996 resultados para Birch-Pfeiffer


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Within target T lymphocytes, human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) encounters the retroviral restriction factor APOBEC3G (apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 3G; A3G), which is counteracted by the HIV-1 accessory protein Vif. Vif is encoded by intron-containing viral RNAs that are generated by splicing at 3' splice site (3'ss) A1 but lack splicing at 5'ss D2, which results in the retention of a large downstream intron. Hence, the extents of activation of 3'ss A1 and repression of D2, respectively, determine the levels of vif mRNA and thus the ability to evade A3G-mediated antiviral effects. The use of 3'ss A1 can be enhanced or repressed by splicing regulatory elements that control the recognition of downstream 5'ss D2. Here we show that an intronic G run (G(I2)-1) represses the use of a second 5'ss, termed D2b, that is embedded within intron 2 and, as determined by RNA deep-sequencing analysis, is normally inefficiently used. Mutations of G(I2)-1 and activation of D2b led to the generation of transcripts coding for Gp41 and Rev protein isoforms but primarily led to considerable upregulation of vif mRNA expression. We further demonstrate, however, that higher levels of Vif protein are actually detrimental to viral replication in A3G-expressing T cell lines but not in A3G-deficient cells. These observations suggest that an appropriate ratio of Vif-to-A3G protein levels is required for optimal virus replication and that part of Vif level regulation is effected by the novel G run identified here.


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Climate models are potentially useful tools for addressing human dispersals and demographic change. The Arabian Peninsula is becoming increasingly significant in the story of human dispersals out of Africa during the Late Pleistocene. Although characterised largely by arid environments today, emerging climate records indicate that the peninsula was wetter many times in the past, suggesting that the region may have been inhabited considerably more than hitherto thought. Explaining the origins and spatial distribution of increased rainfall is challenging because palaeoenvironmental research in the region is in an early developmental stage. We address environmental oscillations by assembling and analysing an ensemble of five global climate models (CCSM3, COSMOS, HadCM3, KCM, and NorESM). We focus on precipitation, as the variable is key for the development of lakes, rivers and savannas. The climate models generated here were compared with published palaeoenvironmental data such as palaeolakes, speleothems and alluvial fan records as a means of validation. All five models showed, to varying degrees, that the Arabia Peninsula was significantly wetter than today during the Last Interglacial (130 ka and 126/125 ka timeslices), and that the main source of increased rainfall was from the North African summer monsoon rather than the Indian Ocean monsoon or from Mediterranean climate patterns. Where available, 104 ka (MIS 5c), 56 ka (early MIS 3) and 21 ka (LGM) timeslices showed rainfall was present but not as extensive as during the Last Interglacial. The results favour the hypothesis that humans potentially moved out of Africa and into Arabia on multiple occasions during pluvial phases of the Late Pleistocene.


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This case study reports on the development of a bespoke mobile recording app for collating records of biodiversity sightings on a University campus. This innovative project was achieved through a multi-disciplinary partnership of staff and students. It is hoped that the app itself will benefit lecturers by streamlining data collection during teaching and learning activities, whilst engaging students and highlighting the wealth of diversity available on campus


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Weather and climate model simulations of the West African Monsoon (WAM) have generally poor representation of the rainfall distribution and monsoon circulation because key processes, such as clouds and convection, are poorly characterized. The vertical distribution of cloud and precipitation during the WAM are evaluated in Met Office Unified Model simulations against CloudSat observations. Simulations were run at 40-km and 12-km horizontal grid length using a convection parameterization scheme and at 12-km, 4-km, and 1.5-km grid length with the convection scheme effectively switched off, to study the impact of model resolution and convection parameterization scheme on the organisation of tropical convection. Radar reflectivity is forward-modelled from the model cloud fields using the CloudSat simulator to present a like-with-like comparison with the CloudSat radar observations. The representation of cloud and precipitation at 12-km horizontal grid length improves dramatically when the convection parameterization is switched off, primarily because of a reduction in daytime (moist) convection. Further improvement is obtained when reducing model grid length to 4 km or 1.5 km, especially in the representation of thin anvil and mid-level cloud, but three issues remain in all model configurations. Firstly, all simulations underestimate the fraction of anvils with cloud top height above 12 km, which can be attributed to too low ice water contents in the model compared to satellite retrievals. Secondly, the model consistently detrains mid-level cloud too close to the freezing level, compared to higher altitudes in CloudSat observations. Finally, there is too much low-level cloud cover in all simulations and this bias was not improved when adjusting the rainfall parameters in the microphysics scheme. To improve model simulations of the WAM, more detailed and in-situ observations of the dynamics and microphysics targeting these non-precipitating cloud types are required.


