998 resultados para HDL-Colesterol
Background:Previous reports have inferred a linear relationship between LDL-C and changes in coronary plaque volume (CPV) measured by intravascular ultrasound. However, these publications included a small number of studies and did not explore other lipid markers.Objective:To assess the association between changes in lipid markers and regression of CPV using published data.Methods:We collected data from the control, placebo and intervention arms in studies that compared the effect of lipidlowering treatments on CPV, and from the placebo and control arms in studies that tested drugs that did not affect lipids. Baseline and final measurements of plaque volume, expressed in mm3, were extracted and the percentage changes after the interventions were calculated. Performing three linear regression analyses, we assessed the relationship between percentage and absolute changes in lipid markers and percentage variations in CPV.Results:Twenty-seven studies were selected. Correlations between percentage changes in LDL-C, non-HDL-C, and apolipoprotein B (ApoB) and percentage changes in CPV were moderate (r = 0.48, r = 0.47, and r = 0.44, respectively). Correlations between absolute differences in LDL-C, non‑HDL-C, and ApoB with percentage differences in CPV were stronger (r = 0.57, r = 0.52, and r = 0.79). The linear regression model showed a statistically significant association between a reduction in lipid markers and regression of plaque volume.Conclusion:A significant association between changes in different atherogenic particles and regression of CPV was observed. The absolute reduction in ApoB showed the strongest correlation with coronary plaque regression.
Abstract Background: Hemorheological and glycemic parameters and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol are used as biomarkers of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Objective: To investigate the association and clinical relevance of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), fibrinogen, fasting glucose, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), and HDL cholesterol in the prediction of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) and coronary heart disease (CHD) in an outpatient population. Methods: 708 stable patients who visited the outpatient department were enrolled and followed for a mean period of 28.5 months. Patients were divided into two groups, patients without MACE and patients with MACE, which included cardiac death, acute myocardial infarction, newly diagnosed CHD, and cerebral vascular accident. We compared hemorheological and glycemic parameters and lipid profiles between the groups. Results: Patients with MACE had significantly higher ESR, fibrinogen, fasting glucose, and HbA1c, while lower HDL cholesterol compared with patients without MACE. High ESR and fibrinogen and low HDL cholesterol significantly increased the risk of MACE in multivariate regression analysis. In patients with MACE, high fibrinogen and HbA1c levels increased the risk of multivessel CHD. Furthermore, ESR and fibrinogen were significantly positively correlated with HbA1c and negatively correlated with HDL cholesterol, however not correlated with fasting glucose. Conclusion: Hemorheological abnormalities, poor glycemic control, and low HDL cholesterol are correlated with each other and could serve as simple and useful surrogate markers and predictors for MACE and CHD in outpatients.
Durant les darreres dècades, i degut, principalment, a un canvi en els hàbits alimentaris, hi ha hagut un augment a nivell mundial de malalties cròniques (l’obesitat, malalties cardiovasculars, etc.). En els països mediterranis hi ha menys incidència d’aquestes malalties i sembla ser que això es deu a l’anomenada dieta mediterrània. La dieta mediterrània es caracteritza per una combinació d’oli d’oliva com a grassa principal, verdures, hortalisses i fruites en abundància, lleguminoses, fruits secs, formatges i iogurt, peix, pa, pasta, cereals i els seus derivats i un consum moderat de vi i carns. Aquest model alimentari, ric en tocoferols, fitosterols i fitoestanols que ajuden a reduir el contingut de colesterol en sang, fa que en les poblacions mediterrànies hi hagi menys incidència de