442 resultados para Astronomia nàutica


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Weak lensing experiments such as the future ESA-accepted mission Euclid aim to measure cosmological parameters with unprecedented accuracy. It is important to assess the precision that can be obtained in these measurements by applying analysis software on mock images that contain many sources of noise present in the real data. In this Thesis, we show a method to perform simulations of observations, that produce realistic images of the sky according to characteristics of the instrument and of the survey. We then use these images to test the performances of the Euclid mission. In particular, we concentrate on the precision of the photometric redshift measurements, which are key data to perform cosmic shear tomography. We calculate the fraction of the total observed sample that must be discarded to reach the required level of precision, that is equal to 0.05(1+z) for a galaxy with measured redshift z, with different ancillary ground-based observations. The results highlight the importance of u-band observations, especially to discriminate between low (z < 0.5) and high (z ~ 3) redshifts, and the need for good observing sites, with seeing FWHM < 1. arcsec. We then construct an optimal filter to detect galaxy clusters through photometric catalogues of galaxies, and we test it on the COSMOS field, obtaining 27 lensing-confirmed detections. Applying this algorithm on mock Euclid data, we verify the possibility to detect clusters with mass above 10^14.2 solar masses with a low rate of false detections.


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My PhD project has been focused on the study of the pulsating variable stars in two ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal satellites of the Milky Way, namely, Leo IV and Hercules; and in two fields of the Large Magellanic Cloud (namely, the Gaia South Ecliptic Pole calibration field, and the 30 Doradus region) that were repeatedly observed in the KS band by the VISTA Magellanic Cloud (VMC, PI M.R. Cioni) survey of the Magellanic System.


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In the thesis we present the implementation of the quadratic maximum likelihood (QML) method, ideal to estimate the angular power spectrum of the cross-correlation between cosmic microwave background (CMB) and large scale structure (LSS) maps as well as their individual auto-spectra. Such a tool is an optimal method (unbiased and with minimum variance) in pixel space and goes beyond all the previous harmonic analysis present in the literature. We describe the implementation of the QML method in the {\it BolISW} code and demonstrate its accuracy on simulated maps throughout a Monte Carlo. We apply this optimal estimator to WMAP 7-year and NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) data and explore the robustness of the angular power spectrum estimates obtained by the QML method. Taking into account the shot noise and one of the systematics (declination correction) in NVSS, we can safely use most of the information contained in this survey. On the contrary we neglect the noise in temperature since WMAP is already cosmic variance dominated on the large scales. Because of a discrepancy in the galaxy auto spectrum between the estimates and the theoretical model, we use two different galaxy distributions: the first one with a constant bias $b$ and the second one with a redshift dependent bias $b(z)$. Finally, we make use of the angular power spectrum estimates obtained by the QML method to derive constraints on the dark energy critical density in a flat $\Lambda$CDM model by different likelihood prescriptions. When using just the cross-correlation between WMAP7 and NVSS maps with 1.8° resolution, we show that $\Omega_\Lambda$ is about the 70\% of the total energy density, disfavouring an Einstein-de Sitter Universe at more than 2 $\sigma$ CL (confidence level).


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è l'installazione di un Rilassometro ottenuto a partire da un magnete permanente situato nel Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia (DIFA - via Irnerio, 46), al fine di eseguire misure attendibili di Rilassometria in mezzi porosi su campioni del diametro di alcuni centimetri. Attualmente nel Dipartimento è gia presente un elettromagnete adibito a misure di questo tipo; tuttavia, questo strumento permette lo studio di campioni di piccole dimensioni (circa 220mm3) e si rivela insuffciente per lo studio di rocce, coralli e altre strutture porose di più grande dimensione senza la frantumazione del campione stesso; per questa ragione si è presentata la necessità dell'istallazione di una nuova strumentazione. Parte della strumentazione utilizzata è in disuso da parecchi anni e le caratteristiche devono essere verificate. Dopo l'assemblaggio della strumentazione (magnete, console, probe), sono state determinate le migliori condizioni in cui effettuare le misure, ovvero i parametri fondamentali dell'elettronica (frequenza di risonanza, TATT, tempo morto del probe, tempo di applicazione dell'impulso 90°) e la zona di maggiore uniformità del campo magnetico. Quindi, sono state effettuate misure di T1 e T2 su campioni bulk e su un campione di roccia saturata d'acqua, confrontando i risultati con valori di riferimento ottenuti tramite elettromagnete. I risultati ottenuti risultano consistenti con i valori attesi, con scarti - inevitabili a causa della grande differenza di volume dei campioni - molto ridotti, pertanto l'installazione del nuovo Rilassometro risulta essere completata con successo.


