O Cientista na Ficção Científica: a construção de imagens sociais na linguagem do cinema norte-americano nas décadas de 70, 80 e 90 é uma pesquisa sobre a composição da imagem social do cientista, a fim de analisar a caracterização desse personagem no cinema, identificando modalidades de estereótipos que compõem sua imagem social, profissional e comportamental, bem como suas relações com o imaginário e inconsciente coletivos. A análise de conteúdo é ferramenta metodológica utilizada para observação dos filmes e categorização de unidades de análise que permeiam o roteiro, a caracterização física e de atitudes do personagem cientista. A partir dos dados coletados e organizados, a análise dessa categorização do conteúdo manifesto e sua relação com a função social da comunicação seguiu princípios como: coerência; transparência; fidedignidade e validação dos dados observados, apropriados à análise de conteúdo, também fundamentada nas teorias crítica da comunicação e realista do cinema. Pode-se concluir que o cinema norte-americano tem normalizado imagens do cientista de forma estereotipada, seja pelo uso do roteiro, da relação com o objeto da pesquisa na ficção ou mesmo pelas relações de poder que se estabelecem em meio às atividades científicas. O cientista na ficção é representado principalmente pelos estereótipos de maluco, inconseqüente e que tem suas descobertas envolvidas com criaturas ou máquinas nem sempre benéficas à sociedade.(AU)
Estudo sobre a comunicação em três organizações não governamentais de Curitiba-PR que se originaram em movimentos sociais, fundadas nas décadas de 1970, 1980 e 1990. Os objetivos da pesquisa compreenderam encontrar técnicas de comunicação utilizadas para se relacionarem com seus públicos e o papel desempenhado pelo comunicador nessas organizações. A metodologia empregada valeu-se de estudo de casos múltiplos, que incluiu como técnicas de busca de dados a pesquisa documental, bibliográfica e a realização entrevistas com líderes, fundadores e comunicadores das organizações estudadas. Como marco teórico buscou-se nos estudos de comunicação popular alternativa o embasamento para situar as análises realizadas. Dentre os resultados alcançados descobriu-se que, timidamente, há um avanço para o uso de técnicas de comunicação profissionalizadas e uma busca por um profissional que detenha a formação técnica, mas que antes de tudo esteja engajado, comprometido com as causas da organização.(AU)
Quais foram as políticas de fomento à comunicação comunitária, desenvolvidas nas gestões municipais de 2001 a 2004 e nos anos 2005 e 2006, das capitais brasileiras? A partir de reflexões teóricas sobre incomunicação, democracia, desenvolvimento, comunicação comunitária, transformação social e políticas públicas de comunicação, é descrito o panorama das políticas locais de fomento à comunicação comunitária no Brasil. Contudo, é preciso verificar em que condições o fomento à comunicação comunitária é possível. Assim, essa pesquisa objetiva analisar os condicionantes políticos-sociais, materiais, ideológicos e institucionais-metodológicos das políticas locais de comunicação das prefeituras de Fortaleza (CE), João Pessoa (PB), Macapá (AP), Porto Alegre (RS) e Recife (PE) em execução em 2007. Optou-se pelo estudo de casos múltiplos, a fim de verificar quais são as replicações possíveis. Como fontes de evidências, foram utilizadas a documentação existente sobre essas experiências e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Tal multiplicidade se fez necessária uma vez que a triangulação foi a forma de análise de dados escolhida. Por fim, conclui-se que políticas de fomento à comunicação comunitária começam a ser implantadas em âmbito municipal, mas ainda de forma incipiente e pouco articuladas.
