986 resultados para Calcium-modified lead titanate (PTCa)


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(9R)-9-hydroxystearic acid (9R-HSA) has been proven to have antitumoral activity because it is shown to inhibit histone deacetylase 1, an enzyme which activates DNA replication, and the (R)-enantiomer has been shown to be more active than the (S)-enantiomer both in vitro and by molecular docking. Hydroxyapatite is the main mineral component of bone and teeth and has been used for over 20 years in prostheses and their coating because it is biocompatible and bioactive. The goal of incorporating 9R-HSA into hydroxyapatite is to have a material that combines the bioactivity of HA with the antitumoral properties of 9R-HSA. In this work, 9R-HSA and its potassium salt were synthesized and the latter was also incorporated into hydroxyapatite. The content of (R)-9-hydroxystearate ion incorporated into the apatitic structure was shown to be a function of its concentration in solution and can reach values higher than 8.5%. (9R)-9-hydroxystearic acid modified hydroxyapatite was extensively characterized to determine the effect of the incorporation of the organic molecule. This incorporation does not significantly alter the unit cell but reduces the size of both the crystals as well as the coherent domains, mainly along the a-axis of hydroxyapatite. This is believed to be due to the coordination of the negatively charged carboxylate group to the calcium ions which are more exposed on the (100) face of the crystal, therefore limiting the growth mainly in this direction. Further analyses showed that the material becomes hydrophobic and more negatively charged with the addition of 9R-HSA but both of these properties reach a plateau at less than 5% wt of 9R-HSA.


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The presence of damaged nucleobases in DNA can negatively influence transcription of genes. One of the mechanisms by which DNA damage interferes with reading of genetic information is a direct blockage of the elongating RNA polymerase complexes – an effect well described for bulky adducts induced by several chemical substances and UV-irradiation. However, other mechanisms must exist as well because many of the endogenously occurring non-bulky DNA base modifications have transcription-inhibitory properties in cells, whilstrnnot constituting a roadblock for RNA polymerases under cell free conditions. The inhibition of transcription by non-blocking DNA damage was investigated in this work by employing the reporter gene-based assays. Comparison between various types of DNA damage (UV-induced pyrimidine photoproducts, oxidative purine modifications induced by photosensitisation, defined synthetic modified bases such as 8-oxoguanine and uracil, and sequence-specific single-strand breaks) showed that distinct mechanisms of inhibition of transcription can be engaged, and that DNA repair can influence transcription of the affectedrngenes in several different ways.rnQuantitative expression analyses of reporter genes damaged either by the exposure of cells to UV or delivered into cells by transient transfection supported the earlier evidence that transcription arrest at the damage sites is the major mechanism for the inhibition of transcription by this kind of DNA lesions and that recovery of transcription requires a functional nucleotide excision repair gene Csb (ERCC6) in mouse cells. In contrast, oxidisedrnpurines generated by photosensitisation do not cause transcriptional blockage by a direct mechanism, but rather lead to transcriptional repression of the damaged gene which is associated with altered histone acetylation in the promoter region. The whole chain of events leading to transcriptional silencing in response to DNA damage remains to be uncovered. Yet, the data presented here identify repair-induced single-strand breaks – which arise from excision of damaged bases by the DNA repair glycosylases or endonucleases – as arnputative initiatory factor in this process. Such an indirect mechanism was supported by requirement of the 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) for the inhibition of transcription by synthetic 8-oxodG incorporated into a reporter gene and by the delays observed for the inhibition of transcription caused by structurally unrelated base modifications (8-oxoguanine and uracil). It is thereby hypothesized that excision of the modified bases could be a generalrnmechanism for inhibition of transcription by DNA damage which is processed by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. Further gene expression analyses of plasmids containing single-strand breaks or abasic sites in the transcribed sequences revealed strong transcription inhibitory potentials of these lesions, in agreement with the presumption that BER intermediates are largely responsible for the observed effects. Experiments with synthetic base modifications positioned within the defined DNA sequences showed thatrninhibition of transcription did not require the localisation of the lesion in the transcribed DNA strand; therefore the damage sensing mechanism has to be different from the direct encounters of transcribing RNA polymerase complexes with DNA damage.rnAltogether, this work provides new evidence that processing of various DNA basernmodifications by BER can perturb transcription of damaged genes by triggering a gene silencing mechanism. As gene expression can be influenced even by a single DNA damage event, this mechanism could have relevance for the endogenous DNA damage induced in cells under normal physiological conditions, with a possible link to gene silencing in general.


