324 resultados para Filtração
A água de coco é considerada uma bebida isotônica, nutritiva e pouco calórica. A sua composição química é bastante complexa, alguns dos principais constituintes são açúcares e minerais e, em menores quantidades, Iipídeos e compostos nitrogenados. Um grande desafio é preservar a água de coco por longo período de tempo fora do fruto, mantendo as suas características físicas e organolépticas. A pasteurização é um dos processos de conservação que vem sendo utilizado com esse propósito. No entanto, pouco se sabe a respeito da influência desse processo de conservação na composição química da água de coco. Nesse sentido, a proposta desse trabalho foi investigar as espécies químicas de Cu e Zn presentes na água de coco, bem como avaliar a influência do processo de pasteurização sobre essas espécies. Para esse estudo foram feitas medidas de pH e da concentração hidrogeniônica, extração em ponto nuvem, extração por solvente, ultrafiltrações e determinação da concentração total de proteínas visando a separação com eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida com dodecil sulfato de sódio (SOS-PAGE), e cromatografia por filtração em gel. As determinações de Cu e Zn foram feitas na água de coco total e nas frações por espectrometria de absorção atômica com atomização eletrotérmica (ETAAS). Os resultados das determinações totais de Cu e Zn, e de proteínas mostraram que a composição dessas espécies varia muito entre os diferentes frutos. A combinação dos resultados obtidos pelas diferentes técnicas indicou que o Cu está, preferencialmente, associado às moléculas de maiores pesos moleculares, enquanto que o Zn encontra-se associado a pequenas moléculas. A pasteurização não afetou o pH, a concentração total dos elementos e de proteínas. Porém, a partir dos resultados da cromatografia por filtração em gel e da determinação de Cu e Zn nas frações coletadas do eluente, foi possível observar que a pasteurização provocou alterações nos pesos moleculares das proteínas e, possivelmente nos elementos associados a elas. As mudanças observadas indicam quebra de ligações fracas, provavelmente dissulfeto, rompendo aglomerados protéicos (maior massa molecular) e aumentando a abundância de proteínas mais leves (menor massa molecular).
Disposição de resíduos gerados em estações de tratamento de água em estações de tratamento de esgoto
O presente trabalho foi realizado em duas fases. Na primeira, foram estimados os efeitos produzidos nos decantadores primários de uma ETE, após receber resíduo da ETA-SC, que utiliza sulfato de alumínio como coagulante. Foram realizados ensaios em colunas de sedimentação, onde os parâmetros SST, SSV, cor, turbidez, DQO, coliformes totais, Escherichia coli e parasitas, pesquisados no sobrenadante, diminuíram com o aumento da quantidade de resíduo adicionado. Com relação aos sedimentos obtidos nas colunas de sedimentação, foi encontrada maior quantidade de ST e menor resistência específica nos lodos provenientes das colunas que receberam os resíduos da ETA-SC. No teste de atividade metanogênica, a concentração molar de metano foi reduzida nos sistemas que receberam resíduo da ETA-SC, influenciando negativamente no desenvolvimento dos microrganismos metanogênicas. As espécies de microrganismos do gênero Methanothrix sp foram inibidas, sendo encontradas em maior número no frasco-reator controle e em menor quantidade a medida que se aumentou a quantidade do resíduo adicionado. Nesta etapa foi constatado que o resíduo da ETA-SC poderá apresentar interferências negativas sobre a digestão anaeróbia do lodo produzido em decantadores primários de uma ETE. Na segunda fase, na estação piloto, composta de lagoa de aeração seguida de lagoa de sedimentação, que recebeu resíduo da ETA-Fonte, que utiliza cloreto férrico como coagulante, foi verificado que tal resíduo melhorou a qualidade do efluente em termos de DQO, DBO, SST, turbidez, cor, amônio, nitrato, NTK e fosfato total. Os parâmetros ST, SDT, cloreto, nitrito, condutividade e pH não apresentaram diferenças significativas. Em relação ao exame microscópico não houve influências negativas no licor misto das lagoas de aeração. O lodo formado nas lagoas de sedimentação piloto apresentou-se em maior quantidade na lagoa que recebeu resíduo da ETA-Fonte. Neste lodo a resistência específica a filtração foi menor em comparação ao lodo da lagoa que não recebeu resíduo da ETA-Fonte. A desidratação deste lodo por centrifugação necessitou menor quantidade de polieletrólito. Baseado neste estudo não foi verificado interferências que possa impedir o lançamento do resíduo da ETA-Fonte na ETE-Araraquara.