malalties cardiovasculars. Aquests compostos inhibeixen el deteriorament oxidatiu dels olis, actuen com agent antipolimerització per olis de fregir. Tenen capacitat de reduir els nivells de colesterol, evitant la incidència de malalties cardiovasculars. Els fitoesterols y fitoestanols es poden trobar en forma lliure o esterificada amb àcids grassos, àcids fenòlics i glucosa. Els objectius d’ aquest treball han estat, primer en el desenvolupament de mètodes d'anàlisi ràpids, fiables i robusts dels tocoferols, fitoesterols i fitoestanols i la seva aplicació en fruits sec, oli de segó, oli de pinyol de raïm i productes que els continguin. El primer mètode va estar basat en la cromatografía líquida (HPLC-DAD) amb extracció en fase sòlida (SPE) com tècnica alternativa a la saponificació para la determinació de fitoesterols lliures. Aquest mètode va estar aplicada a mostres de bombons que contenia fitoesterols. El segon mètode va estar basat en la cromatografia de gasos (GCFID) amb aponificació i SPE per quantificar fitoesterols i fitoestanols lliures, esterificats i totals. En els documents annexos es descriuen a profunditat els mètodes desenvolupats.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationships and possible interactions between polymorphisms related to HDL levels and alcohol consumption. METHODS: Cross-sectional population-based study including 2863 women and 2546 men aged 35-75 years (CoLaus study). Alcohol intake was assessed by the reported alcohol consumption of the last 7 days. Nineteen candidate genes known to influence HDL levels were studied. RESULTS: Alcohol consumption increased HDL cholesterol levels in both genders. After multivariate adjustment for gender, age, body mass index, smoking, hypolipidaemic drug treatment, physical activity and alcohol consumption, APOA5, CETP, LIPC and LPL gene polymorphisms were significantly (10(-5) threshold) related with HDL cholesterol levels, while no genexalcohol intake interaction was found for all SNPs studied. ABCA1 polymorphisms were related to HDL cholesterol levels on bivariate analysis but the relationship was no longer significant after multivariate analysis. CONCLUSION: Our data confirm the association of alcohol consumption and of APOA5, CETP, LIPC and LPL gene polymorphisms with HDL cholesterol levels. Conversely, no genexalcohol consumption interactions were found, suggesting that the effect of alcohol consumption on HDL cholesterol levels is not mediated via a modulation of HDL related genes.
Electronegative low-density lipoprotein (LDL(-)) is a modified fraction of LDL present in peripheral blood whose proportion is elevated in subjects with increased cardiovascular risk. LDL(-) has been shown to have an inflammatory effect on human endothelial cells and mononuclear blood cells. On the other hand, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is known to have a protective effect against cardiovascular disease, partly mediated by its anti-inflammatory properties. The objective of the current work is to study the putative protective properties of HDL towards the inflammatory effect of LDL(-) in human monocytes, in order to elucidate the mechanisms behind their interaction. Total LDL and HDL were isolated by ultracentrifugation and LDL(-) was obtained from total LDL by anion exchange chromatography. HDL and LDL(-) were incubated together and then re-isolated, and their characteristics were compared to those of untreated lipoproteins. The inflammatory activity of the lipoproteins was determined by incubating monocytes with lipoproteins and measuring cytokine release from the cultured monocytes. The biochemical composition and electrophoretic mobility of the lipoproteins were also determined before and after their interaction. Incubation of HDL with LDL(-) reduced the inflammatory effect of LDL(-) and, in turn, HDL gained inflammatory properties. This indicates a transfer of inflammatory potential taking place during the interaction of LDL(-) and HDL. Additionally, LDL(-) lost non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs) while HDL gained the same. We conclude that a transfer of NEFAs takes place between LDL(-) and HDL. These observations suggest that NEFAs play a role in the inflammatory effect mediated by LDL(-).