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Das Gebiet der drahtlosen Kommunikationsanwendungen befindet sich in einem permanenten Entwicklungsprozess (Mobilfunkstandards: GSM/UMTS/LTE/5G, glo-bale Navigationssatellitensysteme (GNSS): GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou) zu immer höheren Datenraten und zunehmender Miniaturisierung, woraus ein hoher Bedarf für neue, optimierte Hochfrequenzmaterialien resultiert. Diese Entwicklung zeigt sich besonders in den letzten Jahren in der zunehmenden Entwicklung und Anzahl von Smartphones, welche verschiedene Technologien mit unterschiedlichen Arbeitsfrequenzen innerhalb eines Geräts kombinieren (data: 1G-4G, GPS, WLAN, Bluetooth). Die für zukünftige Technologien (z.B. 5G) benötigte Performance-steigerung kann durch die Verwendung von auf MIMO basierenden Antennensystemen realisiert werden (multiple-input & multiple-output, gesteuerte Kombination von mehreren Antennen) für welche auf dielectric Loading basierende Technologien als eine der vielversprechendsten Implementierungslösungen angesehen werden. rnDas Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung einer geeigneten paraelektrischen Glaskeramik ($varepsilon_{r}$ > 20, $Qf$ > 5000 GHz, |$tau_f$| < 20 ppm/K; im GHz Frequenzbe-reich) im $mathrm{La_{2}O_{3}}$-$mathrm{TiO_{2}}$-$mathrm{SiO_{2}}$-$mathrm{B_{2}O_{3}}$-System für auf dielectric Loading basierende Mobilfunkkommunikationstechnologien als Alternative zu existierenden kommerziell genutzten Sinterkeramiken. Der Fokus lag hierbei auf der Frage, wie die makroskopi-schen dielektrischen Eigenschaften der Glaskeramik mit ihrer Mikrostruktur korreliert bzw. modifiziert werden können. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die dielektrischen Materialanforderungen durch das untersuchte System erfüllt werden und dass auf Glaskeramik basierende Dielektrika weitere vorteilhafte nichtelektro-nische Eigenschaften gegenüber gesinterten Keramiken besitzen, womit dielektrische Glaskeramiken durchaus als geeignete Alternative angesehen werden können. rnEin stabiles Grünglas mit minimalen Glasbildneranteil wurde entwickelt und die chemische Zusammensetzung bezüglich Entglasung und Redoxinstabilitäten optimiert. Geeignete Dotierungen für dielektrisch verlustarme $mathrm{TiO_{2}}$-haltige Glaskeramiken wurden identifiziert.rnDer Einfluss der Schmelzbedingungen auf die Keimbildung wurde untersucht und der Keramisierungsprozess auf einen maximalen Anteil der gewünschten Kristallphasen optimiert um optimale dielektrische Eigenschaften zu erhalten. Die mikroskopische Struktur der Glaskeramiken wurde analysiert und ihr Einfluss auf die makroskopischen dielektrischen Eigenschaften bestimmt. Die Hochfrequenzverlustmechanismen wurden untersucht und Antennen-Prototypenserien wurden analysiert um die Eignung von auf Glaskeramik basierenden Dielektrika für die Verwendung in dielectric Loading Anwendungen zu zeigen.


