pessoas sofrerão mudanças em suas rotinas e no seu mundo interno.O presente trabalho trata-se de uma pesquisa clínico qualitativa, e teve como objetivos investigar as repercussões psicológicas de pacientes adultos que sofreram acidente cerebrovascular; compreender o funcionamento mental, a deterioração neuropsicológica e a adaptação humana desses pacientes, através da Escala de Avaliação Global do Funcionamento, do Desenho da Figura Humana, e da Escala do Diagnóstico Adaptativo Operacionalizado; compreender o sofrimento psicológico em narrativas da entrevista psicológica dessas pessoas e investigar como os indivíduos contam sua própria história numa compreensão psicossomática e psicanalítica. Para isso, utilizou-se o referencial teórico da Psicanálise e as concepções de Neuropsicanálise e Psicossomática. Foram analisados os relatos de cinco pacientes em tratamento num centro de reabilitação. Observou-se que por tratar-se de uma lesão cerebral, as repercussões psicológicas de quem sofreu acidente cerebrovascular devem ser observadas do ponto de vista neuropsicológico e a dinâmica afetivo-emocional. Os dados do Eixo V do DSM-IV, Escala de Avaliação Global do Funcionamento, e da Escala do Diagnóstico Adaptativo Operacionalizado de Ryad Simon apresentaram forte correlação estatística, embora a última seja mais compreensiva do ponto de vista psicanalítico; todos os pacientes apresentaram Adaptação Ineficaz. Quanto ao Desenho da Figura Humana, questionou-se a fidedignidade deste tipo de técnica nessa população, uma vez que os dados de organicidade interferem bastante. A história construída foi um instrumento importante para investigar como o indivíduo que sofreu acidente cerebrovascular contou sua própria história, seus mecanismos de defesa e as fantasias inconscientes, surgindo nesses relatos histórias importantes de depressão. Os mecanismos de defesa predominante no funcionamento mental desses pacientes foram a repressão e a desvalorização, no funcionamento neurótico, e a onipotência no funcionamento psicótico.(AU)


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O acidente cerebrovascular é uma doença de grande incidência no Brasil e no mundo. As pessoas que sofreram este tipo de acometimento podem apresentar seqüelas variadas, como motoras, cognitivas, sensoriais, sociais, afetivo-emocionais e transtornos psiquiátricos, levando a graus variados de dependência. Sendo assim, um estudo psicológico se faz importante, pois estas pessoas sofrerão mudanças em suas rotinas e no seu mundo interno.O presente trabalho trata-se de uma pesquisa clínico qualitativa, e teve como objetivos investigar as repercussões psicológicas de pacientes adultos que sofreram acidente cerebrovascular; compreender o funcionamento mental, a deterioração neuropsicológica e a adaptação humana desses pacientes, através da Escala de Avaliação Global do Funcionamento, do Desenho da Figura Humana, e da Escala do Diagnóstico Adaptativo Operacionalizado; compreender o sofrimento psicológico em narrativas da entrevista psicológica dessas pessoas e investigar como os indivíduos contam sua própria história numa compreensão psicossomática e psicanalítica. Para isso, utilizou-se o referencial teórico da Psicanálise e as concepções de Neuropsicanálise e Psicossomática. Foram analisados os relatos de cinco pacientes em tratamento num centro de reabilitação. Observou-se que por tratar-se de uma lesão cerebral, as repercussões psicológicas de quem sofreu acidente cerebrovascular devem ser observadas do ponto de vista neuropsicológico e a dinâmica afetivo-emocional. Os dados do Eixo V do DSM-IV, Escala de Avaliação Global do Funcionamento, e da Escala do Diagnóstico Adaptativo Operacionalizado de Ryad Simon apresentaram forte correlação estatística, embora a última seja mais compreensiva do ponto de vista psicanalítico; todos os pacientes apresentaram Adaptação Ineficaz. Quanto ao Desenho da Figura Humana, questionou-se a fidedignidade deste tipo de técnica nessa população, uma vez que os dados de organicidade interferem bastante. A história construída foi um instrumento importante para investigar como o indivíduo que sofreu acidente cerebrovascular contou sua própria história, seus mecanismos de defesa e as fantasias inconscientes, surgindo nesses relatos histórias importantes de depressão. Os mecanismos de defesa predominante no funcionamento mental desses pacientes foram a repressão e a desvalorização, no funcionamento neurótico, e a onipotência no funcionamento psicótico.(AU)


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Funded by •Centre for Translational Research in Public Health •United Kingdom Clinical Research Collaboration Public Health Research Centre •British Heart Foundation •Cancer Research United Kingdom •Economic and Social Research Council •Medical Research Council •National Institute for Health


