1000 resultados para Aves necrófagas - Nutrição animal
Provide healthier meat to consumers of pig farmers has required an adjustment of nutrition and feed management. Nutrition is a primary factor in defining the qualitative aspects of pork, because through it we can modify the fatty acid profile. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of adding bran bagasse cashew (FBC) in diets for finishing pigs, on carcass traits and meat quality. 20 crossbred barrows with an average initial weight of 57.93 ± 3.67 kg / BW were used Diets were formulated based on corn and soybean meal containing vegetable oil, commercial core and different levels of inclusion of the bran bagasse cashew ( 0.0, 7.5 % , 15.0 % , 22.5 % and 30.0 % ) . The experimental design was a randomized block with 5 treatments and 4 replications. Quantitative, qualitative, fatty acid profile of the longissimus muscle and fat area parameters were evaluated. It was observed that with the inclusion of FBC, the parameters of carcass yield, backfat thickness, fat area had a negative linear effect relationship and meat / fat positive effect. Regarding the profile of fatty acids in fat area, the content of linoleic fatty acid level of 30 % of FBC was 18.2 % higher ( P < 0.05 ) at the level of 0.0 % and the arachidonic level of 22.5 % was higher than 33.3 % and 37.5 % at levels of 0.0 % and 15.0 % ( FBC ) respectively. It is concluded that finishing pigs may be food diets containing up to 30 % of FBC, improving the quality of housing for lower fat deposition and modification in the fatty acid profile.
Brazilian sweet sorghum is used to generate ethanol and the bagasse is burned in industrial boilers or deposited on soil polluting the environment. This study evaluated the performance of sorghum plants and its bagasse silage nutritional value aiming to use it in the ruminant nutrition. Experiments were set up on the UTFPR campus at Dois Vizinhos-PR. The first trial was established on October 2nd, 2012 using the genotypes ADV 2010, Hunnigreen, Sugargraze, Volumax, BR 505, 503, 501 and the second trial at 2013 on November 27th assessing the materials ADV 2010, Sugargraze, Hunnigreen, EX 5110, BR 506, 508, 509 and 511. Experimental was laid out as a randomized block design with three replications. Results were analyzed through ANOVA comparing the averages by Duncan test at 5% error probability. As field variables were evaluated: plant height (Pl hei), green mass production (GM Prod), percentage of leaves, stems and panicles in relation to the plant, stems production without straw (Prod stems with straw), whole stems production (Who stems Prod), stem diameter (Stem diam), juice production (Juice prod) and Brix degree (oBrix). After juice plant extraction, forage bagasse was crushed and packed in silos for 60 days and green matter yield was estimated (GM). In bagasse silage gauged to buffer capacity (BC), dry matter (DM), mineral matter (MM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), total carbohydrates (TC), non-fibrous carbohydrates (NFCH), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), lignin (LIG ) and digestibility "in vitro" (DIGIV). There was no significant difference (P> 0.05) between genotypes regarding to green matter production and on average, the second crop yield was lower and reflected in the reduction of bagasse production. Bagasse silage DM was of 32.3% and 33.1%; NDF 73% and 65.8%, crude protein 3.8% and 5.9; pH 3.7 and 3.7; TC and 9.8 and 10.7. mg MS-1; the amount of NFCH was 11.1 and 13.5%; DIG of DM 36.9 and 62.4% for the respectively to the bagasse produced from materials grown in the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 seasons. Hybrid genotypes had a better agronomic performance while the varieties were more efficient in bromatological indexes. And despite the high percentage of NDF and the low protein level, it is possible to feed ruminants with this coproduct.
Physiologists and animal scientists try to understand the relationship between ruminants and their environment. The knowledge about feeding behavior of these animals is the key to maximize the production of meat and milk and their derivatives and ensure animal welfare. Within the area called precision farming, one of the goals is to find a model that describes animal nutrition. Existing methods for determining the consumption and ingestive patterns are often time-consuming and imprecise. Therefore, an accurate and less laborious method may be relevant for feeding behaviour recognition. Surface electromyography (sEMG) is able to provide information of muscle activity. Through sEMG of the muscles of mastication, coupled with instrumentation techniques, signal processing and data classification, it is possible to extract the variables of interest that describe chewing activity. This work presents a new method for chewing pattern evaluation, feed intake prediction and for the determination of rumination, food and daily rest time through ruminant animals masseter muscle sEMG signals. Short-term evaluation results are shown and discussed, evidencing employed methods viability.