Esta pesquisa estuda o fenômeno crise de identidade do jornalista e do Jornalismo motivada pelas mudanças conjunturais oferecidas e impostas a esta área, em sua trajetória brasileira, de variadas formas e em diversos momentos. A evolução da sociedade e dos meios, as inovações técnicas e tecnológicas, a necessidade de formação, bem como os ataques à exigência do diploma e o cancelamento deste em nome do direito ao livre pensamento, entre outros. Por conta disso, busca-se a compreensão do indivíduo jornalista e da construção de sua identidade, bem como da sustentação de sua imagem, aspectos que ajudam a perceber sua importância na tessitura social. O esforço em localizar elementos da identidade e do status desse profissional considerou a análise de discursos de vários autores, no traçado que vai da década de 50 à contemporaneidade (ano de 2005). Para tanto recorreu-se às seguintes ferramentas: o aporte teórico relacionado à vontade de potência sugerida por Friedrich Nietzsche e a Ação Comunicativa de Jürgen Habermas. Do primeiro, adotou-se um modelo híbrido relacionando unidades-temáticas e sentidos de valor; do segundo procurou-se a interface do diálogo mantido por meio de parâmetros normativos, de vivência, e da memória armazenada pelos jornalistas no decorrer do tempo. Os resultados obtidos mostram, nas três fases adotadas, (décs. 50-60, 70-80, e 90-05) a recorrência aos valores ligados à liberdade e à ética, em variadas proporções e intensidades. A questão técnica foi praticamente deixada de lado, parecendo ter sido assimilada, ao passo que as relacionadas à formação foram acionadas esporadicamente. Também percebe-se em variados momentos e de variadas formas, os ataques ao jornalista, geralmente desqualificando-o ou colocando-o sob suspeita. Por outro lado, em todos, os casos os jornalistas procuram defender-se sempre mobilizando recursos, que na maioria das vezes deixam abertas as possibilidades ao diálogo, assim como tentam recuperar sua importância mostrando seus valores por meio da capacidade que possuem de representar a sociedade.(AU)
Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de analisar como a interatividade e a transparência passaram a ser os novos paradigmas da comunicação empresarial e a forma como as empresas estão lidando com esta nova realidade, manifestada com o surgimento e proliferação das redes sociais. Não apenas a comunicação corporativa, mas o marketing e o atendimento ao cliente foram profundamente afetados pela Web 2.0 e este trabalho procura fazer uma reflexão deste novo momento, ao optar por um estudo qualitativo, onde foram aplicados questionários estruturados e semi-estruturados, além da observação participante. Trata-se de um estudo de caso na Embrapa Solos, o primeiro centro de pesquisa da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária a implantar blogs corporativos quando pouco se falava no assunto. Nos últimos cinco anos, desde que os primeiros posts foram publicados, muita coisa mudou na delicada balança de poder x informação/ empresa x consumidor. Este estudo conclui que apesar dos avanços que os blogs proporcionaram não só à Embrapa Solos, mas em outras empresas que adotaram esta e outras redes sociais, ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido, de horizontalização de estruturas e real democratização da informação.
Planejar o espaço urbano pensando na inclusão social de pessoas com deficiência significa considerar a acessibilidade como fator essencial para uma mobilidade urbana completa e segura. Esse ideal reflete-se no espaço comercial que, para ser convidativo e livre de barreiras (sejam elas físicas, tecnológicas ou atitudinais), precisa promover o direito de livre acesso a todos os cidadãos. Partindo deste entendimento, esse estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar as condições de acessibilidade da região denominada “Coração do Alecrim”, área de tradicional comércio popular em Natal. A pesquisa recorreu à abordagem multimétodos e aconteceu em três momentos: (i) avaliação técnica da área por meio da aplicação de check-list, elaborado com base na legislação específica e validado por painel de experts; (ii) elaboração de mapas com uso de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (S.I.G.), tendo como base o resultado da análise realizada na primeira etapa; (iii) aplicação de questionários e realização de entrevistas informais com usuários (visitantes, proprietários e comerciários), para coletar dados sobre sua percepção sobre o lugar, complementando a análise técnica efetuada. Resumindo as informações coletadas, foram elaboradas matrizes de descobertas, como uma junção de todas as etapas de análise. Na conclusão são apresentados pontos críticos de acessibilidade (detectados pela pesquisadora ou apontados pelos usuários) e indicadas algumas diretrizes para a intervenção no local, de modo a colaborar para futuros processos de planejamento urbano do bairro do Alecrim.