En los últimos años el crecimiento de la nanotecnología ha revolucionado el mundo de la investigación farmacológica promoviendo la investigación de nuevos vehículos de transporte de fármacos de tamaño nanométrico denominados “drug nanocarriers” entre los cuales las vesículas y las partículas poliméricas biodegradables son los que se han estudiado más ampliamente. Estas entidades son interesantes ya que pueden mejorar la biodisponibilidad del activo y pueden ser empleadas como materiales inteligentes que pueden transportar el activo al sitio específico de acción. A pesar de haber sido demostrado que con estos dispositivos en muchos casos se consigue administrar el fármaco de un modo más eficiente que administrando éste en su forma libre, el éxito de estos “nanocarriers” está ligado al desarrollo de tecnologías reproducibles, eficientes, respetuosas con el medio ambiente y fácilmente escalables que permitan su producción a escala industrial. A día de hoy las tecnologías basadas en fluidos comprimidos (FCs), que emergieron a principio de los años 90 como una alternativa al uso de disolventes líquidos convencionales en la producción de materiales micro- y nanoparticulados, están siendo investigadas para la producción de diversos “nanocarriers”. Algunas de las ventajas de estas tecnologías son: la reducción en el uso de disolventes orgánicos, el empleo de bajas temperaturas de procesado, disminución del número de etapas de producción, ser fácilmente escalables y reproducibles. A su vez, este tipo de procesos permiten obtener productos más uniformes estructuralmente que aquellos obtenidos mediante tecnologías convencionales. Dentro de este marco el grupo Nanomol (ICMAB-CSIC) ha desarrollado el proceso DELOS-susp, basado en el uso de fluidos comprimidos, para la obtención en un solo paso de producción vesículas unilamelares pequeñas (SUVs) con elevada uniformidad tanto a nivel de tamaño y morfología como a nivel supramolecular con aplicación en nanomedicina. Como un paso más en el desarrollo del proceso DELOS-susp para la producción de SUVs, en este proyecto se ha estudiado y probado la viabilidad de este proceso para le encapsulación de activos hidrofílicos en vesículas catiónicas de colesterol:CTAB usando sulfato de gentamicina como activo hidrofílico modelo y se ha demostrado la factibilidad de un escalado del proceso por un factor de 50.
La Malaltia Cardiovascular (MCV), representa la primera causa de mortalitat arreu del món i el principal problema de salut pública, que repercuteix a la situació econòmica del món, augmentant el cost dels sistemes sanitaris. Al llarg dels anys, s’han anat identificant diferents Factors de Risc Cardiovascular (FRCV), entre els quals podem trobar la Hipertensió Arterial (HTA), l’obesitat, el sedentarisme, els nivells elevats de colesterol i l’hàbit tabàquic, entre altres. Molts d’aquests poden ser controlats per mitjà d’una dieta adequada o bé, per mitjà d’un canvi conductual, entre d’altres estils de vida i hàbits alimentaris. La percepció que tenen els malalts amb MCV, en referència als estils de vida, depèn del propi individu, però sovint es veu influenciada per l’entorn i el nivell sociocultural de la persona. Per aquest motiu, resulta necessari conèixer els estils de vida dels malalts amb MCV i la seva adaptació al canvi si és que existeix. Objectiu: L’objectiu principal del present estudi és conèixer l’experiència viscuda en relació al procés de canvi i d’adaptació en relació als estils alimentaris, en els individus que han tingut un Síndrome Coronari Agut (SCA). Metodologia: Es realitzarà un estudi fenomenològic descriptiu, que ens permetrà conèixer l’experiència dels malalts en el procés d’adaptació al nou estil de vida. Els individus participants seran seleccionats mitjançant un mostreig de conveniència a l’Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Manresa. Resultats esperats: Es preveu que a partir de la realització del present estudi, podrem detectar les diferents dimensions que intervenen en la dieta dels malalts amb SCA, per tal de poder realitzar un intervenció educativa eficaç, que podria ajudar a millorar la qualitat de vida d’aquests individus
Background: The incidence of cardiovascular events in HIV patients has fallen. Methods: We identified 81 patients with a history of coronary events from 2 hospitals in Spain to evaluate management of CVRF before and after the event. Results: The prevalence of coronary events was 2.15%. At the time of the coronary event, CVRF were highly prevalent. Decrease in total cholesterol (P=0.025) and LDLc(P=0.004) was observed. LDLc and HDLc were determined and the percentage of patients with LDLc &100 mg/dL remained stable at the last visit. Conclusions: The prevalence of coronary disease in our cohort was low. Although CVRF were highly.
