823 resultados para Finance New World Caicó-RN
As anlises em torno da atual (re) configurao do capitalismo um elemento imprescindvel para uma crtica da poltica educacional superior em curso nos pases em desenvolvimento, sendo justificada no discurso oficial pela necessidade de adequao destes ?nova ordem mundial?. Podemos identificar que desde os anos 1990, realiza-se um processo de privatizao da educao superior no pas, caracterizado pela mercadorizao da educao, pela desresponsabilizao do Estado na garantia da educao como direito e pela destinao de verbas pblicas para a iniciativa privada, nesse quadro que se insere as mudanas que se processam na avaliao institucional das Instituies de Educao Superior (IES) pblicas realizadas no Brasil a partir da dcada de 1990, seguindo num movimento de continuidades adentrando as dcadas seguintes com o governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002) e suas polticas de reformas, sendo ratificada pelos planos e metas de ajuste do governo de Luis Incio Lula da Silva (2003-2010).
O presente estudo ambiciona examinar as escritas literrias de Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) e Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) considerando-as como uma forma de pressgio de arte na Amrica, ou seja, como uma escrita literria que parece ter sido herdada no ambiente artstico das obras plsticas contemporneas de Richard Serra (1939-) e Waltercio Caldas (1946-), entre outras. Tal herana endossa a noo de linguagem ordinria, compreendida como o ponto de acolhimento, ou de uma inquietao, que se faz presente nas circunstncias da contemporaneidade. Por sua vez, o gesto de endereamento que envolve estas escrituras expressa a marca de uma indecibilidade acerca da continuidade ou descontinuidade da existncia de categorias como literatura, filosofia e artes. Assim, a problematizao dessas remisses ganha vulto no presente estudo, por meio de uma abordagem em perspectiva comparada entre Thoreau, Emerson, Waltercio, Serra e outros. E deste modo, a questo que se estabelece nesse panorama diz respeito aos problemas do pensamento, que em mbito plstico parecem se estender para uma tradio crtica no Novo Mundo
As leishmanioses so doenas consideradas antropozoonoses, ou seja, doenas primrias de animais que podem ser transmitidas ao homem. So causadas por microorganismos do gnero Leishmania e transmitidas atravs da picada de flebotomneos, que so insetos alados da ordem Diptera (mesmo grupo das moscas, mosquitos e borrachudos). Apresentam-se sob duas formas clnicas: Leishmaniose Visceral ou Calazar (LV) e Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana (LTA). As leishmanioses apresentam distribuio geogrfica vasta pelo Velho e Novo Mundo, sendo estimado dessa maneira que aproximadamente 350 milhes de pessoas estejam sob iminente risco de contrair algum tipo de leishmaniose. No Brasil, as leishmanioses so encontradas em todas as unidades federadas, e o estado do Rio de Janeiro vem apresentando franca expanso dessas doenas em reas urbanas, devido principalmente ao desmatamento ocasionado pela expanso no planejada da malha urbana. Nesse contexto, faz-se necessrio desenvolver estudos sobre o espao e o processo sade-doena, relao estabelecida pela Geografia da Sade, a fim de que se compreenda a correlao entre o homem e o ambiente vivido.
Fishing was America's first industry, and turtling played an important role in the nation's developing fisheries. However, before the European settlers arrived in the New World, Native Americans had already developed spiritual and gastronomic relationships with sea turtles. There are indications that ancient Florida tribes had eaten sea turtles and then placed the skulls in burial mounds (Johnson, 1952).
