725 resultados para Contrasting aerial environments


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We consider an agent who has to repeatedly make choices in an uncertainand changing environment, who has full information of the past, who discountsfuture payoffs, but who has no prior. We provide a learning algorithm thatperforms almost as well as the best of a given finite number of experts orbenchmark strategies and does so at any point in time, provided the agentis sufficiently patient. The key is to find the appropriate degree of forgettingdistant past. Standard learning algorithms that treat recent and distant pastequally do not have the sequential epsilon optimality property.


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Carabid beetle assemblages in three environments in the Araucaria humid forest of southern Brazil. Carabidae is composed mainly by ground-dwelling predator beetles. It is the fourth most diverse group within Coleoptera, but its diversity in the Neotropical region is understudied. Here we describe and analyze the diversity of carabid beetles in a region of subtropical rain forest dominated by Araucaria angustifolia with different landscapes. Three areas were chosen in an environmental integrity gradient: primary forests, secondary forests and old Pinus plantations. Pitfall traps were taken monthly, in a total of 14 samples per area. 1733 adult carabid beetles, belonging to 18 species, were sampled. There were differences in richness and abundance between the sampled areas. The total scores followed the same tendency: primary forests (14 species/747 individuals), secondary forests (13/631) and Pinus forests (10/355). An analysis of similarity shows differences in species composition, for both areas and seasons. Galerita lacordarei was the most abundant species for all samples and seasons. Carabid species show similar responses in accordance with habitat heterogeneity and disturbance. The abundance of Galerita lacordarei was influenced by temperature, for all sampled sites. Environmental changes affect the carabid assemblages and decrease diversity, possibly interfering in local dynamics. Seasonality patterns seem to indicate an increase in individual movement during summer, probably in search of resources. It is suggested that microhabitat patchiness is probably an important factor affecting carabid beetle diversity at small spatial scales.