Heterotrophic feeding has an important role in the processes of growth and reproduction of mixotrophic corals. The soft coral Sarcophyton cf. glaucum is a good candidate for aquaculture due to its economic interest for the marine aquarium trade and for the bioprospection of marine natural products. The lack of information on heterotrophic feeding of this species with preserved microalgae conducted to development of this work. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of the conservation processes of microalgae in its suitability as heterotrophic feeding for the mixotrophic coral S. cf. glaucum. Additionally, we aimed to identify the most suitable freeze-dried microalgae species and cell density to be employed in the culture of this mixotrophic coral species. Two experiments were performed: in the first experiment the microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata was supplied to coral fragments in three different preservation forms (live paste, frozen and freeze-dried) at the concentration of 106 cell mL-1; in the second experiment three different microalgae species (Nannochloropsis oculata, Isochrysis galbana and Phaeodactylum tricornutum) were tested in two different amounts: 7.33 mg L-1 (corresponding to the concentration of 106 cell mL-1 of Nannochloropsis oculata) and 3.66 mg L-1. Growth rate, survival, organic weight and photobiology of coral fragments, as well as water quality in culture tanks, were evaluated in both experiments. Preserved forms of microalgae did not demonstrated differences in growth rate, organic weight and survival rate of coral fragments, but affected water quality. Freeze-dried microalgae seems to be a good feed supply for coral aquaculture, as it has the best results and it has the higher shell-life time and the lower associated costs. Between the species evaluated in second experiment, Isochrysis galbana promoted higher specific growth rate and higher percentage of organic weight in the coral fragments; additionally the culture tanks supplied with this microalgae species also presented a better water quality in the end of the experiment.
A incorporação de fontes proteicas alternativas à farinha de peixe na alimentação de espécies piscícolas tem sido objecto de variados estudos no âmbito da nutrição animal. Neste contexto realizou-se o presente trabalho, cujo objectivo foi determinar o nível de substituição ideal de farinha de peixe por glúten de trigo na alimentação de dourada. Foram realizados dois ensaios, um de crescimento e um de digestibilidade. O ensaio de crescimento efectuou-se para determinar qual o nível máximo de substituição sem que os animais apresentassem diferenças significativas em termos de taxa de crescimento. O ensaio de digestibilidade teve como principal objectivo determinar qual das dietas testadas proporcionaria melhores valores de utilização digestiva por parte dos animais. Tendo em conta os resultados dos ensaios e as condições experimentais em que se realizaram, verificou-se que a substituição até 40% não afecta significativamente o desempenho zootécnico das douradas. ABSTRACT; The incorporation of alternative protein sources in fish diets has been the aim of many scientific experiments in animal nutrition. ln this study, the main objective was to evaluate the ideal level of wheat gluten incorporation in substitution of fishmeal in diets for gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L). To reach this objective, two experiments were carried out, in which growth and digestibility were studied. The aim of the growth experiment was to evaluate the maximum level of fish meal substitution by wheat gluten (20%, 40%, 60% and 80%), without affecting significantly the animals growth rate. The digestibility experiment took place to evaluate which animals presented better food utilization with the tested diets (20%, 40%, 60% and 80%). Observing the results of these two experiments, it was concluded that the substitution until 40% did not affect significantly the performance of the fishes.
No Sertão, a produção de alimentos na propriedade não é uma prática corriqueira para um grande número de criadores de caprinos e ovinos, principalmente os pequenos produtores. O mais comum é a criação de animais soltos na Caatinga, alimentando-se da vegetação natural e, no período mais crítico do ano, trazê-los para um cercado para fornecer algum resto de cultura ou resíduos adquiridos na cidade, caros, muitas vezes, para suplementar aqueles animais mais necessitados. Uma das poucas práticas que se observa como forma de minimizar esse problema é o cultivo da palma-forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill) em pequenos quintais próximos à casa de moradia, quase sempre em antigos chiqueiros, como forma de aproveitar restos de esterco e melhorar o desenvolvimento das plantas. O cultivo da palma em áreas maiores ainda é muito incipiente, mesmo depois de anos muito secos, como os últimos, quando alguns criadores começaram a expandir essas áreas.
Dados gerais das pisciculturas de reprodução e engorda. Propriedades de reprodução: número médio de reprodutores e idade; origem dos reprodutores por bacias hidrográficas; estruturas de cultivo, densidade de estocagem e casais formados; manejo alimentar de reprodutores; monitoramento da qualidade da água e fertilização dos viveiros e barragens; manejos no acasalamento e comportamento reprodutivo; caracterização de ninhos; período reprodutivo e idade na primeira reprodução; manejo e sanidade dos reprodutores; captura dos alevinos; alevinagem; treinamento alimentar; sanidade dos alevinos; pré-comercialização e comercialização dos alevinos; transporte e destinação dos alevinos. Propriedades de engorda: aquisição de alevinos; estruturas de cultivo; preparação dos viveiros; fase de recria; manejo alimentar na recria; fase de engorda; manejo alimentar na engorda; biometrias; mortalidades e sanidade; monitoramento da qualidade da água; assistência técnica, abate e comercialização.
Objetivou-se nesse trabalho verificar se a idade ao abate e o uso de suplementação no período pré-desmame altera o perfil lipídico da carne de cordeiros da raça Morada Nova.
Os pesos e rendimentos de cortes comerciais de ovinos podem ser influenciados pela dieta, especialmente se levarmos em conta os grupos genéticos envolvidos, com diferentes graus de maturidade e, ainda, condições de restrição nutricional em períodos críticos de escassez de alimentos. Com o presente trabalho objetivou-se determinar os pesos e rendimentos de cortes comerciais de cordeiros Morada Nova e Santa Inês alimentados com dietas formuladas conforme o NRC de 2007 para maturidade tardia e precoce sem restrição de nutrientes.