351 resultados para Comboio logístico
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA
Radiopharmaceuticals are substances marked with radionuclides that can be used for detection and treatment of cancer, infections and inflammatory diseases. They emit several types of radiation through different decay routes, each radioisotope with its specific properties and uses. They can usually be produced from several different materials, by bombardment with particle beams in a nuclear research reactor or cyclotron, depending on their characteristics. Brazil has four public institutions which produce - or import - and distribute radiopharmaceuticals to hospitals and clinics throughout its territory. The largest such institution, Ipen, distributes 97% of radiopharmaceuticals used in the country. Some radiopharmaceuticals decay very quickly, meaning they must be produced and quickly administered to the patient in the same location, presenting a logistical challenge. Nuclear medicine in Brazil is a promising field and has been steadily growing, although rigid laws and a lack of qualified work force hinder Research and Development efforts for new radiopharmaceuticals. The construction of a new nuclear research reactor, in 2016, should generate self-sufficiency and economy in radiopharmaceutical production and avoid a future crisis in the supply of technetium-99m, the most important radioisotope, used in over 80% of procedures with radiopharmaceuticals.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The knowledge of how animals deposited chemical components as water, protein, fat and ash in the carcass is importance for the formulation of a balanced diet, allowing maximum performance with a low environmental impact. So, the study was carried out to evaluate the influence of different tilapia strains (Chitralada, Commercial, Red and Universidade Federal de Lavras [UFLA]) on the deposition of bodily chemical components in the carcass. The bodily components analyzed were water, protein, fat and ash. For the determination of the bodily chemical deposition curves by age, the exponential, Brody, logistic, Gompertz and von Bertalanffy models were adjusted. The Commercial and UFLA strains deposited water at a faster speed (P<0.05) compared with the remaining strains. As for protein, the Red strain had a lower estimated maturity weight (49.37 g), and was more precocious (202 days) with regard to maximum deposition in comparison to the other strains (Chitralada, UFLA and Commercial) in which there was an estimated maturity weight of 231.5 g and maximum depositionfor 337 days. There were no differences (P>0.05) for the logistic model parameter between Red, UFLA and Commercial strains for fat, which presented a maximum fat deposition (0.23 g) at 310 days of age. Regarding ash deposition, the Commercial strain presented a higher maximum deposition (0.10 g) at 337 days, occurring later than the other strains that presented maximum deposition (0.033g) at 254 days of age. Thus, it was concluded that the genetic strains evaluated differ in chemical deposition curves of water, protein, fat and ash.
We investigate in this work the behaviour of the decay to the fixed points, in particular along the bifurcations, for a family of one-dimensional logistic-like discrete mappings. We start with the logistic map focusing in the transcritical bifurcation. Next we investigate the convergence to the stationary state at the cubic map. At the end we generalise the procedure for a mapping of the logistic-like type. Near the fixed point, the dynamical variable varies slowly. This property allows us to approximate/rewrite the equation of differences, hence natural from discrete mappings, into an ordinary differential equation. We then solve such equation which furnishes the evolution towards the stationary state. Our numerical simulations confirm the theoretical results validating the above mentioned approximation
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The concept of EDI -Electronic Data Interchange is normally used to determine integration technologies between companies. Logistically, this implies in the integrationbetween enterprises in supply chain, involving the electronic transmission of data and thus reducing human intervention in the process, still favoring organizational performance. This study investigated the main benefits of EDI for organizational competitiveness and its possible impacton improving logistics performance of four companies comprising large national networks. Through multiple case studieswere able to identify common features that the use of EDI can favorer these companies. The results were significant and assume that the use of this tool can add value to logistics, primarily through streamlining processes, inventory optimization, cost reduction and performance improvement potential. Thus, the use of Electronic Data Interchange as a strategic tool for logistics proved, through this study, an efficient alternative for business improvement and good practice, able to leverage competitive advantages not only for individual companies, but also for the entire supply chain.
