914 resultados para Compostos organofluorados - Toxicologia
Phenolic compounds represent one of the main groups of secondary metabolites. Due to their chemical diversity, they have a variety of functions in plants, such as protection against ultraviolet radiation, herbivores and pathogens, and attraction of pollinators or dispersers of fruits and seeds. For human, the phenolic compounds are used like food colorings and flavors and, due to their pharmacological properties, mainly to antioxidant activity, they are associated with several health benefits, such as delay senility, prevention and therapy of cardiovascular diseases and of some cancers. The grapes are considered one of the main source of phenolic compounds and the fruit and its products are consumed in Brazil and worldwide. Considering the phenolic compounds diversity and their different distribution in the grape parts, this work had like aims the extraction, identification and quantification of the main classes of phenolic compounds of 10 grape varieties. The content of total phenols, flavanols and anthocyanins were determined, respectively, according to the Folin-Ciocalteu, DMACA and comparison of pH spectrophotometric methods. The content of total phenols varied from 142.75 + 1.86 to 483.39 + 5.90 mg.L-1 in the peel and from 86.50 + 0.54 to 146.32 + 9.97 mg.L-1 in the pulp. The amount of total flavanols varied from 3.68 + 0.03 to 6.92 + 0.26 mg.L-1 in the peel and from 0.90 + 0.00 to 1.36 + 0.00 mg.L-1 in the pulp. The content of total anthocyanins varied from 7.00 + 0.99 to 406.56 + 39.50 mg.L-1 in the peel and from 2.88 + 0.28 to 46.36 + 1.89 mg.L-1 in the pulp. The phenolic compounds concentration was higher in the peel than in the pulp. The total phenols and anthocyanins varied a lot while the total flavanols were more constant. The flavanols represent the smaller portion of phenolic compounds
Atividades relacionadas com a extração do petróleo, bem como as atividades derivadas envolvem grandes riscos, que podem ser ambientais ou à saúde humana. Podem ser de forma direta, como os derramamentos, ou indireta, como resíduos gerados pela sua utilização, poluindo ar, corpos d’água e solos. A biorremediação consiste na utilização de microrganismos tais como as bactérias, fungos filamentosos e leveduras para remediar um ambiente contaminado, transformando os compostos em algo pouco tóxico ou sem nenhuma toxicidade. A ciência que estuda os efeitos tóxicos nos organismos e no ambiente se chama toxicologia. Por isso existe uma íntima ligação entre essas duas ciências. O presente projeto tem como objetivo estudar a toxicidade de óleos lubrificantes automotivos (mineral novo, sintético novo e usado), óleos vegetais (novo e usado) e biodiesel durante sua biodegradação em ambiente terrestre. Análises descritivas e comparativas são as bases para o estudo e compreensão da biodegradação dos contaminantes aqui citados. Os testes toxicológicos darão uma idéia de biodegradação dos diferentes contaminantes no solo. Para os testes de toxicidade serão utilizadas sementes de Eruca sativa (rúcula), sementes de Lactuca sativa (alface) e Eisenia andrei (minhoca). Após 180 dias de biodegradação dos compostos pôde-se concluir que o óleo lubrificante sintético é o mais biodegradável e os demais contaminantes necessitam de tempo de biodegradação superior a 6 meses para que sua toxicidade fique baixa.
