816 resultados para Bitterroot River, Missoula and Ravalli County, Montana, USA


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In fluvial systems, the relationship between a dominant variable (e.g. flood pulse) and its dependent ones (e.g. riparian vegetation) is called connectivity. This paper analyzes the connectivity elements and processes controlling riparian vegetation for a reach of the upper Paraná River (Brazil) and estimates the future changes in channel-vegetation relationship as a consequence of the managing of a large dam. The studied reach is situated 30km downstream from the Porto Primavera Dam (construction finished in 1999). Through aerial photography (1:25,000, 1996), RGB-CBERS satellite imagery and a previous field botany survey it was possible to elaborate a map with the five major morpho-vegetation units: 1) Tree-dominated natural levee, 2) Shrubby upper floodplain, 3) Shrub-herbaceous mid floodplain, 4) Grass-herbaceous lower floodplain and 5) Shrub-herbaceous flood runoff channel units. By use of a detailed topographic survey and statistical tools each morpho-vegetation type was analyzed according to its connectivity parameters (frequency, recurrence, permanence, seasonality, potamophase, limnophase and FCQ index) in the pre- and post-dam closure periods of the historical series. Data showed that most of the morpho-vegetation units were predicted to present changes in connectivity parameters values after dam closing and the new regime could affect, in different intensity, the river ecology and particularly the riparian vegetation. The methods used in this study can be useful for dam impact studies in other South American tropical rivers. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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In order to establish the concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, total protein and growth factor insulin-like type I (IGF-I) in the follicular fluid, 26 Murrah breed river buffaloes, between 45 and 70 days postpartum, empty, multiparous, with average live weight of 675 +/- 56 kg and average body condition of 3.5 points on a scale of 1-5, were used in this study. The fluid was collected from dominant follicles with diameters between 8 and 12 mm by OPU, and was not taken into account the stage of the estrous cycle. Using this technique, the wave of follicular development was synchronized six days prior to collection. Biochemical analysis was performed to glucose and cholesterol through the enzymatic colorimetric method using commercial kit glicose CHOLESTEROL GOD-PAP and CHOD-PAP (Kovalent), respectively. Determination of total protein was carried out by using total protein commercial kit (Kovalent) Biuret method, and the readings were performed using absorption spectrophotometry with visible light. Concentration of IGF-I was measured by Radioimmunoassay (RIA) technique using commercial IRMA Kit IGF-I (INMUNOTECH). Descriptive statistics were developed using the PROC MEANS procedure of SAS (2009). Concentration of glucose (4.0 +/- 0.75 mmol / L-1) and IGF-I (340 +/- 129.83 ng / mL (-1)) were higher than those reported by other authors in river buffaloes and cows, respectively. However, cholesterol levels (0.51 +/- 0.12 mmol / L (-1)) and total protein (58.4 +/- 4.43 g / L (-1)) behaved inferior to other studies in same species. The results indicated that there is relationship among the nutritional aspects, diameter of follicles aspirated and productive period in the concentration of biochemical indicators.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Twenty six Murrah female river buffaloes, between 45 and 70 d post-partum, empty, multiparae, with an average live weight of 675 ± 56 kg, and average body condition of 3.5 points, in a 1 to 5 scale, were used to determine the concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, total protein and insulin-like growth factor type I(IGF-I) in the follicular fluid. The fluid was collected from dominant follicles, with diameters between 8 and 12 mm, by in vivo follicular aspiration. The oestrous cycle stage was not taken into account. The wave of follicular development was synchronized six days prior to the collection. Biochemical analyses of glucose and cholesterol were performed by the enzymatic colorimetric method with the utilization of commercial kits of Glicose (GOD-PAP) and Cholesterol (CHOD-PAP) (Kovalent), respectively. For the determination of total protein, the commercial kit total Protein (Kovalent), method Biuret, was employed. Readings were carried out through absorption spectrophotometry with visible light. Through the radioimmunoanalysis (RIA) technique the concentration of IGF-I was obtained using commercial kits of IRMA IGF-I (IMMUNOTECH). Descriptive statistics was used, by applying the PROC MEANS procedure of the SAS (2009) statistical package. Glucose concentrations (4.0 ± 0.75 mmol/L) and IGF-I (340 ± 129.83 ng/mL) showed higher values in female river buffaloes and dairy cows regarding those reported in other studies. However, cholesterol levels (0.51 ± 0.12 mmol/L) and total proteins (58.4 ± 4.43 g/L) were lower. Results indicate that there is a relationship between the concentration of biochemical indicators, the nutritional aspects, the diameter of the aspired follicles and the productive period.


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A survey of 41 mule deer (Odocolleus hemionus) and three white-tailed deer (O. virginianus) for bovine tuberculosis was conducted on a Montana (USA) cattle ranch from 2 November 1993 through January 1994. Gross and microscopic lesions typical of tuberculosis were present in tonsil and lymph nodes of the head, thorax, and abdomen of one adult female mule deer. Additionally, a single microgranuloma considered morphologically suggestive of tuberculosis was present in one lymph node of the head of a second mule deer. Mycobacterial isolates from lymph nodes of the head and thorax of the first deer were identified as Mycobacterium bovis.