The changes in nutritional parameters and adipocytokines after structured intermittent interruption of highly active antiretroviral treatment of patients with chronic HIV infection are analyzed. Twenty-seven patients with chronic HIV infection (median CD4+ T cell count/microl: nadir, 394; at the beginning of structured interruptions, 1041; HIV viral load: nadir, 41,521 copies/ml; at the beginning of structured interruptions <50 copies/ml; median time of previous treatment: 60 months) were evaluated during three cycles of intermittent interruptions of therapy (8 weeks on/4 weeks off). CD4+ T cell count, HIV viral load, anthropometric measures, and serum concentrations of triglycerides, cholesterol, leptin, and tumor necrosis factor and its soluble receptors I and II were determined. After the three cycles of intermittent interruptions of therapy, no significant differences in CD4+ T cell count/microl, viral load, or serum concentrations of cholesterol or triglycerides with reference to baseline values were found. A near-significant higher fatty mass (skinfold thicknesses, at the end, 121 mm, at the beginning, 100 mm, p = 0.100), combined with a significant increase of concentration of leptin (1.5 vs. 4.7 ng/ml, p = 0,044), as well as a decrease in serum concentrations of soluble receptors of tumor necrosis factor (TNFRI, 104 vs. 73 pg/ml, p = 0.022; TNFRII 253 vs. 195 pg/ml, p = 0.098) were detected. Structured intermittent interruption of highly active antiretroviral treatment of patients with chronic HIV infection induces a valuable positive modification in markers of lipid turnover and adipose tissue mass.
INTRODUCTION According to several series, hospital hyponutrition involves 30-50% of hospitalized patients. The high prevalence justifies the need for early detection from admission. There several classical screening tools that show important limitations in their systematic application in daily clinical practice. OBJECTIVES To analyze the relationship between hyponutrition, detected by our screening method, and mortality, hospital stay, or re-admissions. To analyze, as well, the relationship between hyponutrition and prescription of nutritional support. To compare different nutritional screening methods at admission on a random sample of hospitalized patients. Validation of the INFORNUT method for nutritional screening. MATERIAL AND METHODS In a previous phase from the study design, a retrospective analysis with data from the year 2003 was carried out in order to know the situation of hyponutrition in Virgen de la Victoria Hospital, at Malaga, gathering data from the MBDS (Minimal Basic Data Set), laboratory analysis of nutritional risk (FILNUT filter), and prescription of nutritional support. In the experimental phase, a cross-sectional cohort study was done with a random sample of 255 patients, on May of 2004. Anthropometrical study, Subjective Global Assessment (SGA), Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA), Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS), Gassull's method, CONUT and INFORNUT were done. The settings of the INFORNUT filter were: albumin < 3.5 g/dL, and/or total proteins <5 g/dL, and/or prealbumin <18 mg/dL, with or without total lymphocyte count < 1.600 cells/mm3 and/or total cholesterol <180 mg/dL. In order to compare the different methods, a gold standard is created based on the recommendations of the SENPE on anthropometrical and laboratory data. The statistical association analysis was done by the chi-squared test (a: 0.05) and agreement by the k index. RESULTS In the study performed in the previous phase, it is observed that the prevalence of hospital hyponutrition is 53.9%. One thousand six hundred and forty four patients received nutritional support, of which 66.9% suffered from hyponutrition. We also observed that hyponutrition is one of the factors favoring the increase in mortality (hyponourished patients 15.19% vs. non-hyponourished 2.58%), hospital stay (hyponourished patients 20.95 days vs. non-hyponourished 8.75 days), and re-admissions (hyponourished patients 14.30% vs. non-hyponourished 6%). The results from the experimental study are as follows: the prevalence of hyponutrition obtained by the gold standard was 61%, INFORNUT 60%. Agreement levels between INFORNUT, CONUT, and GASSULL are good or very good between them (k: 0.67 INFORNUT with CONUT, and k: 0.94 INFORNUT and GASSULL) and wit