348 resultados para Flûte à bec


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für das Orchester gesetzt und instrumentiert von Max Rhode


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Rhinoviruses (RV) replicate in both upper and lower airway epithelial cells. We evaluated the possibility of using nasal epithelial cells (NEC) as surrogate of bronchial epithelial cells (BEC) for RV pathogenesis cell culture studies. METHODS We used primary paired NEC and BEC cultures established from healthy subjects and compared the replication of RV belonging to the major (RV16) and minor (RV1B) group, and the cellular antiviral and proinflammatory cytokine responses towards these viruses. We related antiviral and pro-inflammatory responses of NEC isolated from CF and COPD patients with those of BEC. RESULTS RV16 replication and major group surface receptor (ICAM-1) expression were higher in healthy NEC compared with BEC (P < 0.05); RV1B replication and minor group surface receptor (LDLR) expression were similar. Healthy NEC and BEC produced similar levels of IFN-β and IFN-λ2/3 upon RV infection or after simulation with poly(IC). IL-8 production was similar between healthy NEC and BEC. IL-6 release at baseline (P < 0.01) and upon infection with RV16 (P < 0.05) and poly(IC) stimulation (P < 0.05) was higher in NEC. RV1B viral load in NEC was related to RV1B viral load in BEC (r = 0.49, P = 0.01). There was a good correlation of IFN levels between NEC and BEC (r = 0.66, P = 0.0004 after RV1B infection). IL-8 production in NEC was related to IL-8 production in BEC (r = 0.48, P = 0.02 after RV1B infection). CONCLUSION NEC are a suitable alternative cellular system to BEC to study the pathophysiology of RV infections and particularly to investigate IFN responses induced by RV infection.


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u.a. Zusendung einer Flöte aus Danzig; Reitschule; Schreibfertigkeiten;


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u.a.: Erlaubnis zum Kauf einer Flöte; Tod des Freundes Gottfried; Europareise;


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u.a. Flötenspiel Arthur Schopenhauer;


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Umzug nach Frankfurt am Main 1833; Erstbegegnung Anthime Gregoire de Blésimaires in Trittau; Cholera in Berlin; Kritik an der Regierung in Deutschland; Philosophie von Jean Paul; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; weitere philosophische Veröffentlichungen nach "Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung" von 1819; Alexander von Humboldt; Lehrtätigkeit als Professor an der Berliner Universität von 1820 bis 1831; zwischenzeitlicher Aufenthalt in Mannheim von 1831 bis 1833; Vorzüge von Frankfurt; Flötenspielerei; Sprachkenntnisse; kompliziertes Verhältnis zur in Bonn lebenden Mutter Johanna Schopenhauer;


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u.a. Visitenkarte Arthur Schopenhauer; Umschläge; getrocknete Blumen vom Grab Arthur Schopenhauers; Darstellung von Carolin Medon; Darstellung vom Englischen Hof; Darstellung von Ottilie von Goethe; Schöne Aussicht; Zeichnung von Wilhelm Busch; Darstellung von Julius Frauenstädt; Dokumentation über die Flöte Schopenhauers von Wilhelm Thomson;


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Sinorhizobium fredii strain USDA191 forms N-fixing nodules on the soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) cultivars (cvs) McCall and Peking, but S. fredii strain USDA257 nodulates only cv Peking. We wondered whether specificity in this system is conditioned by the release of unique flavonoid signals from one of the cultivars or by differential perception of signals by the strains. We isolated flavonoids and used nodC and nolX, which are nod-box-dependent and -independent nod genes, respectively, to determine how signals activate genes in the microsymbionts. Seeds of cv McCall and cv Peking contain the isoflavones daidzein, genistein, and glycitein, as well as their glucosyl and malonylglucosyl glycosides. Roots exude picomolar concentrations of daidzein, genistein, glycitein, and coumestrol. Amounts are generally higher in cv Peking than in cv McCall, and the presence of rhizobia markedly influences the level of specific signals. Nanomolar concentrations of daidzein, genistein, and coumestrol induce expression of nodC and nolX in strain USDA257, but the relative nolX-inducing activities of these signals differ in strain USDA191. Glycitein and the conjugates are inactive. Strain USDA257 deglycosylates daidzin and genistin into daidzein and genistein, respectively, thereby converting inactive precursors into active inducers. Although neither soybean cultivar contains unique nod-gene-inducing flavonoids, strain- and cultivar-specific interactions are characterized by distinct patterns of signal release and response.


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In this thesis, we present the generation and studies of a 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) perturbed by an oscillatory excitation. The atoms are trapped in a harmonic magnetic trap where, after an evaporative cooling process, we produce the BEC. In order to study the effect caused by oscillatory excitations, a quadrupole magnetic field time oscillatory is superimposed to the trapping potential. Through this perturbation, collective modes were observed. The dipole mode is excited even for low excitation amplitudes. However, a minimum excitation energy is needed to excite the condensate quadrupole mode. Observing the excited cloud in TOF expansion, we note that for excitation amplitude in which the quadrupole mode is excited, the cloud expands without invert its aspect ratio. By looking these clouds, after long time-of-flight, it was possible to see vortices and, sometimes, a turbulent state in the condensed cloud. We calculated the momentum distribution of the perturbed BECs and a power law behavior, like the law to Kolmogorov turbulence, was observed. Furthermore, we show that using the method that we have developed to calculate the momentum distribution, the distribution curve (including the power law exponent) exhibits a dependence on the quadrupole mode oscillation of the cloud. The randomness distribution of peaks and depletions in density distribution image of an expanded turbulent BEC, remind us to the intensity profile of a speckle light beam. The analogy between matter-wave speckle and light speckle is justified by showing the similarities in the spatial propagation (or time expansion) of the waves. In addition, the second order correlation function is evaluated and the same dependence with distance was observed for the both waves. This creates the possibility to understand the properties of quantum matter in a disordered state. The propagation of a three-dimensional speckle field (as the matter-wave speckle described here) creates an opportunity to investigate the speckle phenomenon existing in dimensions higher than 2D (the case of light speckle).