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This paper makes a proposal for the establishment of therapeutic communities for people with severe and persistent mental illnesses in Ghana. It discusses the history and features of therapeutic communities, as well as the elements that make it compatible with the agenda of the new 2012 Ghana mental health bill. This paper also discusses the present state of mental health care in this West African country and how the establishment of therapeutic communities will promote recovery of people with severe and persistent mental illness, and change the perception of chronic mental illness in Ghana. A discussion of potential modifications of the therapeutic community is offered as well as justifications for maintaining other structural aspects should this establishment materialize in Ghana. The costs of setting up therapeutic communities in this third world country are addressed with the offered conclusion that costs far outweigh the benefits. Finally, given the endeavor of the proposed therapeutic communities to assist in deinstitutionalization of care, cautions are made in this paper to ensure that the trends experienced in the United States with deinstitutionalization are not replicated in Ghana. A proposal is made in the conclusion for Ghana to move past therapeutic communities when developmentally able- to community mental health centers which were in part established to account for some of the fallouts of deinstitutionalization by providing a comprehensive and extensive range of services for people with severe and persistent mental illness.


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This paper presents a pilot study of a brief, group-based, cognitive-behavioural intervention for anxiety-disordered children. Five children (aged 7 to 13 years) diagnosed with a clinically significant anxiety disorder were treated with a recently developed 6-session, child-focused, cognitive-behavioural intervention that was evaluated using multiple measures (including structured diagnostic interview, self-report questionnaires and behaviour rating scales completed by parents) over four follow-up occasions (posttreatment, 3-month follow-up, 6-month follow-up and 12-month follow-up). This trial aimed to (a) evaluate the conclusion suggested by the research of Cobham, Dadds, and Spence (1998) that anxious children with non-anxious parents require a child-focused intervention only in order to demonstrate sustained clinical gains; and (b) to evaluate a new and more cost-effective child-focused cognitive-behavioural intervention. Unfortunately, the return rate of the questionnaires was poor, rendering this data source of questionable value. However, diagnostic interviews (traditionally the gold standard in terms of outcome in this research area) were completed for all children at all follow-up points. Changes in diagnostic status indicated that meaningful treatment-related gains had been achieved and were maintained over the full follow-up period. The results would thus seem to support the principle of participant-intervention matching proposed by Cobham et al. (1998), as well as the utility of the more brief intervention evaluated.


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This study evaluated the effectiveness of the Problem Solving For Life program as it universal approach to the prevention of adolescent depression. Short-term results indicated that participants with initially elevated depressions scores (high risk) who received the intervention showed a significantly greater decrease in depressive symptoms and increase in life problem-solving scores from pre- to postintervention compared with a high-risk control group. Low-risk participants who received the intervention reported a small but significant decrease in depression scores over the intervention period, whereas the low-risk controls reported an increase in depression scores. The low-risk group reported a significantly greater increase in problem-solving scores over the intervention period compared with low-risk controls. These results were not maintained, however, at 12-month follow-up.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish translation of the List of Social Situation Problems (LSSP; S. H. Spence, 1980). The questionnaire was administered to a sample of 388 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18. Exploratory factor analysis identified four factors: Social Anxiety, Adult Oppositional, Assertiveness, and Making Friends, which accounted for 26.64% of the variance. Internal consistency of the total scale was high (alpha = .86). Correlations between the LSSP and two self-report measures of social anxiety, the Questionnaire about Interpersonal Difficulties for Adolescents (r = .45) and the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory (r = .48), were statistically significant. A significant difference was found between LSSP total scores for adolescents with and without social anxiety (d = 1.14), supporting the construct validity of the scale.


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The present study explored the nature of benefit finding in HIV/AIDS caregiving, and examined relations among caregiver adjustment, benefit finding, and stress and coping variables. A total of 64 HIV/AIDS caregivers and 46 care recipients completed interviews and questionnaires. First, the study aimed to explore the types of benefits associated with HIV/AIDS caregiving. Content analyses of caregiver responses to an interview question inquiring about gains from caregiving revealed eight benefit themes. Second, the study aimed to examine relations between caregiver adjustment and both benefit finding and stress and coping variables. We hypothesized that number of caregiver reported benefits, social support, challenge and control appraisals, and problem focused coping would be inversely related to poorer adjustment, whereas care recipient reported global distress and illness, caregiver threat appraisal and passive-avoidant emotion-focused coping would be positively associated with poorer adjustment. Correlations indicated that poorer adjustment (measured by global distress, depression, caregiving impact, social adjustment and health status) was positively correlated with care-recipient distress, threat appraisals and passive avoidant coping and inversely correlated with social support, and number of reported benefits. Unexpectedly, problem-focused coping, controllability and challenge appraisals, and care recipient illness were unrelated to adjustment. Third, the study aimed to examine relations between benefit finding and stress and coping variables. Correlations indicated that benefit finding was related to social support use, seeking social support coping and problem-solving coping. Findings indicate that the benefit finding and stress/coping frameworks have utility in guiding research into adaptation to HIV/AIDS caregiving. Results also indicate targets for intervention in the provision of services for HIV/AIDS caregivers.