Atualmente, os compostos bioativos presentes em alimentos in natura vem sendo amplamente estudados, já que cada vez mais fica comprovado sua importância para saúde do homem devido suas funções e ações biológicas. Hoje já associa-se a ingestão de frutas e vegetais e a diminuição do risco de diversas doenças, tais como câncer, inflamações, doenças cardiovasculares, degeneração macular e outras, sendo os carotenóides e compostos fenólicos alguns dos grupos de compostos bioativos aos quais são atribuídas tais ações.1As pimentas têm significativa importância nesse cenário, uma vez que desde a época do Brasil colônia, até hoje, são muito utilizadas na culinária, nas crenças, na medicina e inclusive com arma de defesa. Os compostos presentes na pimenta são utilizados como remédios para artrites (pomadas a base de capsaicina), dores musculares (emplastro ‘Sabiá’), má digestão, dor de cabeça e gastrite. O presente estudo teve como objetivo quantificar os teores de ácido ascórbico, acidez, flavonóides totais, fenólicos totais, carotenóides totais e atividade antioxidante de duas variedades mais comuns da espécie C. Baccatum: pimenta “Dedo-de-Moça” e pimenta “Cambuci”. Além disso, fez-se um estudo para analisar o efeito do cozimento versus compostos bioativos, a fim de avaliar possíveis perdas de atividade devido ao processamento das amostras. Em todos os ensaios, a pimenta Dedo-de-Moça apresentou valores maiores de todos os compostos bioativos, quando comparados aos da pimenta Cambuci. Após o cozimento em água fervente, a maioria dos compostos sofreu redução, exceto nos testes de quantificação de Flavonóides e Carotenóides, os quais demonstraram aumento na concentração após o processamento.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Epidemiological studies have shown an inverse relationship between nuts, including walnuts, intakes and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and cancers. The nuts contain phenolics compounds and flavonoids and are rich in tocopherol, phytosterols, and squalene. They are sources of carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and minerals. Since walnuts contain high levels of n-3 fatty acids and low unsaturated fatty acids, high levels of vitamin E, pholyphenols, flavonoids, arginine and fiber. The compounds possible beneficial effects are due to their antioxidant and antiproliferative activities, which are linked to a reduced risk for developing atherosclerosis and cancer. In recent years, the consumers have been showing an increased interest in nuts and walnuts because of their nutritional qualities and their potential beneficial effects on people’s health This review aims to describe the importance of beneficial bioactive compounds present in nuts and walnuts.
This study presents a literature review which shows the nutritional, medicinal and antioxidant importance of mushrooms. In this research, the main antioxidant compounds of mushrooms, such as phenolic acids, flavonoids and tocopherols, as well as their mechanisms of action were described. The main in vitro methods used for evaluation of the antioxidant activity of these compounds were approached. The influences from the solvent polarity and the kind of extraction in the acquisition of the antioxidant compounds were also discussed. It was possible to conclude that mushrooms are a source of carbohydrates, proteins and minerals, thus presenting nutritional properties. The functional and medicinal properties are attributed to glucans, besides being excellent sources of natural antioxidants. Regarding the extraction process, it was noticed that the solvent polarity used in the extraction process is determinant in the obtainment of antioxidant compounds.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Living organisms are constantly subjected to the action of free radicals, which are one of the causes of oxidation reactions, because they have on free electron, what makes it very reactive. They are products of organism reactions or they are produced by exogenous factors, such as tobacco. Fatty acids are the most vulnerable target, and may suffer lipid peroxidation, what affects the cell structure. Cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diseases of aging are occurrence of these reactions in the organism related. The aliments are also subjected to suffer oxidation reactions, what make them unfit for consumption and decreasing the useful life. Synthetics antioxidants are used as aliments preservatives, but they present some toxicity for the organism. Studies for the utilization of natural antioxidants have gained more importance in recent decades, due to the conservation potential and low toxicity. Phenolics compounds are largely present at the vegetable kingdom and they present high antioxidant potential due to the neutralization and kidnapping of free radicals capacity. These compounds are used by the industry at the aliments conservation, specially the phenolics acids. The consumption of aliments rich in phenolic compounds, such as teas, wines and fruits are low incidence of degenerative diseases related. This study consists in a bibliographic revision that covers these compounds importance in diet and at the food conservation, and the methodologies and difficulties in the extraction process due to variety of molecules of this group.
A large amount of external factors that can foster the emergence of free radicals in organisms has created a imminent need for understanding and technologies that enables the search of antioxidant componds and extraction of antioxidants from natural sources. These compounds have great potential for kidnapping free radicals which are highly harmful to organisms, being the principal responsible for the decrease in the shelf life of foods, and aging. These free radicals are also related to diseases such as AIDS, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and others. Fruits and vegetables are true mines of compounds with antioxidant potential, its vitamins and phenolic compounds present an essential role in the nutrition of living beings acting as a defense against degradation of lipids and proteins, which indicates the importance of a diet rich in these nutrients, given that part of the antioxidant defenses of the body comes from the diet. This revision study aims to put in evidence the indispensable role of antioxidants in the survival of organisms.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)