981 resultados para Folklore -- Andalusia
Pancreatic beta-cell apoptosis is known to participate in the beta-cell destruction process that occurs in diabetes. It has been described that high glucose level induces a hyperfunctional status which could provoke apoptosis. This phenomenon is known as glucotoxicity and has been proposed that it can play a role in type 1 diabetes mellitus pathogenesis. In this study we develop an experimental design to sensitize pancreatic islet cells by high glucose to streptozotocin (STZ) and proinflammatory cytokines [interleukin (IL)-1beta, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and interferon (IFN)-gamma]-induced apoptosis. This method is appropriate for subsequent quantification of apoptotic islet cells stained with Tdt-mediated dUTP Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL) and protein expression assays by Western Blotting (WB).
Glucose control is the cornerstone of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) treatment. Although self-regulation using capillary glycemia (SRCG) still remains the best procedure in clinical practice, continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGM) offer the possibility of continuous and dynamic assessment of interstitial glucose concentration. CGM systems have the potential to improve glycemic control while decreasing the incidence of hypoglycemia but the efficiency, compared with SRCG, is still debated. CGM systems have the greatest potential value in patients with hypoglycemic unawareness and in controlling daily fluctuations in blood glucose. The implementation of continuous monitoring in the standard clinical setting has not yet been established but a new generation of open and close loop subcutaneous insulin infusion devices are emerging making insulin treatment and glycemic control more reliable.
In autoimmune type 1 diabetes mellitus, proinflammatory cytokine-mediated apoptosis of beta-cells has been considered to be the first event directly responsible for beta-cell mass reduction. In the Bio-Breeding (BB) rat, an in vivo model used in the study of autoimmune diabetes, beta-cell apoptosis is observed from 9 wk of age and takes place after an insulitis period that begins at an earlier age. Previous studies by our group have shown an antiproliferative effect of proinflammatory cytokines on cultured beta-cells in Wistar rats, an effect that was partially reversed by Exendin-4, an analogue of glucagon-like peptide-1. In the current study, the changes in beta-cell apoptosis and proliferation during insulitis stage were also determined in pancreatic tissue sections in normal and thymectomized BB rats, as well as in Wistar rats of 5, 7, 9, and 11 wk of age. Although stable beta-cell proliferation in Wistar and thymectomized BB rats was observed along the course of the study, a decrease in beta-cell proliferation and beta-cell mass from the age of 5 wk, and prior to the commencement of apoptosis, was noted in BB rats. Exendin-4, in combination with anti-interferon-gamma antibody, induced a near-total recovery of beta-cell proliferation during the initial stages of insulitis. This highlights the importance of early intervention and, as well, the possibilities of new therapeutic approaches in preventing autoimmune diabetes by acting, initially, in the insulitis stage and, subsequently, on beta-cell regeneration and on beta-cell apoptosis.
Health economics pretends to assign resources that are short in essence and that may be used for other purposes. Health costs analysis pretends to compare the pros and cons of several options among which an election can be made in order to obtain greater benefits with lower costs. The current legislation on prescription of enteral nutrition entails confusing definitions about the administration route and the requirements of home-based enteral nutrition, without a specific regulation comprising the prescription of oral supplements (OS). From the year 2000 to 2007, the consumption of homebased enteral nutrition in Andalusia increased considerably; the costs generated being multiplied by 37. Although the number of persons that daily consumed supplements was higher than the number of diets through nasogastric tube (DT) during the years evaluated, the costs derived from OS surpassed those of DT from the year 2005 due to the combination of two factors: a progressive increase in the number of persons to whom supplements were prescribed, and on the other hand the incorporation of more expensive specific formulations. The use of oral supplements seems to be cost/effective in hospitalized surgical patients (during the pre- and postsurgical period) and possibly in hospitalized malnourished elderly, especially after performing a hyponutrition screening. Although they may be effective, under other circumstances, such as ambulatory patients, studies with an adequate methodology are necessary in order to adopt clinical decisions based on evidence and cost analysis.