No presente trabalho são apresentados os resultados da Aplicação do Método do Potencial Espontâneo, no estudo do vazamento de água em barragens. Os vazamentos de água em barragens podem ocorrer através do maciço e através do substrato. São qui descritas as diversas partes do maciço e as estruturas do substrato por onde ocorrem esses vazamentos, sendo também fornecidas as litologias dos substratos, salientando-se aquelas que podem originar maior permeabilidade. Alguns exemplos típicos de vazamentos, tanto através do maciço, como através do substrato, são fornecidos para casos brasileiros, tão bem como para alguns estrangeiros. O método do Potencial Espontâneo, só recentemente começou a ter aplicações em obras de Engenharia Civil. Suas primeiras aplicações em barragens começaram com Ogilvy e outros (1969) que desenvolveram estudos de laboratório, e de campo em reservatórios do Trans-Cáucaso e da Ásia Central. Antes disso, o método já era largamente utilizado em prospecção mineira, tendo-se desenvolvido por C. Schlumberger, quando estudava a pirita de Saint Bell, na França, em 1913. Para a execução dos trabalhos em laboratório, baseamo-nos na Lei de Darcy, nos estudos de C. Schlumberger sobre o método do Potencial Espontâneo, e nos trabalhos de Ogilvy e outros (1969, 70, 72). Segundo Ogilvy e outros (1969), \"experiências de laboratório são executadas em vista de que os vazamentos de reservatórios são caracterizados por anomalias de correntes naturais. Quanto maior é a descarga de filtração, tanto mais alta são as anomalias. Como resultado, a relação que governa a diferença de potencial e a composição granulométrica da areia, concentrações eletrolíticas e outros fatores foram revelados\". São apresentados gráficos e tabelas como conclusões dos trabalhos de laboratório. O método do Potencial Espontâneo foi empregado no estudo dos vazamentos de água da Barragem de Saracuruna (RJ) e da Barragem do Rio Juqueri, ) Sistema Cantareira, da COMASP (SP). São apresentados trabalhos anteriores sobre a localização, tipo de barragem, locais de vazamento, defeitos de construção, geologia local e características geométricas das barragens mencionadas, bem como são feitas comparações com outras metodologias empregadas no estudo dos mesmos vazamentos, chegando-se a uma boa correlação, entre este método e aqueles. Como conclusões dos trabalhos de campo realizados são fornecidos nove perfis levantados na Barragem de Saracuruna e os mapas de isoanomalias das duas barragens, onde aparecem as zonas de maior permeabilidade.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
This work has the main objective to obtain nano and microcrystals of cellulose, extracted from the pineapple leaf fibres (PALF), as reinforcement for the manufacture of biocomposite films with polymeric matrices of Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and Poly(lactic acid) (PLA). The polymer matrices and the nano and microcrystals of cellulose were characterised by means of TGA, FTIR and DSC. The analysis was performed on the pineapple leaves to identify the macro and micronutrients. The fibers of the leaves of the pineapple were extracted in a desfibradeira mechanical. The PALF extracted were washed to remove washable impurities and subsequently treated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) in the removal of impurities, such as fat, grease, pectates, pectin and lignin. The processed PALF fibers were hydrolysed in sulfuric acid (H2SO4) at a concentration of 13.5 %, to obtain nano and microcrystals of cellulose. In the manufacture of biocomposite films, concentrations of cellulose, 0 %, 1 %, 3 %, 6 %, 9% and 12% were used as reinforcement to the matrices of PVA and PLA. The PVA was dissolved in distilled water at 80 ± 5 oC and the PLA was dissolved in dichloromethane at room temperature. The manufacture of biocompósitos in the form of films was carried out by "casting". Tests were carried out to study the water absorption by the films and mechanical test of resistance to traction according to ASTM D638-10 with a velocity of 50 mm/min.. Chi-square statistical test was used to check for the existence of significant differences in the level of 0.05: the lengths of the PALF, lengths of the nano and microcrystals of cellulose and the procedures used for the filtration using filter syringe of 0.2 μm or filtration and centrifugation. The hydrophilicity of biocompósitos was analysed by measuring the contact angle and the thickness of biocompósitos were compared as well as the results of tests of traction. Statistical T test - Student was also applied with the significance level (0.05). In biodegradation, Sturm test of standard D5209 was used. Nano and microcrystals of cellulose with lengths ranging from 7.33 nm to 186.17 nm were found. The PVA films showed average thicknesses of 0.153 μm and PLA 0.210 μm. There is a strong linear correlation directly proportional between the traction of the films of PVA and the concentration of cellulose in the films (composite) (0,7336), while the thickness of the film was correlated in 0.1404. Nano and microcrystals of cellulose and thickness together, correlated to 0.8740. While the correlation between the cellulose content and tensile strength was weak and inversely proportional (- 0,0057) and thickness in -0.2602, totaling -0,2659 in PLA films. This can be attributed to the nano and microcrystals of cellulose not fully adsorbed to the PLA matrix. In the comparison of the results of the traction of the two polymer matrices, the nano and microcrystals have helped in reducing the traction of the films (composite) of PLA. There was still the degradation of the film of PVA, within a period of 20 days, which was not seen in the PLA film, on the other hand, the observations made in the literature, the average time to start the degradation is above 60 days. What can be said that the films are biodegradable composites, with hydrophilicity and the nano and microcrystals of cellulose, contribute positively in the improvement of the results of polymer matrices used.