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Abstract: Microbial mats very efficiently cycle elements, such as C, 0, N, S and H, which makes them key players of redox processes at the biosphere-lithosphere interface. They are characterized by high metabolic activities and high turnover rates (production and consumption) of biomass, which mainly consists of cell material and of extracellular organic matter (EOM). The EOM forms a matrix, embedding the microbial cells and fulfilling various functions within the microbial mat, including: mat attachment to surfaces; creation of micro-domains within the mat; physical stabilization under hy- drodynamic stress and the protection of the cells in multiple other stress conditions. EOM mainly consists of polysaccharides, amino acids, and a variety of chemical func-tional groups {e.g., -C00H, - SH -OH). These groups strongly bind cations such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ and thus exert a strong control on carbonate mineral formation within the microbial mat. A feedback mechanism between community metabolisms, their prod¬ucts, and the surrounding physicochemical microenvironment thus influences the de¬gree of carbonate saturation favoring either carbonate precipitation or dissolution. We investigated the driving forces and mechanisms of microbialite formation in the Sari ne River, FR, Switzerland, the hypersaline lake, Big Pond, Bahamas and in labo¬ratory experiments. The two fundamentally different natural systems allowed us to compare the geochemical conditions and microbial metabolisms, necessary for car¬bonate formation in microbial mats. Although carbonates are oversaturated in both environments, precipitation does not occur on physicochemical substrates (i.e. out¬side the microbial mats). In the Sarine a high crystal nucleation threshold exceeds the carbonate saturation, despite the high carbonate alkalinity in the water column. Cyanobacterial photosynthesis strongly locally enhances the carbonate alkalinity, whereas the EOM attract and immobilize calcium, which increases the saturation state and finally leads to carbonate precipitation within the EOM (in this case the cyanobacterial sheath) as nucleation template. In Big Pond, the presence of calcium- chelating anions (i.e. sulfate) and EOM, as well as the presence of magnesium, lowers the calcium activity in the water column and mat, and thus inhibits carbonate pre¬cipitation. Coupled with other heterotrophic metabolisms, sulfate reduction uses the EOM as carbon source, degrading it. The resulting EOM consumption creates alkalin¬ity, releases calcium and consumes sulfate in mat-micro domains, which leads to the formation of carbonate layers at the top of the microbial mat. Résumé: Interface biosphère/lithosphère: médiation microbienne de la précipitation de CaC03 dans des environnements en eaux douces et hypersalines Les tapis microbiens engendrent une circulation très efficace des éléments, tels que C, 0, N, S et H, ce qui en fait des acteurs clé pour les processus d'oxydoréduction à l'inter¬face biosphère-lithosphère. Ils sont caractérisés par des taux élevés d'activité méta¬bolique, ainsi que par la production et la consommation de biomasse, principalement constituée de cellules microbiennes et de matière organique extracellulaire (MOE). Dans un tapis microbien, les cellules microbiennes sont enveloppées par une matrice de MOE qui a différentes fonctions dont l'attachement du tapis aux surfaces, la créa¬tion de micro-domaines dans le tapis, la stabilisation physique en situation de stress hydrodynamique, et la protection des cellules dans de multiples autres conditions de stress. La MOE se compose principalement de polysaccharides, d'acides aminés, et d'une variété de groupes fonctionnels chimiques (par exemple, COOH, -SH et -OH). Ces groupes se lient fortement aux cations, tels que Ca2+ et Mg2+, et exercent ainsi un contrôle fort sur la formation de CaC03 dans le tapis microbien. Un mécanisme de rétroaction, entre les métabolismes de la communauté microbienne, leurs produits, et le microenvironnement physico-chimique, influence le degré de saturation de car¬bonate, favorisant soit leur précipitation, soit leur dissolution. Nous avons étudié le moteur et les mécanismes de minéralisation dans des tapis de la Sarine, FR, Suisse et du lac hypersalin, Big Pond, aux Bahamas, ainsi que durant des expériences en laboratoire. Les deux systèmes naturels, fondamentalement dif¬férents, nous ont permis de comparer les conditions géochimiques et les métabolis¬mes nécessaires à la formation des carbonates dans des tapis microbiens. Bien que les carbonates soient sursaturés dans les deux environnements, la précipitation ne se produit pas sur des substrats physico-chimiques (en dehors du tapis microbien). Dans la Sarine, malgré un taux d'alcalinité élevé, les valeurs de seuil pour la nucléa- tion de carbonates sont plus hautes que la saturation du carbonate. La photosynthèse cyanobactérienne augmente localement l'alcalinité, alors que la MOE attire et immo¬bilise le calcium, ce qui augmente l'état de saturation et conduit finalement à la pré¬cipitation des carbonates, en utilisant la MOE comme substrat de nucléation. À Big Pond, la présence de chélateurs de calcium, notamment les anions (p.ex. le sulfate) et la MOE, ainsi que la présence de magnésium, réduit l'activité du calcium et inhibe en conséquence la précipitation des carbonates. Couplée avec d'autres métabolismes hétérotrophes, la réduction des sulfates utilise la MOE comme source de carbone, en la dégradant. Cette consommation de MOE crée l'alcalinité, consomme des sulfates et libère du calcium dans des micro-domaines, conduisant à la formation de couches de carbonates dans le haut du tapis microbien.