Background: Mortality from invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) has remained stable over the last thirty years and it is unclear whether pre-hospital antibiotherapy actually produces a decrease in this mortality. Our aim was to examine whether pre-hospital oral antibiotherapy reduces mortality from IMD, adjusting for indication bias. Methods: A retrospective analysis was made of clinical reports of all patients (n = 848) diagnosed with IMD from 1995 to 2000 in Andalusia and the Canary Islands, Spain, and of the relationship between the use of pre-hospital oral antibiotherapy and mortality. Indication bias was controlled for by the propensity score technique, and a multivariate analysis was performed to determine the probability of each patient receiving antibiotics, according to the symptoms identified before admission. Data on in-hospital death, use of antibiotics and demographic variables were collected. A logistic regression analysis was then carried out, using death as the dependent variable, and prehospital antibiotic use, age, time from onset of symptoms to parenteral antibiotics and the propensity score as independent variables. Results: Data were recorded on 848 patients, 49 (5.72%) of whom died. Of the total number of patients, 226 had received oral antibiotics before admission, mainly betalactams during the previous 48 hours. After adjusting the association between the use of antibiotics and death for age, time between onset of symptoms and in-hospital antibiotic treatment, pre-hospital oral antibiotherapy remained a significant protective factor (Odds Ratio for death 0.37, 95% confidence interval 0.15–0.93). Conclusion: Pre-hospital oral antibiotherapy appears to reduce IMD mortality.
BACKGROUND The dementias are a cause of mortality have increased over the last years. Therefore is important to analyze the variables more related to its development in Andalusia between 1999 and 2010. METHODS With the deaths of 60 and over by dementia from Andalusia Statistical Institute and the populations from corresponding years, are estimated crude mortality rates, standardized and age-specific; by joinpoint regression was calculated percentages annual change; and also, with the population estimates by marital status and deaths was calculated crude rates and standardized for age, sex and marital status. RESULTS The standardized mortality rates increased from 124.8 to 161.0 deaths per 100,000 in women and 110.3 to 147.7 in men, the annual increase was 4.2% and 3.8% in women and men. The women died more than men with a standardized rate ratio between 1.08 and 1.29. Age was the variable that determined mortality. CONCLUSIONS Mortality from dementia in Andalusia has increased over the past 12 years and will continue to increase with the consequent social and health impacts posed by these diseases, configured as a major health problem.
The purpose of the study was to know about the expectations had by chronic patients within th e Public Healthcare System in Andalusi a, concerning commu nication and making deci sions with the med ical professionals who take care of them duri ng the entire treatment process. A qualitative study was carried out in Andalusia, based on 19 i n-depth interviews and 17 focus groups with 15 4 chronic patients and their relatives, suffering from seven different types of illness, of which the content was later analyzed based on the type of disease (pathologies), and the level of care (Primary, Sp eci aliz ed or Em ergen cy Ser vices). The study shows that patients i ncl uded in all healthcare processes want information about their illness. In Primary Care, they value continued attention, closeness and trust as well as being referred to a proper specialist. In Specialized Care, they expect to receive trustworthy information, proper tests and a correct diagnosis, friendly treatment and to be listened to. In the Emergency Room, lack of tim e and overcrowding d i sru pt proper communic ation. The type of chronic illne ss i nfluenc es patients’ expectations in terms of communication and decisionmaking. Communic ation between patients and medical personnel and the decision-making process related to chronic illness are crucial for the improvement of the qualit y o f healthcare. The type of chr onic disease marks diffe rent expectation s about the communication and decision-making. The communication and the decision making in the chronic assistance is a priority to improve the quality of the assistance
Introduction The Andalusian Public Health System Virtual Library (Biblioteca Virtual del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía, BV-SSPA) was set up in June 2006. It consists of a regional government action with the aim of democratizing the health professional access to quality scientific information, regardless of the professional workplace. Andalusia is a region with more than 8 million inhabitants, with 100,000 health professionals for 41 hospitals, 1,500 primary healthcare centres, and 28 centres for non-medical attention purposes (research, management, and educational centres). Objectives The Department of Development, Research and Investigation (R+D+i) of the Andalusian Regional Government has, among its duties, the task of evaluating the hospitals and centres of the Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA) in order to distribute its funding. Among the criteria used is the evaluation of the scientific output, which is measured using bibliometry. It is well-known