This study aimed mainly to evaluate the influence of xanthan gum (XG) and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) in the filtration process of water-based drilling fluids, considering the conformational changes suffered by the polyelectrolyte with the addition of sodium chloride (NaCl) in different concentrations (0.17, 0.34 and 0.51 mol.L-1). It was also evaluated the behavior of the fluid by the addition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in pure water and in brine. Seeking a better understanding of the interaction between the polymers used and CaCO3, polymer adsorption analyzes were performed using a depletion method, which yielded a higher percentage of adsorption of Xanthan Gum in this material (29%), which can justify the formation of a thin and waterproof filter cake for drilling fluids containing this polymer. However, the best values of apparent viscosity (20 and 24 mPa.s) and volume of filtrate (8.0 and 8.1 mL) were obtained for the systems consisting of xanthan gum, CMC and CaCO3, in NaCl aqueous solutions concentrations of 0.34 and 0.51 mol.L-1, respectively. The values can be related to the presence of CMC that increases the apparent viscosity and reduces the volume of filtrate. In addition, the CaCO3 added acts as a bridging agent, promoting the formation of a less permeable filter cake
Among the species of freshwater shrimp being cultivated, Macrobrachium rosenbergii stands out. Knowledge about the behavior of this species and the influence of certain factors on its development can help optimize management practices and minimize the likely impacts shrimp farming has on the environment and the animals themselves. The objective of this study was to characterize the species' behavior during early stages of development under different stocking densities over a 24-hour cycle. Ten day old postlarvae were transferred from the Jundiaí School of Agriculture (EAJ - Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí) in Macaíba (RN), Brazil to the Shrimp Behavior Laboratory (LSPR - Laboratório de Estudos do Comportamento do Camarão) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), where they were weighed and measured. Eight aquaria with constant temperature, aeration and filtration, and subjected to a12 h light/12 h dark cycle were used for each experiment. Each aquarium also contained two shelters made of bricks and the water quality was monitored weekly. Behavioral observations were made at two densities: 25 individuals/m-² and 40 individuals/m-². The methods for recording behaviors were: behavioral sampling – enter and leave the shelter, exploring on the substrate, exploring in the water column, move away, attack, pursuit and cannibalism; scan sampling - inactivity, feeding, exploration, digging, swimming, cleaning and staying in the shelter. Observations were made during a 15 minute period/per aquarium at a frequency of 4 times daily, for 4 days/week, and over 4 weeks. Food was provided 2 times/day for each aquarium population, immediately before the 1st and 3rd observation periods. Our results demonstrate that at high density, there is an increased frequency of agonistic behavior; during the light phase, there is a greater frequency of behaviors that result in less exposure (inactivity, cleaning and staying in the shelter); during the dark phase, there is an increased frequency of behaviors that result in greater exposure (feeding, exploration, swimming and digging); at times of feed offer, there is an increased frequency of leaving the shelter, moving away, pursuit, feeding, exploration and swimming. At low density, the animals showed a lower frequency of agonistic behaviors, greater weight gain and higher growth rates, which indicates that this is a more favorable growing environment for cultivation and when applied, can generate better living conditions, favor survival rates and increase management success
The demand for materials with high consistency obtained at relatively low temperatures has been leveraging the search for chemical processes substituents of the conventional ceramic method. This paper aims to obtain nanosized pigments encapsulated (core-shell) the basis of TiO2 doped with transition metals (Fe, Co, Ni, Al) through three (3) methods of synthesis: polymeric precursors (Pechini); hydrothermal microwave, and co-precipitation associated with the sol-gel chemistry. The study was motivated by the simplicity, speed and low power consumption characteristic of these methods. Systems costs are affordable because they allow achieving good control of microstructure, combined with high purity, controlled stoichiometric phases and allowing to obtain particles of nanometer size. The physical, chemical, morphological, structural and optical properties of the materials obtained were analyzed using different techniques for materials characterization. The powder pigments were tested in discoloration and degradation using a photoreactor