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Der Grund für die schlechte Prognose beim Nierenzellkarzinom (NZK) stellt nicht der Primärtumor dar sondern ist vielmehr der häufigen Ausbildung von Fernmetastasen geschuldet. Etwa 30 % aller Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem NZK bilden dabei Metastasen in den Knochen aus. Das Knochenmilieu scheint, aufgrund der hohen Frequenz der knochenspezifischen Metastasierung, einen idealen Wachstumslokus für die Nierenkarzinomzellen dazustellen und rückte in der jüngsten Vergangenheit in den Fokus der Forschung. Dabei konnte der Calcium-sensitive Rezeptor (CaSR), der im gesunden Gewebe die Konzentration der extrazellulären Calcium-Ionen reguliert und besonders in der Niere von Bedeutung ist, mit der Metastasierung in die Knochen in Zusammenhang gebracht werden. Die Knochen stellen im Körper das Organ mit der höchsten Calcium-Konzentration dar. Durch ständigen Knochenmetabolismus werden Calcium-Ionen freigesetzt, welche CaSR-exprimierende Zellen aktivieren können. Aus diesem Grund wurden im Zusammenhang mit dieser Arbeit Nierenkarzinomzellen (786 O) sowie gesunde Nierenzellen (HEK 293) mit dem Gen des CaSR transfiziert und anschließend unter dem Einfluss von Calcium (10 mM – 30 Min.), einem CaSR-Aktivator (Cinacalcet (10 µM – 1 Std.)), sowie einem CaSR-Inhibitor (NPS2143 (10 µM – 1 Std.)) auf Unterschiede im zellulären Verhalten hin untersucht.rnBereits ohne Calcium-Behandlung zeigten die CaSR-transfizierten 786 O-Zellen ein gesteigertes Migrationsverhalten (durchgeführt in einer Boyden Kammer, Fibronektin als Chemotaxin) und ein erhöhtes Adhäsionspotential (zum einen an Kompo¬nenten der EZM (Fibronektin und Kollagen I) und zum anderen an HUVEC). Bei den CaSR-transfizierten HEK 293-Zellen wurde nur die Migration positiv beeinflusst. Nach einer 30-minütigen Behandlung mit Calcium zeigten die CaSR-transfizierten 786 O-Zellen eine starke Zunahme des Adhäsions- und Proli¬ferations-verhaltens, sowie eine verstärkte Migration bei Verwendung von Calcium als Chemotaxin. CaSR-transfizierte HEK 293-Zellen hingegen zeigten keine Migration und nach Calcium-Behandlung nur geringfügige Änderungen in Adhäsion und Proliferation. Konsistent mit diesen Ergebnissen war die Auswertung der intrazellulären Signalwege mit Hilfe von Western Blot-Analysen. In CaSR-expri-mierenden 786 O-Zellen waren die Signalwege AKT, ERK, JNK und p38α nach Calcium-Behandlung deutlich erhöht. In den HEK 293-Zellen kam es zu einer Zunahme der Proteinmenge aktivierter ERK-, JNK-, Paxillin- und SHC-Moleküle. Mit Hilfe einer Kombinationsbehandlung aus NPS2143 und Calcium konnte der Calcium-bedingte Effekt in durchweg allen Untersuchungen wieder bis auf das Kontrollniveau gesenkt werden. Die Verwendung von Cinacalcet und Calcium führte zwar erneut zu deutlichen Steigerungen der zellulären Vorgänge, lag aber immer unter dem Calcium-abhängigen Maximum.rnDurch die Simulation der Vorgänge, die während einer Metastasierung ablaufen, konnte gezeigt werden, dass der CaSR in Nierenkarzinomzellen die Knochen-metastasierung induziert. Sollten sich diese Zusammenhänge in vivo im Mausmodell bestätigen, könnte der CaSR zukünftig als Marker für eine Früherkennung von Knochenmetastasen fungieren. Zudem könnten indivi¬dual¬isierte Therapieansätze entwickelt werden, die knochenmetastasierende Zellen bereits vor Metastasierung effizient bekämpfen können.rn


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Surgical procedures with use of traditional techniques to reposition the proximal femoral epiphysis in the treatment of slipped capital femoral epiphysis are associated with a high rate of femoral head osteonecrosis. Therefore, most surgeons advocate in situ fixation of the slipped epiphysis with acceptance of any persistent deformity in the proximal part of the femur. This residual deformity can lead to secondary osteoarthritis resulting from femoroacetabular cam impingement.