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Abstract Arbuscular Mycorhizal Fungi (AMF) are important plant symbionts that can improve floristic diversity and ecosystem productivity. These important fungi are obligate biotrophs and form symbioses with roots of the majority of plant species, improving plant nutrient acquisition in exchange of photosynthates. AM fungi are successful both ecologically as they occupy a very large spectrum of environments as well as host range and evolutionarily, as this symbiosis is over 400 million years old. These fungi grow and reproduce clonally by hyphae and multinucleate spores. AMF are coenocytic and recent work has shown that they harbor genetically different nuclei and that AMF populations are genetically diverse. How AMF species diversity is maintained has been addressed theoretically and experimentally at the community level. Much less attention has been drawn to understand how genetic diversity is maintained within populations although closely related individuals are more likely to compete for the same resources and occupy similar niches. How infra-individual genetic diversity is shaped and maintained has received even less attention. In Chapter 2, we show that individuals from a field population may differ in their symbiotic efficiency under reduced phosphate availability: We show there is genetic variation in an AMF field population for fitness-related growth traits in response to different phosphate availability acid host species. Furthermore, AFLP fingerprints of the same individuals growing in contrasting environments diverged suggesting that the composition in nuclei of AMF is dynamical and affected by environmental factors. Thus environmental heterogeneity is likely to play an important role for the maintenance of genetic diversity at the population level. In Chapter 3 we show that single spores do not inherit necessarily the same genetic material. We have found genetic divergences using two different types of molecular marker, as well as phenotypic divergences among single spore lines. Our results stress the importance of considering these organisms as a multilevel hierarchical system and of better knowing their life cycle. They have important consequences for the understanding of AMF genetics, ecology and the development of commercial AMF inocculum. Résumé Les champignons endomycorhiziens arbusculaires (CEA) sont d'importants symbiontes pour les plantes, car ils augmentent la diversité et la productivité des écosystèmes. Ces importants symbiontes sont des biotrophes obligatoires et forment une symbiose avec la plupart des plantes terrestres. Ils améliorent l'acquisition de substances nutritives de leurs hôtes en échange de sucres obtenus par photosynthèse. Ces champignons ont un grand succès écologique, ils colonisent une grande rangée d'environnements ainsi que d'hôtes. Ils ont aussi un succès évolutif certain de part le fait que cette symbiose existe depuis plus de 400 millions d'années. Les CEA sont asexués et croissent clonalement en formant des hyphes et des spores multinuclées. Les CEA sont des coenocytes et des travaux de recherche récents ont montré qu'ils possèdent des noyaux génétiquement différents. D'autres travaux ont aussi révélé que les populations de CEA sont génétiquement diversifiées. Comment la diversité des CEA est maintenue a seulement été adressée par des études théoriques et expérimentalement au niveau des communautés. Très peu d'attention a été portée sur le maintien de la diversité génétique infra et inter populationnelle, or ce sont les individus les plus proches génétiquement qui vont entrer en compétition pour des ressources et niches similaires. La formation et le maintien de la diversité intra-individu des CEA a reçu très peu d'attention. Dans le chapitre 2, nous montrons que des individus CEA d'un même champ différent dans leur efficacité symbiotique lorsque la concentration en phosphoré est réduite. Nous montrons qu'il existe de la variance génétique dans une population de CEA provenant d'un même champ en réponse à différentes concentrations de phosphore, ainsi qu'en réponse à différentes espèces d'hôtes, et ceci pour des traits de croissance vraisemblablement liés au succès reproducteur. De plus grâce à des AFLP nous avons pu montrer que le génome de ces individus subissent des changements lorsqu'ils croissent dans des environnements contrastés. Ceci suggère que les noyaux génétiquement différents des CEA sont des entités dynamiques. Il est fort probable que l'hétérogénéité environnementale joue un rôle dans le maintien de la diversité génétique des populations de CEA. Dans le chapitre 3, nous montrons que toutes les spores d'un même mycélium parental de CEA ne reçoivent pas exactement le même contenu génétique. Nous avons mis en évidence des divergences entre des Lignées monosporales en utilisant deux types de marqueur moléculaires, ainsi que des différences phénotypiques. Nos résutats soulignent l'importance de considézer ces organismes comme dés systëmes hiérarchiques mufti-niveaux, ainsi que de mieux connaître leur cycle de vie. Nos résultats ont d'importantes conséquences pour la compréhension du système génétique des CEA, ainsi que de leur évolution, leur écológie, mais également des conséquences pour la production d' inoccultim commercial.