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Preservation of rivers and water resources is crucial in most environmental policies and many efforts are made to assess water quality. Environmental monitoring of large river networks are based on measurement stations. Compared to the total length of river networks, their number is often limited and there is a need to extend environmental variables that are measured locally to the whole river network. The objective of this paper is to propose several relevant geostatistical models for river modeling. These models use river distance and are based on two contrasting assumptions about dependency along a river network. Inference using maximum likelihood, model selection criterion and prediction by kriging are then developed. We illustrate our approach on two variables that differ by their distributional and spatial characteristics: summer water temperature and nitrate concentration. The data come from 141 to 187 monitoring stations in a network on a large river located in the Northeast of France that is more than 5000 km long and includes Meuse and Moselle basins. We first evaluated different spatial models and then gave prediction maps and error variance maps for the whole stream network.


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The diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique has shown enormous potential for labile metal monitoring in fresh water due to the preconcentration, time-integrated, matrix interference removal and speciation analytical features. In this work, the coupling of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) with paper-based DGT devices was evaluated for the direct determination of Mn, Co. Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb in fresh water. The DGT samplers were assembled with cellulose (Whatman 3 MM chromatography paper) as the diffusion layer and a cellulose phosphate ion exchange membrane (Whatman P 81 paper) as the binding agent. The diffusion coefficients of the analytes on 3 MM chromatography paper were calculated by deploying the DGT samplers in synthetic solutions containing 500 mu g L-1 of Mn. Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb (4 L at pH 5.5 and ionic strength at 0.05 mol L-1). After retrieval, the DGT units were disassembled and the P81 papers were dried and analysed by EDXRF directly. The 3 MM chromatographic paper diffusion coefficients of the analytes ranged from 1.67 to 1.87 x 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1). The metal retention and phosphate group homogeneities on the P81 membrane was studied by a spot analysis with a diameter of 1 mm. The proposed approach (DGT-EDXRF coupling) was applied to determine the analytes at five sampling sites (48 h in situ deployment) on the Piracicaba river basin, and the results (labile fraction) were compared with 0.45 mu m dissolved fractions determined by synchrotron radiation-excited total reflection X-ray fluorescence (SR-TXRF). The limits of detection of DGT-EDXRF coupling for the analytes (from 7.5 to 26 mu g L-1) were similar to those obtained by the sensitive SR-TXRF technique (3.8 to 9.1 mu g L-1). (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Seventeen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied in surface waters (including particulate phase) from the Chenab River, Pakistan and ranged from 289-994 and 437-1290 ng l-1 in summer and winter (2007-09), respectively. Concentrations for different ring-number PAHs followed the trend: 3-rings > 2-rings > 4-rings > 5-rings > 6-rings. The possible sources of PAHs are identified by calculating the indicative ratios; appropriating petrogenic sources of PAHs in urban and sub-urban regions with pyrogenic sources in agricultural region. Factor analysis based on principal component analysis identified the origins of PAHs from industrial activities, coal and trash burning in agricultural areas and municipal waste disposal from surrounding urban and sub-urban areas via open drains into the riverine ecosystem. Water quality guidelines and toxic equivalent factors highlighted the potential risk of low molecular weight PAHs to the aquatic life of the Chenab River. The flux estimated for PAHs contaminants from the Chenab River to the Indus River was >50 tons/year.


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In this thesis I have tried to determine the suit­able temperature, time and the amount of soda ash and lime needed for the calcining process. The leaching and purification tests were studied experimentally. The earlier process for making chromate from chromite was not the same as is used today. There­fore I have found it useful to put into this thesis the newest method for making chromate salts and their important uses.


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The purpose of this research was to study the physical characteristics, mainly, porosity and permeability of the oil sands from the Cut Bank field, Glacier County, Montana. In so doing, a better understanding of the relation­ship of these physical characteristics to one another and to the pool itself could be obtained.


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In 1939 the total world production of crude chromite was approximately 1,167,000 metric tons; of which the United States produced only 3,672 metric tons and imported over 317,500 metric tons. Imports came mostly from the Philippine Islands, Cuba, South Africa, and Rhodesia.


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Presentation by Leigh W. Freeman. Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring published in 1962 marked the birth of concepts leading to the development of mineral resources with a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives. Montana plays a special role in this story. It is 'the last best place.' As such it can serve as a bell-weather state for Carson's revelations. Consider: Butte as a poster child for legacy problems resulting from resource development under solely economic imperatives; and Montana as a first-adapter in 1971 of state environmental laws based on imperatives heralded with Silent Spring. What better place is there to educate and develop leaders and incubate the future of resource development in global sustainability?


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Dr. Charles Peterson, Herpetologist and Professor of Biological Sciences at Idaho State University. Curator of Ichthyology and Herpetology at the Idaho Museum of Natural History.


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In studying the Cut Bank field and its numerous wells, it is found that dry holes are surrounded by producing wells, and also that the field as a whole is very irregular; water, oil, and gas zones in many cases following no definite pattern. In some instances, this phenomenon may be due to the lensing and thinning of the producing sands, but it is evident that this is not the only factor. There­fore, the controlling factors must be porosity and permeability.


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Sometime prior to 1870, a group of prospectors made what was believed to be a "rich strike' on one of the tributaries of Prickly Pear Creek in Jefferson County, Montana. Instead of striking it rich, they had uncovered a native copper deposit, worthless to them because of its limited extent and remote location, but now of much interest to the geologist, and to the mining engineer because of its possible commercial value.