through the solution of Remazol yellow dye gold (NNI), such as filtration, resulting in a separation of solution and the filter pigments available for further UV-Vis measurements . Different calcination temperatures taken after obtaining the post, the different methods were: 400 º C and 1000 º C. Using a fixed concentration of 10% (Fe, Al, Ni, Co) mass relative to the mass of titanium technologically and economically enabling the study. By transmission electron microscopy (TEM) technique was possible to analyze and confirm the structural formation nanosized particles of encapsulated pigment, TiO2 having the diameter of 20 nm to 100 nm, and thickness of coated layer of Fe, Ni and Co between 2 nm and 10 nm. The method of synthesis more efficient has been studied in the work co-precipitation associated with sol-gel chemistry, in which the best results were achieved without the need for the obtainment of powders the calcination process
Industrial activities like mining, electroplating and the oil extraction process, are increasing the levels of heavy metals such as Cu, Fe, Mg and Cd in aquatic ecosystems. This increase is related to the discharge of effluents containing trace of this elements above the maximum allowed by law. Methods such as ion exchange, membrane filtration and chemical precipitation have been studied as a means of treatment of these metals contamination. The precipitation of metals using anionic surfactants derived from carboxylic acids emerged as an alternative for the removal of metals from industrial effluents. The reaction between bivalent ions and these types of surfactants in aqueous solution leads to the formation of metal carboxylates, which can precipitate in the form of flakes and are subsequently removed by a process of decantation or simple filtration. In this work the metals extraction is performed by using the surfactant sodium hexadecanoate as extracting agent. The main purpose was to study the effect of temperature, solution pH, and concentration of surfactant in the metal removal process. The statistical design of the process showed that the process is directly dependent to changes in pH and concentration of surfactant, but inversely proportional and somewhat dependent to temperature variation, with the latter effect being considered negligible in most cases. The individual study of the effect of temperature showed a strong dependence of the process with the Kraft point, both for the surfactant used as extracting agent, as for the surfactant obtained after the reaction of this surfactant with the metal. From data of temperatures and concentrations of the surfactant was possible to calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction between sodium hexadecanoate and copper ions. Later, thermodynamic parameters were determined, showing that the process is exothermic and spontaneous.
In this study, we investigated the effect of addition of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) and bentonite in the physicochemical properties of acquous drilling fluids. Two formulations were evaluated: F1 formulation, which was used as reference, containing carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), magnesium oxide (MgO), calcite (calcium carbonate - CaCO3 ), xanthan gum, sodium chloride (NaCl) and triazine (bactericidal); and F2, containig HPAM steady of CMC and bentonite in substituition of calcite. The prepared fluids were characterized by rheological properties, lubricity and fluid loss. Calcite was characterized by granulometry and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). The formulation F2 presented filtration control at 93◦C 34 mL while F1 had total filtration. The lubricity coefficient was 0.1623 for F2 and 0.2542 for F1, causing reduction in torque of 25% for F1 and 52 % for F2, compared to water. In the temperature of 49 ◦C and shear rate of 1022 s −1 , the apparent viscosities were 25, 5 and 48 cP for F1 and F2 formulation, respectively, showing greater thermal resistance to F2. With the confirmation of higher thermal stability of F2, factorial design was conducted in order to determine the HPAM and of bentonite concentrations that resulted in the better performance of the fluids. The statistical design response surfaces indicated the best concentrations of HPAM (4.3g/L) and bentonite (28.5 g/L) to achieve improved properties of the fluids (apparent viscosity, plastic viscosity, yield point and fluid loss) with 95% confidence, as well as the correlations between these factors (HPAM and bentonite concentrations). The thermal aging tests indicated that the formulations containing HPAM and bentonite may be used to the maximum temperature until 150 ◦C. The analyze of the filter cake formed after filtration of fluids by X-ray diffraction showed specific interactions between the bentonite and HPAM, explaining the greater thermal stability of F2 compared to the fluid F1, that supports maximum temperature of 93 ◦C.