A condição de saúde do trabalhador moto-taxista do município de Caicó-RN no contexto da precarização
The restructuring process has caused several changes in the workplace since the 1970s in Brazil these changes were more significant during the 1990s, with the implementation of neoliberal policies and the submission of the country's determinations of the IMF and World Bank . In this context, expression wins the increase in structural unemployment and the growth of informality as a mitigating practice the lack of formal employment. At present the activity of mototaxi driver has grown in the municipalities of small, medium and large size of the country. In Caicó / RN, as well as other municipalities, this activity has been presented as an alternative livelihood in the face of rising unemployment. Considering that this is a precarious and risky activity, we wondered about which health conditions of workers in the municipality of mototaxi driver Caicó in the context of job insecurity? What is the perception that this employee has about the health-disease process and its relationship to your work? How to setup the access of motorcycle taxi drivers the right to health and social security? The research sought to examine the health conditions of the workers of the municipality of mototaxi driver Caicó / RN in the context of job insecurity. From the methodological point of view the study worked with documentary research, semi-structured interview and questionnaire with open and closed questions with a sample population of motorcycle taxi drivers of the city, in the period August-September 2013 The results revealed that these workers are if constantly exposed to various risks inherent to the profession as well as the space in which it conducts its business activities, in this case the traffic being traffic accidents and urban violence one of the greatest risks identified by motorcycle taxi drivers in the present study
The public political investments of urban mobility financed by PAC of Cup 2014 have developed discussions and questions by the civil society in Brazil expecting positive results to the urban infrastructure referring to the possible human rights violation and, specially, rights of habitation related to the removing/expropriation noticed. Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, is into this context, due to the urban mobility project linking North Zone of the city to the Arena das Dunas stadium, financed by the PAC of Cup 2014, named West Structural Corridor, that crosses a field of social interest and proposes almost 400 expropriations. This research analyzes how strategies and mechanisms of integration were presented between the mobility project of West Structural Corridor and the Social Interest Habitation affected by this project. We have as hypothesis those projects financed by PAC of Cup 2014/Urban Mobility to Natal/RN present many problems related to the integration of social interest to the housing project, however the National Politics of Urban Development has planned this integration. As a result we detach 3 strategies in the elaboration process about the integration of those politics: (i) integration between municipal secretaries involved in this project; (ii) urban integration of the city; and (iii) integration of public rules or public politics integrated. For each strategy were presented the main mechanisms used to establish the integration of the project. Those mechanisms, however, in this process of establishment/implementation of the empirical research, presented many contradictions and conflicts that compose problems to the integration between the mobility project and the housing area affected.
Este trabalho se debruçou sobre a produção audiovisual das movimentações de protesto ocorridas em Natal, capital do Rio Grande do Norte, entre maio e junho de 2011, denominadas #ForaMicarla. Objetivou-se caracterizar esta produção numa tentativa de responder o porquê e como eles lançaram mão do vídeo em suas ações, sob as hipóteses de que a midiatização e o acesso facilitado a estas tecnologias tinham a ver com suas opções. Lançou-se mão de procedimentos histórico-dialético e teoria fundamentada (Fragoso, Recuero e Amaral), a partir das técnicas de observação não-participante, aplicação de questionário e entrevistas em profundidade. Posicionou-se estas movimentações sociais em redes, na conceituação de Castells, dentro de uma perspectiva da contra-hegemonia como uma Mídia Radical (Downing), sendo um Audiovisual de Combate (Bustos). Esta mídia possui as características do Novo Protesto (Assis), inserido no contexto da midiatização da sociedade de Verón e Sodré. Tentou-se também identificar historicamente as origens do poder hegemônico e a estrutura oligárquica, coronelística e familiar que fundou o poder no Brasil, apropriando-se do conceito de Coronelismo Eletrônico de Lima e Lopes e Assistencialismo Midiático de Guareschi, Dias e Hartmann. Através dos dados obtidos houve a emersão das categorias para análise deste tipo de audiovisual.
In the context of current capitalist society, marked by the logic that restricts the human person their status as workforce, in order to generate profits, old age is often treated as an underprivileged life stage. This reality becomes more intense considering the sharp aging process that affects brazilian society is accompanied by the country's entry into a globalized world and tensioned by the dictates of capital. Thus, despite the increasing development of policies to strengthen the guarantee of elderly rights, it is necessary to establish effective strategies of these measures to ensure a higher quality of life to these subjects. Therefore, it is necessary to develop studies that problematize the issue of the elderly, which represent a growing portion of the population, and hence have more visible demands, including in health. With the increase in the elderly population in Brazil it is possible to realize the country is going through a demographic transition and epidemiological changes that contribute to change the landscape of health care of the elderly, especially the hospitalization. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the multiple aspects of ensuring the rights of elderly patients admitted to the State Hospital Dr. Ruy Pereira dos Santos (HRPS), located in Natal / RN, whose most patients are elderly. Specifically sought to understand the aging process, its social consequences and the vulnerability to which it is exposed, especially during the disease situation; understand the process of construction of the Brazilian public health and their actions for older people; learn the expressions of citizenship formation in Brazil with regard to policies for older people; and investigate the design of health professionals about the guarantee of the right of hospitalized elderly. Starting from an integrated coordinated theoretical and practical possibilities, a qualitative research and literature character, documentary and field was held. For this, there were four semi-structured interviews with health research locus Hospital professionals - namely, two social workers, a doctor and a nurse - as well as life stories with the hospitalized elderly patients, one in each deck the said Hospital, totaling three. The results pointed to the difficulty of health policy become effective as law and stressed one historical scenario violation of the rights of elderly hospitalized patients, which persists due to the precarious situation and the difficulty of effective implementation of the Unified Health System (SUS ) and other public policies to that end.