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The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of incomplete distal renal tubular acidosis (idRTA) in men with recurrent calcium nephrolithiasis and its potential impact on bone mineral density. We conducted a retrospective analysis of 150 consecutive, male idiopathic recurrent calcium stone formers (RCSFs), which had originally been referred to the tertiary care stone center of the University Hospital of Berne for further metabolic evaluation. All RCSFs had been maintained on a free-choice diet while collecting two 24-h urine samples and delivered second morning urine samples after 12 h fasting. Among 12 RCSFs with a fasting urine pH >5.8, a modified 3-day ammonium chloride loading test identified idRTA in 10 patients (urine pH >5.32, idRTA group). We matched to each idRTA subject 5 control subjects from the 150 RCSFs, primary by BMI and then by age, i.e., 50 patients, without any acidification defect (non-RTA group) for comparative biochemistry and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) analyses. The prevalence of primary idRTA among RCSFs was 6.7% (10/150). Patients with idRTA had significantly higher 2-h fasting and 24-h urine pH (2-h urine pH: 6.6 ± 0.4 vs. 5.2 ± 0.1, p = 0.001; 24-h urine pH: 6.1 ± 0.2 vs. 5.3 ± 0.3, p = 0.001), 24-h urinary calcium excretion (7.70 ± 1.75 vs. 5.69 ± 1.73 mmol/d, p = 0.02), but significantly lower 24-h urinary urea excretion (323 ± 53 vs. 399 ± 114 mmol/d, p = 0.01), urinary citrate levels (2.32 ± 0.82 vs. 3.01 ± 0.72 mmol/d, p = 0.04) and renal phosphate threshold normalized for the glomerular filtration rate (TmPO(4)/GFR: 0.66 ± 0.17 vs. 0.82 ± 0.21, p = 0.03) compared to non-RTA patients. No significant difference in bone mineral density (BMD) was found between idRTA and non-RTA patients for the lumbar spine (LS BMD (g/cm(2)): 1.046 ± 0.245 SD vs. 1.005 ± 0.119 SD, p = 0.42) or femoral neck (FN BMD (g/cm(2)): 0.830 ± 0.135 SD vs. 0.852 ± 0.127 SD). Thus, idRTA occurs in 1 in 15 male RCSFs and should be sought in all recurrent calcium nephrolithiasis patients. Bone mineral density, however, does not appear to be significantly affected by idRTA.


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Hemodynamic effects related to changes in serum ionized calcium (iCa) are difficult to determine during conventional hemodialysis (HD) using a fixed dialysate concentration of calcium. Regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) allows the study of the effects of predefined iCa changes on arterial stiffness and blood pressure (BP) during a single dialysis session. In a crossover study, 15 patients with end-stage renal disease underwent two HD sessions with RCA. Each session was divided into two study phases in which iCa was titrated either to 0.8-1.0 mm or to 1.1-1.4 mm. The sequence of phases was randomly chosen and alternated for the second session. After reaching a stable iCa level, pulse wave velocity (PWV), arterial BP, and heart rate were measured. iCa levels were modified during sequence 1 (iCa low-high) from a predialysis baseline value of 1.15 ± 0.09 mm, first to 0.92 ± 0.05 mm (time point 1; P < 0.001 vs. baseline) and then to 1.18 ± 0.05 (time point 2; ns). During sequence 2 (iCa high-low), iCa levels were modified from 1.15 ± 0.12 mm first to 1.20 ± 0.05 mm (time point 1; ns vs. baseline) and then to 0.93 ± 0.03 (time point 2; P < 0.001). Assuming a basic linear repeated measures model, PWV was positively related to iCa levels (P < 0.03) independent of systolic or diastolic BP, heart rate, or ultrafiltration rate. PWV is closely related to acute changes in serum iCa levels in HD patients using RCA. RCA provides an interesting opportunity to study the effects of acute iCa changes during one dialysis procedure.


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Live vaccines possess the advantage of having access to induce cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immunity; thus in certain cases they are able to prevent infection, and not only disease. Furthermore, live vaccines, particularly bacterial live vaccines, are relatively cheap to produce and easy to apply. Hence they are suitable to immunize large communities or herds. The induction of both cell-mediated immunity as well as antibody-mediated immunity, which is particularly beneficial in inducing mucosal immune responses, is obtained by the vaccine-strain's ability to colonize and multiply in the host without causing disease. For this reason, live vaccines require attenuation of virulence of the bacterium to which immunity must be induced. Traditionally attenuation was achieved simply by multiple passages of the microorganism on growth medium, in animals, eggs or cell cultures or by chemical or physical mutagenesis, which resulted in random mutations that lead to attenuation. In contrast, novel molecular methods enable the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) targeted to specific genes that are particularly suited to induce attenuation or to reduce undesirable effects in the tissue in which the vaccine strains can multiply and survive. Since live vaccine strains (attenuated by natural selection or genetic engineering) are potentially released into the environment by the vaccinees, safety issues concerning the medical as well as environmental aspects must be considered. These involve (i) changes in cell, tissue and host tropism, (ii) virulence of the carrier through the incorporation of foreign genes, (iii) reversion to virulence by acquisition of complementation genes, (iv) exchange of genetic information with other vaccine or wild-type strains of the carrier organism and (v) spread of undesired genes such as antibiotic resistance genes. Before live vaccines are applied, the safety issues must be thoroughly evaluated case-by-case. Safety assessment includes knowledge of the precise function and genetic location of the genes to be mutated, their genetic stability, potential reversion mechanisms, possible recombination events with dormant genes, gene transfer to other organisms as well as gene acquisition from other organisms by phage transduction, transposition or plasmid transfer and cis- or trans-complementation. For this, GMOs that are constructed with modern techniques of genetic engineering display a significant advantage over random mutagenesis derived live organisms. The selection of suitable GMO candidate strains can be made under in vitro conditions using basic knowledge on molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity of the corresponding bacterial species rather than by in vivo testing of large numbers of random mutants. This leads to a more targeted safety testing on volunteers and to a reduction in the use of animal experimentation.