Water injection in oil reservoirs is a recovery technique widely used for oil recovery. However, the injected water contains suspended particles that can be trapped, causing formation damage and injectivity decline. In such cases, it is necessary to stimulate the damaged formation looking forward to restore the injectivity of the injection wells. Injectivity decline causes a major negative impact to the economy of oil production, which is why, it is important to foresee the injectivity behavior for a good waterflooding management project. Mathematical models for injectivity losses allow studying the effect of the injected water quality, also the well and formation characteristics. Therefore, a mathematical model of injectivity losses for perforated injection wells was developed. The scientific novelty of this work relates to the modeling and prediction of injectivity decline in perforated injection wells, considering deep filtration and the formation of external cake in spheroidal perforations. The classic modeling for deep filtration was rewritten using spheroidal coordinates. The solution to the concentration of suspended particles was obtained analytically and the concentration of the retained particles, which cause formation damage, was solved numerically. The acquisition of the solution to impedance assumed a constant injection rate and the modified Darcy´s Law, defined as being the inverse of the normalized injectivity by the inverse of the initial injectivity. Finally, classic linear flow injectivity tests were performed within Berea sandstone samples, and within perforated samples. The parameters of the model, filtration and formation damage coefficients, obtained from the data, were used to verify the proposed modeling. The simulations showed a good fit to the experimental data, it was observed that the ratio between the particle size and pore has a large influence on the behavior of injectivity decline.
Despite the numerous advantages resulting from the use of membrane filters technology, intrinsic limitations fouling process become relevant to its applicability. The control of operating conditions is an important tool to mitigate fouling and achieve good levels of efficiency. In this sense, the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of transmembrane pressure and concentrate flow in the performance of ultrafiltration, applied to the post-treatment of domestic sewage. The process was evaluated and optimized by varying the pressure (0.5 and 1.5 bar) and the concentrate flow (300 and 600 L/h), using a 22 factorial design, in order to investigate the effects on the permeate flow and quality of effluents generated at each operating condition. We evaluated the following quality indicators for permeate: pH, electrical conductivity, total suspended solids, turbidity, calcium and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). In all tests, we observed marked reduction in the permeate flux at the early stages, followed by a slow decline that lasted until it reaches a relatively constant level, around 120 minutes of filtration. The increased pressure resulted in a higher initial permeate flux, but the decrease of the flow with time is greater for tests at higher pressure, indicating a more pronounced fouling process. On the other hand, increasing the concentrate flow resulted in a slower decline in permeate flux with the filtration time. Regarding the quality of permeate, the transmembrane pressure of 0,5 bar was the one that allowed better results, and was statistically confirmed through the two-way ANOVA test with repeated measures, significant effect of pressure on the turbidity of the permeate. The concentrate flow, in turn, showed no significant influence on any of the quality parameters. Thus, we conclude that, from an economic and environmental point of view, it is more interesting to operate ultrafiltration membrane system with a lower concentrate flow associated with a low transmembrane pressure, since under these conditions will produce less waste, and the permeate will present lower concentrations of the analyzed constituent, especially lower turbidity.
In the well drilling operations problems caused by contamination of the drilling fluid are common. The dissolution of ions from the geological formations affects the rheological and filtration properties of the fluids. These ions shield the charges of ionic polymers, leading to its precipitation. In this work was performed a detailed study on the stability of the properties of aqueous solutions and aqueous drilling fluids in the presence of sulphated and carboxylated polymers, using carboxymethylcellulose and kappa-carrageenan as polymer compounds carboxylated and sulfated model, respectively. The effects of ionic strength of the aqueous medium containing Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ on rheological properties of the polymer and drilling fluids solutions were evaluated by varying the concentration of salts, pH and temperature. It was observed that the fluids with κ-carrageenan suffered less influence against the contamination by the ions at pH 9 to 10, even at higher concentrations, but higher influence on pH> 11. The fluids containing carboxymethylcellulose were more sensitive to contamination, with rapid reduction in viscosity and significant increase of the filtrate volume, while the fluid based polymer sulfated kappa-carrageenan showed evidence of interaction with cations and preserve the rheological properties and improved stability the volume of filtrate.
In the well drilling operations problems caused by contamination of the drilling fluid are common. The dissolution of ions from the geological formations affects the rheological and filtration properties of the fluids. These ions shield the charges of ionic polymers, leading to its precipitation. In this work was performed a detailed study on the stability of the properties of aqueous solutions and aqueous drilling fluids in the presence of sulphated and carboxylated polymers, using carboxymethylcellulose and kappa-carrageenan as polymer compounds carboxylated and sulfated model, respectively. The effects of ionic strength of the aqueous medium containing Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ on rheological properties of the polymer and drilling fluids solutions were evaluated by varying the concentration of salts, pH and temperature. It was observed that the fluids with κ-carrageenan suffered less influence against the contamination by the ions at pH 9 to 10, even at higher concentrations, but higher influence on pH> 11. The fluids containing carboxymethylcellulose were more sensitive to contamination, with rapid reduction in viscosity and significant increase of the filtrate volume, while the fluid based polymer sulfated kappa-carrageenan showed evidence of interaction with cations and preserve the rheological properties and improved stability the volume of filtrate.