903 resultados para GIS-database
Finland’s rural landscape has gone through remarkable changes from the 1950’s, due to agricultural developments. Changed farming practices have influenced especially traditional landscape management, and modifications in the arable land structure and grasslands transitions are notable. The review of the previous studies reveal the importance of the rural landscape composition and structure to species and landscape diversity, whereas including the relevance in presence of the open ditches, size of the field and meadow patches, topology of the natural and agricultural landscape. This land-change study includes applying remote sensed data from two time series and empirical geospatial analysis in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The aims of this retrospective research is to detect agricultural landscape use and land cover change (LULCC) dynamics and discuss the consequences of agricultural intensification to landscape structure covering from the aspects of landscape ecology. Measurements of LULC are derived directly from pre-processed aerial images by a variety of analytical procedures, including statistical methods and image interpretation. The methodological challenges are confronted in the process of landscape classification and combining change detection approaches with landscape indices. Particular importance is paid on detecting agricultural landscape features at a small scale, demanding comprehensive understanding of such agroecosystems. Topological properties of the classified arable land and valley are determined in order to provide insight and emphasize the aspect the field edges in the agricultural landscape as important habitat. Change detection dynamics are presented with change matrix and additional calculations of gain, loss, swap, net change, change rate and tendencies are made. Transition’s possibility is computed following Markov’s probability model and presented with matrix, as well. Thesis’s spatial aspect is revealed with illustrative maps providing knowledge of location of the classified landscape categories and location of the dynamics of the changes occurred. It was assured that in Rekijoki valley’s landscape, remarkable changes in landscape has occurred. Landscape diversity has been strongly influenced by modern agricultural landscape change, as NP of open ditches has decreased and the MPS of the arable plot has decreased. Overall change in the diversity of the landscape is determined with the decrease of SHDI. Valley landscape considered as traditional land use area has experienced major transitional changes, as meadows class has lost almost one third of the area due to afforestation. Also, remarkable transitions have occurred from forest to meadow and arable land to built area. Boundaries measurement between modern and traditional landscape has indicated noticeable proportional increase in arable land-forest edge type and decrease in arable land-meadow edge type. Probability calculations predict higher future changes for traditional landscape, but also for arable land turning into built area.
Soitinnus: piano.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Large-headed total hip arthroplasty (THA) and hip resurfacing arthroplasty (HRA) with metal-on-metal (MoM) bearings became popular during the last decade. Recently, it has become evident that the large-head MoM hip implants are associated with increased revision rates despite their theoretical advantages. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the early results of primary MoM hip replacements and of acetabular revisions. I analyzed retrospectively the results of four MoM implant designs and the survival rate of acetabular revisions with impaction bone grafting, as documented in the Turku University Hospital database. Further, I evaluated the correlation between femoral head size and dislocation rate, and used the Finnish Arthroplasty Register data to compare the survival of three large-head MoM THAs to analogous HRAs. The early results for the Magnum M2A–ReCap THA were good. A larger head size decreased the risk of dislocation. Articular surface replacement (ASR) THA yielded inferior results compared to analogous HRA. For two other designs the results were similar. The R3–Synergy THA yielded inferior results compared to the reference implants. The survival of acetabular reconstructions with impaction bone grafting was inferior compared to previous reports. In conclusion, the early results of the Biomet ReCap–Magnum design were promising, and large head sizes decreased the dislocation rate. The survival of different MoM hip implant designs varied. The survival of new designs and techniques may be inferior to those reported by the clinics where implants are developed. An important caveat is that early promising results of new devices may rapidly worsen. New implants need to be introduced in a controlled fashion to the market; here, arthroplasty registers are a valuable tool that needs to be used.