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Patients with advanced cancer frequently express positive attitudes and can be unduly optimistic about the potential benefits of treatment. In order to evaluate an illusory domain in the context of advanced cancer, we developed a scale of will to live and characterized the beliefs that patients held about the curability of their cancer, and how committed they were to using alternative treatments. A measure of quality of life was used as the dependent variable in order to assess the association between these attributes. After a preliminary exploration confirmed the presence of an illusory domain, these concepts were prospectively tested in 149 ambulant patients with advanced cancer who attended for palliative systemic treatment, radiation treatment or supportive care. The scale of global quality of life was reliable (Cronbach's alpha coefficient 0.72). The distribution of the scores of will to live was skewed, with no respondent scoring poorly, and the scale was reliable (Cronbach's alpha coefficient 0.82). The scale of belief in curability showed diverse beliefs. In some cases, there was a discrepancy between respondents' beliefs in curability and what they believed to be the report by their doctors. There was also an association between a committed use of alternative treatments and a belief in the curability of the cancer (p


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Background. The rate of binocular rivalry has been reported to be slower in subjects with bipolar disorder than in controls when tested with drifting, vertical and horizontal gratings of high spatial frequency. Method. Here we assess the rate of binocular rivalry with stationary, vertical and horizontal gratings of low spatial frequency in 30 subjects with bipolar disorder, 30 age- and sex-matched controls, 18 subjects with schizophrenia and 18 subjects with major depression. Along with rivalry rate, the predominance of each of the rivaling images was assessed, as was the distribution of normalized rivalry intervals. Results. The bipolar group demonstrated significantly slower rivalry than the control, schizophrenia and major depression groups. The schizophrenia and major depression groups did not differ significantly from the control group. Predominance values did not differ according to diagnosis and the distribution of normalized rivalry intervals was well described by a gamma function in all groups. Conclusions. The results provide further evidence that binocular rivalry is slow in bipolar disorder and demonstrate that rivalry predominance and the distribution of normalized rivalry intervals are not abnormal in bipolar disorder. It is also shown by comparison with previous work, that high strength stimuli more effectively distinguish bipolar from control subjects than low strength stimuli. The data on schizophrenia and major depression suggest the need for large-scale specificity trials. Further study is also required to assess genetic and pathophysiological factors as well as the potential effects of state, medication, and clinical and biological subtypes.


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Background. There is considerable debate regarding the clinical issues surrounding the wish to hasten death (WTHD) in the terminally ill. The clinical factors contributing to the WTHD need further investigation among the terminally ill in order to enhance understanding of the clinical assessment and treatment needs that underlie this problem. A more detailed understanding may assist with the development of appropriate therapeutic interventions. Method. A sample of terminally ill cancer patients (N=256) recruited from an in-patient hospice unit, home palliative care service and a general hospital palliative care consulting service from Brisbane Australia between 1998-2001 completed a questionnaire assessing psychological (depression and anxiety), social (family relationship, social support, level of burden on others) and the impact of physical symptoms. The association between these factors and the WTHD was investigated. Results. A high WTHD was reported by 14% of patients. A discriminant function analysis revealed that the following variables were associated with a high WTHD (P


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There is no specific self-efficacy measure that has been developed primarily for problem drinkers seeking a moderation drinking goal. In this article, we report the factor structure of a 20-item Controlled Drinking Self-Efficacy Scale (CDSES Sitharthan et al., 1996; Sitharthan et al., 1997). The results indicate that the CDSES is highly reliable, and the factor analysis using the full sample identified four factors: negative affect, positive mood/social context, frequency of drinking, and consumption quantity. A similar factor structure was obtained for the subsample of men. In contrast, only three factors emerged in the analysis of data on female participants. Compared to women, men had low self-efficacy to control their drinking in situations relating to positive mood/social context, and subjects with high alcohol dependence had low self-efficacy for situations relating to negative affect, social situations, and drinking less frequently. The CDSES can be a useful measure in treatment programs providing a moderation drinking goal. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.