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The advance of the onset of the Indian monsoon is here explained in terms of a balance between the low-level monsoon flow and an over-running intrusion of mid-tropospheric dry air. The monsoon advances, over a period of about 6 weeks, from the south of the country to the northwest. Given that the low-level monsoon winds are westerly or southwesterly, and the midlevel winds northwesterly, the monsoon onset propagates upwind relative to midlevel flow, and perpendicular to the low-level flow, and is not directly caused by moisture flux toward the northwest. Lacking a conceptual model for the advance means that it has been hard to understand and correct known biases in weather and climate prediction models. The mid-level northwesterlies form a wedge of dry air that is deep in the far northwest of India and over-runs the monsoon flow. The dry layer is moistened from below by shallow cumulus and congestus clouds, so that the profile becomes much closer to moist adiabatic, and the dry layer is much shallower in the vertical, toward the southeast of India. The profiles associated with this dry air show how the most favourable environment for deep convection occurs in the south, and onset occurs here first. As the onset advances across India, the advection of moisture from the Arabian Sea becomes stronger, and the mid-level dry air is increasingly moistened from below. This increased moistening makes the wedge of dry air shallower throughout its horizontal extent, and forces the northern limit of moist convection to move toward the northwest. Wetting of the land surface by rainfall will further reinforce the north-westward progression, by sustaining the supply of boundary layer moisture and shallow cumulus. The local advance of the monsoon onset is coincident with weakening of the mid-level northwesterlies, and therefore weakened mid-level dry advection.


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Results of extensive site reconnaissance on the Isles of Tiree, Coll and north-west Mull, Inner Hebrides are presented. Pollen-stratigraphic records were compiled from a profile from Glen Aros, north-west Mull and from two profiles on Coll located at Loch an t-Sagairt and Caolas an Eilean. Quantification of microscopic charcoal provided records that were used to facilitate a preliminary evaluation of the causal driving mechanisms of vegetation change. Bayesian modelling of radiocarbon dates was used to construct preliminary chronological frameworks for these records. Basal sedimentary deposits at Glen Aros contain pollen records that correspond with vegetation succession typical of the early Holocene dating to c. 11,370 cal BP. Woodland development is a key feature of the pollen records dating to the early Holocene, while records from Loch an t-Sagairt show that blanket mire communities were widespread in north-west Coll by c. 9800 cal BP. The Corylus-rise is dated to c. 10,710 cal BP at Glen Aros and c. 9905 cal BP at Loch an t-Sagairt, with records indicating extensive cover of hazel woodland with birch. All of the major arboreal taxa were recorded, though Quercus and Ulmus were nowhere widespread. Analysis of wood charcoal remains from a Mesolithic site at Fiskary Bay, Coll indicate that Salix and Populus are likely to be under-represented in the pollen records. Reconstructed isopoll maps appear to underplay the importance of alder in western Scotland during the mid-Holocene. Alder-rise expansions in microscopic charcoal dating to c. 7300 cal BP at Glen Aros and c. 6510 to 5830 cal BP on Coll provide records of significance to the issue of human-induced burning related to the expansion of alder in Britain. Increasing frequencies in microscopic charcoal are correlated with mid-Holocene records of increasing aridity in western Scotland after c. 7490 cal BP at Glen Aros, 6760 cal BP at Loch an t-Sagairt and 6590 cal BP at Caolas an Eilean, while several phases of increasing bog surface wetness were detected in the Loch an t-Sagairt archive during the Holocene. At least five phases of small-scale woodland disturbance during the Mesolithic period were identified in the Glen Aros profile dating to c. 11,650 cal BP, 9300 cal BP, 7840 cal BP, 7040 cal BP and 6100 cal BP. The timing of the third phase is coincident with evidence of Mesolithic settlement at Creit Dhu, north-west Mull. Three phases of small-scale woodland disturbance were detected at Loch an t-Sagairt dating to c. 9270 cal BP, 8770 cal BP and 8270 cal BP, all of which overlap chronologically with evidence of Mesolithic activity at Fiskary Bay, Coll. A number of these episodes are aligned chronologically with phases of Holocene climate variability such as the 8.2 K event.