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ABSTRACT After a dengue outbreak, the knowledge on the extent, distribution and mechanisms of insecticide resistance is essential for successful insecticide-based dengue control interventions. Therefore, we evaluated the potential changes to insecticide resistance in natural Aedes aegypti populations to Organophosphates (OP) and Pyrethroids (PY) after chemical vector control interventions. After a Dengue outbreak in 2010, A. aegypti mosquitoes from the urban area of Jacarezinho (Paraná, Brazil) were collected in 2011 and 2012. Insecticide resistance to OP Temephos was assessed in 2011 and 2012 by dose–response bioassays adopting WHO-based protocols. Additionally, in both sampling, PY resistance was also investigated by the Val1016Ile mutation genotyping. In 2011, a random collection of mosquitoes was carried out; while in 2012, the urban area was divided into four regions where mosquitoes were sampled randomly. Bioassays conducted with larvae in 2011 (82 ± 10%; RR95 = 3.6) and 2012 (95 ± 3%; RR95 = 2.5) indicated an incipient altered susceptibility to Temephos. On the other hand, the Val1016IIe mutation analysis in 2011, presented frequencies of the 1016Ilekdr allele equal to 80%. Nevertheless, in 2012, when the urban area of Jacarezinho was analyzed as a single unit, the frequency of the mutant allele was 70%. Additionally, the distribution analysis of the Val1016Ile mutation in 2012 showed the mutant allele frequencies ≥60% in all regions. These outcomes indicated the necessity of developing alternative strategies such as insecticide rotations for delaying the evolution of resistance.


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This work describes the characteristics of a representative set of seven different virtual laboratories (VLs) aimed for science teaching in secondary school. For this purpose, a 27-item evaluation model that facilitates the characterization of the VLs was prepared. The model takes into account the gaming features, the overall usability, and also the potential to induce scientific literacy. Five of the seven VLs were then tested with two larger and highly heterogenic groups of students, and in two different contexts – biotechnology and physics, respectively. It is described how the VLs were received by the students, taking into account both their motivation and their self-reported learning outcome. In some cases, students’ approach to work with the VLs was recorded digitally, and analyzed qualitatively. In general, the students enjoyed the VL activities, and claimed that they learned from them. Yet, more investigation is required to address the effectiveness of these tools for significant learning.


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Permian to Late Cretaceous allochthonous sedimentary and volcanic rocks exposed in the Batain area (eastern Oman Margin) have received comparably little attention in the past. They largely were considered as part of the Hamrat Duru Group (Hawasina Complex) of the northern Oman Mountains. Structural, kinematic and biostratigraphic results from our mapping campaign in the Batain area have now revealed, that emplacement of these units occurred in a WNW direction during latest Cretaceous/Early Paleogene time. This clearly contrasts with previous models that postulated a S-ward directed obduction in Campanian times such as recorded from the Hawasina Complex and Semail Ophiolite in the Oman Mountains. We herewith establish the `'Batain Group'' comprising all Permian to Late Cretaceous allochthonous units in the Batain Area. These are: 1.) the Permian Qarari Formation deposited in the toe of a slope setting; 2.) the Late Permian to late Liassic Al Jil Formation comprising periplatform detritus and very coarse breccias; 3.) the Scythian to Norian Matbat Formation formed by slope deposits; 4.) the Early Jurassic to early Oxfordian Guwayza Formation with high energy platform detritus; 5.) the Mid-Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous Ruwaydah Formation seamount; and 6.) the Oxfordian to Santonian Wahrah Formation, mainly radiolarites; and 7.) the Santonian to latest Maastrichtian Fayah Formation built by flysch-type sediments. These sedimentary and volcanic rocks represent deposits of the former ``Batain basin'' off eastern-Oman, destroyed by compressional tectonics at the Cretaceous/Paleogene transition. For tectono-stratigraphic reasons the Batain Group does not form part of the Hawasina Complex.