that the bibliometry has a series of limitations and problems that should be taken into account, especially when it is used for non-information sciences, such us career, funding, etc. A few years ago, the bibliometric reports were done separately in each centre, but without using preset and well-defined criteria, elements which are basic when we need to compare the results of the reports. It was possible to find some hospitals which were including Meeting Abstracts in their figures, while others do not, and the same was happening with Erratum and many other differences. Therefore, the main problem that the Department of R+D+i had to deal with, when they were evaluating the health system, was that bibliometric data was not accurate and reports were not comparable. With the aim of having an unified criteria for the whole system, the Department of R+D+i ordered the BV-SSPA to do the year analysis of the scientific output of the system, using some well defined criteria and indicators, among whichstands out the Impact Factor. Materials and Methods As the Impact Factor is the bibliometric indicator that the virtual library is asked to consider, it is necessary to use the database Web of Science (WoS), since it is its owner and editor. The WoS includes the databases Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. To gather all the documents, SCI and SSCI are used; to obtain the Impact Factor and quartils, it is used the Journal Citation Reports, JCR. Unlike other bibliographic databases, such us MEDLINE, the bibliometric database WoS includes the address of all the authors. In order to retrieve all the scientific output of the SSPA, we have done general searches, which are afterwards processed by a tool developed by our library. We have done nine different searches using the field ‘address’; eight of them including ‘Spain’ and each one of the eight Andalusian Regions, and the other one combining ‘Spain’ with all those cities where there are health centres, since we have detected that there are some authors that do not use the region in their signatures. These are some of the search strategies: AD=Malaga and AD=Spain AD=Sevill* and AD=Spain AD=SPAIN AND (AD=GUADIX OR AD=BAZA OR AD=MOTRIL) Further more, the field ‘year’ is used to determine the period. To exploit the data, the BV-SSPA has developed a tool called Impactia. It is a web application which uses a database to store the information of the documents generated by the SSPA. Impactia allows the user to automatically process the retrieved documents, assigning them to their correspondent centres. In order to do the classification of documents automaticaly, it was necessary to detect the huge variability of names of the centres that the authors use in their signatures. Therefore, Impactia knows that if an author signs as “Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena”, “HVM” or “Hosp. Virgin Macarena”, he belongs to the same centre. The figure attached shows the variability found for the Empresa Publica Hospital de Poniente. Besides the documents from WoS, Impactia includes the documents indexed in Scopus and in other databases, where we do bibliographic searches using similar strategies to the later ones. Aware that in the health centres and hospitals there is a lot of grey literature that is not gathered in databases, Impactia allows the centres to feed the application with these documents, so that all the SSPA scientific output is gathered and organised in a centralized place. The ones responsible of localizing this gray literature are the librarians of each one of the centres. They can also do statements to the documents and indicators that are collected and calculated by Impactia. The bulk upload of documents from WoS and Scopus into Impactia is monthly done. One of the main issues that we found during the development of Impactia was the need of dealing with duplicated documents obtained from different sources. Taking into account that sometimes titles might be written differently, with slashes, comas, and so on, Impactia detects the duplicates using the field ‘DOI’ if it is available or comparing the fields: page start, page end and ISSN. Therefore it is possible to guarantee the absence of duplicates. Results The data gathered in Impactia becomes available to the administrative teams and hospitals managers, through an easy web page that allows them to know at any moment, and with just one click, the detailed information of the scientific output of their hospitals, including useful graphs such as percentage of document types, journals where their scientists usually publish, annual comparatives, bibliometric indicators and so on. They can also compare the different centres of the SSPA. Impactia allows the user to download the data from the application, so that he can work with this information or include them in their centres’ reports. This application saves the health system many working hours. It was previously done manually by forty one librarians, while now it is done by only one person in the BV-SSPA during two days a month. To sum up, the benefits of Impactia are: It has shown its effectiveness in the automatic classification, treatment and analysis of the data. It has become an essential tool for all managers to evaluate quickly and easily the scientific production of their centers. It optimizes the human resources of the SSPA, saving time and money. It is the reference point for the Department of R+D+i to do the scientific health staff evaluation.