O objetivo deste estudo é obter um modelo matemático logístico que representa a vaporização de toras de Eucalyptus grandis, em função do diâmetro e do tempo de permanência das toras no tratamento térmico a vapor. Para tanto, foram coletadas toras nas classes diamétricas de 25 a 40 cm de três árvores de E. grandis provenientes do Horto Florestal de Mandurí, SP. Em cada uma das toras foram inseridos três termopares, com profundidades distintas, 1/3 do raio; 2/3 do raio e o terceiro, próximo ao seu centro. Posteriormente, as toras foram vaporizadas a 85ºC e 100% de umidade relativa, até que o último termopar atingisse uma temperatura de 80ºC. Um Datalogger CR10 registrou as temperaturas, no interior do material, durante o tratamento térmico. Conclui-se que o modelo matemático logístico foi bem ajustado, obtido no tratamento térmico com vapor, levando em consideração as três classes de diâmetro e a profundidade máxima de 50 mm de raio, o modelo gerado, apresenta-se uma viabilidade técnica na aplicação do processo de aquecimento de toras com vapor, promovendo um consumo ideal de energia.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
Actividades desarrolladas durante el período: Recopilación y revisión de bibliografía pertinente a la temática abordada. En este sentido, más allá de los materiales que aluden a los aspectos específicos de la producción audiovisual, radiofónica y de los TICs, tan solo se han hallado escasos textos que se refieren a la producción audiovisual provincial y al uso de la misma con un fin educativo, lo que demuestra la carencia de instancias investigativas al respecto; Se han indagado en numerosas organizaciones del medio; Identificación de personas, realizadores y/o responsables que tuvieron estrecha vinculación con el proceso de producción de los materiales, tanto desde el aspecto logístico, de producción ejecutiva, de realización técnica y de contenido, y utilización en distintos ámbitos con fines educativos y/o de divulgación; Diseño y establecimiento de grillas para las entrevistas formales referidas en el punto anterior y a realizarse próximamente; Reuniones periódicas de los integrantes del equipo de investigación a los fines de acordar modos y estrategias de trabajo, como asimismo, compartir lecturas obligatorias de algunos textos citados en la bibliografía del proyecto y de otros materiales que surgieron durante el período de búsqueda; El copiado de materiales audiovisuales se encuentra en proceso de realización con algunas de las organizaciones; en tanto, con otras se están diligenciando las autorizaciones correspondientes; Se está trabajando en el diseño y producción de un blog que contenga la parte sustancial del presente proyecto de investigación, ya que el equipo considera de gran valor socializar los resultados. Si bien esta actividad no estuvo contemplada en el proyecto inicial, se decidió incorporarlo como un plus necesario; La incorporación de integrantes de la presente investigación en el Polo NEA de Televisión Digital y, a posteriori, en la conformación del Nodo Misiones, permitió un fluído contacto e intercambio con realizadores tanto de la región como de la provincia que ha favorecido en el proceso de búsqueda de fuentes primarias y secundarias en esta temática.
Es objetivo de este artículo exponer una perspectiva socioantropológica acerca de como las fronteras tienden a construir diversos procesos complejos de intereses y conflictos donde la construcción identitaria de las poblaciones que se cruzan se materializan en las diversas prácticas culturales cotidianas. Primero, describo ciertas características socioeconómicas de la ciudad de Concordia (Entre Ríos, Argentina). Segundo, relevo la especificidad del discurso y las ofertas culturales en las formas de “imaginar” la identidad concordiense y de hacer frontera en la ciudad entrerriana con la ciudad de Salto (Uruguay) desde las acciones culturales. Por último, muestro como los diversos grupos que interactúan en la comunidad parecieran estar generando lazos identitarios en la ciudad, con la ciudad y con sus formas cotidianas de relacionarse con el país vecino sin insertarse en políticas locales pero exigiéndoles diversas formas (apoyo económico, logístico, espacial, etc.) de participación y gestión de programas y proyectos culturales