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The patency rate of radial artery (RA) conduits is considerably lower than that of internal thoracic artery (ITA) grafts and the evidence suggests that this is due to a clinically suspected higher incidence of vasospasm. The aim of this study was, therefore, to compare intraindividually the pharmacological reactivity of RA with that of ITA. Both RA and ITA were taken from the same patients and investigated in parallel. Changes in tone were monitored isometrically on ring preparations from both arteries in organ baths with modified Krebs-Henseleit solution containing 1.25 mm calcium chloride at 1 g passive preload. In intraindividual comparisons maximal receptor-mediated contractile responses to noradrenaline and endothelin-1 and endothelium-dependent acetylcholine-induced relaxant responses revealed no differences between both arteries. By contrast, depolarization-induced contractions to potassium chloride (KCl) appeared to be significantly higher in RA than in ITA. Further analysis, however, revealed that this difference was due to preoperative calcium entry blocker (Ca(2+)eB) therapy. Compared with control tissues, maximal responses to KCl were significantly attenuated in the ITA but unchanged in RA when arteries were obtained from patients with preoperative Ca(2+)eB therapy. The present results suggested that functional responses to pharmacological stimuli of both RA and ITA were quite similar. Preoperative Ca(2+)eB therapy, however, attenuated markedly responses to KCl of the ITA leaving those of RA unchanged. These results, demonstrating a lower sensitivity to Ca(2+)eB of RA, therefore suggested that in addition to Ca(2+)eB other classes of drug may be more effective at reducing the propensity of RA conduits to vasospasm.


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To clarify the pharmacological profile of the two new calcium channel blockers tiapamil and nisoldipine in humans, their acute effects as compared with those of the reference agent nifedipine were assessed in 10 normal subjects and 10 patients with essential hypertension. Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), plasma and urinary catecholamine, sodium and potassium, plasma renin and aldosterone levels, and urinary prostaglandin E2 and F2 excretion rates were determined before and up to 4 or 5 h (urine values) after intravenous injection of placebo (20 ml 0.9% NaCl), tiapamil 1 mg/kg body weight, nisoldipine 6 micrograms/kg, or nifedipine 15 micrograms/kg. The four studies were performed at weekly intervals according to Latin square design. All three calcium channel blockers significantly (p less than 0.05 or lower) lowered BP and distinctly increased sodium excretion in hypertensive patients, but had only little influence on these parameters in normal subjects. HR was increased in both groups. Changes in BP and HR were maximal at 5 min and largely dissipated 3 h after drug injection. Effects on BP and HR, as well as concomitant mild increases in plasma norepinephrine and renin levels that occurred in both groups, tended to be more pronounced (about double) following nisoldipine than following tiapamil or nifedipine at the dosages given. Plasma aldosterone, epinephrine levels, and prostaglandin excretion rates were not consistently modified. These findings demonstrate that tiapamil and nisoldipine possess distinct antihypertensive properties in humans. Different chronotropic and renin-activating effects of different calcium channel blockers may be determined, at least in part, by a different influence on sympathetic activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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Epothilones are macrocyclic bacterial natural products with potent microtubule-stabilizing and antiproliferative activity. They have served as successful lead structures for the development of several clinical candidates for anticancer therapy. However, the structural diversity of this group of clinical compounds is rather limited, as their structures show little divergence from the original natural product leads. Our own research has explored the question of whether epothilones can serve as a basis for the development of new structural scaffolds, or chemotypes, for microtubule stabilization that might serve as a basis for the discovery of new generations of anticancer drugs. We have elaborated a series of epothilone-derived macrolactones whose overall structural features significantly deviate from those of the natural epothilone scaffold and thus define new structural families of microtubule-stabilizing agents. Key elements of our hypermodification strategy are the change of the natural epoxide geometry from cis to trans, the incorporation of a conformationally constrained side chain, the removal of the C3-hydroxyl group, and the replacement of C12 with nitrogen. So far, this approach has yielded analogs 30 and 40 that are the most advanced, the most rigorously modified, structures, both of which are potent antiproliferative agents with low nanomolar activity against several human cancer cell lines in vitro. The synthesis was achieved through a macrolactone-based strategy or a high-yielding RCM reaction. The 12-aza-epothilone ("azathilone" 40) may be considered a "non-natural" natural product that still retains most of the overall structural characteristics of a true natural product but is structurally unique, because it lies outside of the general scope of Nature's biosynthetic machinery for polyketide synthesis. Like natural epothilones, both 30 and 40 promote tubulin polymerization in vitro and at the cellular level induce cell cycle arrest in mitosis. These facts indicate that cancer cell growth inhibition by these compounds is based on the same mechanistic underpinnings as those for natural epothilones. Interestingly, the 9,10-dehydro analog of 40 is significantly less active than the saturated parent compound, which is contrary to observations for natural epothilones B or D. This may point to differences in the bioactive conformations of N-acyl-12-aza-epothilones like 40 and natural epothilones. In light of their distinct structural features, combined with an epothilone-like (and taxol-like) in vitro biological profile, 30 and 40 can be considered as representative examples of new chemotypes for microtubule stabilization. As such, they may offer the same potential for pharmacological differentiation from the original epothilone leads as various newly discovered microtubule-stabilizing natural products with macrolactone structures, such as laulimalide, peloruside, or dictyostatin.