With complete sets of chromosome-specific painting probes derived from flow-sorted chromosomes of human and grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), the whole genome homologies between human and representatives of tree squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis, Callosciurus erythraeus), flying squirrels (Petaurista albiventer) and chipmunks (Tamias sibiricus) have been defined by cross-species chromosome painting. The results show that, unlike the highly rearranged karyotypes of mouse and rat, the karyotypes of squirrels are highly conserved. Two methods have been used to reconstruct the genome phylogeny of squirrels with the laboratory rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) as the out-group: ( 1) phylogenetic analysis by parsimony using chromosomal characters identified by comparative cytogenetic approaches; ( 2) mapping the genome rearrangements onto recently published sequence-based molecular trees. Our chromosome painting results, in combination with molecular data, show that flying squirrels are phylogenetically close to New World tree squirrels. Chromosome painting and G-banding comparisons place chipmunks ( Tamias sibiricus), with a derived karyotype, outside the clade comprising tree and flying squirrels. The superorder Glires (order Rodentia + order Lagomorpha) is firmly supported by two conserved syntenic associations between human chromosomes 1 and 10p homologues, and between 9 and 11 homologues.
The large-insert genomic DNA library is a critical resource for genome-wide genetic dissection of target species. We constructed a high-redundancy bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of a New World monkey species, the black-handed spider monkey
Neurotrypsin is one of the extra-cellular serine proteases that are predominantly expressed in the brain and involved in neuronal development and function. Mutations in humans are associated with autosomal recessive non-syndromic mental retardation (MR). We studied the molecular evolution of neurotrypsin by sequencing the coding region of neurotrypsin in 11 representative non-human primate species covering great apes, lesser apes, Old World monkeys and New World monkeys. Our results demonstrated a strong functional constraint of neurotrypsin that was caused by strong purifying selection during primate evolution, an implication of an essential functional role of neurotrypsin in primate cognition. Further analysis indicated that the purifying selection was in fact acting on the SRCR domains of neurotrypsin, which mediate the binding activity of neurotrypsin to cell surface or extracellular proteins. In addition, by comparing primates with three other mammalian orders, we demonstrated that the absence of the first copy of the SRCR domain (exon 2 and 3) in mouse and rat was due to the deletion of this segment in the murine lineage. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Background: It is widely accepted that the ancestors of Native Americans arrived in the New World via Beringia approximately 10 to 30 thousand years ago (kya). However, the arrival time(s), number of expansion events, and migration routes into the Western
TRIM5tripartite motif protein 5TRIM5HIV-1N-MLVEIAVTRIM5Old World monkeyHIV-1New World monkeyHIV-1TRIM5-CypAowl monkey TRIM5-CypAomTRIMCypHIV-1HIV-1HIV-1HIV-1M. nemestrina groupSunda pig-tailed macaqueM. nemestrinaNorthern pig-tailed macaqueM. leoninaMentawai macaqueM. pagensisTRIM5HIV-1PCRTRIM5CypAcDNATRIM53-UTRTRIM5-CypAnpmTRIMCypnorthern pig-tailed macaque TRIM5-CypART-PCRnpmTRIMCypnpmTRIMCyp3npmTRIMCypV1-V33npmTRIMCypV2npmTRIMCyp787TRIM56 3G/TnpmTRIMCypcDNAORFnpmTRIMCypHeLaHeLa-T4HIV-1npmTRIMCypHIV-1HIV-1HIV-1PBMCsHIV-1npmTRIMCypHIV-2RODSIVmac239omTRIMCypnpmTRIMCypSWAP-1SWAP-2CRFKnpmTRIMCypSWAP1SWAP2CRFKHIV-1-GFP-VSVGomTRIMCyp7SWAP-1SWAP-2HIV-1SWAP-1TRIM57HIV-1npmTRIMCypHIV-146
Wydzia Neofilologii:Instytut Filologii Germaskiej
Tese de Doutoramento apresentada Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obteno do grau de Doutor em Cincias da Informao.