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There are some long-established biases in atmospheric models that originate from the representation of tropical convection. Previously, it has been difficult to separate cause and effect because errors are often the result of a number of interacting biases. Recently, researchers have gained the ability to run multiyear global climate model simulations with grid spacings small enough to switch the convective parameterization off, which permits the convection to develop explicitly. There are clear improvements to the initiation of convective storms and the diurnal cycle of rainfall in the convection-permitting simulations, which enables a new process-study approach to model bias identification. In this study, multiyear global atmosphere-only climate simulations with and without convective parameterization are undertaken with the Met Office Unified Model and are analyzed over the Maritime Continent region, where convergence from sea-breeze circulations is key for convection initiation. The analysis shows that, although the simulation with parameterized convection is able to reproduce the key rain-forming sea-breeze circulation, the parameterization is not able to respond realistically to the circulation. A feedback of errors also occurs: the convective parameterization causes rain to fall in the early morning, which cools and wets the boundary layer, reducing the land–sea temperature contrast and weakening the sea breeze. This is, however, an effect of the convective bias, rather than a cause of it. Improvements to how and when convection schemes trigger convection will improve both the timing and location of tropical rainfall and representation of sea-breeze circulations.


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State-of-the-art regional climate model simulations that are able to resolve key mesoscale circulations are used, for the first time, to understand the interaction between the large-scale convective environment of the MJO and processes governing the strong diurnal cycle over the islands of the Maritime Continent (MC). Convection is sustained in the late afternoon just inland of the coasts due to sea breeze convergence. Previous work has shown that the variability in MC rainfall associated with the MJO is manifested in changes to this diurnal cycle; land-based rainfall peaks before the active convective envelope of the MJO reaches the MC, whereas oceanic rainfall rates peak whilst the active envelope resides over the region. The model simulations show that the main controls on oceanic MC rainfall in the early active MJO phases are the large-scale environment and atmospheric stability, followed by high oceanic latent heat flux forced by high near-surface winds in the later active MJO phases. Over land, rainfall peaks before the main convective envelope arrives (in agreement with observations), even though the large-scale convective environment is only moderately favourable for convection. The causes of this early rainfall peak are convective triggers from land-sea breeze circulations that are strong due to high surface insolation and surface heating. During the peak MJO phases cloud cover increases and surface insolation decreases, which weakens the strength of the mesoscale circulations and reduces land-based rainfall, even though the large-scale environment remains favourable for convection at this time. Hence, scale interactions are an essential part of the MJO transition across the MC.


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Despite the importance of dust aerosol in the Earth system, state-of-the-art models show a large variety for North African dust emission. This study presents a systematic evaluation of dust emitting-winds in 30 years of the historical model simulation with the UK Met Office Earth-system model HadGEM2-ES for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5. Isolating the effect of winds on dust emission and using an automated detection for nocturnal low-level jets (NLLJs) allow an in-depth evaluation of the model performance for dust emission from a meteorological perspective. The findings highlight that NLLJs are a key driver for dust emission in HadGEM2-ES in terms of occurrence frequency and strength. The annually and spatially averaged occurrence frequency of NLLJs is similar in HadGEM2-ES and ERA-Interim from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. Compared to ERA-Interim, a stronger pressure ridge over northern Africa in winter and the southward displaced heat low in summer result in differences in location and strength of NLLJs. Particularly the larger geostrophic winds associated with the stronger ridge have a strengthening effect on NLLJs over parts of West Africa in winter. Stronger NLLJs in summer may rather result from an artificially increased mixing coefficient under stable stratification that is weaker in HadGEM2-ES. NLLJs in the Bodélé Depression are affected by stronger synoptic-scale pressure gradients in HadGEM2-ES. Wintertime geostrophic winds can even be so strong that the associated vertical wind shear prevents the formation of NLLJs. These results call for further model improvements in the synoptic-scale dynamics and the physical parametrization of the nocturnal stable boundary layer to better represent dust-emitting processes in the atmospheric model. The new approach could be used for identifying systematic behavior in other models with respect to meteorological processes for dust emission. This would help to improve dust emission simulations and contribute to decreasing the currently large uncertainty in climate change projections with respect to dust aerosol.