Data management consists of collecting, storing, and processing the data into the format which provides value-adding information for decision-making process. The development of data management has enabled of designing increasingly effective database management systems to support business needs. Therefore as well as advanced systems are designed for reporting purposes, also operational systems allow reporting and data analyzing. The used research method in the theory part is qualitative research and the research type in the empirical part is case study. Objective of this paper is to examine database management system requirements from reporting managements and data managements perspectives. In the theory part these requirements are identified and the appropriateness of the relational data model is evaluated. In addition key performance indicators applied to the operational monitoring of production are studied. The study has revealed that the appropriate operational key performance indicators of production takes into account time, quality, flexibility and cost aspects. Especially manufacturing efficiency has been highlighted. In this paper, reporting management is defined as a continuous monitoring of given performance measures. According to the literature review, the data management tool should cover performance, usability, reliability, scalability, and data privacy aspects in order to fulfill reporting managements demands. A framework is created for the system development phase based on requirements, and is used in the empirical part of the thesis where such a system is designed and created for reporting management purposes for a company which operates in the manufacturing industry. Relational data modeling and database architectures are utilized when the system is built for relational database platform.
Inúmeros estudos vêm sendo realizados com o objetivo de compreender o comportamento das proteínas do Concentrado Protéico de Soro (CPS). A capacidade destas proteínas em formar géis estáveis a temperaturas entre 70ºC e 90ºC, é uma propriedade funcional importante para a confecção de vários produtos alimentícios, tais como: produtos de padaria, cárneos, texturizados e lácteos. A concentração protéica, pH, composição iônica e temperatura podem ser controladas para obter um gel com as características desejadas. Neste trabalho foi investigado o efeito dos íons metálicos bivalentes Ca++ e Mg++, na propriedade de dureza de géis de CPS induzidos termicamente. Dispersões protéicas a 6; 7 e 8% de proteína do CPS a pH 6,3 com 0; 7,5; 15; 30 e 75mm de CaCl2 ou MgCl2 foram aquecidas a 75ºC por 45 min, resfriadas a 4ºC por 12 horas, e os géis avaliados em um texturômetro TA-XT2. Os géis formados com maiores concentrações do sal adicionado obtiveram maiores valores de dureza na faixa estudada. Nas concentrações de 15 a 75mM os valores de dureza dos géis com a adição de CaCl2 foram significativamente maiores (p<0,05) do que com adição de MgCl2. Na concentração de 8% de proteínas do CPS ambos os tratamentos atingem o maior valor de dureza (p<0,05) a 30mM do sal adicionado. O cálcio iônico mostrou ter um importante papel na formação do gel de proteínas do soro.
A capacidade dos concentrados protéicos de soro de leite (CPS) de formar géis é importante propriedade funcional. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência das variáveis concentração de proteína, pH, temperatura e tempo de desnaturação, nos intervalos de 8 a 12%; 4,0 a 5,2; 81 a 89ºC e 15 a 27 minutos, respectivamente, no perfil de textura e capacidade de retenção de água de géis ácidos de CPS. O perfil de textura foi determinado em texturômetro TAXT2 e a capacidade de retenção de água avaliada através da umidade espremível dos géis. O delineamento estatístico foi um planejamento fatorial 2(4) completo. Os géis de CPS apresentaram os maiores valores de firmeza, coesividade, elasticidade e capacidade de retenção de água, de maneira geral, nas maiores faixas de concentração protéica, tempo e temperatura de desnaturação. Com relação a variável pH, géis formados em pH 4,0 apresentaram-se mais elásticos e com maior capacidade de retenção de água, enquanto que os géis formados em pH 4,9 a 5,2 mostraram-se mais firmes e coesos.