This thesis considers the three works of fiction of the Jamaican author Claude McKay (1889-1948) as a coherent transnational trilogy which dramatises the semi-autobiographical complexities of diasporic exile and return in the period of the 1920s and 1930s. Chapter One explores McKays urban North American novel, Home to Harlem (1928). I suggest that we need to reworld conceptions of McKays writing in order to release him from his canonical confinement in the Harlem Renaissance. Querying the problematics of the city space, of sexuality and of race as they emerge in the novel, this chapter considers McKays percipient understanding of the need to reconfigure diasporic identity beyond the limits set by American nationalism. Chapter Two engages with McKays novel of portside Marseilles, Banjo (1929), and considers the homosocial interactions of the vagabond collective. A comparison of North America and France as supposed exemplars of individual liberty highlights the unsuitability of nationalistic prerogatives to an internally diverse black diaspora. Paul Gilroys Black Atlantic construct provides a suggestive space in which to re-imagine the possibilities of affiliation in the port. The latter section of the chapter examines McKays particular influence on, and relationship, to the Ngritude movement and Pan-African philosophies. Chapter Three focuses on McKays third novel, Banana Bottom (1933). I suggest here that the three novels comprise a coherent New World Trilogy comparable to Edward (Kamau) Brathwaites trilogy, The Arrivants. This chapter considers both the Caribbean and the transnational dimensions to McKays work.
We examined the association between geographic distribution, ecological traits, life history, genetic diversity, and risk of extinction in nonhuman primate species from Costa Rica. All of the current nonhuman primate species from Costa Rica are included in the study; spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi), howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata), capuchins (Cebus capucinus), and squirrel monkeys (Saimiri oerstedii). Geographic distribution was characterized accessing existing databases. Data on ecology and life history traits were obtained through a literature review. Genetic diversity was characterized using isozyme electrophoresis. Risk of extinction was assessed from the literature. We found that species differed in all these traits. Using these data, we conducted a Pearson correlation between risk of extinction and ecological and life history traits, and genetic variation, for widely distributed species. We found a negative association between risk of extinction and population birth and growth rates; indicating that slower reproducing species had a greater risk of extinction. We found a positive association between genetic variation and risk of extinction; i.e., species showing higher genetic variation had a greater risk of extinction. The relevance of these traits for conservation efforts is discussed.
Fatty acids in milk reflect the interplay between species-specific physiological mechanisms and maternal diet. Anthropoid primates (apes, Old and New World monkeys) vary in patterns of growth and development and dietary strategies. Milk fatty acid profiles also are predicted to vary widely. This study investigates milk fatty acid composition of five wild anthropoids (Alouatta palliata, Callithrix jacchus, Gorilla beringei beringei, Leontopithecus rosalia, Macaca sinica) to test the null hypothesis of a generalized anthropoid milk fatty acid composition. Milk from New and Old World monkeys had significantly more 8:0 and 10:0 than milk from apes. The leaf eating species G. b. beringei and A. paliatta had a significantly higher proportion of milk 18:3n-3, a fatty acid found primarily in plant lipids. Mean percent composition of 22:6n-3 was significantly different among monkeys and apes, but was similar to the lowest reported values for human milk. Mountain gorillas were unique among anthropoids in the high proportion of milk 20:4n-6. This seems to be unrelated to requirements of a larger brain and may instead reflect species-specific metabolic processes or an unknown source of this fatty acid in the mountain gorilla diet.
Understanding animals' spatial perception is a critical step toward discerning their cognitive processes. The spatial sense is multimodal and based on both the external world and mental representations of that world. Navigation in each species depends upon its evolutionary history, physiology, and ecological niche. We carried out foraging experiments on wild vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) at Lake Nabugabo, Uganda, to determine the types of cues used to detect food and whether associative cues could be used to find hidden food. Our first and second set of experiments differentiated between vervets' use of global spatial cues (including the arrangement of feeding platforms within the surrounding vegetation) and/or local layout cues (the position of platforms relative to one another), relative to the use of goal-object cues on each platform. Our third experiment provided an associative cue to the presence of food with global spatial, local layout, and goal-object cues disguised. Vervets located food above chance levels when goal-object cues and associative cues were present, and visual signals were the predominant goal-object cues that they attended to. With similar sample sizes and methods as previous studies on New World monkeys, vervets were not able to locate food using only global spatial cues and local layout cues, unlike all five species of platyrrhines thus far tested. Relative to these platyrrhines, the spatial location of food may need to stay the same for a longer time period before vervets encode this information, and goal-object cues may be more salient for them in small-scale space.