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LEMOS, R. C. C. AND G. F. A. MELO-DE-PINNA (Departamento de Botanica, Instituto de Biociencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Rua do Matao 277, Travessa 14, Cidade Universitaria, Butanta, Caixa Postal 11461, 05422-970, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil). Morpho-anatomical variations during stem development in some epiphytic Cactaceae. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 138: 16-25. 2011. In this study, the morpho-anatomical features of Hatiora salicornioides (Harworth) Britton & Rose, Rhipsalis floccosa Salm-Dyck Pfeiffer, Rhipsalis elliptica G. Lindb. ex K. Schum. and Epiphyllum phyllanthus (L.) Haworth. were studied during different phases of stem development. Primary (more developed) and terminal (less developed) segments showed variations of anatomical features as exhibited by the epidermal cells in surface view and transverse section. Features of the vascular system, e.g., the occurrence of non-lignified parenchyma in bands (H. salicornioides) or in small groups (R. floccosa and R. elliptica), as well as pericycle fibers and lignified cells in the medullar region, were only observed on the primary segments. Nevertheless, based on our anatomical analysis of stem segments in different developmental phases, we conclude that some characters described and used in systematic interpretations should be revised, mainly in the vascular (secondary xylem; non-xylematic vascular fibers) and dermal systems (epidermis in surface view and transverse section).


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Bendadaite, ideally Fe(2+)Fe(2)(3+)(AsO(4))(2)(OH)(2 center dot).4H(2)O, is a new member of the arthurite group It was found as a weathering product of arsenopyrite on a single hand specimen from the phosphate pegmatite Bendada. central Portugal (type locality) Co-type locality is the granite pegmatite of La via do Almerindo (Almerindo mine), Linopolis, Divmo das Laranjeiras county, Minas Gerais, Brazil Further localities are the Vein Negra mine, Copiapo province, Chile, mid-East, Bou Azzer district, Morocco, and Para Inferida yard, Fenugu Sibirt mine, Gonnosfanadiga, Medio Campidano Province, Sardinia. Italy Type bendadaite occurs as blackish green to dark brownish tufts (<0 1 mm long) and flattened radiating aggregates. in intimate association with an intermediate member of the scorodite-mansfieldite series It is monoclinic. space group P2(l/c). with a = 10 239(3) angstrom. b = 9 713(2) angstrom, c = 5 552(2) angstrom. beta = 94 11(2)degrees. = 550 7(2) angstrom(3). Z = 2 Electron-microprobe analysis yielded (wt %). CaO 0 04, MnO 0 03. CuO 006, ZnO 004. Fe(2)O(3) (total) 43 92, Al(2)O(3) 115. SnO(2) 0 10, As(2)O(5) 43 27. P(2)O(5) 1 86, SO(3) 0.03 The empirical formula is (Fe(0 52)(2+)Fe(0 32)(3+)rectangle(0 16))(Sigma 1 00)(Fe(1 89)(3+)Al(0 11))(Sigma 2 00)(As(1 87)P(0 13))(Sigma 2 00)O(8)(OH)(2 00) 4H(2)O based. CM 2(As,P) and assuming ideal 80, 2(OH), 4H2O and complete occupancy of the ferric on site by Fe(3+) and Al Optically, bendadaite is biaxial, positive, 2V(est) = 85+/-4 degrees, 2V(eale) = 88 degrees, with alpha 1 734(3). 13 1 759(3), 7 1 787(4) Pleochrosim is medium strong X pale reddish brown. Y yellowish brown, Z dark yellowish brown. absorption Z > V > X, optical dispersion weak, r > v. Optical axis plane Is parallel to (010), with X approximately parallel to a and Z nearly parallel to c Bendadaite has vitreous to sub-adamantine luster, is translucent and non-fluorescent It is brittle, shows irregular fracture and a good cleavage parallel to 1010} 3 15 0 10 g/cm(3), 3 193 g/cm3 (for the empirical formula) The five strongest powder diffraction lines [d in angstrom (I)(hkl] are 10 22 (10)(100), 7 036 (8)(110), 4 250 (5)(11 I), 2 865 (4)(311), 4 833 (3)(020,011) The d spacings are very similar to those of its Zn analogue, ojelaite The crystal structure of bendadaite was solved and refined using a crystal from the co-type locality with the composition (Fe(0 95)(2+)rectangle(0 05))(Sigma 1 00)(Fe(1 80)(3+)Al(0 20))Sigma(2 00)(As(1 48)P(0 52))(Sigma 2 00)O(8)) (OH)(2) 4H(2)O (R = 16%) and confirms an arthurite-type atomic arrangement