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From the standpoint of its practical useful­ness, the most important characteristics of metallic lead are its cheapness, resistance to corrosion, plas­ticity, high specific gravity, low melting point, and its ability to form alloys in which some properties are modified by the addition of other elements, while other properties remain the same.


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Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) crystal deposition disease may manifest clinically as septic fever (40 degrees C), acute pseudogout attack of knee, wrist and shoulders, or as a variety of patterns of chronic inflammatory or degenerative joint disease. The association of pseudogout with fever is less widely recognised and may lead to over-investigation, delay in appropriate treatment and disproportionate costs. We report on a 67-year-old woman with a history of recurrent episodes of fever and polyarthritis every 2 months for the last 3 years. Because of this she was hospitalised several times, finally with suspected culture-negative endocarditis, and was treated for 6 weeks with gentamicin, rifampicin and vancomycin. During this therapy the patient again developed septic fever and acute arthritis of the right wrist. Radiographs of the wrist, knee and symphysis pubis revealed prominent chondrocalcinosis and destructive arthropathy.


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Bone remodeling is controlled by the osteoclast, which resorbs bone, and the osteoblast, which synthesizes and secretes proteins that are eventually mineralized into bone. Ca$\sp{2+}$ homeostasis and signaling contribute to the function of nearly all cell types, and understanding both in the osteoblast is of importance given its secretory properties and interaction with osteoclasts. This study was undertaken to identify and investigate the physiology of the Ca$\sp{2+}$ signaling mechanisms present in osteoblasts. The Ca$\sp{2+}$ pumps, stores and channels present in osteoblasts were studied. RT-PCR cloning revealed that osteoblast-like cells express PMCA1b, an alternatively spliced transcript of the plasma membrane Ca$\sp{2+}$-ATPase. The PMCA1b isoform contains a consensus phosphorylation site for cAMP-dependent protein kinase A and a modified calmodulin binding domain. The regulation of osteoblast function by agents that act via cAMP-mediated pathways may involve alterations in the activity of the plasma membrane Ca$\sp{2+}$-ATPase.^ Calcium release from intracellular stores is a signaling mechanism used universally by cells responding to hormones and growth factors, and the compartmentalization and regulated release of calcium is cell-type specific. Fura-2 was employed to monitor intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$. Thapsigargin and 2,5,-di-(tert-butyl)-1,4-benzohydroquinone (tBuHQ), two inhibitors of endoplasmic reticulum Ca$\sp{2+}$-ATPase activity, both emptied a single intracellular calcium pool which was released in response to either ATP or thrombin, identifying it as the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive calcium store. The Ca$\sp{2+}$ storage system present in osteoblasts is typical of a non-excitable cell type, despite these cells sharing characteristics of excitable cells such as voltage-sensitive Ca$\sp{2+}$ channels (VSCCs).