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In this thesis, we have presented two deep 1.4 GHz and 345 MHz overlapping surveys of the Lockman Hole field taken with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. We extracted a catalogue of ~6000 radio sources from the 1.4 GHz mosaic down to a flux limit of ~55 μJy and a catalogue of 334 radio sources down to a flux limit of ~4 mJy from the inner 7 sq. degree region of the 345 MHz image. The extracted catalogues were used to derive the source number counts at 1.4 GHz and at 345 MHz. The source counts were found to be fully consistent with previous determinations. In particular the 1.4 GHz source counts derived by the present sample provide one of the most statistically robust determinations in the flux range 0.1 < S < 1 mJy. During the commissioning program of the LOFAR telescope, the Lockman Hole field was observed at 58 MHz and 150 MHz. The 150 MHz LOFAR observation is particularly relevant as it allowed us to obtain the first LOFAR flux calibrated high resolution image of a deep field. From this image we extracted a preliminary source catalogue down to a flux limit of ~15 mJy (~10σ), that can be considered complete down to 20‒30 mJy. A spectral index study of the mJy sources in the Lockman Hole region, was performed using the available catalogues ( 1.4 GHz, 345 MHz and 150 MHz) and a deep 610 MHz source catalogue available from the literature (Garn et al. 2008, 2010).


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Our view of Globular Clusters has deeply changed in the last decade. Modern spectroscopic and photometric data have conclusively established that globulars are neither coeval nor monometallic, reopening the issue of the formation of such systems. Their formation is now schematized as a two-step process, during which the polluted matter from the more massive stars of a first generation gives birth, in the cluster innermost regions, to a second generation of stars with the characteristic signature of fully CNO-processed matter. To date, star-to-star variations in abundances of the light elements (C, N, O, Na) have been observed in stars of all evolutionary phases in all properly studied Galactic globular clusters. Multiple or broad evolutionary sequences have also been observed in nearly all the clusters that have been observed with good signal-to-noise in the appropriate photometric bands. The body of evidence suggests that spreads in light-element abundances can be fairly well traced by photometric indices including near ultraviolet passbands, as CNO abundance variations affect mainly wavelengths shorter than ~400 nm owing to the rise of some NH and CN molecular absorption bands. Here, we exploit this property of near ultraviolet photometry to trace internal chemical variations and combined it with low resolution spectroscopy aimed to derive carbon and nitrogen abundances in order to maximize the information on the multiple populations. This approach has been proven to be very effective in (i) detecting multiple population, (ii) characterizing their global properties (i.e., relative fraction of stars, location in the color-magnitude diagram, spatial distribution, and trends with cluster parameters) and (iii) precisely tagging their chemical properties (i.e., extension of the C-N anticorrelation, bimodalities in the N content).