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Four different trials of stratified three-layered fine paper, of sulphate pulp, were performed to investigate if stratified fine fraction or fibres from birch can improve the properties of a paper compared to a reference sheet. All trials had five different scenarios and each scenario was calendered with different linear load. All sheets had a grammage of 80 g/m2.In the first trial, the paper contained birch, pine and filler of calciumcarbonate (marble), and was manufactured with the pilot paper machine XPM and the stratified headbox Formator at RCF (Stora Enso Research Center in Falun). The furnish consisted of 75% birch and 25% pine.The second trial contained coated sheets with paper from trial one as the base paper. The coating slip contained calciumcarbonate and clay and the amount was approximately 10-12 g/m2.The third trial, also with birch and pine but without filler, was performed at STFI (Skogsindustrins Tekniska Forskningsinstitut in Stockholm) with the laboratory scaled paper machine StratEx and the stratified headbox AQ-vanes. The furnish consisted of 75% birch and 25% pine, except for one scenario which contained of 75% pine and 25% birch.The last trial contained fractionated pulp of birch and pine and was performed at STFI. 50% was fine fraction and 50% was coarse fraction.This test does not show any clear benefits of making stratified sheets of birch and pine when it comes to properties such as bending stiffness, tensile index and surface smoothness. The retention can be improved with birch in the surface plies. It is possible that the formation can be improved with birch in the surface plies and pine in the middle ply. It is also possible that fine fraction in the surface plies and coarse fraction in the middle ply can improve both surface smoothness and bending stiffness. The results in this test are shown with confidence intervals which points out the difficulties of analysing sheets manufactured with a pilot paper machine or a laboratory scaled paper machine.


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I ett bestånd med björk, planterad 1990 på nedlagd åkermark i 3x1 m förband har en jämförande studie gjorts. Halva arealen har traditionell skogsproduktion, vilken jämförts med en del med skötsel för kombinerad betesdrift och skogsproduktion. I arbetet redovisas utnyttjad metodik vid anläggning, markbehandling, ogräsbekämpning, stängsling och djurhållning, röjning och gallring, nuvarande och beräknad total produktion, grenrensning samt skador. Tre viktiga regler som har bidragit till den lyckosamma etableringen vid beskogningen av denna betesmark är kontinuerlig ogräsbekämpning, tidig och kraftfull röjning/gallring samt stängsling.In a birch stand established in 1990 on former agricultural land in a 3x1 m spacing a comparative study was made. Half the accerage has ad a traditional silviculture while the other half has been managed aiming at future grace land combined with wood production. In this paper we describe the establishment method used, soil treatment, weed protection, fencing and animal treatment, thinning, productivity and yield, furthermore pruning and occurrence of damages. Three important rules for establishment of silvipastures are continuous weed elimination, early, forceful thinning and good fencing.


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Variation i björkvirkets färg beror på art, läge i träd, ursprung och lagringstid. Vårtbjörk har en mörkare färg än glasbjörk, men livligare struktur och glans. Timmer hugget under tillväxtsäsongen bör sågas färskt eller lagras högst en månad. Vid brädgårdstorkning är god luftcirkulation och skydd för väta och direkt solljus väsentligt. Strövirkets färskhet är av stor betydelse för att undvika fuktfärgning av virket.Variation in birch colours depend on species, position in tree, origin and the storage period. White birch is darker than hairy birch but with a lively structure and shine. During vegetation period timber storage exceeding one month should be avoided. Air circulation, protection from rain and direct sunlight are essential for yard drying. Freshness of stickers used for stacking is important to avoid water marks on wood surface.