This dissertation aims to analyze and understand the process and practices of political marketing strategies applied to social media facebook and twitter Cássio Cunha Lima - PSDB candidate for governor of Paraíba, in the 2014 elections The work is divided into three parts . The first two chapters, both of theoretical nature, underlie the discussion about the use of the Internet as a campaign space and political marketing campaign as well as the different communication strategies and electoral marketing already presented in the literature. Following, is dedicated to a topic for the presentation of the methodology and subsequently makes the discussion of empirical data analysis. Finally, we present the conclusions. The analysis takes as its starting point the models Figueiredo et al. (1998) and Albuquerque (1999) to observe the traditional strategies and suggests the inclusion of typically recorded on the Internet strategies. The methodology used for the analysis was the qualitative and quantitative content from variables that we list different campaign strategies. In order to achieve the purpose of this research, we conducted a case study as an analytical object online campaign Cássio Cunha Lima. The case study took place from the construction of a candidate's biographical and political profile, presented and discussed in the text. This research also made use of virtual ethnography. Therefore, were monitored social media facebook and twitter that political, with the help of image capture program - Greenshot by creating pre-defined categories of analysis, for example, calendar, prestige and support, negative campaign , engagement, among others. The period chosen for monitoring the candidate's official profiles was from 24 August to 28 October 2014, because it holds the pre, during and post-election where there was greater candidate drive level and his team marketing in social media selected for analysis. The results indicate that mobilization strategy (online and offline), merged with the promotion schedule, it is predominant in the social media Cassio. They also indicate that they do not show the failure of the campaign of the candidate in 2014.
The present study regards an applied qualitative social research (descriptive) which approaches the matter between old age and Brazilian social actions performed in social projects, aiming a qualified life and citizenship for this group of age. The objective of the study is to evaluate the contribution of Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age regarding social actions from the government directed to old age individual treatment for life quality improvement. The theoretical fundamentals of this work is, in a first moment, about old age and certain existing theories about aging process, as well as the differences and perspectives that come up throughout this process. In a second moment, some reflections are developed about the relation between life quality and leisure regarding old age, with the conception and historical rescue about these questions, as well as the evidence of leisure as an instrument of well-being feasibility and a better life quality in old age. Then the study contextualizes Brazilian government treatment to old age individuals, cutting off the Constitution of Republic from 1988 and some social attitudes taken by the government in a try to reach this specific group. Finally, the study presents the Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age , as a social program which belongs to extension activities from Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET-RN), which aims old age treatment and their citizenship and life quality. After the application of a semi-structured interview using the technique of Analysis of content for the Analysis and Discussion of Results, it is possible to conclude that the Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age fulfils its objective regarding contribution, through offered leisure activities, for old age well-being and life quality improvement. Hence, on this regard, it is possible to observe the importance and value of government actions, social projects and programs assisting old age individuals, for they are able to provide this group the opportunity to live out activities that allow their citizenship and socialization, regarding well-being and life quality improvement.