the gold standard (k: 0.83; k: 0.64 CONUT; k: 0.89 GASSULL). However, structured tests (SGA, MNA, NRS) show low agreement indexes with the gold standard and laboratory or mixed tests (Gassull), although they show a low to intermediate level of agreement when compared one to each other (k: 0.489 NRS with SGA). INFORNUT shows sensitivity of 92.3%, a positive predictive value of 94.1%, and specificity of 91.2%. After the filer phase, a preliminary report is sent, on which anthropometrical and intake data are added and a Nutritional Risk Report is done. CONCLUSIONS Hyponutrition prevalence in our study (60%) is similar to that found by other authors. Hyponutrition is associated to increased mortality, hospital stay, and re-admission rate. There are no tools that have proven to be effective to show early hyponutrition at the hospital setting without important applicability limitations. FILNUT, as the first phase of the filter process of INFORNUT represents a valid tool: it has sensitivity and specificity for nutritional screening at admission. The main advantages of the process would be early detection of patients with risk for hyponutrition, having a teaching and sensitization function to health care staff implicating them in nutritional assessment of their patients, and doing a hyponutrition diagnosis and nutritional support need in the discharge report that would be registered by the Clinical Documentation Department. Therefore, INFORNUT would be a universal screening method with a good cost-effectiveness ratio.
BACKGROUND Leucine supplementation might have therapeutic potential in preventing diet-induced obesity and improving insulin sensitivity. However, the underlying mechanisms are at present unclear. Additionally, it is unclear whether leucine supplementation might be equally efficacious once obesity has developed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS Male C57BL/6J mice were fed chow or a high-fat diet (HFD), supplemented or not with leucine for 17 weeks. Another group of HFD-fed mice (HFD-pairfat group) was food restricted in order to reach an adiposity level comparable to that of HFD-Leu mice. Finally, a third group of mice was exposed to HFD for 12 weeks before being chronically supplemented with leucine. Leucine supplementation in HFD-fed mice decreased body weight and fat mass by increasing energy expenditure, fatty acid oxidation and locomotor activity in vivo. The decreased adiposity in HFD-Leu mice was associated with increased expression of uncoupling protein 3 (UCP-3) in the brown adipose tissue, better insulin sensitivity, increased intestinal gluconeogenesis and preservation of islets of Langerhans histomorphology and function. HFD-pairfat mice had a comparable improvement in insulin sensitivity, without changes in islets physiology or intestinal gluconeogenesis. Remarkably, both HFD-Leu and HFD-pairfat mice had decreased hepatic lipid content, which likely helped improve insulin sensitivity. In contrast, when leucine was supplemented to already obese animals, no changes in body weight, body composition or glucose metabolism were observed. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE These findings suggest that leucine improves insulin sensitivity in HFD-fed mice by primarily decreasing adiposity, rather than directly acting on peripheral target organs. However, beneficial effects of leucine on intestinal gluconeogenesis and islets of Langerhans's physiology might help prevent type 2 diabetes development. Differently, metabolic benefit of leucine supplementation is lacking in already obese animals, a phenomenon possibly related to the extent of the obesity before starting the supplementation.
Objetivo: Comparar la distribución de la grasa corporal mediante DEXA, en pacientes VIH+ monoinfectados y coinfectados VHC, que reciben tratamiento antirretroviral basado en inhibidores de proteasa o no nucléosidos. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, unicéntrico. Resultados: 80 pacientes, 60 hombres, 20 mujeres. 41 monoinfectados, 39 coinfectados. Edad 48 años, peso 71 kg, IMC 24, 39 IP, 41 NN. Los coinfectados tenían triglicéridos, colesterol y LDL-c inferiores a los monoinfectados (p <0.05). La DEXA no mostró diferencias en la comparación de mono/coinfectados y grupos de tratamiento. Conclusiones: No se encontraron diferencias entre grupos. Los coinfectados muestran lípidos plasmáticos inferiores.