^ VSCCs are important cell surface regulators of membrane permeability to Ca$\sp{2+}$. In non-excitable cells VSCCs act as cellular transducers of stimulus-secretion coupling, activators of intracellular proteins, and in control of cell growth and differentiation. Functional VSCCs have been shown to exist in osteoblasts, however, no molecular cloning has been reported. To obtain information concerning the molecular identity of the osteoblastic VSCC, we used an RT-PCR regional amplification approach. Sequencing of the products indicated that osteoblasts express at least two isoforms of the L-type VSCC, $\alpha 1\sb{\rm C-a}$ and the $\alpha 1\sb{\rm C-d}$, which share regions of identity to the $\alpha \sb{\rm 1C}$ isoform first identified in cardiac myocytes. The ability of $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$ and structural analogs to modulate expression of Ca$\sp{2+}$ channel mRNA was then investigated. Cells were cultured for 48 hr in the presence of $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$ or vitamin D analogs, and the levels of mRNA encoding VSCC $\alpha \sb{\rm 1C}$ were quantitated using a competitive RT-PCR assay. It was found that $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$ and analog BT reduced steady state levels of $\alpha \sb{\rm 1C}$ mRNA. Conversely, analog AT did not alter steady state levels of Ca$\sp{2+}$ channel mRNA. Since it has been shown previously that analog BT, but not AT, binds and activates the nuclear vitamin D receptor, these findings suggest that the down regulation of channel mRNA involves the nuclear receptor for $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$. ^


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1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D 3] exerts pleiotropic effects on osteoblasts via both long-term nuclear receptor-mediated and rapid membrane-initiated pathways during bone remodeling and mineral homeostasis. This study explored the membrane transducers that mediate rapid effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 on osteoblasts, including sphingomyelinase (SMase) and L-type voltage sensitive calcium channels (VSCCs). ^ It was previously demonstrated that 1,25(OH)2D3 stimulates transmembrane influx of Ca2+ through VSCCs in ROS 17/2.8 osteoblasts, however the molecular identity of 1,25(OH)2D 3-regulated VSCC has not been known. In this study, on the basis of in vitro tests of three unique ribozymes specifically cleaving a1C mRNA, I transfected ROS 17/2.8 cells with vectors coding recombinant ribozyme modified with U1 snRNA structure, and successfully selected stable clonal cells in which the expression of a1C was strikingly reduced. Ca2+ influx studies in these cells compared to control transfectants showed selective attenuation of depolarization- and 1,25(OH)2D3-regulated Ca2+ responses. These results allow us to conclude that the cardiac ( a1C ) subtype of the L-type VSCC is the major membrane transducer of Ca 2+ influx in osteoblasts. ^ I also demonstrated that 1,25(OH)2D3 induces a rapid hydrolysis of membrane sphingomyelin (SM) in ROS 17/2.8 cells, with the concomitant generation of ceramide, detectable at 15 minute, and maximal at 1 hour after addition. Sphingosine, sphingosine-1-phosphate (SPP) and sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC), downstream products of SM hydrolysis, but not ceramide, elicit Ca 2+ release from intracellular stores. Considering ceramide, sphingosine, and SPP as second messengers modulating intracellular kinases or phosphatases, these findings implicate sphingolipid-signaling pathways in transducing rapid effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 on osteoblasts. In structure/function analyses of sphingolipid signaling, it was observed that psychosine elicits Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. This challenges the dogma that sphingosine phosphorylation permits mobilization of Ca2+ , because psychosine is a sphingosine analog galactosylated at 1-carbon, preventing phosphorylation at that site. Psychosine is the pathological metabolite found in patients with Krabbe's disease, suggesting that psychosine disrupts the physiological sphingolipid signaling by chronic release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. ^ Slower SM turnover than Ca2+ influx through VSCCs in response to 1,25(OH)2D3 demonstrates ceramide does not mediate the 1,25(OH)2D3-induced Ca2+ signaling, a conclusion endorsed further by the failure of ceramide to induce Ca 2+ signaling. ^