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This thesis is devoted to the study of the properties of high-redsfhit galaxies in the epoch 1 < z < 3, when a substantial fraction of galaxy mass was assembled, and when the evolution of the star-formation rate density peaked. Following a multi-perspective approach and using the most recent and high-quality data available (spectra, photometry and imaging), the morphologies and the star-formation properties of high-redsfhit galaxies were investigated. Through an accurate morphological analyses, the built up of the Hubble sequence was placed around z ~ 2.5. High-redshift galaxies appear, in general, much more irregular and asymmetric than local ones. Moreover, the occurrence of morphological k-­correction is less pronounced than in the local Universe. Different star-formation rate indicators were also studied. The comparison of ultra-violet and optical based estimates, with the values derived from infra-red luminosity showed that the traditional way of addressing the dust obscuration is problematic, at high-redshifts, and new models of dust geometry and composition are required. Finally, by means of stacking techniques applied to rest-frame ultra-violet spectra of star-forming galaxies at z~2, the warm phase of galactic-scale outflows was studied. Evidence was found of escaping gas at velocities of ~ 100 km/s. Studying the correlation of inter-­stellar absorption lines equivalent widths with galaxy physical properties, the intensity of the outflow-related spectral features was proven to depend strongly on a combination of the velocity dispersion of the gas and its geometry.


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Blue straggler stars (BSSs) are brighter and bluer (hotter) than the main-sequence (MS) turnoff and they are known to be more massive than MS stars.Two main scenarios for their formation have been proposed:collision-induced stellar mergers (COL-BSSs),or mass-transfer in binary systems (MT-BSSs).Depleted surface abundances of C and O are expected for MT-BSSs,whereas no chemical anomalies are predicted for COL-BSSs.Both MT- and COL-BSSs should rotate fast, but braking mechanisms may intervene with efficiencies and time-scales not well known yet,thus preventing a clear prediction of the expected rotational velocities.Within this context,an extensive survey is ongoing by using the multi-object spectrograph FLAMES@VLT,with the aim to obtain abundance patterns and rotational velocities for representative samples of BSSs in several Galactic GCs.A sub-population of CO-depleted BSSs has been identified in 47 Tuc,with only one fast rotating star detected.For this PhD Thesis work I analyzed FLAMES spectra of more than 130 BSSs in four GCs:M4,NGC 6397,M30 and ω Centauri.This is the largest sample of BSSs spectroscopically investigated so far.Hints of CO depletion have been observed in only 4-5 cases (in M30 and ω Centauri),suggesting either that the majority of BSSs have a collisional origin,or that the CO-depletion is a transient phenomenon.Unfortunately,no conclusions in terms of formation mechanism could be drawn in a large number of cases,because of the effects of radiative levitation. Remarkably,however,this is the first time that evidence of radiative levitation is found in BSSs hotter than 8200 K.Finally, we also discovered the largest fractions of fast rotating BSSs ever observed in any GCs:40% in M4 and 30% in ω Centauri.While not solving the problem of BSS formation,these results provide invaluable information about the BSS physical properties,which is crucial to build realistic models of their evolution.


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In the last decade, sensitive observations have revealed that disc galaxies are surrounded by multiphase gaseous halos produced by the circulation of gas from the discs to the environment and vice-versa. This Thesis is a study of the gaseous halo of the Milky Way carried out via the modelling of the HI emission and the available absorption-line data. We fitted simple kinematical models to the HI LAB Survey and found that the Galaxy has a massive (~3x10^8 Mo) HI halo extending a few kiloparsecs above the plane. This layer rotates more slowly than the disc and shows a global inflow motion, a kinematics similar to that observed in the HI halos of nearby galaxies. We built a dynamical model of the galactic fountain to reproduce the properties of this layer. In this model, fountain clouds are ejected from the disc by SN feedback and - as suggested by hydrodynamical simulations - triggers the cooling of coronal gas, which is entrained by the cloud wakes and accretes onto the disc when the clouds fall back. For a proper choice of the parameters, the model reproduces well the HI data and predicts an accretion of coronal gas onto the disc at a rate of 2 Mo/yr. We extended this model to the warm-hot component of the halo, showing that most of the ion absorption features observed towards background sources are consistent with being produced in the turbulent wakes that lag behind the fountain clouds. Specifically, the column densities, positions, and velocities of the absorbers are well reproduced by our model. Finally, we studied the gas content of galaxies extracted from a cosmological N-body+SPH simulation, and found that an HI halo with the forementioned properties is not observed, probably due ti the relatively low resolution of the simulations.