A gelatinização é uma importante propriedade funcional das proteínas alimentares, devido ao seu grande potencial de uso nos alimentos estruturados. As proteínas da clara do ovo de galinha têm sido extensivamente usadas como ingredientes em alimentos processados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as mudanças no pH, no perfil de textura e na umidade espremível de géis de clara de ovos de galinha com e sem cobertura de concentrado protéico de soro de leite, armazenados a 25ºC, por 3, 7, 10, 14, 21 e 28 dias. A dureza do gel do albume de ovos sem cobertura foi maior do que a de ovos recobertos, durante todos os períodos de armazenamento. Não houve efeito do tempo de armazenamento na dureza dos géis dos ovos sem cobertura. Em ovos cobertos, a regressão linear explicou 60% do comportamento da dureza em relação ao período de armazenamento. No caso da elasticidade, não houve interação entre período de armazenamento e a cobertura. Houve diferença entre as médias dentro de cada período, mas não durante o armazenamento. A maior elasticidade foi dos géis de ovos sem cobertura, comparados com os géis de ovos recobertos. O índice de coesividade e a mastigabilidade de géis de ovos sem cobertura foi maior que o de géis de ovos recobertos, em todos os períodos de armazenamento. A percentagem de umidade espremível (UE) de géis de clara de ovos recobertos foi maior do que a de ovos sem cobertura em todo o período de estocagem.
Medidas reólogicas sob cisalhamento oscilatório foram realizadas em reômetro de tensão e deformação controladas com suspensões de concentrado de proteínas do soro do leite (WPC) a 10% (m/m) em água e a diferentes condições de pH (pH 4,0, 4,6 e 7,0). O processo de gelificação induzida pelo calor foi investigado, assim como as propriedades viscoelásticas dos géis formados a 80°C e daqueles formados após o decréscimo da temperatura a 20°C. Foi verificado que, em presença de teores significativos de sais, procedentes do próprio soro, a concentração usada nos experimentos foi suficiente para a formação de géis macroscópicos, e que o pH exerce papel importante na formação e na natureza estrutural dos géis.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar os efeitos das gomas guar e xantana sobre a estabilidade dos géis de amido de milho normal, ceroso e com alto teor de amilose submetidos aos processos de congelamento e descongelamento. Os géis desses amidos, com concentração total de sólidos de 10% e adicionados das gomas (0,15; 0,50; 0,85 e 1%), foram submetidos a 5 ciclos de congelamento (20 horas a -18 °C) e descongelamento (4 horas a 25 °C), com exceção dos géis com alto teor de amilose, que foram submetidos a apenas 1 ciclo, devido à perda da estrutura de gel. A determinação da sinérese (porcentagem de água liberada) foi realizada pela diferença entre a massa inicial e a massa final das amostras. O gel de amido de milho normal liberou 74,45% de água, sendo que a adição de 1% da goma xantana reduziu significativamente a sinérese para 66,43%. A adição de 0,85 e 1% da goma xantana também reduziu a sinérese dos géis de amido ceroso. O menor teor de sinérese foi obtido com a utilização de 1% de goma xantana ao gel de amido de milho com alto teor de amilose, evidenciando a ação crioprotetora desta goma.
With the growth in new technologies, using online tools have become an everyday lifestyle. It has a greater impact on researchers as the data obtained from various experiments needs to be analyzed and knowledge of programming has become mandatory even for pure biologists. Hence, VTT came up with a new tool, R Executables (REX) which is a web application designed to provide a graphical interface for biological data functions like Image analysis, Gene expression data analysis, plotting, disease and control studies etc., which employs R functions to provide results. REX provides a user interactive application for the biologists to directly enter the values and run the required analysis with a single click. The program processes the given data in the background and prints results rapidly. Due to growth of data and load on server, the interface has gained problems concerning time consumption, poor GUI, data storage issues, security, minimal user interactive experience and crashes with large amount of data. This thesis handles the methods by which these problems were resolved and made REX a better application for the future. The old REX was developed using Python Django and now, a new programming language, Vaadin has been implemented. Vaadin is a Java framework for developing web applications and the programming language is extremely similar to Java with new rich components. Vaadin provides better security, better speed, good and interactive interface. In this thesis, subset functionalities of REX was selected which includes IST bulk plotting and image segmentation and implemented those using Vaadin. A code of 662 lines was programmed by me which included Vaadin as the front-end handler while R language was used for back-end data retrieval, computing and plotting. The application is optimized to allow further functionalities to be migrated with ease from old REX. Future development is focused on including Hight throughput screening functions along with gene expression database handling
Music archives and composition manuscripts from the Viola database.