INTRODUCTION Metastases are detected in 20% of patients with solid tumours at diagnosis and a further 30% after diagnosis. Radiation therapy (RT) has proven effective in bone (BM) and brain (BrM) metastases. The objective of this study was to analyze the variability of RT utilization rates in clinical practice and the accessibility to medical technology in our region. PATIENTS AND METHODS We reviewed the clinical records and RT treatment sheets of all patients undergoing RT for BM and/or BrM during 2007 in the 12 public hospitals in an autonomous region of Spain. Data were gathered on hospital type, patient type and RT treatment characteristics. Calculation of the rate of RT use was based on the cancer incidence and the number of RT treatments for BM, BrM and all cancer sites. RESULTS Out of the 9319 patients undergoing RT during 2007 for cancer at any site, 1242 (13.3%; inter-hospital range, 26.3%) received RT for BM (n = 744) or BrM (n = 498). These 1242 patients represented 79% of all RT treatments with palliative intent, and the most frequent primary tumours were in lung, breast, prostate or digestive system. No significant difference between BM and BrM groups were observed in: mean age (62 vs. 59 yrs, respectively); gender (approximately 64% male and 36% female in both); performance status (ECOG 0-1 in 70 vs. 71%); or mean distance from hospital (36 vs. 28.6 km) or time from consultation to RT treatment (13 vs. 14.3 days). RT regimens differed among hospitals and between patient groups: 10 × 300 cGy, 5 × 400 cGy and 1x800cGy were applied in 32, 27 and 25%, respectively, of BM patients, whereas 10 × 300cGy was used in 49% of BrM patients. CONCLUSIONS Palliative RT use in BM and BrM is high and close to the expected rate, unlike the global rate of RT application for all cancers in our setting. Differences in RT schedules among hospitals may reflect variability in clinical practice among the medical teams.
Este trabajo propone un análisis del proceso del catalanismo, los modelos festivos y los castells para interpretar el modo en que esta relación es histórica y ha pasado por diferentes etapas. Si bien el catalanismo se había aliado con las sardanas hasta los años cincuenta, lo que se ha denominado el modelo festivo de la Catalunya Vella, a partir de este momento y con el inicio de la modernidad castellera, las alianzas se afianzan con los castells, el modelo festivo de la Catalunya Nova. Esto se produce porque los castells pueden hacer frente a los retos de la nueva realidad española y del nuevo nacionalismo que guiará el proceso de construcción de la Cataluña en que vivimos actualmente
Objectives: The Andalusian Health e-Library (BV-SSPA) is the National Health Library in the region of Andalusia (Spain). It is a corporate hospital library created in 2006. The year 2012 is a turning point for the Spanish economy, and the BV-SSPA has to demonstrate that it is cost-effective and sustainable. Methods: Andalusia is a wide Spanish region with more than 8 million inhabitants, more than 100,000 health professionals for 41 hospitals, 1,500 primary health care centers, and 28 centers for nonmedical attention purposes, and the BV-SSPA was created to cover all these health services. It was appointed the only intermediary for contracting electronic resources destined to the Andalusian Health System. Hospitals are not allowed to subscribe any resources, and the same services are offered for the whole system. Results: In 2011, the BV-SSPA reached the biggest electronic health sciences resource collection in Spain: a total amount of 2,431 subscribed titles, besides 8 databases and other scientific information resources. The following goals were also achieved: • Cost-effectiveness: In 2011, the BV-SSPA represented a saving percentage of 25.42% compared to the individual hospital subscription costs if they would have continued their contracting. • Efficiency: Central purchasing has meant for the Andalusian health professionals, the democracy of research resource access. Some services were also created: • integrated and safe remote access to all the library resources independent of the user’s location • citizenship website, where the resources for citizenship are grouped • Centralized Document Supply Service, focusing all the article orders from and for the Andalusian Health System • institutional repository, which contains the whole intellectual, scientific production generated by the Andalusian health professionals • computer application to study the Andalusian health system scientific production • Social media as instrument for communicating with users • science web, a defined space for researchers. Conclusions: Although Andalusia is facing a dreadful economic situation, the BV-SSPA has demonstrated its sustainability: • For 2012 renewals, it carried out a statistics study allowing obtaining enough data for deciding which titles were not being discharged by users. • Titles with no discharges or without impact factor were rejected after strong negotiation with suppliers, as the BV-SSPA after 6 years on, is considered a strong dealer by them. • This meant savings of 14% from the original budget for 2012, which allowed the continuity of the BV-SSPA without decreasing the quality offered to their users.