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This work explores the multi-element capabilities of inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry with collision/reaction cell technology (CCT-ICP-MS) for the simultaneous determination of both spectrally interfered and non-interfered nuclides in wine samples using a single set of experimental conditions. The influence of the cell gas type (i.e. He, He+H2 and He+NH3), cell gas flow rate and sample pre-treatment (i.e. water dilution or acid digestion) on the background-equivalent concentration (BEC) of several nuclides covering the mass range from 7 to 238 u has been studied. Results obtained in this work show that, operating the collision/reaction cell with a compromise cell gas flow rate (i.e. 4 mL min−1) improves BEC values for interfered nuclides without a significant effect on the BECs for non-interfered nuclides, with the exception of the light elements Li and Be. Among the different cell gas mixtures tested, the use of He or He+H2 is preferred over He+NH3 because NH3 generates new spectral interferences. No significant influence of the sample pre-treatment methodology (i.e. dilution or digestion) on the multi-element capabilities of CCT-ICP-MS in the context of simultaneous analysis of interfered and non-interfered nuclides was observed. Nonetheless, sample dilution should be kept at minimum to ensure that light nuclides (e.g. Li and Be) could be quantified in wine. Finally, a direct 5-fold aqueous dilution is recommended for the simultaneous trace and ultra-trace determination of spectrally interfered and non-interfered elements in wine by means of CCT-ICP-MS. The use of the CCT is mandatory for interference-free ultra-trace determination of Ti and Cr. Only Be could not be determined when using the CCT due to a deteriorated limit of detection when compared to conventional ICP-MS.


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O objecto deste estudo teve a intenção de apresentar algumas afinidades de linguagem e de raciocínio entre o segundo livro do De libero arbitrio de Santo Agostinho e os primeiros três capítulos do Proslogion de Santo Anselmo, a respeito da prova da existência de Deus. Com efeito, para a maior parte dos augustinianos, e até mesmo dos anselmianos, há verdadeiramente uma filiação do pensamento de Santo Anselmo em Santo Agostinho. Podemos dizer que Anselmo de Cantuária é o principal propagador, ainda que de uma forma inovadora, de um certo pensamento augustiniano, que se reflecte na sua obra e, nomeadamente, no Proslogion. Esta influência denota, ao mesmo tempo, uma proximidade textual e conceptual, de que é a fonte criadora para o monge de Bec. De facto, para bem destrinçar os antecedentes do pensamento anselmiano, é preciso encontrar os princípios de formulação racional, que são semelhantes em Anselmo e Agostinho. Ora, foi nisso que consistiu o nosso trabalho, tanto mais que, entre os trabalhos existentes, assiste-se a uma abordagem menos desenvolvida a este propósito.


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Na distinção 27 do Comentário às Sentenças de Pedro Lombardo, na questão onde o sentido próprio do conceito de “Verbo” se discute e se aclara, é a autoridade do pensamento anselmiano, conforme a sua exposição nas páginas do Monologion, que Boaventura convoca para a conclusão do problema e a resolução das dissensões. Tomando, por isso, aquele texto como ponto de partida da nossa incursão sobre a filosofia do monge de Le Bec, procurar-se-á reflectir sobre o carácter mediador do Verbo no acto da criação e sobre o modo como este constitui a chave de interpretação da questão filosófica do uno e do múltiplo. É esta relação entre o uno e o múltiplo, na qual se encerra o mistério da criação, que encontrará, por seu turno, junto da filosofia do Doutor Seráfico, fortes ressonâncias estéticas, firmadas sobre uma concepção de beleza, de matriz agostiniana, que a define como “aequalitas numerosa”, que o mesmo seria dizer, como unidade da multiplicidade.


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Des recherches au Québec (Garon, 2009), en France (Donnat, 2011) et aux États-Unis (Kolb, 2001) confirment un état de fait général: le vieillissement du public de la musique classique. Si le public du répertoire est reconnu pour posséder un haut niveau d’études, pourquoi les étudiants universitaires de nos jours ne sont-ils pas plus présents dans les salles de concert ? Cette étude explore cette problématique d’abord par une recherche historique et par des entrevues auprès de certains des organismes de musique classique à Montréal, et ce afin de comprendre leurs stratégies de développement des publics concernés de 2004 à 2014. Ensuite, par un sondage auprès de 555 étudiants universitaires de la ville, pour faire un portrait de leur relation avec la musique à l’heure actuelle. Notre analyse, appuyée par une bibliographie en sociomusicologie et en sociologie des pratiques culturelles, confirme des tendances comme celle de l’«omnivorisme culturel» et l’éclectisme musical des jeunes universitaires. Elle nous montre aussi une réception positive des œuvres classiques, quoiqu’incompatible avec les critères esthétiques des genres musicaux favoris. À partir de ce paradoxe, nous étudions la force des motivations extramusicales qui les amènent aux concerts, leurs formats préférés, l’impact de l’éducation musicale, l’influence des parents, de l’internet, des nouvelles technologies. Finalement, nous constatons le nombre peu élevé d’initiatives des organismes musicaux dans le milieu universitaire à Montréal qui, pourtant, se montre un bassin au grand potentiel pour le renouvellement des publics de la musique classique.