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We present a novel numerical approach for the comprehensive, flexible, and accurate simulation of poro-elastic wave propagation in cylindrical coordinates. An important application of this method is the modeling of complex seismic wave phenomena in fluid-filled boreholes, which represents a major, and as of yet largely unresolved, computational problem in exploration geophysics. In view of this, we consider a numerical mesh consisting of three concentric domains representing the borehole fluid in the center, the borehole casing and the surrounding porous formation. The spatial discretization is based on a Chebyshev expansion in the radial direction, Fourier expansions in the other directions, and a Runge-Kutta integration scheme for the time evolution. A domain decomposition method based on the method of characteristics is used to match the boundary conditions at the fluid/porous-solid and porous-solid/porous-solid interfaces. The viability and accuracy of the proposed method has been tested and verified in 2D polar coordinates through comparisons with analytical solutions as well as with the results obtained with a corresponding, previously published, and independently benchmarked solution for 2D Cartesian coordinates. The proposed numerical solution also satisfies the reciprocity theorem, which indicates that the inherent singularity associated with the origin of the polar coordinate system is handled adequately.


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The response of shallow-water sequences to oceanic anoxic event 2 and mid-Cenomanian events 1a and 1b was investigated along the west African margin of Morocco north of Agadir (Azazoul) and correlated with the deep-water sequence of the Tarfaya Basin (Mohammed Beach) based on biostratigraphy, mineralogy, phosphorus and stable isotopes. In the deeper Mohammed Beach section results show double peaks in delta 13C(org) for mid-Cenomanian events 1a and 1b (Rotalipora reicheli biozone, lower CC10a biozone), the characteristic oceanic anoxic event 2 delta 13C excursion (Rotalipora cushmani extinction, top of CC10a biozone) and laminated (anoxic) black shale. In the shallow environment north of Agadir, a fluctuating sea-level associated with dysoxic, brackish and mesotrophic conditions prevailed during the middle to late Cenomanian, as indicated by oyster biostromes, nannofossils, planktonic and benthonic foraminiferal assemblages. Anoxic conditions characteristic of oceanic anoxic event 2 (for example, laminated black shales) did not reach into shallow-water environments until the maximum transgression of the early Turonian. Climate conditions decoupled along the western margin of Morocco between mid-Cenomanian event 1b and the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary, as also observed in eastern Tethys. North of Agadir alternating humid and dry seasonal conditions prevailed, whereas in the Tarfaya Basin the climate was dry and seasonal. This climatic decoupling can be attributed to variations in the Intertropical Convergence Zone and in the intensity of the north-east trade winds in tropical areas.


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Morphologically differentiated Spodosols usually occur in the Coastal Plain of the South of Bahia and North of Espírito Santo. They are found in profiles known as "muçungas", i.e. sandy soils that accumulate water. In these areas, two kinds of Spodosols, different from those in the Restinga area, can be found: Spodosols with E albic horizon (white muçunungas) and without this horizon (black muçunungas). Eight soil profiles with spodic characteristics were collected and described in order to evaluate differences in the formation process of Barreiras and Restinga Spodosols in the South of Bahia. The soil profiles were also characterized chemically, physically and mineralogically. Additionally, texture and chemical analysis, Fe and Al extraction by sodium dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate (DBC), acid ammonium oxalate and sodium pyrophosphate, ammonium oxalate extract optic density (DOox), sulphuric acid attack, and X ray difractometry of the clay fraction were performed. In the Spodosols of the Barreiras area, fragipan was found the spodic layers. Cemented B spodic horizon were observed in the white muçunungas, and granular structure and dark color from the surface in the black muçunungas. There was no fragipan or hard spodic horizon in the Restinga Spodosol. This soil is acid, dystrophic and alic, with sandy texture and high clay percentages in the spodic horizons. The CEC, based on H + Al, is predominantly represented by the organic matter. The most representative components of the mineral phase of the clay fraction are kaolinite and possibly vermiculite traces with interlayered hydroxy. Chemical, physical, morphological and mineralogical differences were observed between the Barreiras and Restinga environments. The black and white muçunungas differ in morphologic and chemical properties only.