BACKGROUND Differences in the distribution of genotypes between individuals of the same ethnicity are an important confounder factor commonly undervalued in typical association studies conducted in radiogenomics. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the genotypic distribution of SNPs in a wide set of Spanish prostate cancer patients for determine the homogeneity of the population and to disclose potential bias. DESIGN SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS A total of 601 prostate cancer patients from Andalusia, Basque Country, Canary and Catalonia were genotyped for 10 SNPs located in 6 different genes associated to DNA repair: XRCC1 (rs25487, rs25489, rs1799782), ERCC2 (rs13181), ERCC1 (rs11615), LIG4 (rs1805388, rs1805386), ATM (rs17503908, rs1800057) and P53 (rs1042522). The SNP genotyping was made in a Biotrove OpenArray® NT Cycler. OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Comparisons of genotypic and allelic frequencies among populations, as well as haplotype analyses were determined using the web-based environment SNPator. Principal component analysis was made using the SnpMatrix and XSnpMatrix classes and methods implemented as an R package. Non-supervised hierarchical cluster of SNP was made using MultiExperiment Viewer. RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS We observed that genotype distribution of 4 out 10 SNPs was statistically different among the studied populations, showing the greatest differences between Andalusia and Catalonia. These observations were confirmed in cluster analysis, principal component analysis and in the differential distribution of haplotypes among the populations. Because tumor characteristics have not been taken into account, it is possible that some polymorphisms may influence tumor characteristics in the same way that it may pose a risk factor for other disease characteristics. CONCLUSION Differences in distribution of genotypes within different populations of the same ethnicity could be an important confounding factor responsible for the lack of validation of SNPs associated with radiation-induced toxicity, especially when extensive meta-analysis with subjects from different countries are carried out.
The Andalusian Health e-Library was set-up in 2006 as a government initiative of the region. After these seven years, its achievements have placed it as the knowledge manager of Health Sciences in Andalusia. It centralizes the subscription of information resources and the acquisition of applied technologies, but it also implements the necessary services for the research community in order to provide a better management of the information which is used and generated. Nowadays, in these economic turbulence days, the Digital Library optimizes the management and the economic resources in order to suit the Andalusian Government commitment in terms of assistance and research activities.
The Andalusian Health e-Library was set-up in 2006 as a government initiative of the region. After these seven years, its achievements have placed it as the knowledge manager of Health Sciences in Andalusia. It centralizes the subscription of information resources and the acquisition of applied technologies, but it also implements the necessary services for the research community in order to provide a better management of the information which is used and generated. Nowadays, in these economic turbulence days, the Digital Library optimizes the management and the economic resources in order to suit the Andalusian Government commitment in terms of assistance and research activities.
Background: Obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). A proper anthropometric characterisation of T2DM risk is essential for disease prevention and clinical risk assessement. Methods: Longitudinal study in 37 733 participants (63% women) of the Spanish EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) cohort without prevalent diabetes. Detailed questionnaire information was collected at baseline and anthropometric data gathered following standard procedures. A total of 2513 verified incident T2DM cases occurred after 12.1 years of mean follow-up. Multivariable Cox regression was used to calculate hazard ratios of T2DM by levels of anthropometric variables. Results: Overall and central obesity were independently associated with T2DM risk. BMI showed the strongest association with T2DM in men whereas waist-related indices were stronger independent predictors in women. Waist-to-height ratio revealed the largest area under the ROC curve in men and women, with optimal cut-offs at 0.60 and 0.58, respectively. The most discriminative waist circumference (WC) cut-off values were 99.4 cm in men and 90.4 cm in women. Absolute risk of T2DM was higher in men than women for any combination of age, BMI and WC categories, and remained low in normal-waist women. The population risk of T2DM attributable to obesity was 17% in men and 31% in women. Conclusions: Diabetes risk was associated with higher overall and central obesity indices even at normal BMI and WC values. The measurement of waist circumference in the clinical setting is strongly recommended for the evaluation of future T2DM risk in women.