1000 resultados para Fischer, G.A. (1848-1886) -- Portraits
Paleotemperature estimates calculated by the SIMMAX Modern Analog Technique are presented for two gravity cores from the Rio Grande Rise, one from the Brazil Slope, and one from the Ceara Rise. The estimates are based on comparisons between modern and fossil planktonic foraminiferal assemblages and were carried out on samples from Quaternary sediments. Estimated warm-season temperatures from the Rio Grande Rise (at approx. 30° S) range from around 19°C to 24°C, with some coincidence of warm peaks with interglacial stages. The temperature estimates (also warm-season) from the more tropical Brazil Slope (at approx. 8° S) and Ceara Rise (at approx. 4° N) cores are more stable, remaining between 26°C and 28°C throughout most of their lengths. This fairly stable situation in the tropical western Atlantic is interrupted in oxygen isotope stage 6 by a significant drop of 2-3°C in both of these cores. Temperature estimates from the uppermost samples in all cores compare very well to the modern-day measured values. Affinities of some foraminiferal species for warmer or cooler surface temperatures are identified within the temperature range of the examined samples based on their abundance values. Especially notable among the warmer species are, Globorotalia menardii, Globigerinita glutinata, Globigerinoides ruber, and Globigerinoides sacculifer. Species indicative of cooler surface temperatures include Globorotalia inflata, Globigerina bulloides, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, and Globigerina falconensis. A cluster analysis was carried out to assist in understanding the degree of variation which occurs in the foraminiferal assemblages, and how temperature differences influence the faunal compositions of the samples. It is demonstrated that fairly similar samples may have unexpectedly different estimated temperatures due to small differences in key species and, conversely, quite different assemblages can result in similar or identical temperature estimates which confirms that other parameters than just temperature affect faunal content.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Suggested minimum bibliography for teachers and children": p. 159-160.
Bibliography: p. [203]-209.
Mode of access: Internet.
v. [I]. Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða. Sagan af Hrafnkeli Freysgoða. 2. udg. besörget ved K. Gislason og oversat af N. L. Westergaard. 1847 -- v. II. Droplaugarsona saga. Sagan af Helga ok Grimi Droplaugarsonum, besørget og ledsaget med en analyse og ordsamling Konrad Gislason. 1847 -- v. III. Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks konungs. Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks konungs, besørget af N. M. Petersen, oversat af G. Thorarensen. 1847 -- v. IV. Bjarnar saga Hitdælakappa. Sagan af Birni Hitdœlakappa, besörget og oversat af H. Friðriksson. 1847 -- v. V. Vápnfirðinga saga. Vápnfirðinga saga, Þáttr af Þorsteini Hvíta, Þáttr af Þorsteini Stangarhögg, Brandkrossa þáttr, besörget og oversat af G. Thordarson. 1848 -- v. VI. Þórðar saga Hreðu. Sagan af Þórði Hreðu, besörget og oversat ved H. Friðriksson. 1848 -- v. VII. Lucidarius. Lucidarius, en folkebog fra middelalderen ved C. J. Brandt. 1849 -- v. VIII. Gísla saga Súrssonar. Tvær sögur af Gísla Súrssyni ved Konrad Gislason. 1849 -- v. IX. Denmark. Laws, statues, etc., 1202-1241 (Valdemar II) Kong Valdemar den Andens Jyske lov besørget af N. M. Petersen. 1850 -- v. X. Bandamanna saga. Bandamanna saga ved H. Fridriksson. 1850 -- v. XI, SVII, XXI-XXII, XXXII. Gragas. Gragás, Islændernes lovbog i fristatens tid oversat af V. Finsen. 1852-70 -- v. XII, XX. Hammershaimb, V. U. Færöiske kvæder. 1851-55 -- v. XIII. Denmark. Laws, statutes, etc., 1202-1241 (Valdemar II) Valdemars Sællandske lov og Absalons Sællandske kirkelov. 1852 -- v. XIV. Denmark. Laws, statutes, etc., 1286
Mode of access: Internet.
Title taken from the binding.
Translation of: Sangre y arena.
Translation of L'innocente.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
[I] Memphis I, 1908, by W.M.F. Petrie and J.H. Walker.--[II] The Palace of Apries (Memphis II) 1909.--[III] Meydum and Memphis III, 1910, by Petrie, E. Mackay, and G. Wainwright.--[IV] Roman portraits and (Memphis IV) 1911.--[V] Tarkhan I and Memphis V, 1912.--[VI] Riqqeh and Memphis VI, 1913, by R. Engelbach and W.M.F. Petrie, 1915.