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The El Soplao site is a recently-discovered Early Albian locality of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin (northern Spain) that has yielded a number of amber pieces with abundant bioinclusions. The amber-bearing deposit occurs in a non-marine to transitional marine siliciclastic unit (Las Peñosas Formation) that is interleaved within a regressive-transgressive, carbonate-dominated Lower Aptian-Upper Albian marine sequence. The Las Peñosas Formation corresponds to the regressive stage of this sequence and in its turn it splits into two smaller regressive-transgressive cycles. The coal and amber-bearing deposits occur in deltaic-estuarine environments developed during the maximum regressive episodes of these smaller regressive-transgressive cycles. The El Soplao amber shows Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy spectra similar to other Spanish Cretaceous ambers and it is characterized by the profusion of sub-aerial, stalactite-like flows. Well-preserved plant cuticles assigned to the conifer genera Frenelopsis and Mirovia are abundant in the beds associated with amber. Leaves of the ginkgoalean genera Nehvizdya and Pseudotorellia also occur occasionally. Bioinclusions mainly consist of fossil insects of the orders Blattaria, Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Raphidioptera, Neuroptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera, although some spiders and spider webs have been observed as well. Some insects belong to groups scarce in the fossil record, such as a new morphotype of the wasp Archaeromma (of the family Mymarommatidae) and the biting midge Lebanoculicoides (of the monogeneric subfamily Lebanoculicoidinae). This new amber locality constitutes a very significant finding that will contribute to improving the knowledge and comprehension of the Albian non-marine paleoarthropod fauna.


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An experiment was conducted in a growth chamber to evaluate characteristics of the rhizosphere of maize genotypes contrasting in P-use efficiency, by determining length and density of root hairs, the rhizosphere pH and the functional diversity of rhizosphere bacteria. A sample of a Red Oxisol was limed and fertilized with N, K and micronutrients. In the treatment with the highest P level, 174 mg kg-1 P was added. Each experimental unit corresponded to a PVC rhizobox filled with 2.2 dm-3 soil. The experiment was completely randomized with three replications in a 5 x 2 factorial design, corresponding to five genotypes (H1, H2 and H3 = P-efficient hybrids, H4 and H5 = P-inefficient hybrids) and two P levels (low = 3 mg dm-3, high = 29 mg dm-3). It was found that 18 days after transplanting, the nodal roots of the hybrids H3 and H2 had the longest root hairs. In general, the pH in the rhizosphere of the different genotypes was higher than in non-rhizosphere soil, irrespective of the P level. The pH was higher in the rhizosphere of lateral than of nodal roots. At low P levels, the pH variation of the hybrids H2, H4 and H5 was greater in rhizospheric than in non-rhizospheric soil. The functional microbial activity in the rhizosphere of the hybrids H3 and H5 was highest. At low soil P levels, the indices of microbial functional diversity were also higher. The microbial metabolic profile in the rhizosphere of hybrids H1, H2, H3, and H5 remained unaltered when the plants were grown at low P. The variations in the rhizosphere properties could not be related to patterns of P-use efficiency in the tested genotypes.


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Lime and gypsum influence nutrient availability and uptake, as well as the content of organic acids in the aerial plant parts. These changes, quantified by plant analysis of soluble nutrients, may potentiate the effect of soil amendment, ensuring the sustainability of the no-tillage system. In this sense the effect of lime and gypsum surface application on the content of water-soluble nutrients in peanut and oat residues was evaluated. The experiment was conducted on an Oxisol in Botucatu (SP) in the growing seasons 2004/2005 and 2005/2006. It was arranged in a randomized block design in split plots with four replications, where lime rates represented the plots and presence or absence of gypsum application the subplots. Peanut was grown in summer and white oat in the winter in the entire experimental area. Gypsum applied to peanut increased soluble Ca only in the first season, due to the short period between product application and determination of soluble nutrient contents in the plant extract. Liming of peanut and oat increased soluble Ca, Mg, K contents, did not alter Cu content and reduced Zn, Mn and Fe contents in both years of cultivation. Gypsum on the other hand reduced the electrical conductivity of peanut (2004/2005 and 2005/2006) and white oat (2004/2005).