This study has been presented for the Master in business of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, the objectives are evaluate the social impacts of the tourism in the community of Tibau do Sul in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The research is a study of case and the analysis is qualitative and quantitative. The tourism is considerate for many people as an important source of richness, job and an important economic activity. However, for being an activity that involves as main element people, It can cause impacts, could these are beneficial or malign. To evaluate the community's perception about these impacts, it was applied a questionnaire returned to the perceptions of them about the next social indicators: health, job, security, education and life quality. Considering the advent of the tourist activity in a period fifteen year. Through the research could conclude that, of general form the population realizes the changes occurred in the municipal district of positive way. Except for some indicators that receive negative evaluation
The evaluation of public policies that promote Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) it s a multidisciplinary activity extremely relevant to the effectiveness of actions to legitimize the Human Right to Adequate Food (HRAF). This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the unit project Natal-RN Café do Trabalhador in promoting SAN to its users. The theoretical framework is based on the public and political and on the dimensions of the concept of FSN (quantity and quality-regularity). Through a qualitative approach, methodologically this was the work of an evaluation of efficiency of the unit Natal-RN of Café do Trabalhador project in light of the assumptions of the concept of SAN. Data collection was conducted through retrospective archival research in official documents of the project, semi-structured interviews with managers involved in its implementation (representative of the Secretary of State for Employment, Housing and Care of RN SETHAS and third party), socioeconomic questionnaire applied to the users of the unit, check the amount, regularity and quality of meals offered for 15 days (menu routine) using the descriptive form menu and form filling type checklist for verification of compliance with good practices . Methods of analysis, we used content analysis, descriptive statistics and compared to previously established parameters for the project. As categories of analysis were defined organizational arrangement, access, user, food quantity-regularity and food quality. The results show that, it was found in the category arrangement that will implement the project dismissed technical criteria for choosing the districts and the quantitative distribution of meals for each location. It was found that the valuation of the shares of the company outsources technical SETHA has not been performed. We observed in the access category, the unit has a strategic location, but lack of space in the refectory. The main obstacle to economic access for users is the lack of a register for the beneficiaries. In the category of users, it was identified that the clientele of the project it is predominantly men, with more than 51 years, low education, earning wages less 1 obtained through informal employment, which they move up through the unit transport collective, go to all days of operation due primarily to price. About the meals category quantity-regularity of food showed that the menu serves 95% of the desired needs, and that holidays and weekends are periods of disrupting the regularity of supply of meals. Regarding the category of food quality, it was found that the nutritional aspect on the menu are food sources rich in sodium, nitrates and low in fiber. In the aspect of hygiene and sanitation are the main limitations related to waste management, lack of exposure controls of food prepared and inadequacies of the physical structure. The results showed that in general and the institutional arrangement of the organs attached to the project should establish a systematic evaluation project is to establish as a promoter of and FSN overcome these obstacles
Since the emergence of the first demands for actions that were intended to give greater attention to culture in Brazil, came the first discussions which concerned the way the Brazilian government could have a positive influence in encouraging the culture, as is its interaction with the actors interested and involved with the cause. During the military dictatorship, there were programs which relied on the direct participation of the State to ensure that right, from the viewpoint of its support and implementation of public resources in developing the "cultural product" to be brought to society in its various forms of expression - all this, funded by the government. It is an example of "EMBRAFILMES" and "Projeto Seis e Meia", continued until the present day in some regions of the country, though maintained by entities not directly connected with the administration or the government. However, it was from the period of democratization and the end of the dictatorship that the Brazilian government began to look at the different culture, under its guarantee to the society. Came the first incentive laws, led by "Lei Sarney" Nº 7.505/86, which was culture as a segment which could receive foreign assistance in order to assist the government in fulfilling its public duty. After Collor era and the end of the embargo through the encouragement of culture incentive laws, consolidated the incentive model proposed in advance of Culture "Lei Sarney" and the federal laws, state and local regimentares as close to this action. This applies to the Rouanet Law (Lei Rouanet), Câmara Cascudo Law (Lei Câmara Cascudo) and Djalma Maranhão Cultural Incentive Law (Lei de Incentivo à Cultura Djalma Maranhão), existing in Natal and Rio Grande do Norte. Since then, business entities could help groups and cultural organizations to keep their work from the political sponsorship under control and regiment through the Brazilian state in the form of their Cultural Incentive Law. This framework has contributed to the strengthening of NGOs and with the consolidation of these institutions as the linchpin of Republican guaranteeing the right to access to culture, but corporate social responsibility was the one who took off in the segment treated here, through the actions of Responsibility Cultural enterprises arising from the Cultural Organizations. Therefore, in the face of this discourse, this study ascertains the process of encouraging the Culture in Rio Grande do Norte from the Deviant Case Analysis at the Casa da Ribeira, the main Cultural Organization that operates, focused action in Natal in order to assess the relationships established between the same entity and the institutions which are entitled to maintain the process of encouraging treated in this study - Enterprise, from the viewpoint of corporate sponsorship and Cultural Responsibility and State in the form of the Laws Incentive Funds and Public Culture Incentive